DEXiPM Grapevine® (version 1.0), a tool for analysing the sustainability of grapevine cropping systems. DEXiPM Grapevine® data input manual


il s'agit d'un type de produit dont les métadonnées ne correspondent pas aux métadonnées attendues dans les autres types de produit : REPORTThe DEXiPM (standing for DEXi Pest Management) multi-criteria evaluation model for cropping systems was originally designed as part of the ENDURE European Network ofExcellence1 for evaluating the sustainability of innovative arable cropping systems. Its adaptation for grapevine was initiated by the work of Delmotte and al. (2008). Based on this prototype, the first version of DEXiPM Vine was completed and validated for Mediterranean cropping systems (Aouadi, 2010). The model was then expanded in order to incorporate soil and weather conditions beyond the Mediterranean and to meet the sustainability issues specific to other wine regions. As part of the PURE European project2, the economic and environmental branches of the tree have been perfected through collaborative work in volving various European researchers (from France, Germany and Italy). These improvements were discussed at length during the PURE WP6 workshops that were held in Florence (22-23 June2011), Bordeaux (6 October 2011) and Montpellier (18-19 October 2012).DEXiPM Vine has been used by project partner teams to evaluate different integrated protection solutions in Mediterranean, Atlantic and continental contexts. DEXiPM Vine has also been parameterised for Burgundy, complete with input and user manuals, and used by the Vini pôle Sud Bourgogne to evaluate the sustainability of 20 cropping systems in the DEPHY network in Saône and the Loire over a two-year study period (Dubuc, 2013). The trajectories of seven other DEPHY network cropping systems in the Loire, Savoie and Var have been evaluated by the INRA unit in Dijon. Comparative evaluations on the sustainability of PURE experimentation on trial stations (as part of the EXPE programme of the DEPHY Ecophyto network) and on the farm (as part of the FERME programme) have been conducted to test the efficacy, practicality and relevance of integrated crop protection solutions in the major study areas DEXiPM Vine is a MDSS3 which evaluates the contribution of cropping systems to the sustainability of farms for three pillars: economic, social and environmental. It functions on the basis of a detailed and transparent tree that aggregates simple information (number of cultural interventions, TFI etc.) to estimate complex variables (resources used, biodiversity of fauna etc.). Entirely qualitative, the model takes expert judgements (its 65 entries are described by qualitative classes such as low, medium, high, for example) from data, numerical or otherwise, converted into qualitative classes. The evaluation of the inputs (or ‘basic criteria’) requires no particular techno-economic references and uses no external model In this manual we provide a detailed description of the model inputs (the criteria to be specified by the user), their modalities (or ‘qualitative classes’) and the suggested method for using this information. There is also a summary of criteria where the thresholds for qualitative classes can be tailored to local practices (number of interventions for tillage, TFI etc.) if the model is to be used in an advisory capacity. According to the criterion in question, the thresholds should be defined according to (i)official survey data of cultural practices (subject to availability), or (ii) expert opinion(table 1). It is important to fix a unique parameterisation for each region under study. In addition, only cropping systems evaluated with this parameterisation of the model and with the same production context can be compared in terms of sustainability. For any other use of DEXiPM Vine (for example, to compare the sustainability of experimentation conducted ontrial stations), it is imperative to keep the initial setting of the model or their is a risk of creating a bias in the sustainability analysis

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