753 research outputs found

    Management of a patient with acute internal hydrocephalus, ventriculitis and bronchopneumonia: Case report

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    A 69-year-old patient, with a long history of lung tuberculosis, with lymphopenia was emergently admitted in our hospital for bronchopneumonia, ventriculitis, acute internal hydrocephalic. He was aggressively treated with iv Meropenem and Vancomycin, intraventricular high doses of Vancomycin, aerosols, Dexametazone with healing of internal hydrocephalus, ventriculitis and improvement of bronchopneumonia

    Immense Potential of the Fisheries Industry as a Contributor to Oman’s Exports and Economic Development

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    Over the past 40 years, Oman has exhibited remarkable growth in various sectors such as infrastructure, retailing, manufacturing services and heavy industry. However, fisheries and related industries did not see much growth in the real sense. Previously, fish production in 2012 grew by 21% compared to 2011 and reached 191,000 tons in volume (or OMR142 million in value), striking an average growth rate of 6% between 2009 and 2012. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the fisheries industry in Sultanate of Oman that could eventually help in Oman’s exports and economic development. The exploratory research and descriptive method that involving surveys and interview have been used in this study. As evident, three states of Oman being studied in this research: Sohar, Muscat and Salalah. Finally, the study found that the type of transportation used by the fishermen be traditional and modern boat because it has a significant relationship to the immense presence of fishes in the Arab waters. Traditional type of fishing boat can catch as many as 0 – 300 tons, while modern type boat can catch 0 – 500 tons of fish whenever they go fishing. This scenario can bring forth a better view on how Omani people can prosper vis-a-vis with Oman’s economic diversification where the government and the Omani people will unite with one purpose. Keywords: Fisheries Industry, Oman; Exploratory, Commercial Fisherman, Artisanal Fisherman DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-12-06 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Design of multimedia processor based on metric computation

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    Media-processing applications, such as signal processing, 2D and 3D graphics rendering, and image compression, are the dominant workloads in many embedded systems today. The real-time constraints of those media applications have taxing demands on today's processor performances with low cost, low power and reduced design delay. To satisfy those challenges, a fast and efficient strategy consists in upgrading a low cost general purpose processor core. This approach is based on the personalization of a general RISC processor core according the target multimedia application requirements. Thus, if the extra cost is justified, the general purpose processor GPP core can be enforced with instruction level coprocessors, coarse grain dedicated hardware, ad hoc memories or new GPP cores. In this way the final design solution is tailored to the application requirements. The proposed approach is based on three main steps: the first one is the analysis of the targeted application using efficient metrics. The second step is the selection of the appropriate architecture template according to the first step results and recommendations. The third step is the architecture generation. This approach is experimented using various image and video algorithms showing its feasibility

    Baleseti Gyermekváró a Markusovszky Egyetemi Oktatókórházban

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    XUV/EUV-Reflektometrie als komplementäre Messmethode für die oberflächennahe Materialanalytik

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    Maßgeblich getrieben durch die Unterhaltungselektronik, Mobilität und Kommunikationsbranche im privaten aber auch im industriellen Sektor verzeichnen wir momentan eine stark zunehmende Vernetzung smarter Technologien. Steigende Anforderungen an die Leistungsfähigkeit erfordern eine in gleichem Maße stetige Miniaturisierung von Prozessoren, Speichermedien und Sensorik. Eine Schlüsseltechnologie zur Realisierung dieser Anforderungen ist die nunmehr aufstrebende EUV-Lithografie zur Herstellung von Strukturen auf der Nanometerskala in der Halbleiterindustrie. In ähnlicher Weise wie bei den neusten Entwicklungen in der Biosensorik oder Optoelektronik, bei denen Strukturen aus einzelnen oder nur sehr wenigen Atomlagen synthetisiert werden, erfordert diese Technologie eine Qualitätssicherung der kritischen Komponenten auf zumeist atomarer Ebene. Das stellt bisherige Verfahren vor eine große Herausforderung und erfordert zumeist die Entwicklung neuartiger Methoden, die zudem in die Massenfertigung übertragbar sein müssen. Die XUV/EUV-Reflektometrie wurde im Rahmen dieser Fragestellung als Analysemethode evaluiert. Mit einem verfügbaren Spektralbereich zwischen 2,7nm- 20nm wurde einerseits ein Messsystem entwickelt, mithilfe dessen typische optische Komponenten für die EUV-Lithografie, wie gekrümmte Spiegel auf Basis von Interferenzschichten für Steppersysteme, spektrale Filter aber auch gängige Optiken für streifenden Strahlungseinfall in Strahlführungssystemen von Synchrotrons mit hinreichender Genauigkeit auf Labormaßstab charakterisiert werden können. Andererseits wurde die Leistungsfähigkeit des Messsystems in der Materialanalytik untersucht. Aufgrund der sehr starken Wechselwirkung mit nahezu allen Materialien liegt aufgrund der sehr geringen Eindringtiefe der XUV/EUV-Strahlung eine besonders hohe Empfindlichkeit bezüglich der Oberflächeneigenschaften vor. Während die Methode eine gegenüber dem konkurrierenden Analyseverfahren der Röntgenelektronenspektroskopie leicht verminderte Genauigkeit besitzt, zeigte sich durch Untersuchungen nativer Oxidschichten, sowie dünner mittels Ionenstrahlsputtern aufgebrachten Einzelschichten von Siliziumdioxid auf Siliziumwafern eine materialabhängige Empfindlichkeit bei der Bestimmung der Schichtdicke von knapp unterhalb von einem Ångstrom. Damit bietet der Ansatz die Möglichkeit, einzelne Atomlagen zu zählen. Eine derartige Empfindlichkeit kann zwar heutzutage bereits bei der eng verwandten Röntgenreflektometrie erwartet werden. Infolge der schwachen Wechselwirkung ist allerdings für die Anpassung des winkelabhängigen Reflexionsspektrums an das zugrunde gelegte Modell eine Vielzahl von Schichtpaaren für eine genaue Bestimmung der Dicke erforderlich. Die XUV/EUV-Reflektometrie ist demnach das zurzeit einzige Verfahren, mit dem für eine Vielzahl von Materialien Einzelschichtdicken im Bereich von Atomlagen bestimmt werden können, und dies vor allem ohne komplexe und kostspielige Infrastruktur, wie sie bei der Verwendung von Synchrotronstrahlung erforderlich ist

    Potential of Freshwater Fisheries as a Supporting Factor for Minawisata of Tasikmalaya

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    Cibunigeulis Village, Bungursari District, Tasikmalaya has a huge the potential for freshwater fishery cultivation and minawisata activities. The research objective is to determine the characteristics of the freshwater fisheries sector as a supporting capacity for minawisata activities. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method. The results showed the cultivation of fisheries activities have a carrying capacity of ideal nurseries such as ponds, labor, breeding, knowledge and capital. The stages to have a good cultivation are the preparation stage of the pond, fertilizing, spawning, and hatching stage of the eggs become fish larva. The next stages, are the magnification stage, the harvesting stage, the processing stage and marketing stage. If these stages can be managed well it will also produce a good product. The fish are the primary commodity for consumption needs both inside the city and outside the city. Some fish products include, carp, catfish, Nile tilapia fish, tilapia, silver catfish and other fish. in terms of Minawisata activities, the village can be developed for fishing activities, culinary and fisheries exhibitionsCibunigeulis Village, Bungursari District, Tasikmalaya has a huge the potential for freshwater fishery cultivation and minawisata activities. The research objective is to determine the characteristics of the freshwater fisheries sector as a supporting capacity for minawisata activities. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method. The results showed the cultivation of fisheries activities have a carrying capacity of ideal nurseries such as ponds, labor, breeding, knowledge and capital. The stages to have a good cultivation are the preparation stage of the pond, fertilizing, spawning, and hatching stage of the eggs become fish larva. The next stages, are the magnification stage, the harvesting stage, the processing stage and marketing stage. If these stages can be managed well it will also produce a good product. The fish are the primary commodity for consumption needs both inside the city and outside the city. Some fish products include, carp, catfish, Nile tilapia fish, tilapia, silver catfish and other fish. in terms of Minawisata activities, the village can be developed for fishing activities, culinary and fisheries exhibition


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    Disasters are a threat to all people living in Indonesia, as a logical consequence of Indonesia's geological conditions. Almost all regions of Indonesia have the potential for disasters. Especially for the West Java Province, especially the Regency on the south coast which has various kinds of disaster threats, such as Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Landslides, and even Fires. Likewise in Tasikmalaya Regency, in this case the Naga traditional village community. The touch of local wisdom in disaster mitigation is very interesting to learn in Kampung Naga. The research method uses a descriptive method with a field survey technique (Field Study). The results showed that, for earthquake disasters, it was minimized by the use of the dominant house material from bamboo and consuming the system of houses on stilts to dampen vibrations. In the case of landslides, on sloping land, this is handled by using stone terraces. As for the fire disaster, using a method of using a different room woven system for each room to minimize the appearance of fire so that it can be detected from outside the house

    Fabrication and characterization of kaolin based membrane for catalyst recovery

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    In this project work, Kaolin was the primary raw material for membrane fabrication. Various additives/binders were also used based on their suitability and effectiveness in imparting special properties e.g. mechanical strength and dispersion properties for homogeneity to the final or finished membrane. During membrane preparation with various stoichiometric compositions of ingredients, it was observed that higher percentages of kaolin didn’t result into membranes with good flexural strength whereas increasing the % of red-mud enhanced the mechanical strength quite considerably e.g. 10.11 MPa (membrane F), 18.93 MPa (membrane G) and 12.04 MPa (membrane H) respectively. Methanol permeation studies showed that the average steady state flux was highest for membrane G (ca. 4.23×10-4 m3 m-2 sec-1). The fabricated membranes were undergone catalyst recovery study in a batch membrane module. In this work, Cu-BTC (or, HKUST-1 or, MOF-199), a well-known Metal Organic Framework (MOF) was selected as the potential catalyst. Several cycles (or batches) were carried out inside the membrane module and it was observed that membrane G performed better than the rest and a recovery percentage of ca. 61% was noted after 3 cycles before the membrane pores were completely choked. Membrane de-fouling and regeneration studies were carried out in detail using back-washing treatment inside the module itself and ultra-sonication techniques for preparing the membranes for next round of operations