292 research outputs found

    Haloalkane hydrolysis by Rhodococcus erythropolis cells: Comparison of conventional aqueous phase dehalogenation and nonconventional gas phase dehalogenation

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    Biofiltration of air polluted by volatile organic compounds is now recognized by the industrial and research communities as an effective and viable alternative to standard environmental technologies. Whereas many studies have focused on solid/liquid/gas biofilters, there have been fewer reports on waste air treatment using other biological processes, especially in a solid/gas biofilter. In this study, a comparison was made of the hydrolysis of halogenated compounds (such as 1-chlorobutane) by lyophilized Rhodococcus erythropolis cells in a novel solid/ gas biofilter and in the aqueous phase. We first determined the culture conditions for the production of R. erythropolis cells with a strong dehalogenase activity. Four different media were studied and the amount of 1-chlorobutane was optimized. Next, we report the possibility to use R. erythropolis cells in a solid/gas biofilter in order to transform halogenated compounds in corresponding alcohols. The effect of experimental parameters (total flow into the biofilter, thermodynamic activity of the substrates, temperature, carbon chain length of halogenated substrates) on the activity and stability of lyophilized cells in the gas phase was determined. A critical water thermodynamic activity (aw) of 0.4 is necessary for the enzyme to become active and optimal dehalogenase activity for the lyophilized cells is obtained for an aw of 0.9. A temperature of reaction of 40jC represents the best compromise between stability and activity. Activation energy of the reaction was determined and found equal to 59.5 KJ/mol. The pH effect on the dehalogenase activity of R. erythropolis cells was also studied in the gas phase and in the aqueous phase. It was observed that pH 9.0 provided the best activity in both systems. We observed that in the aqueous phase R. erythropolis cells were less sensitive to the variation in pH than R. erythropolis cells in the gas phase. Finally, the addition of volatile Lewis base (triethylamine) in the gaseous phase and the action of the lysozyme in order to permeabilize the cells was found to be highly beneficial to the effectiveness of the biofilter

    Exemplifying Business Opportunities for Improving Data Quality From Corporate Household Research

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    Corporate household (CHH) refers to the organizational information about the structure within the corporation and a variety of inter-organizational relationships. Knowledge derived from this data is becoming increasingly important for improving data quality in applications, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM), risk management, and sales and market promotion. Extending the concepts from our previous CHH research, we exemplify in this paper the importance of improved corporate household knowledge and processing in various business application areas. Additionally, we provide examples of CHH business rules that are often implicit and fragmented - understood and practiced by different domain experts across functional areas of the firm. This paper is intended to form a foundation for further research to systematically investigate, capture, and build a body of corporate householding knowledge across diverse business applications

    Tidal flat deposits of the Lower Proterozoic Campbell Group along the southwestern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Lower Proterozoic stromatolites and associated clastic carbonate deposits of the Campbell Group, from the southern margin (Prieska area) of the Kaapvaal Craton, northern Cape Province, are described. Contrary to previous interpretations (Beukes, 1978; 1980a) shallow subtidal to supratidal facies are recognised and discussed in regional context. An alternative model for the facies development of the Campbell Group is proposed

    Palaeoenvironmental and diagenetic reconstruction of a closed-lacustrine carbonate system - the challenging marginal setting of the Miocene Ries Crater Lake (Germany)

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    Chemostratigraphic studies on lacustrine sedimentary sequences provide essential insights on past cyclic climatic events, on their repetition and prediction through time. Diagenetic overprint of primary features often hinders the use of such studies for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Here the potential of integrated geochemical and petrographic methods is evaluated to record freshwater to saline oscillations within the ancient marginal lacustrine carbonates of the Miocene Ries Crater Lake (Germany). This area is critical because it represents the transition from shoreline to proximal domains of a hydrologically closed system, affected by recurrent emergent events, representing the boundaries of successive sedimentary cycles. Chemostratigraphy targets shifts related to subaerial exposure and/or climatic fluctuations. Methods combine facies changes with δ13C–δ18O chemostratigraphy from matrix carbonates across five closely spaced, temporally equivalent stratigraphic sections. Isotope composition of ostracod shells, gastropods and cements is provided for comparison. Cathodoluminescence and back‐scatter electron microscopy were performed to discriminate primary (syn‐)depositional, from secondary diagenetic features. Meteoric diagenesis is expressed by substantial early dissolution and dark blue luminescent sparry cements carrying negative δ13C and δ18O. Sedimentary cycles are not correlated by isotope chemostratigraphy. Both matrix δ13C and δ18O range from ca −7·5 to +4·0‰ and show clear positive covariance (R = 0·97) whose nature differs from that of previous basin‐oriented studies on the lake: negative values are here unconnected to original freshwater lacustrine conditions but reflect extensive meteoric diagenesis, while positive values probably represent primary saline lake water chemistry. Noisy geochemical curves relate to heterogeneities in (primary) porosity, resulting in selective carbonate diagenesis. This study exemplifies that ancient lacustrine carbonates, despite extensive meteoric weathering, are able to retain key information for both palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and the understanding of diagenetic processes in relation to those primary conditions. Also, it emphasizes the limitation of chemostratigraphy in fossil carbonates, and specifically in settings that are sensitive for the preservation of primary environmental signals, such as lake margins prone to meteoric diagenesis

    Earliest Triassic microbialites in the South China Block and other areas; controls on their growth and distribution

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    Earliest Triassic microbialites (ETMs) and inorganic carbonate crystal fans formed after the end-Permian mass extinction (ca. 251.4 Ma) within the basal Triassic Hindeodus parvus conodont zone. ETMs are distinguished from rarer, and more regional, subsequent Triassic microbialites. Large differences in ETMs between northern and southern areas of the South China block suggest geographic provinces, and ETMs are most abundant throughout the equatorial Tethys Ocean with further geographic variation. ETMs occur in shallow-marine shelves in a superanoxic stratified ocean and form the only widespread Phanerozoic microbialites with structures similar to those of the Cambro-Ordovician, and briefly after the latest Ordovician, Late Silurian and Late Devonian extinctions. ETMs disappeared long before the mid-Triassic biotic recovery, but it is not clear why, if they are interpreted as disaster taxa. In general, ETM occurrence suggests that microbially mediated calcification occurred where upwelled carbonate-rich anoxic waters mixed with warm aerated surface waters, forming regional dysoxia, so that extreme carbonate supersaturation and dysoxic conditions were both required for their growth. Long-term oceanic and atmospheric changes may have contributed to a trigger for ETM formation. In equatorial western Pangea, the earliest microbialites are late Early Triassic, but it is possible that ETMs could exist in western Pangea, if well-preserved earliest Triassic facies are discovered in future work

    Epithelial fusion during neural tube morphogenesis

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    Adhesion and fusion of epithelial sheets marks the completion of many morphogenetic events during embryogenesis. Neural tube closure involves an epithelial fusion sequence in which the apposing neural folds adhere initially via cellular protrusions, proceed to a more stable union, and subsequently undergo remodeling of the epithelial structures to yield a separate neural tube roof plate and overlying nonneural ectoderm. Cellular protrusions comprise lamellipodia and filopodia, and studies in several different systems emphasize the critical role of RhoGTPases in their regulation. How epithelia establish initial adhesion is poorly understood but, in neurulation, may involve interactions between EphA receptors and their ephrinA ligands. Epithelial remodeling is spatially and temporally correlated with apoptosis in the dorsal neural tube midline, but experimental inhibition of this cell death does not prevent fusion and remodeling. A variety of molecular signaling systems have been implicated in the late events of morphogenesis, but genetic redundancy, for example among the integrins and laminins, makes identification of the critical players challenging. An improved understanding of epithelial fusion can provide insights into normal developmental processes and may also indicate the mode of origin of clinically important birth defects

    Light-Dependant Biostabilisation of Sediments by Stromatolite Assemblages

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    For the first time we have investigated the natural ecosystem engineering capacity of stromatolitic microbial assemblages. Stromatolites are laminated sedimentary structures formed by microbial activity and are considered to have dominated the shallows of the Precambrian oceans. Their fossilised remains are the most ancient unambiguous record of early life on earth. Stromatolites can therefore be considered as the first recognisable ecosystems on the planet. However, while many discussions have taken place over their structure and form, we have very little information on their functional ecology and how such assemblages persisted despite strong eternal forcing from wind and waves. The capture and binding of sediment is clearly a critical feature for the formation and persistence of stromatolite assemblages. Here, we investigated the ecosystem engineering capacity of stromatolitic microbial assemblages with respect to their ability to stabilise sediment using material from one of the few remaining living stromatolite systems (Highborne Cay, Bahamas). It was shown that the most effective assemblages could produce a rapid (12–24 h) and significant increase in sediment stability that continued in a linear fashion over the period of the experimentation (228 h). Importantly, it was also found that light was required for the assemblages to produce this stabilisation effect and that removal of assemblage into darkness could lead to a partial reversal of the stabilisation. This was attributed to the breakdown of extracellular polymeric substances under anaerobic conditions. These data were supported by microelectrode profiling of oxygen and calcium. The structure of the assemblages as they formed was visualised by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser microscopy. These results have implications for the understanding of early stromatolite development and highlight the potential importance of the evolution of photosynthesis in the mat forming process. The evolution of photosynthesis may have provided an important advance for the niche construction activity of microbial systems and the formation and persistence of the stromatolites which came to dominate shallow coastal environments for 80% of the biotic history of the earth

    ‘Albania: €1’ or the story of ‘big policies, small outcomes’: how Albania constructs and engages its diaspora

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    Since the fall of the communist regime in the early 1990s, Albania has experienced one of the most significant emigrations in the world as a share of its population. By 2010 almost half of its resident population was estimated to be living abroad – primarily in neighbouring Greece and Italy, but also in the UK and North America. This chapter discusses the emergence and establishment of the Albanian diaspora, its temporal and geographical diversity, and not least its involvement with Albania itself. Albania’s policymaking and key institutions are considered, with a focus on matters of citizenship; voting rights; the debate on migration and development; and not least the complex ways in which kin-state minority policies – related to ethnic Albanians living in Kosovo, Montenegro, southern Serbia, Macedonia and Greece – are interwoven with Albania’s emigration policies