62 research outputs found

    SĂ©minaire interdisciplinaire sur le Monde chinois

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    SĂ©minaire collectif sous la responsabilitĂ© d’Yves Chevrier, directeur d’études et Isabelle Thireau, directeur de recherche au CNRS Comme au cours des annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes, le « SĂ©minaire interdisciplinaire sur le Monde chinois » a articulĂ© les mĂ©thodes et questions tant classiques que nouvelles de la sinologie aux mĂ©thodes et disciplines des sciences sociales. Il s’est efforcĂ© de poursuivre l’objectif qui est le sien depuis plusieurs annĂ©es : remĂ©dier au cloisonnement qu’entraĂźne la spĂ©cialisat..

    Exposure to Phthalates and Phenols during Pregnancy and Offspring Size at Birth

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    Background: Data concerning the effects of prenatal exposures to phthalates and phenols on fetal growth are limited in humans. Previous findings suggest possible effects of some phenols on male birth weight

    Context and Cardiovascular Risk Modification in Two Regions of Ontario, Canada: A Photo Elicitation Study

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    Cardiovascular diseases, which include coronary heart diseases (CHD), remain the leading cause of death in Canada and other industrialized countries. This qualitative study used photo-elicitation, focus groups and in-depth interviews to understand health behaviour change from the perspectives of 38 people who were aware of their high risk for CHD and had received information about cardiovascular risk modification while participating in a larger intervention study. Participants were drawn from two selected regions: Sudbury and District (northern Ontario) and the Greater Toronto Area (southern Ontario). Analysis drew on concepts of place and space to capture the complex interplay between geographic location, sociodemographic position, and people’s efforts to understand and modify their risk for CHD. Three major sites of difference and ambiguity emerged: 1) place and access to health resources; 2) time and food culture; and 3) itineraries or travels through multiple locations. All participants reported difficulties in learning and adhering to new lifestyle patterns, but access to supportive health resources was different in the two regions. Even within regions, subgroups experienced different patterns of constraint and advantage. In each region, “fast” food and traditional foods were entrenched within different temporal and social meanings. Finally, different and shifting strategies for risk modification were required at various points during daily and seasonal travels through neighbourhoods, to workplaces, or on vacation. Thus health education for CHD risk modification should be place-specific and tailored to the needs and resources of specific communities

    Fifteen years of research on oral–facial–digital syndromes: from 1 to 16 causal genes

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    Oral–facial–digital syndromes (OFDS) gather rare genetic disorders characterised by facial, oral and digital abnormalities associated with a wide range of additional features (polycystic kidney disease, cerebral malformations and several others) to delineate a growing list of OFDS subtypes. The most frequent, OFD type I, is caused by a heterozygous mutation in the OFD1 gene encoding a centrosomal protein. The wide clinical heterogeneity of OFDS suggests the involvement of other ciliary genes. For 15 years, we have aimed to identify the molecular bases of OFDS. This effort has been greatly helped by the recent development of whole-exome sequencing (WES). Here, we present all our published and unpublished results for WES in 24 cases with OFDS. We identified causal variants in five new genes (C2CD3, TMEM107, INTU, KIAA0753 and IFT57) and related the clinical spectrum of four genes in other ciliopathies (C5orf42, TMEM138, TMEM231 and WDPCP) to OFDS. Mutations were also detected in two genes previously implicated in OFDS. Functional studies revealed the involvement of centriole elongation, transition zone and intraflagellar transport defects in OFDS, thus characterising three ciliary protein modules: the complex KIAA0753-FOPNL-OFD1, a regulator of centriole elongation; the Meckel-Gruber syndrome module, a major component of the transition zone; and the CPLANE complex necessary for IFT-A assembly. OFDS now appear to be a distinct subgroup of ciliopathies with wide heterogeneity, which makes the initial classification obsolete. A clinical classification restricted to the three frequent/well-delineated subtypes could be proposed, and for patients who do not fit one of these three main subtypes, a further classification could be based on the genotype


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    CHATENAY M.-PARIS 11-BU Pharma. (920192101) / SudocSudocFranceF


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    De la France, Alexis de Tocqueville a dit, sur le mode interrogatif : « La plus brillante et la plus dangereuse des nations de l’Europe, et la mieux faite pour y devenir tour Ă  tour un objet d’admiration, de haine, de pitiĂ©, de terreur, mais jamais d’indiffĂ©rence ? » Vue d’AmĂ©rique, et plus particuliĂšrement des rives du Saint-Laurent, la France n’apparaĂźt peut-ĂȘtre pas aussi terrible qu’elle a pu l’ĂȘtre jadis ou qu’elle le peut encore aujourd’hui. PlacĂ© entre les deux grandes nations universa..

    La France depuis de Gaulle

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    La Ve RĂ©publique française se dĂ©marque des autres rĂ©gimes politiques contemporains par les circonstances exceptionnelles de sa naissance, mais peut-ĂȘtre surtout par sa stabilitĂ©, alors qu'elle Ă©tait loin de faire l'unanimitĂ© Ă  ses dĂ©buts et qu'encore de nos jours on ne compte plus les dĂ©saveux et les constats d'Ă©chec. Mais par-delĂ  l'apparente stabilitĂ© du rĂ©gime, depuis un demi-siĂšcle, la France a connu de vĂ©ritables mĂ©tamorphoses, dont les auteurs de ce livre retracent les contours. AprĂšs ..

    « Vu à la télé » : tourisme et fictions télévisuelles françaises

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    As tourism linked to fiction in all its forms has developed strongly, national television productions have become important stimuli for domestic tourism. This is the case of contemporary French television series, both daily soaps (Plus belle la vie, Un si grand soleil, etc.) and crime series (Meurtres à..., Crimes en....) produced by the public service. This article sheds light on the transition in French television fiction from an interest in history (during the 1960s-1980s) to an interest in « territories ». They are now full-fledged agents in the fiction, even first in the writing of the scenarios (the place is chosen before the plot is elaborated), because the objectives are operations of promotion and territorial marketing. This study is based on the analysis of the crime series Meurtres à... co-produced by France 3 and RTBF since 2013. The fictionalization of the space of these « territories », their activities and their stories, tales and legends therefore participates in new geographical narratives, likely to be part of tourism practices as well as residential choices

    La participation citoyenne pour développer un quartier

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    Ce rĂ©cit de pratique tente de montrer comment une stratĂ©gie de participation/mobilisation citoyenne peut contribuer Ă  la revitalisation urbaine intĂ©grĂ©e (RUI) d’un quartier, et favoriser ultimement les conditions de la sortie de la pauvretĂ© et de l’exclusion sociale. Au-delĂ  du dĂ©fi de la mobilisation citoyenne se trouve l’enjeu d’un territoire administratif et imposĂ© par les paliers de gouvernement supĂ©rieurs. La dĂ©marche de participation citoyenne souhaite dĂ©velopper un sentiment d’appartenance et d’appropriation pour en faire un quartier qui partage des visions et des intĂ©rĂȘts communs.This practice narrative attempts to show how a strategy of citizen participation and mobilization can contribute to a neighborhood’s integrated urban revitalization, ultimately creating conditions to help people out of poverty. Beyond the challenge of citizen mobilization lies the issue of an administrative territory, defined by higher levels of government. The process of citizen participation aims to develop a sense of belonging and ownership towards a neighbourhood that will share a common vision and common interests

    Chemical and Biological Weapons in the Third World

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