49 research outputs found

    Assessing the use of marine protected areas by loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) tracked from the western Mediterranean.

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    Up to date 264 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been declared in the western Mediterranean Sea. The management plans of 25 of these MPAs include the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) as a priority species to protect. However, the actual use of these MPAs by the species remains unknown. Therefore, it is important to assess their contribution to loggerhead conservation in the area. To this end, satellite tracking data of 103 loggerhead turtles of varying sizes and life stages released in Spanish Mediterranean waters and Southern Tyrrhenian Sea over the 2003-2018 period were herein used. Home range and use of MPAs by tracked loggerhead turtles were analysed using post-processed state-space model locations. The tracked turtles visited several Mediterranean MPAs, but barely used them (mean percentage of monitoring time = 12.6 ± 18.2 %). There was very little overlap between turtle's core areas and tracks with the protected areas. Indeed, most of the core areas and high-density areas estimated (>85 %) were not included within any of the MPAs. Furthermore, less than 5 % of the Mediterranean MPAs were used by any tracked loggerhead sea turtles. Most of these MPAs have no protection measures that focus on this species. Loggerheads mainly use wide oceanic zones and international waters, which are difficult to protect. A high-use core area was identified for loggerhead turtles, located at the western waters of the Algerian Basin, an important fishing area outside any designated MPA and with no protection measures that focus on marine turtle conservation. We conclude that existing MPAs in the western Mediterranean may not contribute enough to loggerhead turtle conservation. We propose potential MPAs designations to be considered for loggerhead sea turtle conservation in the Mediterranean Sea at the Alboran Sea, the Algerian basin, the Northern area of the Strait of Sicily, Northeast Tunisian waters, waters around Malta, waters at the Tyrrhenian Sea and at the Ionian Sea

    Phenotypic Divergence among West European Populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: The Effects of Migratory and Foraging Behaviours

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    [EN] Divergent selection and local adaptation are responsible for many phenotypic differences between populations, potentially leading to speciation through the evolution of reproductive barriers. Here we evaluated the morphometric divergence among west European populations of Reed Bunting in order to determine the extent of local adaptation relative to two important selection pressures often associated with speciation in birds: migration and diet. We show that, as expected by theory, migratory E. s. schoeniclus had longer and more pointed wings and a slightly smaller body mass than the resident subspecies, with the exception of E. s. lusitanica, which despite having rounder wings was the smallest of all subspecies. Tail length, however, did not vary according to the expectation (shorter tails in migrants) probably because it is strongly correlated with wing length and might take longer to evolve. E. s. witherbyi, which feed on insects hiding inside reed stems during the winter, had a very thick, stubby bill. In contrast, northern populations, which feed on seeds, had thinner bills. Despite being much smaller, the southern E. s. lusitanica had a significantly thicker, longer bill than migratory E. s. schoeniclus, whereas birds from the UK population had significantly shorter, thinner bills. Geometric morphometric analyses revealed that the southern subspecies have a more convex culmen than E. s. schoeniclus, and E. s. lusitanica differs from the nominate subspecies in bill shape to a greater extent than in linear bill measurements, especially in males. Birds with a more convex culmen are thought to exert a greater strength at the bill tip, which is in agreement with their feeding technique. Overall, the three subspecies occurring in Western Europe differ in a variety of traits following the patterns predicted from their migratory and foraging behaviours, strongly suggesting that these birds have became locally adapted through natural selection.Some fieldwork in Portugal was supported financially by ICETA, University of Porto. LG and JMN were supported financially by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology through grants SFRH/BD/64645/2009 and SFRH/BPD/40667/2007, respectively. JSM and EJB were funded by the projects CGL2005-02041/BOS and CGL2010-21933-C02-02 granted by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Spain). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Neto, JM.; Gordinho, L.; Belda, EJ.; Marín Villora, M.; Monrós González, JS.; Fearon, P.; Crates, R. (2013). Phenotypic Divergence among West European Populations of Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus: The Effects of Migratory and Foraging Behaviours. PLoS ONE. 8(5):1-11. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0063248S11185Van Doorn, G. S., Edelaar, P., & Weissing, F. J. (2009). On the Origin of Species by Natural and Sexual Selection. Science, 326(5960), 1704-1707. doi:10.1126/science.1181661Winker, K. (2010). Chapter 1: Subspecies Represent Geographically Partitioned Variation, A Gold Mine of Evolutionary Biology, and a Challenge for Conservation. Ornithological Monographs, 67(1), 6-23. doi:10.1525/om.2010.67.1.6Servedio, M. R., Doorn, G. S. V., Kopp, M., Frame, A. M., & Nosil, P. (2011). Magic traits in speciation: ‘magic’ but not rare? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 26(8), 389-397. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2011.04.005Via, S. (2009). Natural selection in action during speciation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(Supplement_1), 9939-9946. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901397106Shaw, K. 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    The great tit HapMap project: A continental‐scale analysis of genomic variation in a songbird

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    A major aim of evolutionary biology is to understand why patterns of genomic diversity vary within taxa and space. Large‐scale genomic studies of widespread species are useful for studying how environment and demography shape patterns of genomic divergence. Here, we describe one of the most geographically comprehensive surveys of genomic variation in a wild vertebrate to date; the great tit (Parus major) HapMap project. We screened ca 500,000 SNP markers across 647 individuals from 29 populations, spanning ~30 degrees of latitude and 40 degrees of longitude – almost the entire geographical range of the European subspecies. Genome‐wide variation was consistent with a recent colonisation across Europe from a South‐East European refugium, with bottlenecks and reduced genetic diversity in island populations. Differentiation across the genome was highly heterogeneous, with clear ‘islands of differentiation’, even among populations with very low levels of genome‐wide differentiation. Low local recombination rates were a strong predictor of high local genomic differentiation (FST), especially in island and peripheral mainland populations, suggesting that the interplay between genetic drift and recombination causes highly heterogeneous differentiation landscapes. We also detected genomic outlier regions that were confined to one or more peripheral great tit populations, probably as a result of recent directional selection at the species' range edges. Haplotype‐based measures of selection were related to recombination rate, albeit less strongly, and highlighted population‐specific sweeps that likely resulted from positive selection. Our study highlights how comprehensive screens of genomic variation in wild organisms can provide unique insights into spatio‐temporal evolutionary dynamics

    Similar dispersal patterns between two closely related birds with contrasting migration strategies

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    Studying dispersal is crucial to understand metapopulation and sink-source dynamics and invasion processes. The capability to disperse is especially important for species living in fragmented habitats like wetlands. We investigated the distribution of natal and breeding dispersal distances and philopatry in Spanish populations of two closely related reedbed-nesting birds, the Moustached Warbler Acrocephalus melanopogon and the Eurasian Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus. These warblers are morphologically very similar, but differ in migration strategy and, in our study area, in population size. Our aims were to find the best model for dispersal distances and to assess the occurrence of intra- or interspecific differences in dispersal patterns. We used ringing data from the Spanish marking scheme and selected recaptures to avoid including migrating individuals. In both species, most individuals were philopatric but dispersing birds were able to cross large distances (up to more than 100 km), suggesting the capability to compensate for habitat fragmentation. We found the heavy-tailed Cauchy distribution to be the best conceptual description for our data, in all cases but natal dispersal of Moustached Warblers. Among Eurasian Reed Warblers, natal philopatry was lower than breeding philopatry. We found no significant interspecific differences. This does not confirm the hypothesis of higher dispersal ability in long distance migrants (like Eurasian Reed Warblers) than in resident/short distance migrant bird species (like Moustached Warblers). The similarity in dispersal patterns among the two warblers may be explained by their close phylogenetic relatedness, similar constraints imposed on both species by a patchy habitat or similar evolutionary pressures.We are grateful to the many ringers who collected the data during years of fieldwork in Spain. Francesco Ceresa is supported by an "Atraent talent'' grant from the University of Valencia.Ceresa, F.; Belda, E.; Monrós González, JS. (2016). Similar dispersal patterns between two closely related birds with contrasting migration strategies. Population Ecology. 58(3):421-427. doi:10.1007/s10144-016-0547-0S421427583Banco de datos de anillamiento del remite ICONA – Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (2015) Datos de anillamiento y recuperaciones en España. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, SEO/BirdLife, ICO, EBD-CSIC y GOB. Madrid (in Spanish)Begon M, Townsend CR, Harper JL (2006) Ecology: from individual to ecosystems, 4th edn. 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    Tree-based ensembles unveil the microhabitat suitability for the invasive bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus L.): Introducing XGBoost to eco-informatics

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    [EN] Random Forests (RFs) and Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs) are popular approaches for habitat suitability modelling in environmental flow assessment. However, both present some limitations theoretically solved by alternative tree-based ensemble techniques (e.g. conditional RFs or oblique RFs). Among them, eXtreme Gradient Boosting machines (XGBoost) has proven to be another promising technique that mixes subroutines developed for RFs and GBMs. To inspect the capabilities of these alternative techniques, RFs and GBMs were compared with: conditional RFs, oblique RFs and XGBoost by modelling, at the micro-scale, the habitat suitability for the invasive bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus L). XGBoost outperformed the other approaches, particularly conditional and oblique RFs, although there were no statistical differences with standard RFs and GBMs. The partial dependence plots highlighted the lacustrine origins of pumpkinseed and the preference for lentic habitats of bleak. However, the latter depicted a larger tolerance for rapid microhabitats found in run-type river segments, which is likely to hinder the management of flow regimes to control its invasion. The difference in the computational burden and, especially, the characteristics of datasets on microhabitat use (low data prevalence and high overlapping between categories) led us to conclude that, in the short term, XGBoost is not destined to replace properly optimised RFs and GBMs in the process of habitat suitability modelling at the micro-scale.This project had the support of Fundacion Biodiversidad, of Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition. We want to thank the volunteering students of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Marina de Miguel, Carlos A. Puig-Mengual, Cristina Barea, Rares Hugianu, and Pau Rodriguez. R. Munoz-Mas benefitted from a postdoctoral Juan de la Cierva fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (ref. FJCI-2016-30829). This research was supported by the Government of Catalonia (ref. 2017 SGR 548).Muñoz-Mas, R.; Gil-Martínez, E.; Oliva-Paterna, FJ.; Belda, E.; Martinez-Capel, F. (2019). Tree-based ensembles unveil the microhabitat suitability for the invasive bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) and pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus L.): Introducing XGBoost to eco-informatics. Ecological Informatics. 53:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.100974S1125

    Low but contrasting neutral genetic differentiation shaped by winter temperature in European great tits

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    Gene flow is usually thought to reduce genetic divergence and impede local adaptation by homogenising gene pools between populations. However, evidence for local adaptation and phenotypic differentiation in highly mobile species, experiencing high levels of gene flow, is emerging. Assessing population genetic structure at different spatial scales is thus a crucial step towards understanding mechanisms underlying intraspecific differentiation and diversification. Here, we studied the population genetic structure of a highly mobile species – the great tit Parus major – at different spatial scales. We analysed 884 individuals from 30 sites across Europe including 10 close-by sites (< 50 km), using 22 microsatellite markers. Overall we found a low but significant genetic differentiation among sites (FST = 0.008). Genetic differentiation was higher, and genetic diversity lower, in south-western Europe. These regional differences were statistically best explained by winter temperature. Overall, our results suggest that great tits form a single patchy metapopulation across Europe, in which genetic differentiation is independent of geographical distance and gene flow may be regulated by environmental factors via movements related to winter severity. This might have important implications for the evolutionary trajectories of sub-populations, especially in the context of climate change, and calls for future investigations of local differences in costs and benefits of philopatry at large scales

    The great tit HapMap project: a continental‐scale analysis of genomic variation in a songbird

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    A major aim of evolutionary biology is to understand why patterns of genomic diversity vary within taxa and space. Large-scale genomic studies of widespread species are useful for studying how environment and demography shape patterns of genomic divergence. Here, we describe one of the most geographically comprehensive surveys of genomic variation in a wild vertebrate to date; the great tit (Parus major) HapMap project. We screened ca 500,000 SNP markers across 647 individuals from 29 populations, spanning ~30 degrees of latitude and 40 degrees of longitude – almost the entire geographical range of the European subspecies. Genome-wide variation was consistent with a recent colonisation across Europe from a South-East European refugium, with bottlenecks and reduced genetic diversity in island populations. Differentiation across the genome was highly heterogeneous, with clear ‘islands of differentiation’, even among populations with very low levels of genome-wide differentiation. Low local recombination rates were a strong predictor of high local genomic differentiation (FST), especially in island and peripheral mainland populations, suggesting that the interplay between genetic drift and recombination causes highly heterogeneous differentiation landscapes. We also detected genomic outlier regions that were confined to one or more peripheral great tit populations, probably as a result of recent directional selection at the species' range edges. Haplotype-based measures of selection were related to recombination rate, albeit less strongly, and highlighted population-specific sweeps that likely resulted from positive selection. Our study highlights how comprehensive screens of genomic variation in wild organisms can provide unique insights into spatio-temporal evolutionary dynamics

    Priorities for Mediterranean marine turtle conservation and management in the face of climate change

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    As climate-related impacts threaten marine biodiversity globally, it is important to adjust conservation efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change. Translating scientific knowledge into practical management, however, is often complicated due to resource, economic and policy constraints, generating a knowledge-action gap. To develop potential solutions for marine turtle conservation, we explored the perceptions of key actors across 18 countries in the Mediterranean. These actors evaluated their perceived relative importance of 19 adaptation and mitigation measures that could safeguard marine turtles from climate change. Of importance, despite differences in expertise, experience and focal country, the perceptions of researchers and management practitioners largely converged with respect to prioritizing adaptation and mitigation measures. Climate change was considered to have the greatest impacts on offspring sex ratios and suitable nesting sites. The most viable adaptation/mitigation measures were considered to be reducing other pressures that act in parallel to climate change. Ecological effectiveness represented a key determinant for implementing proposed measures, followed by practical applicability, financial cost, and societal cost. This convergence in opinions across actors likely reflects long-standing initiatives in the Mediterranean region towards supporting knowledge exchange in marine turtle conservation. Our results provide important guidance on how to prioritize measures that incorporate climate change in decision-making processes related to the current and future management and protection of marine turtles at the ocean-basin scale, and could be used to guide decisions in other regions globally. Importantly, this study demonstrates a successful example of how interactive processes can be used to fill the knowledge-action gap between research and management.This work was conducted under FutureMares EU project that received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 869300. The Mediterranean Marine Turtle Working Group was established in 2017 and is continuously supported by MedPAN and the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. The work of AC was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (Project Number: 2340).Peer reviewe