182 research outputs found

    France dans l\u27économie du savoir : pour une dynamique collective : rapport du groupe présidé par Pascal Viginier (La)

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    Ce rapport fournit un diagnostic sur la relative fragilité du positionnement de la France dans l\u27économie du savoir et propose des recommandations pour le consolider. Il montre qu\u27au-delà des secteurs de haute technologie, tous les acteurs économiques et sociaux sont concernés par la création de savoirs et la construction de compétences, dans les entreprises de toutes tailles comme dans le secteur public. Une dynamique collective suppose la multiplication des interactions et des relations de coopération entre les acteurs, ainsi qu\u27une politique ambitieuse et innovante d\u27investissement dans la connaissance. Disponible sur la Documentation française : http://www.ladocumentationfrancaise.fr/rapports-publics/024000577/index.shtm

    La France dans l'économie du savoir : pour une dynamique collective : rapport du groupe présidé par Pascal Viginier.

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    Ce rapport fournit un diagnostic sur la relative fragilité du positionnement de la France dans l'économie du savoir et propose des recommandations pour le consolider. Il montre qu'au-delà des secteurs de haute technologie, tous les acteurs économiques et sociaux sont concernés par la création de savoirs et la construction de compétences, dans les entreprises de toutes tailles comme dans le secteur public. Une dynamique collective suppose la multiplication des interactions et des relations de coopération entre les acteurs, ainsi qu'une politique ambitieuse et innovante d'investissement dans la connaissance.Stratégie de l'Etat; Agenda de Lisbonne; Economie du savoir; Gestion des connaissances; France;

    Governing migration from a distance: interactions between climate, migration and security in the South Mediterranean

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    Links between security and migration are well established and are associated with the meaning, status, and practice of borders in the international political system. This article assesses how and with what effects the effects of environmental and climate change have entered this relationship between migration and security. It does so by assessing the EU’s external governance of migration in “South Mediterranean Partner Countries” (SMPCs): Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, and Tunisia. It is argued that a focus on promoting “adaptation” and building “resilience” has developed that is consistent with the logic of governing migration from a distance. However, the article challenges ideas that environmental/climate change act as simple migration “triggers” and instead explores implications of movement towards and not away from risk, as well as the potential for populations to be trapped in areas that expose them to risk. It is shown that both have important implications for the relationship between migration, environmental/climate change, and security in SMPCs

    Caracterización de la cadena agroproductiva del café en El Salvador

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    El presente documento de “Caracterización de la Cadena Agroproductiva del Café en El Salvador”, es parte de la ejecución del Plan de Agricultura Familiar para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional PAF-Cadenas Productivas/Proyecto Rescate y Desarrollo de la Caficultura Nacional, que ejecuta la Cadena Agroproductiva del Café en El Salvador del IICA. Esta caracterización retrata la situación actual en que se encuentra la caficultura y describe los principales retos del sector sus fortalezas, sus debilidades, las amenazas y oportunidades. Se presentan las causas y efectos de los problemas relevantes que el sector enfrenta, pero a la vez la participación de proveedores, productores, beneficiadores y comercializadores le proveen a la caficultura de una fuerza y visión que permite definir acciones para su recuperación. Las actividades sostenidas durante la realización de este estudio facilitaron a representantes del sector, discutieran abiertamente acerca de los problemas que les aquejan y de las posibles soluciones

    Use of recycled products in UK construction industry: An empirical investigation into critical impediments and strategies for improvement

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    © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Construction industry consumes about half of all material resources taken from nature, and generates a large portion of waste to landfill. A way of tackling negative environmental impacts impending from continuous material extraction and waste generation is the use of recycled materials for construction projects. However, the use of recycled materials is yet to become a commonplace in construction industry. This study evaluates the factors hampering the use of recycled products in UK construction industry as well as strategies that could be adopted to enhance its use in the industry. In order to identify the impediments and critical strategies, a two-fold methodical approach was used. An unstructured interview preceded a quantitative questionnaire survey which was used to elicit broader industry practitioners' opinion. The study shows that designers rarely specify recycled products. This is due to lack of adequate information about quality and market availability of the products, negative perception from clients, and unexpectedly high cost of the products, despite its perceived low quality. The study suggests that a number of strategies could be adopted to promote the use of the products. These include allocation of points to the use of recycled products in sustainable design appraisal tools, governments legislative measures, improved collaboration between designers, contractors and materials suppliers, contractors involvement at earlier stage of design, improved education of the professionals about the products, and the use of tax break to influence the cost of the products. The findings of this study would therefore help policy makers, manufacturers and construction professionals to identify the factors hampering the use of recycled products for construction projects as well as the strategies that could be adopted in order to create market for the products
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