10 research outputs found

    Alle radici di un nuovo paradigma della valutazione: il concetto di riconoscimento

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    Abstract: The aim of the following work is to suggest the possibility of a new standard in which integrate the meaning of ‘evaluation’, in school. The analysis of the concept of recognition, as the cornerstone in modern philosophy from Kant to Ricoeur, joins the philosophy of complexity, as stated by Morin, in order to define the borders of a new epistemological field where evaluation always goes beyond measurement.Keywords: evaluation, recognition, philosophy Il presente lavoro è volto a proporre un possibile nuovo paradigma all’interno del quale inserire l’azione di ciò che è ‘valutare’, nella scuola. L’analisi del concetto di riconoscimento, proprio della filosofia moderna da Kant a Ricoeur, si unisce alla filosofia della complessità, espressa da Morin, allo scopo di definire i confini di un nuovo terreno epistemologico nel quale la valutazione ecceda sempre la misurazione

    Multiple Functions of the 37/67-kd Laminin Receptor Make It a Suitable Target for Novel Cancer Gene Therapy

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    The 37/67-kd laminin receptor, LAMR, is a multifunctional protein that associates with the 40S ribosomal subunit and also localizes to the cell membrane to interact with the extracellular matrix. LAMR is overexpressed in many types of cancer, playing important roles in tumor-cell migration and invasion. Here, we show that LAMR is also vital for tumor-cell proliferation, survival, and protein translation. Small-interfering RNA (siRNA)–mediated reduction in expression of LAMR leads to G1 phase cell-cycle arrest in vitro by altering cyclins A2/B1, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) 1/2, Survivin, and p21 expression levels. In vivo, reduction in LAMR expression results in inhibition of HT1080 cells to develop tumors. We also found that LAMR's ribosomal functions are critical for translation as reduction in LAMR expression leads to a dramatic decrease in newly synthesized proteins. Further, cells with lower expression of LAMR have fewer 40S subunits and 80S monosomes, causing an increase in free 60S ribosomal subunits. These results indicate that LAMR is able to regulate tumor development in many ways; further enhancing its potential as a target for gene therapy. To test this, we developed a novel Sindbis/Lenti pseudotype vector carrying short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) designed against lamr. This pseudotype vector effectively reduces LAMR expression and specifically targets tumors in vivo. Treatment of tumor-bearing severe combine immunodeficient (SCID) mice with this pseudotype vector significantly inhibits tumor growth. Thus, we show that LAMR can be used as a target in novel therapy for tumor reduction and elimination

    Laminin Receptor Involvement in the Anti-angiogenic Activity of Pigment Epithelium-derived Factor*S⃞♦

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    Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a multifunctional protein with neurotrophic, anti-oxidative, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also one of the most potent endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis, playing an important role in restricting tumor growth, invasion, and metastasis. Studies show that PEDF binds to cell surface proteins, but little is known about how it exerts its effects. Recently, research identified phospholipase A2/nutrin/patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 2 as one PEDF receptor. To identify other receptors, we performed yeast two-hybrid screening using PEDF as bait and discovered that the non-integrin 37/67-kDa laminin receptor (LR) is another PEDF receptor. Co-immunoprecipitation, His tag pulldown, and surface plasmon resonance assays confirmed the interaction between PEDF and LR. Using the yeast two-hybrid method, we further restricted the LR-interacting domain on PEDF to a 34-amino acid (aa) peptide (aa 44–77) and the PEDF-interacting domain on LR to a 91-aa fragment (aa 120–210). A 25-mer peptide named P46 (aa 46–70), derived from 34-mer, interacts with LR in surface plasmon resonance assays and binds to endothelial cell (EC) membranes. This peptide induces EC apoptosis and inhibits EC migration, tube-like network formation in vitro, and retinal angiogenesis ex vivo, like PEDF. Our results suggest that LR is a real PEDF receptor that mediates PEDF angiogenesis inhibition

    Updates on the cytogenetics and molecular genetics of bone and soft tissue tumors: liposarcoma

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