152 research outputs found
Möjligheter att utfodra överskottsmjölk till kalvar efter pastörisering
Good feeding practices are a basic aspect of good calf health. During the calf's first few months the calf is fed with purchased milk replacer or raw milk straight from the cow. On all farms, it will be a surplus of milk that may not be delivered to the dairy for various reasons. Milk that may not be supplied to the dairy includes colostrum and milk with unnormal properties, including milk from cows suffering from mastitis. This study investigated the possibility of improving the milk by pasteurization in order to secure its use as feed for calves and thereby obtain an improved calf health. The milk that are not suitable to deliver to the dairy often contain high bacteria counts and may have a different composition than normal milk. Pasteurization reduces the bacterial number in both colostrum and milk from cows with mastitis. When colostrum is treated by pasteurization, it is important that the temperature is not too high, because that may destroy the immunoglobulins that are important for the calf. It is discussed how the various types of surplus milk should be pasteurized for the results to be at its best. The discussion also deals with the importance to investigate whether pasteurization is a viable alternative when normal or non-salable milk are used as feed for young calves. It is concluded that pasteurization is a good option when milk that may not be supplied to the dairy are used for feeding of calves.Goda utfodringsrutiner är av grundläggande betydelse för god kalvhälsa. Under kalvens första levnadsmånader utfodras den med kalvnäring som köps in i pulverform eller med helmjölk direkt från kon. På alla gårdar blir det ett överskott av mjölk som inte får levereras till mejeriet av olika anledningar. Mjölk som inte får levereras till mejeriet är bland annat råmjölk och mjölk med avvikande egenskaper vilket kan innebära mjölk från kor som lider av juverinflammation. I denna litteraturstudie utreds möjligheten att utnyttja sådan mjölk som foder till kalvar efter pastörisering, och därigenom skapa förutsättningar för en förbättrad kalvhälsa. Den mjölk som inte får levereras innehåller ofta ett högt bakterietal men också generellt en annorlunda sammansättning än vad mjölk vanligen gör med exempelvis högre innehåll av fett och protein.
Pastörisering minskar bakterietalet i både råmjölk och mjölk från kor med mastit. Vid pastörisering av råmjölk är det dock viktigt att temperaturen inte blir för hög vilket kan förstöra de för kalven viktiga immunoglobulinerna.
Litteraturstudien avslutas med en diskussion som belyser vilka rekommendationer som finns vid pastörisering för olika typer av överskottsmjölk för att resultatet ska bli som bäst. I diskussionen ligger även stor vikt vid att utreda om pastörisering är ett lönsamt alternativ. Slutsatsen av detta arbete är att pastörisering är ett bra alternativ om man vill använda den mjölk som inte får levereras till mejeriet som foder till kalvar
Contents of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in grasses and legumes harvested at different maturities
Concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in forage species at various maturities were studied in Scandinavia. Red clover (RC)/timothy (TI), RC/meadow fescue (MF), and
birdsfoot trefoil (BT)/TI mixtures were grown in Skara and Umeå, Sweden. RC/TI,RC/perennial ryegrass (PR), white clover/PR and BT/TI were grown in Foulum, Denmark. Forages in Sweden were cut one week before heading (BH), at heading and one week after heading of TI. The regrowth was cut six and eight weeks after each harvest in the spring growth cycle. In Denmark, one first harvest and three regrowths were taken. Results from Skara and Foulum are presented. Highest concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene (mg
kg-1 DM) in legumes were found in BT grown in Skara (49.8 and 69.6 in spring growth cycle,48.1 and 79.8 in regrowth) and in Foulum (81.3 and 89.2). MF had more α-tocopherol and β-carotene than TI in the spring growth cycle (73.5 and 54.2 vs. 46.9 and 43.0 mg kg-1 DM). Highest concentrations of vitamins in the regrowth were found six weeks after BH with 71.8 and 104.8 mg α-tocopherol and 99.6 and 73.1 mg β-carotene kg-1 DM in legumes and grasses,respectively
Kohti savutonta Suomea - Tupakoinnin ja tupakkapolitiikan muutokset
Suomi on toteuttanut terveystavoitteista tupakkapolitiikkaa ensimmäisten maiden joukossa. Kuitenkin edelleen noin 20 prosenttia työikäisestä väestöstä tupakoi päivittäin ja tupakoinnin väestöryhmittäiset erot ovat jatkuvasti kasvaneet. Kohti savutonta Suomea on tiivis yleisesitys tupakkapolitiikan kehityksestä ja vaikutuksista Suomessa. Kirjassa myös perustellaan, miksi tupakoimattomuuden edistämiseen tähtäävää työtä on jatkettava ja pohditaan, mitä tupakkalain tavoitteena olevan savuttoman Suomen saavuttaminen edellyttää. Kirja koostuu yhdeksästä asiantuntija-artikkelista ja näkökulmasta tupakkaan. Tupakkapolitiikan kehityksen ohella aiheina ovat muun muassa nikotiiniriippuvuuden kuvaus kroonisena sairautena, tupakkalain valvonnan ja kuntien savuttomuuteen siirtymisen haasteet. Kirja antaa myös uutta tutkimustietoa tupakointikieltojen toteutumisesta oppilaitoksissa, kansalaisten suhtautumisesta tupakointirajoituksiin sekä tupakan kysyntään vaikuttavista taloudellisista tekijöistä. Kohti savutonta Suomea on tarkoitettu sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaisille, opiskelijoille, päättäjille, tutkijoille ja kaikille tupakkaan liittyvistä teemoista kiinnostuneille
Assisting nurses in care documentation: from automated sentence classification to coherent document structures with subject headings
Up to 35% of nurses' working time is spent on care documentation.
We describe the evaluation of a system aimed at assisting nurses in
documenting patient care and potentially reducing the documentation
workload. Our goal is to enable nurses to write or dictate nursing notes
in a narrative manner without having to manually structure their text
under subject headings. In the current care classification standard used
in the targeted hospital, there are more than 500 subject headings to
choose from, making it challenging and time consuming for nurses to use.
The task of the presented system is to automatically group
sentences into paragraphs and assign subject headings. For
classification the system relies on a neural network-based text
classification model. The nursing notes are initially classified on
sentence level. Subsequently coherent paragraphs are constructed from
related sentences.
Based on a manual evaluation conducted by a group of three domain
experts, we find that in about 69% of the paragraphs formed by the
system the topics of the sentences are coherent and the assigned
paragraph headings correctly describe the topics. We also show that the
use of a paragraph merging step reduces the number of paragraphs
produced by 23% without affecting the performance of the system.
The study shows that the presented system produces a coherent and
logical structure for freely written nursing narratives and has the
potential to reduce the time and effort nurses are currently spending on
documenting care in hospitals.
Integration of molecular profiles in a longitudinal wellness profiling cohort
An important aspect of precision medicine is to probe the stability in molecular profiles among healthy individuals over time. Here, we sample a longitudinal wellness cohort with 100 healthy individuals and analyze blood molecular profiles including proteomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, autoantibodies and immune cell profiling, complemented with gut microbiota composition and routine clinical chemistry. Overall, our results show high variation between individuals across different molecular readouts, while the intra-individual baseline variation is low. The analyses show that each individual has a unique and stable plasma protein profile throughout the study period and that many individuals also show distinct profiles with regards to the other omics datasets, with strong underlying connections between the blood proteome and the clinical chemistry parameters. In conclusion, the results support an individual-based definition of health and show that comprehensive omics profiling in a longitudinal manner is a path forward for precision medicine
The human secretome
The proteins secreted by human cells (collectively referred to as the secretome) are important not only for the basic understanding of human biology but also for the identification of potential targets for future diagnostics and therapies. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of proteins predicted to be secreted in human cells, which provides information about their final localization in the human body, including the proteins actively secreted to peripheral blood. The analysis suggests that a large number of the proteins of the secretome are not secreted out of the cell, but instead are retained intracellularly, whereas another large group of proteins were identified that are predicted to be retained locally at the tissue of expression and not secreted into the blood. Proteins detected in the human blood by mass spectrometry-based proteomics and antibody-based immuno-assays are also presented with estimates of their concentrations in the blood. The results are presented in an updated version 19 of the Human Protein Atlas in which each gene encoding a secretome protein is annotated to provide an open-access knowledge resource of the human secretome, including body-wide expression data, spatial localization data down to the single-cell and subcellular levels, and data about the presence of proteins that are detectable in the blood
Justify your alpha
Benjamin et al. proposed changing the conventional “statistical significance” threshold (i.e.,the alpha level) from p ≤ .05 to p ≤ .005 for all novel claims with relatively low prior odds. They provided two arguments for why lowering the significance threshold would “immediately improve the reproducibility of scientific research.” First, a p-value near .05provides weak evidence for the alternative hypothesis. Second, under certain assumptions, an alpha of .05 leads to high false positive report probabilities (FPRP2 ; the probability that a significant finding is a false positive
Genetic predisposition to mosaic Y chromosome loss in blood.
Mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in circulating white blood cells is the most common form of clonal mosaicism1-5, yet our knowledge of the causes and consequences of this is limited. Here, using a computational approach, we estimate that 20% of the male population represented in the UK Biobank study (n = 205,011) has detectable LOY. We identify 156 autosomal genetic determinants of LOY, which we replicate in 757,114 men of European and Japanese ancestry. These loci highlight genes that are involved in cell-cycle regulation and cancer susceptibility, as well as somatic drivers of tumour growth and targets of cancer therapy. We demonstrate that genetic susceptibility to LOY is associated with non-haematological effects on health in both men and women, which supports the hypothesis that clonal haematopoiesis is a biomarker of genomic instability in other tissues. Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies dysregulated expression of autosomal genes in leukocytes with LOY and provides insights into why clonal expansion of these cells may occur. Collectively, these data highlight the value of studying clonal mosaicism to uncover fundamental mechanisms that underlie cancer and other ageing-related diseases.This research has been conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under application 9905 and 19808. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council [Unit Programme number MC_UU_12015/2]. Full study-specific and individual acknowledgements can be found in the supplementary information
Immune cells lacking Y chromosome show dysregulation of autosomal gene expression
Funder: Kjell och Märta Beijers Stiftelse (SE)Funder: Hjärnfonden; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003792Funder: Cancerfonden; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002794Funder: Vetenskapsrådet; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004359Funder: Alzheimerfonden; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100008599Funder: Konung Gustaf V:s och Drottning Victorias Frimurarestiftelse (SE)Funder: Science for Life Laboratory (SE)Funder: Fundacja na rzecz Nauki Polskiej (PL)Funder: Uppsala UniversityAbstract: Epidemiological investigations show that mosaic loss of chromosome Y (LOY) in leukocytes is associated with earlier mortality and morbidity from many diseases in men. LOY is the most common acquired mutation and is associated with aberrant clonal expansion of cells, yet it remains unclear whether this mosaicism exerts a direct physiological effect. We studied DNA and RNA from leukocytes in sorted- and single-cells in vivo and in vitro. DNA analyses of sorted cells showed that men diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease was primarily affected with LOY in NK cells whereas prostate cancer patients more frequently displayed LOY in CD4 + T cells and granulocytes. Moreover, bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing in leukocytes allowed scoring of LOY from mRNA data and confirmed considerable variation in the rate of LOY across individuals and cell types. LOY-associated transcriptional effect (LATE) was observed in ~ 500 autosomal genes showing dysregulation in leukocytes with LOY. The fraction of LATE genes within specific cell types was substantially larger than the fraction of LATE genes shared between different subsets of leukocytes, suggesting that LOY might have pleiotropic effects. LATE genes are involved in immune functions but also encode proteins with roles in other diverse biological processes. Our findings highlight a surprisingly broad role for chromosome Y, challenging the view of it as a “genetic wasteland”, and support the hypothesis that altered immune function in leukocytes could be a mechanism linking LOY to increased risk for disease
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