95 research outputs found

    AC-KBO Revisited

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    Equational theories that contain axioms expressing associativity and commutativity (AC) of certain operators are ubiquitous. Theorem proving methods in such theories rely on well-founded orders that are compatible with the AC axioms. In this paper we consider various definitions of AC-compatible Knuth-Bendix orders. The orders of Steinbach and of Korovin and Voronkov are revisited. The former is enhanced to a more powerful version, and we modify the latter to amend its lack of monotonicity on non-ground terms. We further present new complexity results. An extension reflecting the recent proposal of subterm coefficients in standard Knuth-Bendix orders is also given. The various orders are compared on problems in termination and completion.Comment: 31 pages, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) special issue for the 12th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (FLOPS 2014

    Soundness of Unravelings for Conditional Term Rewriting Systems via Ultra-Properties Related to Linearity

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    Unravelings are transformations from a conditional term rewriting system (CTRS, for short) over an original signature into an unconditional term rewriting systems (TRS, for short) over an extended signature. They are not sound w.r.t. reduction for every CTRS, while they are complete w.r.t. reduction. Here, soundness w.r.t. reduction means that every reduction sequence of the corresponding unraveled TRS, of which the initial and end terms are over the original signature, can be simulated by the reduction of the original CTRS. In this paper, we show that an optimized variant of Ohlebusch's unraveling for a deterministic CTRS is sound w.r.t. reduction if the corresponding unraveled TRS is left-linear or both right-linear and non-erasing. We also show that soundness of the variant implies that of Ohlebusch's unraveling. Finally, we show that soundness of Ohlebusch's unraveling is the weakest in soundness of the other unravelings and a transformation, proposed by Serbanuta and Rosu, for (normal) deterministic CTRSs, i.e., soundness of them respectively implies that of Ohlebusch's unraveling.Comment: 49 pages, 1 table, publication in Special Issue: Selected papers of the "22nd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA'11)

    Computer simulation of diffusion processes in tilt spatio-periodic potentials

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    Нещодавно було показано, що в істотно нерівноважних системах коефіцієнт дифузії може вести себе немонотонно з температурою. Одним із прикладів таких систем з аномальною температурної залежністю є рух броунівських часток в просторово-періодичних структурах. Метою статті було дослідження зміни температурної залежності дифузії в недодемпфованих системах з низьким коефіцієнтом тертя. В роботі методами комп'ютерного моделювання вивчено зміна коефіцієнта дифузії частинок в широкому діапазоні температур в нахилених просторово-періодичних потенціалах для різних значень коефіцієнта тертя. Показано, що дифузія досягає максимуму при певній величині зовнішньої сили. Її значення залежить від величини коефіцієнта тертя. Показано, що на відміну від звичайної залежності Аррениуса, в разі нахиленого періодичного потенціалу, максимальний коефіцієнт дифузії зростає, а не зменшується з пониженням температури експоненціальним чином. Встановлено, що така залежність характерна для всіх недодемпфованих систем. Показано, що для просторово-періодичних структур існує обмежена ділянка сил, в якому спостерігається зростання коефіцієнта дифузії зі зменшенням температури. Це область так званої температурно-аномальної дифузії (ТАД). Визначено ширина і положення області ТАД в залежності від коефіцієнта тертя γ і параметрів системи. Показано, що зі зменшенням γ, ширина області ТАД зменшується пропорційно γ. При цьому коефіцієнт дифузії в області ТАД, навпаки зростає ~γ. Отримані дані про температурно-аномальної дифузії мають важливе значення для різних областей фізики і техніки та відкривають перспективи створення новітніх технологій управління процесами дифузії.It was recently shown that in essentially nonequilibrium systems, the diffusion coefficient can behave nonmonotonically with temperature. One example of such systems with anomalous temperature dependence is the motion of Brownian particles in spatially periodic structures. The aim of the article was to study the change in the temperature dependence of diffusion in underdamped systems with a low coefficient of friction. In this paper, computer simulation methods are used to study the change in the diffusion coefficient of particles in a wide range of temperatures in oblique spatially periodic potentials for different values of the friction coefficient. It is shown that diffusion reaches a maximum at a certain external force. Its value depends on the coefficient of friction. It is shown that, in contrast to the usual Arrhenius dependence, in the case of an inclined periodic potential, the maximum diffusion coefficient increases while temperature is decreasing exponentially. It is established that such a dependence is common to all underdamped systems. It is shown that for spatially periodic structures there is a limited portion of forces in which an increase in the diffusion coefficient while decreasing temperature is observed. This is the area of the so-called temperature-anomalous diffusion (TAD). The width and position of the TAD region are determined depending on the friction coefficient γ and the system parameters. It has been shown that a decrease in γ, width TAD region decreases proportionally γ. In this case, the diffusion coefficient in the TAD region, on the contrary, increases ~γ. The data obtained on the temperature and the anomalous diffusion are important for various fields of physics and engineering, and opens new prospects for a diffusion process control technology

    A Formally Verified Floating-Point Implementation of the Compact Position Reporting Algorithm

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    The Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) system allows aircraft to communicate their current state, including position and velocity information, to other aircraft in their vicinity and to ground stations. The Compact Position Reporting (CPR) algorithm is the ADS-B module responsible for the encoding and decoding of aircraft positions. CPR is highly sensitive to computer arithmetic since it heavily relies on functions that are intrinsically unstable such as floor and modulo. In this paper, a formally-verified double-precision floating-point implementation of the CPR algorithm is presented. The verification proceeds in three steps. First, an alternative version of CPR, which reduces the floating-point rounding error is proposed. Then, the Prototype Verification System (PVS) is used to formally prove that the ideal real-number counterpart of the improved algorithm is mathematically equivalent to the standard CPR definition. Finally, the static analyzer Frama-C is used to verify that the double-precision implementation of the improved algorithm is correct with respect to its operational requirement. The alternative algorithm is currently being considered for inclusion in the revised version of the ADS-B standards document as the reference implementation of the CPR algorithm

    Wave Equation Numerical Resolution: a Comprehensive Mechanized Proof of a C Program

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    We formally prove correct a C program that implements a numerical scheme for the resolution of the one-dimensional acoustic wave equation. Such an implementation introduces errors at several levels: the numerical scheme introduces method errors, and floating-point computations lead to round-off errors. We annotate this C program to specify both method error and round-off error. We use Frama-C to generate theorems that guarantee the soundness of the code. We discharge these theorems using SMT solvers, Gappa, and Coq. This involves a large Coq development to prove the adequacy of the C program to the numerical scheme and to bound errors. To our knowledge, this is the first time such a numerical analysis program is fully machine-checked.Comment: No. RR-7826 (2011

    Effects of halogens on European air-quality

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    Halogens (Cl, Br) have a profound influence on stratospheric ozone (O3). They (Cl, Br and I) have recently also been shown to impact the troposphere, notably by reducing the mixing ratios of O3 and OH. Their potential for impacting regional air-quality is less well understood. We explore the impact of halogens on regional pollutants (focussing on O3) with the European grid of the GEOS-Chem model (0.25° × 0.3125°). It has recently been updated to include a representation of halogen chemistry. We focus on the summer of 2015 during the ICOZA campaign at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory on the North Sea coast of the UK. Comparisons between these observations together with those from the UK air-quality network show that the model has some skill in representing the mixing ratios/concentration of pollutants during this period. Although the model has some success in simulating the Weybourne ClNO2 observations, it significantly underestimates ClNO2 observations reported at inland locations. It also underestimates mixing ratios of IO, OIO, I2 and BrO, but this may reflect the coastal nature of these observations. Model simulations, with and without halogens, highlight the processes by which halogens can impact O3. Throughout the domain O3 mixing ratios are reduced by halogens. In northern Europe this is due to a change in the background O3 advected into the region, whereas in southern Europe this is due to local chemistry driven by Mediterranean emissions. The proportion of hourly O3 above 50 nmol mol-1 in Europe is reduced from 46% to 18% by halogens. ClNO2 from N2O5 uptake onto sea-salt leads to increases in O3 mixing ratio, but these are smaller than the decreases caused by the bromine and iodine. 12% of ethane and 16% of acetone within the boundary layer is oxidised by Cl. Aerosol response to halogens is complex with small (∼10%) reductions in PM2.5 in most locations. A lack of observational constraints coupled to large uncertainties in emissions and chemical processing of halogens make these conclusions tentative at best. However, the results here point to the potential for halogen chemistry to influence air quality policy in Europe and other parts of the world

    Termination Modulo Combinations of Equational Theories

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    Rewriting with rules R modulo axioms E is a widely used technique in both rule-based programming languages and in automated deduction. Termination methods for rewriting systems modulo specific axioms E (e.g., associativity-commutativity) are known. However, much less seems to be known about termination methods that can be modular in the set E of axioms. In fact, current termination tools and proof methods cannot be applied to commonly occurring combinations of axioms that fall outside their scope. This work proposes a modular termination proof method based on semantics- and termination-preserving transformations that can reduce the proof of termination of rules R modulo E to an equivalent proof of termination of the transformed rules modulo a typically much simpler set B of axioms. Our method is based on the notion of variants of a term recently proposed by Comon and Delaune. We illustrate its practical usefulness by considering the very common case in which E is an arbitrary combination of associativity, commutativity, left- and right-identity axioms for various function symbols.F. Dur ??an and S. Lucas were partially supported by Spanish MEC under grants TIN 2008-03107 and TIN 2007-68093-C02, respectively. J. Meseguer was partially supported by NSF Grants CNS 07-16638 and CNS 08-31064.unpublishednot peer reviewe

    The termination competition 2006

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    The third Termination Competition took place in June 2006. We present the background, results and conclusions of this competition

    Using high-level synthesis and formal analysis to predict and preempt attacks on industrial control systems

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