1,225 research outputs found
Towards a flexible open-source software library for multi-layered scholarly textual studies: An Arabic case study dealing with semi-automatic language processing
This paper presents both the general model and a case study of the Computational and Collaborative Philology Library (CoPhiLib), an ongoing initiative underway at the Institute for Computational Linguistics (ILC) of the National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy. The library, designed and organized as a reusable, abstract and open-source software component, aims at solving the needs of multi-lingual and cross-lingual analysis by exposing common Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). The core modules, coded by the Java programming language, constitute the groundwork of a Web platform designed to deal with textual scholarly needs. The Web application, implemented according to the Java Enterprise specifications, focuses on multi-layered analysis for the study of literary documents and related multimedia sources. This ambitious challenge seeks to obtain the management of textual resources, on the one hand by abstracting from current language, on the other hand by decoupling from the specific requirements of single projects. This goal is achieved thanks to methodologies declared by the 'agile process', and by putting into effect suitable use case modeling, design patterns, and component-based architectures. The reusability and flexibility of the system have been tested on an Arabic case study: the system allows users to choose the morphological engine (such as AraMorph or Al-Khalil), along with linguistic granularity (i.e. with or without declension). Finally, the application enables the construction of annotated resources for further statistical engines (training set). © 2014 IEEE
Un protocollo MAC adattivo per reti di sensori
Il lavoro di tesi si propone di studiare i principali protocolli MAC per reti di sensori, evidenziandone le caratteristiche positive e cogliendone gli aspetti negativi. Approfondisce uno dei protocolli più utilizzati, il B-MAC, confrontandolo con una sua evoluzione: il B-MAC+. E' avanzata anche una tecnica adattiva, sviluppata sul protocollo B-MAC+, atta a migliorare le prestazioni in situazioni di traffico periodico non costante.Il protocollo e' stato implementato utilizzando gli strumenti messi a disposizione dal sistema operativo TinyOS. Misure analitiche e sperimentali sono state portate utilizzando i nodi TmoteSky, i quali montano il transceiver radio Chipson CC2420
Designing a Library of Components for Textual Scholarship
Il presente lavoro affronta e descrive temi legati all'applicazione di nuove tecnologie, di metodologie informatiche e di progettazione software volti allo sviluppo di strumenti innovativi per le Digital Humanities (DH), un’area di studio caratterizzata da una forte interdisciplinarità e da una continua evoluzione. In particolare, questo contributo definisce alcuni specifici requisiti relativi al dominio del Literary Computing e al settore del Digital Textual Scholarship. Conseguentemente, il contesto principale di elaborazione tratta documenti scritti in latino, greco e arabo, nonché testi in lingue moderne contenenti temi storici e filologici. L'attività di ricerca si concentra sulla progettazione di una libreria modulare (TSLib) in grado di operare su fonti ad elevato valore culturale, al fine di editarle, elaborarle, confrontarle, analizzarle, visualizzarle e ricercarle. La tesi si articola in cinque capitoli. Il capitolo 1 riassume il contesto del dominio applicativo e fornisce un quadro generale degli obiettivi e dei benefici della ricerca. Il capitolo 2 illustra alcuni importanti lavori e iniziative analoghe, insieme a una breve panoramica dei risultati più significativi ottenuti nel settore delle DH. Il capitolo 3 ripercorre accuratamente e motiva il processo di progettazione messo a punto. Esso inizia con la descrizione dei principi tecnici adottati e mostra come essi vengono applicati al dominio d'interesse. Il capitolo continua definendo i requisiti, l'architettura e il modello del metodo proposto. Sono così evidenziati e discussi gli aspetti concernenti i design patterns e la progettazione delle Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). La parte finale del lavoro (capitolo 4) illustra i risultati ottenuti da concreti progetti di ricerca che, da un lato, hanno contribuito alla progettazione della libreria e, dall'altro, hanno avuto modo di sfruttarne gli sviluppi. Sono stati quindi discussi diversi temi: (a) l'acquisizione e la codifica del testo, (b) l'allineamento e la gestione delle varianti testuali, (c) le annotazioni multilivello. La tesi si conclude con alcune riflessioni e considerazioni indicando anche possibili percorsi d'indagine futuri (capitolo 5)
TeiCoPhiLib: A Library of Components for the Domain of Collaborative Philology
In this article we illustrate a work in progress related to the design of a library of software components devoted to editing, processing, and visualizing TEI-annotated documents in the domain of philological studies, in particular in the subdomain of collaborative philology, which concerns the social activity of scholars focused on shared philological tasks. We discuss the technologies related to XML markup languages and the processing of marked-up documents. We describe the method used to design and implement the TeiCoPhiLib, outlining the design patterns as well as discussing general benefits of the overall architecture. Finally, we present case studies in which some components of our library currently implemented in Java have been used
La galassia Musisque Deoque: storia e prospettive
The resources in support of Latin scholars created under the scientific direction of Paolo Mastandrea are numerous; the undertaking of Musisque Deoque, which aims at equipping the entire corpus of ancient Latin poetry with “significant variants”, is the most emblematic effort, open to further developments. Looking at the general history of these projects, we try to trace the future path of the “Musisque Deoque galaxy” within Open Science
Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
In the last few years the amount of manuscripts digitized and made available on the Web has been constantly increasing. However, there is still a considarable lack of results concerning both the explicitation of their content and the tools developed to make it available. The objective of the Clavius on the Web project is to develop a Web platform exposing a selection of Christophorus Clavius letters along with three different levels of analysis: linguistic, lexical and semantic. The multilayered annotation of the corpus involves a XML-TEI encoding followed by a tokenization step where each token is univocally identified through a CTS urn notation and then associated to a part-of-speech and a lemma. The text is lexically and semantically annotated on the basis of a lexicon and a domain ontology, the former structuring the most relevant terms occurring in the text and the latter representing the domain entities of interest (e.g. people, places, etc.). Moreover, each entity is connected to linked and non linked resources, including DBpedia and VIAF. Finally, the results of the three layers of analysis are gathered and shown through interactive visualization and storytelling techniques. A demo version of the integrated architecture was developed
La ‘Galassia MQDQ:’ un concetto di filologia tradizionale, digitale, sostenibile
The investigation of intertextuality within a corpus of Latin poetry is the main objective of the research functions of the so-called ‘Musisque Deoque Galaxy’: formular recurrences, and lexical and metric-verbal co-occurrences draw a dense network of relationships between texts, where poetic memory presents itself in various modalities. This contribution aims to analyse the latest developments in the “Musisque Deoque Galaxy” both from the point of view of the tools created to enable new textual acquisitions and new analyses, and from the technological point of view, with reference to the work carried out to ensure a long-term sustainability
DH as an Ideal Educational Environment: the Ethnographic Museum of La Spezia
The authors present the outcomes of an educational experimentation that took place in
the academic year 2018-2019 at the degree course in Informatica Umanistica at the University
of Pisa. The first objective of the project concerned the digitization of a corpus of postcards
from the period of the First World War owned by the ethnographic Museum of La Spezia “G.
Podenzana”. The aims of the work are not only the historical study of the corpus, but also the
organization of a public history project with the Museum.Gli autori presentano i risultati di una sperimentazione didattica svolta durante l’anno accademico 2018-2019 presso il Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica
dell’Università di Pisa. Il primo obiettivo del progetto riguarda la digitalizzazione di un corpus
di cartoline del periodo della Prima Guerra Mondiale, di proprietà del Museo Etnografico di La
Spezia “G. Podenzana”. Gli obiettivi del lavoro non sono solo lo studio storico del corpus, ma
anche l’organizzazione di un progetto di Public History con il Museo
Forward-central two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
Two-particle angular correlations between trigger particles in the forward pseudorapidity range (2.5 2GeV/c. (C) 2015 CERN for the benefit of the ALICE Collaboration. Published by Elsevier B. V.Peer reviewe
Event-shape engineering for inclusive spectra and elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at root(NN)-N-S=2.76 TeV
Peer reviewe
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