3,338 research outputs found

    Monografía análisis para la implementación de Moocs en el programa ISC de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    Este trabajo pretende analizar la implementación de los MOOC en el programa de Ingeniería en Sistema y Computación de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira y de esta manera, llevar a cabo la elaboración de una monografía que aportara una guía a la Universidad para que se planteen e impartan los MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). Pretende abarcar todos los pasos inherentes en el proceso de planificación y diseño previo así como la impartición del curso como tal. para ello se ha hecho una revisión de la amplia bibliografía disponible tales como informes, artículos, estudios, etc.) Estando acopiados algunos documentos más relacionados con la metodología de los MOOC en el apartado de ‘Recursos Bibliográficos’

    Logistics operation hiring process in Colombia: the implementation of a crosscutting logistics operator

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los criterios que se deben tener en cuenta para contratar los servicios de los operadores logísticos. Las evidencias presentadas en este artículo se basan en información obtenida a través de encuestas, entrevistas, estudio de casos, sondeos y revisión de literatura. La principal conclusión muestra que la claridad contractual es clave en el surgimiento de un nuevo modelo de negocio que puede impulsar el desarrollo del país. Las empresas deben ver la contratación logística con una oportunidad estratégica, al igual que pensar en cada posible situación que se pueda presentar para así plasmar un curso de acción en el contratoThe main objective of this paper is to present opinions that must be bared in mind when hiring ser­vices from logistics operators. The evidence presented in this paper was obtained from information gathered from surveys, interviews, case studies, polls, and literature reviews. The main conclusion shows that contractual clarity is key during the upsurge of a new business model that can drive the development of the country. Businesses must see the hiring of logistics services as a strategic op­portunity as well as listing all the possible situations that can arise in order to include in the contract a course of action to be followed

    Classical emulation of quantum-coherent thermal machines

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    The performance enhancements observed in various models of continuous quantum thermal machines have been linked to the buildup of coherences in a preferred basis. But, is this connection always an evidence of `quantum-thermodynamic supremacy'? By force of example, we show that this is not the case. In particular, we compare a power-driven three-level continuous quantum refrigerator with a four-level combined cycle, partly driven by power and partly by heat. We focus on the weak driving regime and find the four-level model to be superior since it can operate in parameter regimes in which the three-level model cannot, it may exhibit a larger cooling rate, and, simultaneously, a better coefficient of performance. Furthermore, we find that the improvement in the cooling rate matches the increase in the stationary quantum coherences exactly. Crucially, though, we also show that the thermodynamic variables for both models follow from a classical representation based on graph theory. This implies that we can build incoherent stochastic-thermodynamic models with the same steady-state operation or, equivalently, that both coherent refrigerators can be emulated classically. More generally, we prove this for any N-level weakly driven device with a `cyclic' pattern of transitions. Therefore, even if coherence is present in a specific quantum thermal machine, it is often not essential to replicate the underlying energy conversion process.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; references updated; appendix adde

    The role of environmental accounting in organizational change: An exploration of Spanish companies

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    Critique originated by earlier theorization of environmental accounting, as a way of building environmentalist visibility of business, led Gray et al., to study environmental accounting in the dynamics of organizational change. They concluded that environmental accounting is being used to ``negotiate the conception of the environment'' by companies that have not significantly changed. In order to investigate whether Gray et al.'s model and conclusions apply to a different cultural context, we have conducted nine case studies in Spain. We found that Spanish organizations are not truly changing their conventional perception of the environment, even in those cases where generalized structural and organizational changes are taking place. Moreover, the use of environmental accounting is coupled with an attempt to negotiate and control the environmental agenda

    A Simplified Electro-Mechanical Model of a DFIG-based Wind Turbine for Primary Frequency Control Studies

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    In recent years, world-wide power systems are experiencing a steadily growth of wind power penetration. A common concern in the operation of such systems is related to the frequency stability. Modern variable speed wind turbines have a limited capacity in providing ancillary services, such as fast-frequency response and primary frequency regulation. Recent developments in wind plant controllers allow performing active power control from all its units to respond to system frequency deviations. It is thus important to study the effects of the presence of these plants in the system frequency response. Existing detailed models of wind turbines are not suitable to this goal because their complexity makes them impractical for system-wide studies. This paper presents a simplified model of a wind turbine with Doubly-Fed Induction Generator specifically conceived for such studies, along with its validation with a detailed mode

    Contribution of DFIG wind turbines to Primary Frequency Control

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    In recent years, worldwide power systems are experiencing a steadily growth in wind power penetration. A common concern in the operation of such systems is related to the frequency stability. Modern variable speed wind turbines have a limited capacity in providing ancillary services, such as: fastfrequency response and primary frequency regulation. This thesis aims at developing a new methodology for the analysis of frequency dynamics in largescale power systems with high level of wind energy share. Firstly, a simplified electromechanical model of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbine has been proposed. In addition, a virtual inertia controller version of the optimized power point tracking method (OPPT) has been adapted for this kind of wind turbines. In this method, the maximum power point tracking curve (MPPT) is shifted to drive variations in the active power injection as a function of the grid frequency deviation, by exploiting the available inertial resources. The proposed methodology integrates the model in a primary frequency control scheme to assess the interaction with the rest of the plants in the power system

    The current system of knowledge dissemination isn’t working and Sci-Hub is merely a symptom of the problem

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    That Sci-Hub’s activities are illegal is not disputed. However, according to Iván Farías Pelcastre and Flor González Correa the issue at the core of the debate is the current publishing and knowledge dissemination system and how it widens socioeconomic inequalities in academia and constrains its collective progress

    A state-owned bank for small farmers in Chile, c.1926-1953

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    This article deals with the creation and operations of the first agricultural development bank ever created in Chile, the Caja de Crédito Agrario (CCA), founded in 1926, in operations until 1953. The main sources are the annual reports of CCA from 1933 to 1951. The main contributions are to show first that the CCA was instrumental to provide subsidized long-term capital to small farmers in Chile to promote agricultural production, but that also had a “social mission”. The CCA soon became a protagonist within the local financial market. Given the lack of knowledge about the modus operandi of development banks in Latin America, we provide the first account of the management and financial activities of the CCA. We show that the management structure of the firm, and in particular its strategy of decentralization, was key to explain its success. Likewise, the CCA managed successfully to raise increasing amounts of capital from other state institutions at low interest rates, thus being able to cover its increasing loan operations

    El inglés en la educación primaria del sector público en Colombia : logros y retos de las políticas lingüísticas educativas nacionales

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    RESUMEN: En un esfuerzo por volverse más competitivos en el mercado global, Colombia, como muchos otros países de América Latina, ha decretado que todas las escuelas y universidades del país impartan instrucción en inglés como lengua extranjera. Para apoyar esta medida, en los últimos 16 años, el gobierno, a través del Ministerio de Educación Nacional ha lanzado una serie de programas tales como el Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo 2004-2019, el Programa de Fortalecimiento al Desarrollo de Competencias en Lenguas Extranjeras, el Programa Nacional de Inglés: Colombia Very Well 2015-2025, y más recientemente Colombia Bilingüe 2014-2018. Los resultados de algunos estudios llevados a cabo por investigadores locales en varios puntos del país sugieren que esta apuesta nacional ha traído consigo una serie de retos para los docentes de primaria, los cuales no han podido ser solucionados por estos programas. Estos retos pueden ser divididos en dos categorías: profesionales y de trabajo. Este artículo tiene un doble propósito: El primero, es hacer una revisión crítica de los cuatro programas que el gobierno ha lanzado desde 2004. El segundo, es presentar algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones para el diseño y la implementación de políticas lingüísticas educativas en Colombia.ABSTRATC: In an effort to become more competitive in the global market, Colombia, as many other Latin American countries, has declared English the dominant foreign language to be taught in schools and universities across the country. To support this measure, in the last 16 years, the government, through its National Ministry of Education, has launched a series of programs such as National Program of Bilingualism 2004-2019; the Program for Strengthening the Development of Competences in Foreign Languages; The National English Program: Colombia Very Well 2015-2025; and most recently, Bilingual Colombia 2014-2018. Results from studies conducted by local researchers across the country suggest that the regulation has posed a series of challenges for public primary school teachers, which these programs have not been able to address. These challenges can be divided into two categories: professional and work related. The purpose of this article is twofold: First, the article intends to provide a critical overview of the four programs that the Colombian government has launched since 2004. Second, the article aims to present some conclusions and recommendations for language policy design and implementation in Colombia

    Enseñanza de segundas lenguas a alumnado inmigrante: evaluación de las estrategias y aprendizajes conseguidos

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    El presente estudio tiene su origen en una investigación realizada sobre el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas por alumnado inmigrante. En particular nos centramos nuestro estudio en las estrategias de aprendizaje y en los procesos particulares que se ponen en marcha en las aulas de acogida a las que asisten en el momento en que llegan a nuestro país. Hemos estudiado las aulas ALISO de Castilla y León. Como estrategia principal de indagación hemos empleado la entrevista, con una muestra de los distintos agentes implicados en el funcionamiento y organización de estas aulas (profesorado, administración educativa, alumnado y familias). En este artículo analizaremos los aspectos más significativos que favorecen o dificultan los procesos de enseñanzaaprendizaje del español como segunda lengua con este alumnado, en particular: las estrategias de aprendizaje, la metodología utilizada (enfoque comunicativo y aprendizaje por contenidos), la evaluación educativa, la lengua de instrucción y, por último, el posterior acceso a las áreas curricularesThe present study has its origin in an investigation based on the learning of second languages for immigrant students. In particular we focus our study on learning strategies and individual processes that are launched in the reception classes they attend when they reach our country. We have studied the classrooms ALISO of Castilla y León. The main research strategy that we have used was the interview, with a sample of the different agents involved in the operation and organization of these classrooms (teaching staff, educational administration, students and families). This article will discuss the most significant aspects that favor or hinder the processes of teaching and learning Spanish as a second language with the students, in particular: learning strategies, teaching methodology, educational assessment, instruction language and, finally, subsequent access to curricular area