383 research outputs found

    METRO - The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and Cities. Annex I: Conceptual framework and methodology

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    The scope of the ESPON METRO project is rather broad, as its research positions at the intersection of a number of fields, ranging from territorial governance and spatial planning, to public administration and policy analysis and European integration studies, up to regional development studies. In order to explore the role that metropolitan areas play as catalysts and drivers of global development, as a consequence of complex processes of socioeconomic reorganisation and rescaling that have evolved through time, and with particular reference to the European Union (EU) cohesion policy, the METRO research team has framed its action and analysis within a composite and articulated conceptual and methodological framework. In particular, the latter has been shaped in order to allow the researchers engaged in the project to answer the three main policy questions animating the study: PQ1 | What role do metropolitan areas play in the development, management and implementation of the cohesion policy? PQ2 | What is the added value of the cohesion policy in the planning and implementation of metropolitan policies? PQ3 | What role does the cohesion policy play in consolidating metropolitan governance and cooperation? The conceptual and methodological framework for the project has been developed during the first months of the research, building on the materials already included in the project proposal, that were further detailed and consolidated through: A thorough consideration of previous research works on similar matters as well as of the existing scientific literature in the field of metropolitan governance and European integration and Europeanisation. The interaction with the project’s Steering Committee Members during the METRO kick-off meeting (October the 9th, 2020), the comments received in response to the Delivery n.1 and the outcomes of the Steering Committee Meeting n. 2 (November the 16th, 2020) and 3 (February the 23rd, 2021). This Annex to the Final Report presents said conceptual framework and methodology more in detail

    The massive Wolf-Rayet Binary LSS1964 (=WR29), II: the V light curve

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    Context. WR 29 is a known WN7h+O double-lined binary system with a rather short period (3.164 days). Aims. We search for light variations to determine the inclination of the system and thus the absolute masses of both components. Methods. We observed photometrically the field of WR 29 between December, 2002, and February, 2006. Results. We find that the V light of WR 29 varies in phase with the spectroscopic period of 3.16412 days, presenting two minima corresponding to the conjunctions of the binary components. Numerical models fitted to the light curve indicate an orbital inclination of about 44◦, and masses of 53 M and 42 M for the O- and WN-type components, respectively.Fil: Gamen, Roberto Claudio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Fernandez Lajus, Eduardo Eusebio. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas. Instituto de Astrofísica La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Niemela, Virpi Sinikka. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas; ArgentinaFil: Barba, Rodolfo Hector. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Instituto de Ciencias Astronómicas, de la Tierra y del Espacio; Argentin

    Women with early maltreatment experience show increased resting-state functional connectivity in the theory of mind (ToM) network.

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    Background: Experience of childhood maltreatment significantly increases the risk for the development of psychopathology and is associated with impairments in socio-cognitive skills including theory-of-mind (ToM). In turn, neural alterations in ToM processing might then influence future interpersonal interaction and social-emotional understanding. Objective: To assess resting-state activity in the theory-of-mind network in traumatized and non-traumatized persons. Methods: Thirty-five women with a history of childhood maltreatment and 31 unaffected women completed a resting-state scan and a ToM localizer task. The peak coordinates from the localizer were used as the seed regions for the resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) analyses (temporo-parietal junction, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, middle temporal gyrus and precuneus). Results: Child abuse was associated with increased RSFC between various ToM regions including the precuneus and the brainstem suggesting altered hierarchical processing in ToM regions. Number of types of abuse was driving the effect for the temporo-parietal junction and the brainstem, while the severity of abuse was linked to increased RSFC between the middle temporal gyrus and the frontal cortex. Post-hoc analyses of brainstem regions indicated the involvement of the serotonergic system (dorsal raphe). Conclusions: The data indicate a lasting impact of childhood maltreatment on the neural networks involved in social information processing that are integral to understanding others' emotional states. Indeed, such altered neural networks may account for some of the interpersonal difficulties victims of childhood maltreatment experience

    New Observations and Analysis of the Bright Semi-Detached Eclipsing Binary mu1 Sco

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    Using new and published photometric observations of mu1 Sco (HR 6247), spanning 70 years, a period of 1.4462700(5) days was determined. It was found that the epoch of primary minimum suggested by Shobbrook at HJD 2449534.178 requires an adjustment to HJD 2449534.17700(9) to align all the available photometric datasets. Using the resulting combined-data light-curve, radial velocities derived from IUE data and the modelling software PHOEBE, a new system solution for this binary was obtained. It appears that the secondary is close to, or just filling, its Roche-lobe.Comment: 4 figures, 6 tables, 9 pages, uses mn2e.sty, to be published in MNRA

    Eccentric Ellipsoidal Red Giant Binaries in the LMC: Complete Orbital Solutions and Comments on Interaction at Periastron

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    Modelling ellipsoidal variables with known distances can lead to exact determination of the masses of both components, even in the absence of eclipses. We present such modelling using light and radial velocity curves of ellipsoidal red giant binaries in the LMC, where they are also known as sequence E stars. Stars were selected as likely eccentric systems on the basis of light curve shape alone. We have confirmed their eccentric nature and obtained system parameters using the Wilson-Devinney code. Most stars in our sample exhibit unequal light maxima as well as minima, a phenomenon not observed in sequence E variables with circular orbits. We find evidence that the shape of the red giant changes throughout the orbit due to the high eccentricity and the varying influence of the companion. Brief intervals of pulsation are apparent in two of the red giants. We determine pulsation modes and comment on their placement in the period-luminosity plane. Defining the parameters of these systems paves the way for modelling to determine by what mechanism eccentricity is maintained in evolved binaries.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to MNRAS 2012 January

    METRO - The role and future perspectives of Cohesion Policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and Cities. Annex II: The role of Metropolitan areas within the EU cohesion policy

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    This Annex to the final Report presents and discusses in a comparative manner the evidence collected in the nine case studies that have been explored in the framework of the ESPON Targeted Analysis METRO – The role and future perspectives of cohesion policy in the planning of Metropolitan Areas and Cities (Annexes III to XI). More in detail, the document synthesizes and compares the information collected by the various research teams through the application of the project’s analytical protocol and as a consequence of their continuous interaction with the respective stakeholders. The report is organised following the three main policy questions that have been driving the analysis: PQ1 | What role do metropolitan areas and cities play in the development, management and implementation of the European Union (EU) cohesion policy? PQ2 | What is the added value of the EU cohesion policy in the planning and implementation of metropolitan policies? PQ3 | What role does the EU cohesion policy play in consolidating metropolitan governance and cooperation? These questions are answered through the comparative analysis and assessment of the territorial and institutional contexts in which the nine stakeholders involved in the projects are active: Metropolitan City of Turin (CMTo), Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA), Brno Metropolitan Area (BMA), Metropolitan Area of Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot (MAG), Metropolitan City of Florence (CMFi), Métropole de Lyon (MdL), Brussels-Capital Region (BCR), Riga Metropolitan Area (RMA)

    The distance to the Pleiades from orbital solution of the double-lined eclipsing binary HD 23642

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    Combining precise B,V photoelectric photometry and radial velocities, we have been able to derive a firm orbital solution and accurate physical parameters for the newly discovered eclipsing binary HD 23642 in the Pleiades open cluster. The resulting distance to the binary, and therefore to the cluster, is 132 +/- 2 pc. This closely confirms the distance modulus obtained by classical main sequence fitting methods (m-M = 5.60 or 132 pc), moving cluster techniques and the astrometric orbit of Atlas. This is the first time the distance to a member of the Pleiades is derived by orbital solution of a double-lined eclipsing binary, and it is intended to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the discordant Hipparcos distance to the cluster.Comment: accepted in press in A&A as Letter to the Edito

    NSVS06507557; a low-mass double-lined eclipsing binary

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    In this paper we present the results of a detailed spectroscopic and photometric analysis of the V=13m^m.4 low-mass eclipsing binary NSVS 06507557 with an orbital period of 0.515 d. We obtained a series of mid-resolution spectra covering nearly entire orbit of the system. In addition we obtained simultaneous VRI broadband photometry using a small aperture telescope. From these spectroscopic and photometric data we have derived the system's orbital parameters and determined the fundamental stellar parameters of the two components. Our results indicate that NSVS 06507557 consists of a K9 and an M3 pre-main-sequence stars with masses of 0.66±\pm0.09 \Msun and 0.28±\pm0.05 \Msun and radii of 0.60±\pm0.03 and 0.44±\pm0.02 \Rsun, located at a distance of 111±\pm9 pc. The radius of the less massive secondary component is larger than that of the zero-age main-sequnce star having the same mass. While the radius of the primary component is in agreement with ZAMS the secondary component appers to be larger by about 35 % with respect to its ZAMS counterpart. Night-to-night intrinsic light variations up to 0m^m.2 have been observed. In addition, the Hα_{\alpha}, Hβ_{\beta} lines and the forbidden line of [O{\sc i}] are seen in emission. The Li{\sc i} 6708 \AA absorption line is seen in most of the spectra. These features are taken to be the signs of the classic T Tauri stars' characteristics. The parameters we derived are consistent with an age of about 20 Myr according to the stellar evolutionary models. The spectroscopic and photometric results are in agreement with those obtained by theoretical predictions.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Pulsations detected in the line profile variations of red giants: Modelling of line moments, line bisector and line shape

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    Contents: So far, red giant oscillations have been studied from radial velocity and/or light curve variations, which reveal frequencies of the oscillation modes. To characterise radial and non-radial oscillations, line profile variations are a valuable diagnostic. Here we present for the first time a line profile analysis of pulsating red giants, taking into account the small line profile variations and the predicted short damping and re-excitation times. We do so by modelling the time variations in the cross correlation profiles in terms of oscillation theory. Aims: The performance of existing diagnostics for mode identification is investigated for known oscillating giants which have very small line profile variations. We modify these diagnostics, perform simulations, and characterise the radial and non-radial modes detected in the cross correlation profiles. Methods: Moments and line bisectors are computed and analysed for four giants. The robustness of the discriminant of the moments against small oscillations with finite lifetimes is investigated. In addition, line profiles are simulated with short damping and re-excitation times and their line shapes are compared with the observations. Results: For three stars, we find evidence for the presence of non-radial pulsation modes, while for ξ\xi Hydrae perhaps only radial modes are present. Furthermore the line bisectors are not able to distinguish between different pulsation modes and are an insufficient diagnostic to discriminate small line profile variations due to oscillations from exoplanet motion.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&