181 research outputs found

    A Possible Stellar Metallic Enhancement in Post-T Tauri Stars by a Planetesimal Bombardment

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    The photospheres of stars hosting planets have larger metallicity than stars lacking planets. In the present work we study the possibility of an earlier metal enrichment of the photospheres by means of impacting planetesimals during the first 20-30Myr. Here we explore this contamination process by simulating the interactions of an inward migrating planet with a disc of planetesimal interior to its orbit. The results show the percentage of planetesimals that fall on the star. We identified the dependence of the planet's eccentricity (epe_p) and time scale of migration (τ\tau) on the rate of infalling planetesimals. For very fast migrations (τ=102\tau=10^2yr and τ=103\tau=10^3yr) there is no capture in mean motion resonances, independently of the value of epe_p. Then, due to the planet's migration the planetesimals suffer close approaches with the planet and more than 80% of them are ejected from the system. For slow migrations (τ=105\tau=10^5yr and τ=106\tau=10^6yr) the percentage of collisions with the planet decrease with the increase of the planet's eccentricity. For ep=0e_p=0 and ep=0.1e_p=0.1 most of the planetesimals were captured in the 2:1 resonance and more than 65% of them collided with the star. Whereas migration of a Jupiter mass planet to very short pericentric distances requires unrealistic high disc masses, these requirements are much smaller for smaller migrating planets. Our simulations for a slowly migrating 0.1 MJupiterM_{\rm Jupiter} planet, even demanding a possible primitive disc three times more massive than a primitive solar nebula, produces maximum [Fe/H] enrichments of the order of 0.18 dex. These calculations open possibilities to explain hot Jupiters exoplanets metallicities.Comment: Accepted for publication by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Simulation of Eu3+ luminescence spectra of borosilicate glasses by molecular dynamics calculations

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    Simplified inactive rare-earths doped nuclear waste glasses have been obtained by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation in order to investigate the local structure around the rare-earth by luminescence studies. MD calculations were performed with modified Born–Mayer–Huggins potentials and three body angular terms representing Coulomb and covalent interactions. Atomic positions within the glasses are then determined. Simulations of luminescence spectra were then obtained by calculation of the ligand field parameters affecting each luminescent ion. Considering the C2v symmetry, it is possible to calculate the radiative transition probabilities between the emitter level, 5D0, and the splitted receptor levels, 7FJ (J = 0–3) for each Eu3+ ion. The simulated emission spectra are obtained by convolution of all the Eu3+ ions contributions. A comparison with the experimental data issue from fluorescence line narrowing and microluminescence spectroscopies allowed us not only to validate the simulation of luminescence spectra from simulated environments, but also to confirm the presence and the identification of two major Eu3+ sites distribution in the nuclear glasses thanks to spectra-structure correlations

    VSI: the VLTI spectro-imager

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    The VLTI Spectro Imager (VSI) was proposed as a second-generation instrument of the Very Large Telescope Interferometer providing the ESO community with spectrally-resolved, near-infrared images at angular resolutions down to 1.1 milliarcsecond and spectral resolutions up to R=12000. Targets as faint as K=13 will be imaged without requiring a brighter nearby reference object. The unique combination of high-dynamic-range imaging at high angular resolution and high spectral resolution enables a scientific program which serves a broad user community and at the same time provides the opportunity for breakthroughs in many areas of astrophysic including: probing the initial conditions for planet formation in the AU-scale environments of young stars; imaging convective cells and other phenomena on the surfaces of stars; mapping the chemical and physical environments of evolved stars, stellar remnants, and stellar winds; and disentangling the central regions of active galactic nuclei and supermassive black holes. VSI will provide these new capabilities using technologies which have been extensively tested in the past and VSI requires little in terms of new infrastructure on the VLTI. At the same time, VSI will be able to make maximum use of new infrastructure as it becomes available; for example, by combining 4, 6 and eventually 8 telescopes, enabling rapid imaging through the measurement of up to 28 visibilities in every wavelength channel within a few minutes. The current studies are focused on a 4-telescope version with an upgrade to a 6-telescope one. The instrument contains its own fringe tracker and tip-tilt control in order to reduce the constraints on the VLTI infrastructure and maximize the scientific return.Comment: 12 pages, to be published in Proc. SPIE conference 7013 "Optical and Infrared Interferometry", Schoeller, Danchi, and Delplancke, F. (eds.). See also http://vsi.obs.ujf-grenoble.f

    Milli-arcsecond astrophysics with VSI, the VLTI spectro-imager in the ELT era

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    Nowadays, compact sources like surfaces of nearby stars, circumstellar environments of stars from early stages to the most evolved ones and surroundings of active galactic nuclei can be investigated at milli-arcsecond scales only with the VLT in its interferometric mode. We propose a spectro-imager, named VSI (VLTI spectro-imager), which is capable to probe these sources both over spatial and spectral scales in the near-infrared domain. This instrument will provide information complementary to what is obtained at the same time with ALMA at different wavelengths and the extreme large telescopes.Comment: 8 pages. To be published in the proceedings of the ESO workshop "Science with the VLT in the ELT Era", held in Garching (Germany) on 8-12 October 2007, A. Moorwood edito

    The SOPHIE search for northern extrasolar planets. V. Follow-up of ELODIE candidates: Jupiter-analogs around Sun-like stars

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    We present radial-velocity measurements obtained in a programs underway to search for extrasolar planets with the spectrograph SOPHIE at the 1.93-m telescope of the Haute-Provence Observatory. Targets were selected from catalogs observed with ELODIE, mounted previously at the telescope, in order to detect long-period planets with an extended database close to 15 years. Two new Jupiter-analog candidates are reported to orbit the bright stars HD150706 and HD222155 in 16.1 and 10.9 yr at 6.7 (+4.0,-1.4) and 5.1(+0.6,-0.7) AU and to have minimum masses of 2.71 (+1.44,-0.66) and 1.90 (+0.67,-0.53) M_Jup, respectively. Using the measurements from ELODIE and SOPHIE, we refine the parameters of the long-period planets HD154345b and HD89307b, and publish the first reliable orbit for HD24040b. This last companion has a minimum mass of 4.01 +/- 0.49 M_Jup orbiting its star in 10.0 yr at 4.92 +/- 0.38 AU. Moreover, the data provide evidence of a third bound object in the HD24040 system. With a surrounding dust debris disk, HD150706 is an active G0 dwarf for which we partially corrected the effect of the stellar spot on the SOPHIE radial-velocities. HD222155 is an inactive G2V star. On the basis of the previous findings of Lovis and collaborators and since no significant correlation between the radial-velocity variations and the activity index are found in the SOPHIE data, these variations are not expected to be only due to stellar magnetic cycles. Finally, we discuss the main properties of this new population of long-period Jupiter-mass planets, which for the moment, consists of fewer than 20 candidates. These stars are preferential targets either for direct-imaging or astrometry follow-up to constrain the system parameters and for higher precision radial-velocity to search for lower mass planets, aiming to find a Solar System twin.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Double-blind test program for astrometric planet detection with Gaia

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    We use detailed simulations of the Gaia observations of synthetic planetary systems and develop and utilize independent software codes in double-blind mode to analyze the data, including statistical tools for planet detection and different algorithms for single and multiple Keplerian orbit fitting that use no a priori knowledge of the true orbital parameters of the systems. 1) Planets with astrometric signatures α3\alpha\simeq 3 times the single-measurement error σψ\sigma_\psi and period P5P\leq 5 yr can be detected reliably, with a very small number of false positives. 2) At twice the detection limit, uncertainties in orbital parameters and masses are typically 1515%-20%. 3) Over 70% of two-planet systems with well-separated periods in the range 0.2P90.2\leq P\leq 9 yr, 2α/σψ502\leq\alpha/\sigma_\psi\leq 50, and eccentricity e0.6e\leq 0.6 are correctly identified. 4) Favorable orbital configurations have orbital elements measured to better than 10% accuracy >90> 90% of the time, and the value of the mutual inclination angle determined with uncertainties \leq 10^{\degr}. 5) Finally, uncertainties obtained from the fitting procedures are a good estimate of the actual errors. Extrapolating from the present-day statistical properties of the exoplanet sample, the results imply that a Gaia with σψ\sigma_\psi = 8 μ\muas, in its unbiased and complete magnitude-limited census of planetary systems, will measure several thousand giant planets out to 3-4 AUs from stars within 200 pc, and will characterize hundreds of multiple-planet systems, including meaningful coplanarity tests. Finally, we put Gaia into context, identifying several areas of planetary-system science in which Gaia can be expected to have a relevant impact, when combined with data coming from other ongoing and future planet search programs.Comment: 32 pages, 24 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for pubolication in A&

    Crystal structure of the Ego1-Ego2-Ego3 complex and its role in promoting Rag GTPase-dependent TORC1 signaling

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    The target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1) integrates various hormonal and nutrient signals to regulate cell growth, proliferation, and differentiation. Amino acid-dependent activation of TORC1 is mediated via the yeast EGO complex (EGOC) consisting of Gtr1, Gtr2, Ego1, and Ego3. Here, we identify the previously uncharacterized Ycr075w-a/Ego2 protein as an additional EGOC component that is required for the integrity and localization of the heterodimeric Gtr1-Gtr2 GTPases, equivalent to mammalian Rag GTPases. We also report the crystal structure of the Ego1-Ego2-Ego3 ternary complex (EGO-TC) at 2.4 Å resolution, in which Ego2 and Ego3 form a heterodimer flanked along one side by Ego1. Structural data also reveal the structural conservation of protein components between the yeast EGO-TC and the human Ragulator, which acts as a GEF for Rag GTPases. Interestingly, however, artificial tethering of Gtr1-Gtr2 to the vacuolar membrane is sufficient to activate TORC1 in response to amino acids even in the absence of the EGO-TC. Our structural and functional data therefore support a model in which the EGO-TC acts as a scaffold for Rag GTPases in TORC1 signaling

    TOI-4336 A b:A temperate sub-Neptune ripe for atmospheric characterization in a nearby triple M-dwarf system

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    Small planets transiting bright nearby stars are essential to our understanding of the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems. However, few constitute prime targets for atmospheric characterization, and even fewer are part of multiple star systems. This work aims to validate TOI-4336 A b, a sub-Neptune-sized exoplanet candidate identified by the TESS space-based transit survey around a nearby M-dwarf. We validate the planetary nature of TOI-4336 A b through the global analysis of TESS and follow-up multi-band high-precision photometric data from ground-based telescopes, medium- and high-resolution spectroscopy of the host star, high-resolution speckle imaging, and archival images. The newly discovered exoplanet TOI-4336 A b has a radius of 2.1±0.1R⊕. Its host star is an M3.5-dwarf star of mass 0.33±0.01M⊙ and radius 0.33±0.02R⊙ member of a hierarchical triple M-dwarf system 22 pc away from the Sun. The planet's orbital period of 16.3 days places it at the inner edge of the Habitable Zone of its host star, the brightest of the inner binary pair. The parameters of the system make TOI-4336 A b an extremely promising target for the detailed atmospheric characterization of a temperate sub-Neptune by transit transmission spectroscopy with JWST

    Yeast thioredoxin reductase Trr1p controls TORC1-regulated processes

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    The thioredoxin system plays a predominant role in the control of cellular redox status. Thioredoxin reductase fuels the system with reducing power in the form of NADPH. The TORC1 complex promotes growth and protein synthesis when nutrients, particularly amino acids, are abundant. It also represses catabolic processes, like autophagy, which are activated during starvation. We analyzed the impact of yeast cytosolic thioredoxin reductase TRR1 deletion under different environmental conditions. It shortens chronological life span and reduces growth in grape juice fermentation. TRR1 deletion has a global impact on metabolism during fermentation. As expected, it reduces oxidative stress tolerance, but a compensatory response is triggered, with catalase and glutathione increasing. Unexpectedly, TRR1 deletion causes sensitivity to the inhibitors of the TORC1 pathway, such as rapamycin. This correlates with low Tor2p kinase levels and indicates a direct role of Trr1p in its stability. Markers of TORC1 activity, however, suggest increased TORC1 activity. The autophagy caused by nitrogen starvation is reduced in the trr1Δ mutant. Ribosomal protein Rsp6p is dephosphorylated in the presence of rapamycin. This dephosphorylation diminishes in the TRR1 deletion strain. These results show a complex network of interactions between thioredoxin reductase Trr1p and the processes controlled by TOR

    TOI-2084 b and TOI-4184 b: two new sub-Neptunes around M dwarf stars

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    We present the discovery and validation of two TESS exoplanets orbiting nearby M dwarfs: TOI-2084b, and TOI-4184b. We characterized the host stars by combining spectra from Shane/Kast and Magellan/FIRE, SED (Spectral Energy Distribution) analysis, and stellar evolutionary models. In addition, we used Gemini-South/Zorro & -North/Alopeke high-resolution imaging, archival science images, and statistical validation packages to support the planetary interpretation. We performed a global analysis of multi-colour photometric data from TESS and ground-based facilities in order to derive the stellar and planetary physical parameters for each system. We find that TOI-2084b and TOI-4184b are sub-Neptune-sized planets with radii of Rp = 2.47 +/- 0.13R_Earth and Rp = 2.43 +/- 0.21R_Earth, respectively. TOI-2084b completes an orbit around its host star every 6.08 days, has an equilibrium temperature of T_eq = 527 +/- 8K and an irradiation of S_p = 12.8 +/- 0.8 S_Earth. Its host star is a dwarf of spectral M2.0 +/- 0.5 at a distance of 114pc with an effective temperature of T_eff = 3550 +/- 50 K, and has a wide, co-moving M8 companion at a projected separation of 1400 au. TOI-4184b orbits around an M5.0 +/- 0.5 type dwarf star (Kmag = 11.87) each 4.9 days, and has an equilibrium temperature of T_eq = 412 +/- 8 K and an irradiation of S_p = 4.8 +/- 0.4 S_Earth. TOI-4184 is a metal poor star ([Fe/H] = -0.27 +/- 0.09 dex) at a distance of 69 pc with an effective temperature of T_eff = 3225 +/- 75 K. Both planets are located at the edge of the sub-Jovian desert in the radius-period plane. The combination of the small size and the large infrared brightness of their host stars make these new planets promising targets for future atmospheric exploration with JWST.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&