62 research outputs found

    IgG Fc N-glycosylation translates MHCII haplotype into autoimmune skin disease

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    The major histocompatibility complex haplotype represents the most prevalent genetic risk factor for the development of autoimmune diseases. However, the mechanisms by which major histocompatibility complex-associated genetic susceptibility translates into autoimmune disease are not fully understood. Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita is an autoimmune skin-blistering disease driven by autoantibodies to type VII collagen. Here, we investigated autoantigen-specific plasma cells, CD4(+) T cells, and IgG fraction crystallizable glycosylation in murine epidermolysis bullosa acquisita in congenic mouse strains with the disease-permitting H2s or disease-nonpermitting H2b major histocompatibility complex II haplotypes. Mice with an H2s haplotype showed increased numbers of autoreactive CD4(+) T cells and elevated IL-21 and IFN-gamma production, associated with a higher frequency of IgG autoantibodies with an agalactosylated, proinflammatory N-glycan moiety. Mechanistically, we show that the altered antibody glycosylation leads to increased ROS release from neutrophils, the main drivers of autoimmune inflammation in this model. These results indicate that major histocompatibility complex II-associated susceptibility to autoimmune diseases acuminates in a proinflammatory IgG fraction crystallizable N-glycosylation pattern and provide a mechanistic link to increased ROS release by neutrophils.Proteomic

    Fungal vaccines and immunotherapeutics: current concepts and future challenges

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    Purpose of review The remarkable advances in modern medicine have paradoxically resulted in a rapidly expanding population of immunocompromised patients displaying extreme susceptibility to life-threatening fungal infections. There are currently no licensed vaccines, and the prophylaxis and therapy of fungal infections in at-risk individuals remains challenging, contributing to undesirable mortality and morbidity rates. The design of successful antifungal preventive approaches has been hampered by an insufficient understanding of the dynamics of the host-fungus interaction and the mechanisms that underlie heterogenous immune responses to vaccines and immunotherapy. Recent findings Recent advances in proteomics and glycomics have contributed to the identification of candidate antigens for use in subunit vaccines, novel adjuvants, and delivery systems to boost the efficacy of protective vaccination responses that are becoming available, and several targets are being exploited in immunotherapeutic approaches. Summary We review some of the emerging concepts as well as the inherent challenges to the development of fungal vaccines and immunotherapies to protect at-risk individuals.ThisworkwassupportedbytheNorthernPortugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013), and the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (contracts IF/00735/ 2014 to A.C., and SFRH/BPD/96176/2013 to C.C).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Challenge of Regulation in a Minimal Photoautotroph: Non-Coding RNAs in Prochlorococcus

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    Prochlorococcus, an extremely small cyanobacterium that is very abundant in the world's oceans, has a very streamlined genome. On average, these cells have about 2,000 genes and very few regulatory proteins. The limited capability of regulation is thought to be a result of selection imposed by a relatively stable environment in combination with a very small genome. Furthermore, only ten non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), which play crucial regulatory roles in all forms of life, have been described in Prochlorococcus. Most strains also lack the RNA chaperone Hfq, raising the question of how important this mode of regulation is for these cells. To explore this question, we examined the transcription of intergenic regions of Prochlorococcus MED4 cells subjected to a number of different stress conditions: changes in light qualities and quantities, phage infection, or phosphorus starvation. Analysis of Affymetrix microarray expression data from intergenic regions revealed 276 novel transcriptional units. Among these were 12 new ncRNAs, 24 antisense RNAs (asRNAs), as well as 113 short mRNAs. Two additional ncRNAs were identified by homology, and all 14 new ncRNAs were independently verified by Northern hybridization and 5′RACE. Unlike its reduced suite of regulatory proteins, the number of ncRNAs relative to genome size in Prochlorococcus is comparable to that found in other bacteria, suggesting that RNA regulators likely play a major role in regulation in this group. Moreover, the ncRNAs are concentrated in previously identified genomic islands, which carry genes of significance to the ecology of this organism, many of which are not of cyanobacterial origin. Expression profiles of some of these ncRNAs suggest involvement in light stress adaptation and/or the response to phage infection consistent with their location in the hypervariable genomic islands

    Effects of ocean sprawl on ecological connectivity: impacts and solutions

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    The growing number of artificial structures in estuarine, coastal and marine environments is causing “ocean sprawl”. Artificial structures do not only modify marine and coastal ecosystems at the sites of their placement, but may also produce larger-scale impacts through their alteration of ecological connectivity - the movement of organisms, materials and energy between habitat units within seascapes. Despite the growing awareness of the capacity of ocean sprawl to influence ecological connectivity, we lack a comprehensive understanding of how artificial structures modify ecological connectivity in near- and off-shore environments, and when and where their effects on connectivity are greatest. We review the mechanisms by which ocean sprawl may modify ecological connectivity, including trophic connectivity associated with the flow of nutrients and resources. We also review demonstrated, inferred and likely ecological impacts of such changes to connectivity, at scales from genes to ecosystems, and potential strategies of management for mitigating these effects. Ocean sprawl may alter connectivity by: (1) creating barriers to the movement of some organisms and resources - by adding physical barriers or by modifying and fragmenting habitats; (2) introducing new structural material that acts as a conduit for the movement of other organisms or resources across the landscape; and (3) altering trophic connectivity. Changes to connectivity may, in turn, influence the genetic structure and size of populations, the distribution of species, and community structure and ecological functioning. Two main approaches to the assessment of ecological connectivity have been taken: (1) measurement of structural connectivity - the configuration of the landscape and habitat patches and their dynamics; and (2) measurement of functional connectivity - the response of organisms or particles to the landscape. Our review reveals the paucity of studies directly addressing the effects of artificial structures on ecological connectivity in the marine environment, particularly at large spatial and temporal scales. With the ongoing development of estuarine and marine environments, there is a pressing need for additional studies that quantify the effects of ocean sprawl on ecological connectivity. Understanding the mechanisms by which structures modify connectivity is essential if marine spatial planning and eco-engineering are to be effectively utilised to minimise impacts