5 research outputs found
The limits of India’s ethno-linguistic federation: understanding the demise of Sikh nationalism
- Author
- Austin G.
- Baruah S.
- Bhattacharyya H.
- Bhattacharyya H.
- Bose Sumantra.
- Brass P. R.
- Chadda M.
- Commission on Centre-State Relations
- Das J. Kr.
- Dhillon K. S.
- Embree A. T.
- Franke M.
- Gellner E.
- Government of India
- Grewal J. S.
- Gurharpal Singh
- Heewon Kim
- Jaffrelot C.
- Jeffrey R.
- Khilnani S.
- Kohli A.
- Kumar R. N.
- McGarry J.
- Morris-Jones W. H.
- Nehru J.
- O’Leary B.
- Sathyamurthy T. V.
- Shani G.
- Singh A. P. K.
- Singh G.
- Singh J.
- Suri K. C.
- Talbot I.
- Thandi S. S.
- Wheare K. C.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- 16/03/2018
- Field of study
From 1984 until 1993, the Indian state of Punjab witnessed a sustained insurgency by Sikh militants campaigning for a separate sovereign state. This insurgency was ultimately defeated by the overwhelming use of security force that officially resulted in the deaths of 30,000 people. By the mid-1990s, a ‘normalcy’ had returned to Punjab politics, but the underlying issues which had fuelled the demand for separatism remain unaddressed. This paper examines critically the argument that India’s ethno-linguistic federation is exceptional in accommodating ethno-nationalist movements. By drawing on the Punjab case study, it argues that special considerations apply to the governance of peripheral regions (security, religion). Regional elites in these states struggle to build legitimacy because such legitimacy poses a threat to India’s nation and state-building. In short, India’s ethno-linguistic federation is only partially successful in managing ethno-linguistic demands in the peripheral Indian states
Commission on Centre-State relations: Report. Part. I
- Publication venue
- Government of India Press, Nasik
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study
Commission on Centre-State Relations report. Part. II
- Publication venue
- Controller of Publications, New Delhi
- Publication date
- 01/01/1984
- Field of study
Commission on Centre-State relations: Report. Part. II
- Publication venue
- Government of India Press, Nasik
- Publication date
- 01/01/1987
- Field of study
- Author
- Abegglen
- Abouhard
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics)
- ACIRRT (Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training)
- Action Aid Viet Nam (AAV)
- Action Aid Viet Nam (AAV)
- ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Unions)
- ADB (Asian Development Bank)
- ADB (Asian Development Bank)
- AFPC (Australian Fair Pay Commission)
- Agell
- Agell
- Agell
- Ahn
- Aldaba
- Alonzo
- ALP (Australian Labor Party)
- Alston
- Aoki
- Aoki
- Asakura
- ASCC (Australian Safety and Compensation Council)
- ASCC (Australian Safety and Compensation Council)
- Ashiagbor
- Auer
- Australian Government
- Baird
- Bamber
- Bamber
- Bamber
- Bank Indonesia
- Bank Indonesia
- Bank Indonesia
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- Berg
- Berg
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- Blanchflower
- Blanchflower
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- Briggs
- Briggs
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- Brown
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- Busse
- Cabinet Office. Government of Japan
- Cai
- Cai
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- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
- Campbell
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- Carmelo
- Carr
- Castles
- Central Board of Statistics (CBS)
- Central Board of Statistics (CBS)
- Chan
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- Charoenloet
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- Cheon
- Cheon
- China Statistical Office
- China Statistical Office
- Cho
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- Choi
- Choi
- Chor
- Clark
- Clegg
- Coe
- Collins
- Collins
- Collins
- Communist Party of China
- Conaghan
- Cooke
- Cooke
- Cooney
- Cox Edwards
- Creighton
- Cunningham
- Da Nang Labour Confederation and AAV
- Dang
- Dao
- Dao
- Dao
- Deakin
- Deakin
- Deakin
- Deakin
- Deery
- Dejillas
- Denniss
- Denniss
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare
- Department of Labour Protection and Social Welfare Ministry of Labour Protection and Social Welfare, Thailand
- Do
- Dollar
- Dollar
- Economist The
- Edward
- Eyraud
- Felipe
- Felipe
- Feng
- Fenwick
- Fenwick
- Flanagan
- Flanagan
- Forster
- Freedom House
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Freeman
- Frenkel
- Freyens
- Friedricht-Ebert Stiftung and Woman Workers’ Unity Group
- Frijters
- Futagami
- Gallup
- General Office of State Council China
- General Office of State Council China
- Ghose
- Gill
- Goldberg
- Government of Viet Nam
- Government of Viet Nam
- Green
- Grimshaw
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office)
- GSO (General Statistics Office) Viet Nam
- Guo
- Guo
- Gust
- Ha
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- Hall
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- Hanami
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- Hart
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- Hatem
- Heiler
- Hepple
- Hidayat
- Hoai
- Hong
- Houtart
- Howe
- HREOC (Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission)
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hwang
- Hämäläinen
- Indonesia: Investment climate statement
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Institute for Labour Science and Social Affairs (ILSSA)
- Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- International Institute for Management Development
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Labour Office (ILO)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Itoh
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training
- Japan Productivity Centre for Socio-Economic Development (JPC-SED)
- Jeong
- Johnstone
- Junor
- Kambayashi
- Keum
- Khalik
- Kim
- Klare
- Knox
- Koike
- Koike
- Kong
- Korean Association of Labour Standards
- Kristensen
- Krungthep Turakit
- Kubo
- Kubo
- Kubo
- Kubo
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kucera
- Kusakabe
- Kuwahara
- Labstat Updates
- LaMontagne
- Langille
- Lanzona
- Laplagne
- Le Serve
- Le Xuan
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lee
- Lemos
- Li
- Li
- Lim
- Lim
- Lindsey
- Lloyd
- Louie
- Lubis
- Macaraya
- Macaraya
- Maloney
- Maloney
- Manning
- Manning
- Manning
- Manning
- Manning
- Maskay
- Maskus
- McCann
- McCann
- McNamara
- Mincer
- Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, Japan
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China and ILO
- Ministry of Labour and Social Security China and ILO/USA Declaration Project Indonesia
- Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Indonesia
- Mitchell
- Miyamoto
- Mizumachi
- Mizushima
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- MOLISA (Ministry of Labour Invalids and Social Affairs, Viet Nam)
- Morito
- Motonishi
- MPDF (Mekong Project Development Facility)
- Murray
- Murray
- Nakakubo
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- National Human Rights Committee Thailand
- National Statistical Office (NSO)
- Ngai
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nguyen
- Nicholson
- NILS (National Institute of Labour Studies)
- NOHSC (National Occupational Health and Safety Commission)
- Odagiri
- Ofreneo
- Ogura
- Ohtake
- Ohtake
- Opiniano
- Owens
- O’Donnell
- O’Donnell
- Parham
- Parham
- Peetz
- Peetz
- Philippine Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
- Philippine Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics
- Pipitsuksant
- Pissarides
- Pitayanon
- Pocock
- Pocock
- Portes
- Presidential Commission on Industrial Relations Reform
- Presidential Committee for Quality-of-Life
- Preston
- Productivity Commission
- Quiggin
- Quinlan
- Rama
- Richardson
- Rittich
- Rodrik
- Rodrik
- Rodrik
- Ross
- Rowley
- Rutkowski
- Saget
- Santoso
- Sasi
- Schmid
- Schmid
- Sen
- Sen
- Shimada
- Sibal
- Siengthai
- Siengthai
- Sijabat
- Sijabat
- SMERU (Social Monitoring and Early Response Unit)
- Social Science Research Institute
- Standing
- State Council
- Stern
- Stewart
- Stewart
- Stiglitz
- Storey
- Sugiyarto
- Supiot
- Susastro
- Sutherland
- Sweatshop Education and Research Office (SERO)
- Szal
- Sziraczki
- Tachibanaki
- Tachibanaki
- Tachibanaki
- Tenev
- Thailand Development and Research Institute (TDRI)
- Tian
- Tomita
- Tomiura
- Tonguthai
- Tran
- Traxler
- Tsuchida
- Tsuru
- Tuano
- UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific)
- van Wanrooy
- Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour Unions (VGCL)
- Viet Nam Social Institute
- Viet Nam Social Insurance (VSI)
- Villamil
- Vo
- Wang
- Waring
- Watson
- Watson
- Watson
- WBSAR (World Bank South Asia Region)
- Webster
- Whitehouse
- Whitehouse
- Whitehouse
- Wooden
- Wooden
- Wooden
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Trade Organization
- World Trade Organization
- Yamakawa
- Yi
- Yoo
- Yoshida
- Zhou
- Zhu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study