9 research outputs found

    Dexipm-Grapevine: a multicriteria assessment tool of the sustainability for grapevine farming systems

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    The development of innovative farming systems to reach new goals of agricultural sustainability needs new methods for efficiency assessment. DEXiPM-Grapevine© is a multicriteria assessment tool for overall sustainability of grapevine farming systems adapted from DEXiPM arable crops (Pelzer et al, 2012). DEXiPM-Grapevine© was implemented during the European PURE Project 2012-2015 (Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in agriculture) in order to assess and compare various innovative grapevine systems. This model includes 65 basic attributes describing the cropping system, which are then combined into 97 aggregated attributes, designed to assess the economic, social and environmental performances. This model is based on expert knowledge and agricultural surveys, to define thresholds of classes for each attribute and the weighting of the aggregations. A guide helps users to adjust these parameter specific features due to local context. We tested DEXiPM-Grapevine© on innovative grapevine systems, designed with low pesticides use, and experimented at field scale in the French EcoViti Network. We made bothex ante and ex post analyses of experimented systems in order to sort them and to adjust their strategies. Three main strategies ofpesticide reduction are explored: (i) IPM, (ii) alternative products, organic and biocontrol approach, (iii) pesticide-free cropping systems based on new grapevine mildew resistant varieties. Seven prototypes are tested on INRA experimental farms in Angers(Loire Valley, center of France), Bordeaux (Atlantic region), and Montpellier (Mediterranean region). The first DEXiPMGrapevine© assessments show a high environmental performance of innovative biocontrol strategies, and new resistant varieties.However, IPM strategies have the best overall sustainability with better economic and social assessments. DEXiPM-Grapevine©supports the analysis of performances and helps to identify the strengths/weaknesses of the tested prototypes. This tool can be used for ex ante assessment to guide the designing of cropping systems. It can also enable to re-adjust the prototypes after fieldexperimentations. A third use for farmers' advisors is to help producers to modify their farming systems to enhance the sustainability of their farm

    DEXiPM Vigne® (version 1.0), un outil pour l’analyse de la durabilité des systèmes de culture viticoles. Manuel des entrées de DEXiPM Vigne®

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    il s'agit d'un type de produit dont les métadonnées ne correspondent pas aux métadonnées attendues dans les autres types de produit : REPORTLe modèle d’évaluation multicritère de systèmes de culture (SdC) DEXiPM (pour DEXi Pest Management) a été initialement conçu dans le cadre du réseau d’excellence européenENDURE1 pour évaluer la durabilité de SdC innovants en grandes cultures. Son adaptation au domaine viticole a été initiée par les travaux de Delmotte et al. (2008). Etablie à partir de ce prototype, la première version de DEXiPM Vigne® a été complétée et validée pour les SdC méditerranéens (Aouadi, 2010). Le modèle a ensuite été enrichi pour intégrer des contextes pédoclimatiques extra-méditerranéens et répondre aux problématiques de durabilité propres à d’autres régions viticoles. Dans le cadre du projet européen PURE2, les branches économique et environnementale de l’arborescence ont été perfectionnées lors de travaux collaboratifs réunissant différents chercheurs européens (de France, d’Allemagne et d’Italie). Ces améliorations ont été longuement discutées lors des workshops du WP6 de PURE qui se sont tenus à Florence (22-23 juin 2011), Bordeaux (6 octobre 2011) et Montpellier (18-19 octobre2012).DEXiPM Vigne® a été utilisé par les équipes partenaires du projet pour évaluer différentes solutions de protection intégrée dans des contextes méditerranéens, atlantiques et continentaux. DEXiPM Vigne® a également été paramétré dans le contexte bourguignon,environné (manuel des entrées, manuel d’utilisateur, etc.) et utilisé par le Vinipôle Sud Bourgogne pour évaluer la durabilité d’une vingtaine de SdC du réseau DEPHY de Saône et Loire sur deux années d’études (Dubuc, 2013). Les trajectoires de sept autres SdC du réseau DEPHY de la Loire, de Savoie et du Var ont été évaluées à l’INRA de Dijon. Des évaluations comparatives de la durabilité des expérimentations du projet PURE en station (dans le cadre du dispositif EXPE du réseau DEPHY Ecophyto) et en ferme (dans le cadre du dispositif FERME) ont été réalisées afin de tester l’efficacité, la praticabilité et la pertinence de solutions de protection intégrée des cultures dans les principales régions d’étude.DEXiPM Vigne® est un OADM3 qui évalue la contribution des SdC à la durabilité des exploitations agricoles pour ses trois piliers économique, social et environnemental. Son fonctionnement repose sur une arborescence détaillée et transparente qui agrège des informations simples (nombre d’interventions culturales, IFT, etc.) pour estimer des variables complexes (ressources utilisées, biodiversité faunistique, etc.). Entièrement qualitatif, ce modèle se renseigne à dire d’expert (ses 65 entrées sont décrites par des classes qualitatives telles que faible, moyen, élevé par exemple) à partir de données, chiffrées ou non, converties en classes qualitatives. L’évaluation des entrées (ou « critère de base ») ne requiert pas de références technico-économiques particulières et ne fait appel à aucun modèle externe. Dans ce présent document figure un descriptif détaillé des entrées du modèle (critères à renseigner par l’utilisateur), de leurs modalités (ou « classes qualitatives ») et de la méthode proposée pour les renseigner. Vous trouverez également un tableau récapitulatif des critères dont les seuils des classes qualitatives peuvent être adaptés aux pratiques locales (nombre d’interventions de travail du sol, IFT, etc.) si le modèle est utilisé dans un objectif de conseil. Selon le critère concerné, les seuils sont à définir (i) à partir des données officielles d’enquêtes des pratiques culturales (dans la limite de leur disponibilité), ou (ii) à dire d’experts (tableau 1). Il est important de convenir d’un paramétrage unique par région d’étude. De plus, seuls des SdC évalués avec ce paramétrage du modèle et ayant le même contexte de production pourront être comparés en termes de durabilité. Pour toute autre utilisation de DEXiPM Vigne® (par exemple, comparer la durabilité d’expérimentations en station), il est impératif de conserver le paramétrage initial de l’outil au risque de biaiser l’analyse de durabilité

    DEXiPM Grapevine® (version 1.0), a tool for analysing the sustainability of grapevine cropping systems. DEXiPM Grapevine® data input manual

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    il s'agit d'un type de produit dont les métadonnées ne correspondent pas aux métadonnées attendues dans les autres types de produit : REPORTThe DEXiPM (standing for DEXi Pest Management) multi-criteria evaluation model for cropping systems was originally designed as part of the ENDURE European Network ofExcellence1 for evaluating the sustainability of innovative arable cropping systems. Its adaptation for grapevine was initiated by the work of Delmotte and al. (2008). Based on this prototype, the first version of DEXiPM Vine was completed and validated for Mediterranean cropping systems (Aouadi, 2010). The model was then expanded in order to incorporate soil and weather conditions beyond the Mediterranean and to meet the sustainability issues specific to other wine regions. As part of the PURE European project2, the economic and environmental branches of the tree have been perfected through collaborative work in volving various European researchers (from France, Germany and Italy). These improvements were discussed at length during the PURE WP6 workshops that were held in Florence (22-23 June2011), Bordeaux (6 October 2011) and Montpellier (18-19 October 2012).DEXiPM Vine has been used by project partner teams to evaluate different integrated protection solutions in Mediterranean, Atlantic and continental contexts. DEXiPM Vine has also been parameterised for Burgundy, complete with input and user manuals, and used by the Vini pôle Sud Bourgogne to evaluate the sustainability of 20 cropping systems in the DEPHY network in Saône and the Loire over a two-year study period (Dubuc, 2013). The trajectories of seven other DEPHY network cropping systems in the Loire, Savoie and Var have been evaluated by the INRA unit in Dijon. Comparative evaluations on the sustainability of PURE experimentation on trial stations (as part of the EXPE programme of the DEPHY Ecophyto network) and on the farm (as part of the FERME programme) have been conducted to test the efficacy, practicality and relevance of integrated crop protection solutions in the major study areas DEXiPM Vine is a MDSS3 which evaluates the contribution of cropping systems to the sustainability of farms for three pillars: economic, social and environmental. It functions on the basis of a detailed and transparent tree that aggregates simple information (number of cultural interventions, TFI etc.) to estimate complex variables (resources used, biodiversity of fauna etc.). Entirely qualitative, the model takes expert judgements (its 65 entries are described by qualitative classes such as low, medium, high, for example) from data, numerical or otherwise, converted into qualitative classes. The evaluation of the inputs (or ‘basic criteria’) requires no particular techno-economic references and uses no external model In this manual we provide a detailed description of the model inputs (the criteria to be specified by the user), their modalities (or ‘qualitative classes’) and the suggested method for using this information. There is also a summary of criteria where the thresholds for qualitative classes can be tailored to local practices (number of interventions for tillage, TFI etc.) if the model is to be used in an advisory capacity. According to the criterion in question, the thresholds should be defined according to (i)official survey data of cultural practices (subject to availability), or (ii) expert opinion(table 1). It is important to fix a unique parameterisation for each region under study. In addition, only cropping systems evaluated with this parameterisation of the model and with the same production context can be compared in terms of sustainability. For any other use of DEXiPM Vine (for example, to compare the sustainability of experimentation conducted ontrial stations), it is imperative to keep the initial setting of the model or their is a risk of creating a bias in the sustainability analysis

    Agrosyst : Guide de l'utilisateur. Décembre 2016, version 2.1

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    Agrosyst : Guide de l'utilisateur. Décembre 2016, version 2.

    DEXiPM grapevine, a multiple criteria model for sustainability assessment of grapevine crop protection strategies

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    International audienceViticulture is characterized by a high use of pesticides compared to other crop industries (Gary et al., 2010),which generates concerns for human health and quality of the environment. Yet the use of pesticides, andother variables of economic importance such as yield, vary a lot among regions and farms within the same region(Meziere et al, 2009). A thorough analysis of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainabilityis then needed to assess and compare existing cropping systems or prototypes of innovative ones.To this end, DEXiPM, a qualitative multi-criteria assessment tool (Pelzer et al, 2013), was adapted to grapevine.A strong interaction with the first users (members of the FP7 Pure project from France, Germany andItaly) has brought to significant modifications, mainly on the economic and environmental branches. Theworking group has detailed some aspects of the grapevine management such as soil cover and choice of cropprotection products.These changes have been validated by assessing some case studies. A regards the economic sustainability, the selling price considers the expected yield (that may be linked togeographical indications), the certification of specific cultivation practices and the existence of marketingstrategies. The specific case of biocontrol products is considered: they are included in the production cost butnot in the environmental assessment.In the social sustainability branch, few criteria have been modified, such as the risk of contamination by mycotoxinesand the risk of pesticide residues.The three components of the environmental sustainability have been adapted: resource use, environmentalquality and biodiversity. A major change is that the period of cover cropping and percentage of soil coveredhave been introduced as they relate to a number of criteria: water use, pesticide leaching, nitrate leaching,compaction risk, runoff risk and soil organic matter. Pesticide ecotoxicity is assessed with the TFI of a list ofhighly toxic products. The energy consumption criterion has been adapted to include cultivation practicesspecific to viticulture. The organic matter is assessed in relation to specific organic amendments used inviticulture, vine shoot management and soil cover. At last biodiversity has been adapted for both the flora(by considering cover crops, flower strips and hedges) and fauna (by considering the natural enemies in thephyllosphere and pollinators.As a result, the number of attributes of the DEXiPM model for viticulture has been reduced by 10% comparedto the arable crop version. The assessment of contrasted strategies of crop protection provides evidence that specific features of vineyardmanagement have been captured in the new version of DEXiPM for grapevine

    Evolution et maintenance du système d'Information Agrosyst pour l'INRA : Cahier des clauses techniques particulières (CCTP)

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    Evolution et maintenance du système d'Information Agrosyst pour l'INRA : Cahier des clauses techniques particulières (CCTP

    To ingest or rest? Specialized roles of lateral hypothalamic area neurons in coordinating energy balance

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