102 research outputs found

    Agulhas Leakage Predominantly Responds to the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies

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    The Agulhas Current plays a crucial role in the thermohaline circulation through its leakage into the South Atlantic. Under both past and present climates, the trade winds and westerlies could have the ability to modulate the amount of Indian-Atlantic inflow. Compelling arguments have been put forward suggesting that trade winds alone have little impact on the magnitude of Agulhas leakage. Here, employing three ocean models for robust analysis – a global coarse resolution, a regional eddy-permitting and a nested high-resolution eddy-resolving configuration – and systematically altering the position and intensity of the westerly wind belt in a series of sensitivity experiments, it is shown that the westerlies, in particular their intensity, control the leakage. Leakage responds proportionally to the westerlies intensity up to a certain point. Beyond this, through the adjustment of the large-scale circulation, energetic interactions occur between the Agulhas Return Current and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current that result in a state where leakage no longer increases. This adjustment takes place within 1 to 2 decades. Contrary to previous assertions, our results further show that an equatorward (poleward) shift in westerlies increases (decreases) leakage. This occurs due to the redistribution of momentum input by the winds. It is concluded that the reported present-day leakage increase could therefore reflect an unadjusted oceanic response mainly to the strengthening westerlies over the last few decades

    A prospective randomised trial to study the role of levamisole and interferon alfa in an adjuvant therapy with 5-FU for stage III colon cancer

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    The purpose of this trial was to examine the efficacy of the addition of levamisole (LEV) or interferon alfa (IFN) to an adjuvant chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in patients with stage III colon cancer. According to a 2 × 2 factorial study design, 598 patients were randomly assigned to one of four adjuvant treatment arms. Patients in arm one received 5-FU weekly for 1 year, patients in arm two 5-FU plus LEV, in arm three 5-FU plus IFN and patients in arm four 5-FU, LEV and IFN. The relative risk of relapse and the relative risk of death were significantly higher for patients treated with LEV compared with those without LEV treatment (HR 1.452, 95% CI 1.135–1.856, P=0.0028; HR 1.506, 95% CI 1.150–1.973, P=0.0027, respectively). No significant impact on survival was observed for therapy with IFN in the univariate analysis. The addition of LEV to adjuvant 5-FU significantly worsened the prognosis of patients with stage III colon cancer. Interferon alfa had no significant influence on survival when combined with adjuvant 5-FU, but increased the toxicity of therapy substantially

    South Atlantic Interbasin Exchanges of Mass, Heat, Salt and Anthropogenic Carbon

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    The exchange of mass, heat, salt and anthropogenic carbon (Cant) between the South Atlantic, south of 24°S, and adjacent ocean basins is estimated from hydrographic data obtained during 2008-2009 using an inverse method. Transports of anthropogenic carbon are calculated across the western (Drake Passage), eastern (30°E) and northern (24°S) boundaries. The freshwater overturning transport of 0.09 Sv is southward, consistent with an overturning circulation that exports freshwater from the North Atlantic, and consistent with a bistable Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), under conditions of excess freshwater perturbation. At 30°E, net eastward Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) transport, south of the Subtropical Front, is compensated by a 15.9±2.3 Sv westward flow along the Antarctic boundary. The region as a whole is a substantial sink for atmospheric anthropogenic carbon of 0.51±0.37 PgC yr-1, of which 0.18±0.12 PgC yr-1 accumulates and is stored within the water column. At 24°S, a 20.2 Sv meridional overturning is associated with a 0.11 PgC yr-1 Cant overturning. The remainder is transported into the Atlantic Ocean north of 24°S (0.28±0.16 PgC yr-1) and Indian sector of Southern Ocean (1.12±0.43 PgC yr-1), having been enhanced by inflow through Drake Passage (1.07±0.44 PgC yr-1). This underlines the importance of the South Atlantic as a crucial element of the anthropogenic carbon sink in the global oceans

    Sadler's Wells Theatre Ballet actualmente Royal Ballet

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    Empresa: JosĂ© F. ArquerOrquestra SimfĂČnica del Gran Teatre del LiceuPresentaciĂł de la temporada de ballet de la primavera del 1957, a cĂ rrec de la companyia Sadler's Wells Theatre Ballet (Royal Ballet), amb el segĂŒent repertori: La fĂ©te etrange de G. FaurĂ© ; Giselle d'A. Adam ; The Rake's Progress de G. Gordon ; El lago de los cisnes de P.I. Txaikovski ; Pineapple Poll d'A. Sullivan ; Blood Wedding ; The Haunted Ballroom de G. Toye ; House of Birds de F. Mompou ; Apparitions de F. Listz ; Beauty and the Beast ; Danses Concertantes d'I. Stravinsky ; El pĂĄjaro azul de P.I. Txaikovski ; Solitaire de M. Arnold ; Las SĂ­lfides; Les patineurs; El cisne negro; Façade de W. Walton ; Coppelia de L. Delibes ; Les rendez-vous de D. AuberDe cada obra s'ha digitalitzat un programa sencer. De la resta s'han digitalitzat les parts que sĂłn diferents

    Le re-mort

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    Insolence, décalage et ironie chez les romanciÚres du dix-huitiÚme siÚcle

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    18th century female novelists enjoyed, in their time, strong and vibrant acclaim throughout Europe. Their work nonetheless did not become part of the literary heritage. It is important to analyse the circumstances and reasons for this exclusion.They irreverently question the codes and conventions of authorship, as well as fiction and women’s writing. This work explores the fate of some of these writers – Mme Riccoboni, Mme de Tencin, Mme d’Epinay – and their work, so as to understand the full extent of the collective projections that explain how they have been perceived.Hence, we need to go back on these novels which, maybe, we no longer know how to read. This is made possible by the notion of distance, incongruence or discrepancy. Through the play of different discourses, Mme de Tencin’s and Mme de Fontaines’ novels subvert the symbolic order of patriarchal society. Their novels set out the contours and specifics for the position of women. Yet, they tend to overly constrain the rules of fictional discourse.Irony, in its multiple shapes, is the discourse that allows to circumvent the discursive traps encountered in this study. In its diversity, irony is best suited to sustain – for the female characters of Mme de Souza, Mme Cottin or those in Mme de CharriĂšre’s novels – the opening brought about by distance, the irreverence of questioning – true requirement for literature as well as for all that is feminine.Les romanciĂšres du XVIIIe siĂšcle ont rencontrĂ© – en leur temps – un succĂšs rĂ©el et vif Ă  l’échelle europĂ©enne. Elles ont pourtant Ă©tĂ© Ă©cartĂ©es de la transmission du patrimoine littĂ©raire. Il importe d’élucider les causes et les circonstances de cette mise Ă  l’écart. Elles bousculent, avec une rare insolence, les prĂ©supposĂ©s liĂ©s Ă  l’auctorialitĂ©, au genre romanesque et Ă  l’écriture des femmes. Ce travail explore les destinĂ©es de quelques-unes de ces romanciĂšres – Mme Riccoboni, Mme de Tencin, Mme d’Epinay – et de leurs textes afin de prendre la mesure des reprĂ©sentations imaginaires qui ont façonnĂ© leur rĂ©ception. Il s’agit par consĂ©quent de renouveler la lecture de ces textes que, peut-ĂȘtre, nous ne savons pas, ou plus, lire. C’est ce que permet la notion de dĂ©calage. Par le jeu des discours, les romans de Mme de Tencin et de Mme de Fontaines subvertissent l’ordre symbolique de la sociĂ©tĂ© patriarcale. De ces romans se dĂ©gagent les spĂ©cificitĂ©s d’une position fĂ©minine. Ces textes ont tendance, pourtant, Ă  figer in fine les termes du discours romanesque. L’ironie aux multiples usages est le discours qui permet de sortir des impasses discursives rencontrĂ©es dans cette Ă©tude. Dans sa diversitĂ©, l’ironie est la plus Ă  mĂȘme de maintenir, pour les personnages fĂ©minins de Mme de Souza, de Mme Cottin ou dans les romans de Mme de CharriĂšre, l’ouverture du dĂ©calage, l’insolence du questionnement, vĂ©ritable condition du littĂ©raire et du fĂ©minin
