638 research outputs found

    Co-Localization of DNA i-Motif-Forming Sequences and 5-Hydroxymethyl-cytosines in Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    G-quadruplexes (G4s) and i-motifs (iMs) are tetraplex DNA structures. Sequences capable of forming G4/iMs are abundant near the transcription start sites (TSS) of several genes. G4/iMs affect gene expression in vitro. Depending on the gene, the presence of G4/iMs can enhance or suppress expression, making it challenging to discern the underlying mechanism by which they operate. Factors affecting G4/iM structures can provide additional insight into their mechanism of regulation. One such factor is epigenetic modification. The 5-hydroxymethylated cytosines (5hmCs) are epigenetic modifications that occur abundantly in human embryonic stem cells (hESC). The 5hmCs, like G4/iMs, are known to participate in gene regulation and are also enriched near the TSS. We investigated genomic co-localization to assess the possibility that these two elements may play an interdependent role in regulating genes in hESC. Our results indicate that amongst 15,760 G4/iM-forming locations, only 15% have 5hmCs associated with them. A detailed analysis of G4/iM-forming locations enriched in 5hmC indicates that most of these locations are in genes that are associated with cell differentiation, proliferation, apoptosis and embryogenesis. The library generated from our analysis is an important resource for investigators exploring the interdependence of these DNA features in regulating expression of selected genes in hESC

    Putting pubertal timing in developmental context: Implications for prevention

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    Abstract: This article examines selected findings regarding the consequences of difference in timing of pubertal onset in order to build an explanatory model of puberty in context. We also seek to shed light on possible prevention efforts targeting adolescent risk. To date, there is substantial evidence supporting early onset effects on both internalizing and externalizing problems during the adolescent decade and possibly beyond. However, such effects do not directly speak to preventive intervention. The biological, familial, and broader relationship contexts of puberty are considered along with unique contexts for early maturing girls versus boys. Finally, we identify potential strategies for intervention based on these explanatory models

    Diclofenac Attenuates the Regional Effect of -Carrageenan on Blood-Brain Barrier Function and Cytoarchitecture

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    ABSTRACT The microenvironment of the brain requires tight regulation for proper neuronal function. Protecting the central nervous system (CNS) from the varying concentrations of ions, proteins, and toxins in the periphery is the dynamically regulated blood-brain barrier (BBB). Recent studies have demonstrated significant modulation of the BBB in a number of diseases and physiological states, including pain. This study expands on previous explorations of acute and chronic pain-induced effects on the function and molecular cytoarchitecture of the barrier. It describes the role of cyclooxygenase (COX) up-regulation by blocking with diclofenac (30 mg/kg, i.p.), and it examines the variation in BBB regulation through various brain regions. Edema and hyperalgesia were induced by -carrageenan and attenuated by the additional administration of diclofenac. Examination of unidirectional [ 14 C]sucrose permeability with multitime in situ perfusion studies demonstrated that -carrageenan significantly increased cerebral permeability and decreased brainstem permeability. There were no significant changes in any of the other brain regions examined. These permeability changes correlated with up-and down-regulation of the tight junction (TJ) protein claudin-5 in the cerebrum and brainstem, respectively. Diclofenac administration attenuated the cerebral permeability uptake as well as the claudin-5 up-regulation. In addition, diclofenac reversed the lowered permeability in the brainstem, but it did not attenuate TJ protein expression. These studies demonstrate the complex regulation of the BBB occurring during inflammatory pain and the role of COX in this process. An understanding of BBB regulation during pain states is critically important for pharmacotherapy, and it holds great promise for new therapies to treat central nervous system pathologies. The central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most vital and delicate systems of the human body, requiring tight regulation. Ion and nutrient concentrations within the extracellular and interstitial fluid of the brain are precisely controlled. Independence from the peripheral circulation is essential for such control, protecting the CNS from fluctuation in ion concentrations, toxins, and the immune system. This environmental maintenance is carried out by the blood-CNS barrier, consisting of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier The basis of the blood-brain barrier is the cerebral capillary endothelium with a continuous and large surface area that selectively allows passage into the CNS. The BBB endothelial cells are characterized by a lack of fenestrations, decreased pinocytosis, and the presence of tight junction (TJ) proteins, multiple transport systems, and enzymatic detoxification enzyme

    Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system vs. usual medical treatment for menorrhagia: An economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: To undertake an economic evaluation alongside the largest randomised controlled trial comparing Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device ('LNG-IUS') and usual medical treatment for women with menorrhagia in primary care; and compare the cost-effectiveness findings using two alternative measures of quality of life. Methods: 571 women with menorrhagia from 63 UK centres were randomised between February 2005 and July 2009. Women were randomised to having a LNG-IUS fitted, or usual medical treatment, after discussing with their general practitioner their contraceptive needs or desire to avoid hormonal treatment. The treatment was specified prior to randomisation. For the economic evaluation we developed a state transition (Markov) model with a 24 month follow-up. The model structure was informed by the trial women's pathway and clinical experts. The economic evaluation adopted a UK National Health Service perspective and was based on an outcome of incremental cost per Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) estimated using both EQ-5D and SF-6D. Results: Using EQ-5D, LNG-IUS was the most cost-effective treatment for menorrhagia. LNG-IUS costs £100 more than usual medical treatment but generated 0.07 more QALYs. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for LNG-IUS compared to usual medical treatment was £1600 per additional QALY. Using SF-6D, usual medical treatment was the most cost-effective treatment. Usual medical treatment was both less costly (£100) and generated 0.002 more QALYs. Conclusion: Impact on quality of life is the primary indicator of treatment success in menorrhagia. However, the most costeffective treatment differs depending on the quality of life measure used to estimate the QALY. Under UK guidelines LNG-IUS would be the recommended treatment for menorrhagia. This study demonstrates that the appropriate valuation of outcomes in menorrhagia is crucial. Copyright: © 2014 Sanghera et al

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging outcomes from a comprehensive magnetic resonance study of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

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    A comprehensive neuropsychological/psychiatric, MR imaging, (MRI), MR spectroscopy (MRS), and functional MRI (fMRI) assessment was administered to children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) to determine if global and/or focal abnormalities could be identified, and distinguish diagnostic subclassifications across the spectrum. The four study groups included: 1. FAS/Partial FAS; 2. Static Encephalopathy/Alcohol Exposed (SE/AE); 3. Neurobehavioral Disorder/Alcohol Exposed (ND/AE); and 4. healthy peers with no prenatal alcohol exposure. fMRI outcomes are reported here. The neuropsychological/psychiatric, MRI, and MRS outcomes are reported separately. fMRI was used to assess activation in seven brain regions during performance of N-back working memory tasks. Children across the full spectrum of FASD exhibited significant working memory deficits and altered activation patterns in brain regions that are known to be involved in working memory. These results demonstrate the potential research and diagnostic value of this non-invasive MR tool in the field of FASD

    Challenges and opportunities for quantifying roots and rhizosphere interactions through imaging and image analysis

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    The morphology of roots and root systems influences the efficiency by which plants acquire nutrients and water, anchor themselves and provide stability to the surrounding soil. Plant genotype and the biotic and abiotic environment significantly influence root morphology, growth and ultimately crop yield. The challenge for researchers interested in phenotyping root systems is, therefore, not just to measure roots and link their phenotype to the plant genotype, but also to understand how the growth of roots is influenced by their environment. This review discusses progress in quantifying root system parameters (e.g. in terms of size, shape and dynamics) using imaging and image analysis technologies and also discusses their potential for providing a better understanding of root:soil interactions. Significant progress has been made in image acquisition techniques, however trade-offs exist between sample throughput, sample size, image resolution and information gained. All of these factors impact on downstream image analysis processes. While there have been significant advances in computation power, limitations still exist in statistical processes involved in image analysis. Utilizing and combining different imaging systems, integrating measurements and image analysis where possible, and amalgamating data will allow researchers to gain a better understanding of root:soil interactions

    Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of an Oral Formulation of Apixaban in Horses After Oral and Intravenous Administration

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    Horses with inflammatory and infectious disorders are often treated with injectable heparin anticoagulants to prevent thrombotic complications. In humans, a new class of direct oral acting anticoagulants (DOAC) appear as effective as heparin, while eliminating the need for daily injections. Our study in horses evaluated apixaban, a newly approved DOAC for human thromboprophylaxis targeting activated factor X (Xa). Our goals were to: (1) Determine pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of apixaban after oral (PO) and intravenous (IV) administration in horses; (2) Detect any inhibitory effects of apixaban on ex vivo Equid herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1)-induced platelet activation, and (3) Compare an anti-Xa bioactivity assay with ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) for measuring apixaban concentrations. In a blinded placebo-controlled cross-over study, five horses received a single dose (0.2 mg/kg) of apixaban or placebo PO or IV. Blood was collected before and at 3 (IV) or 15 (PO) min, 30 and 45 min, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 24 h after dosing for measuring apixaban UPLC-MS concentrations and anti-Xa activity. Pharmacodynamic response was measured in a dilute prothrombin time (dPT) assay. Flow cytometric EHV-1-induced platelet P-selectin expression and clinical pathologic safety testing were performed at baseline, 2 and 24 h and baseline and 24 h, respectively. We found no detectable apixaban in plasma PO administration. After IV administration, plasma apixaban levels followed a two-compartment model, with concentrations peaking at 3 min and decreasing to undetectable levels by 8 h. The elimination half-life was 1.3 ± 0.2 h, with high protein binding (92–99%). The dPT showed no relationship to apixaban UPLC-MS concentration and apixaban did not inhibit EHV-1-induced platelet activation after IV dosing. Apixaban anti-Xa activity showed excellent correlation to UPLC-MS (r2 = 0.9997). Our results demonstrate that apixaban has no apparent clinical utility as an anticoagulant for horses due to poor oral availability

    Sediment Management for Southern California Mountains, Coastal Plains, and Shoreline

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    During FY77, with financial support from Los Angeles County, U. S. Geological Survey, Orange County, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, and discretionary funding provided by a grant from the Ford Foundation, substantial progress was made at EQL and SPL in achieving the objectives of the initial Planning and Assessment Phase of the CIT/SIO Sediment Management Project. The current timetable for completion of this phase is June 1978. This report briefly describes the project status including general administration, special activities, and technical work

    Chemical and textural equilibration of garnet during amphibolite-facies metamorphism: The influence of coupled dissolution-reprecipitation

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    Metamorphic equilibration requires chemical communication between minerals and may be inhibited through sluggish volume diffusion and or slow rates of dissolution in a fluid phase. Relatively slow diffusion and the perceived robust nature of chemical growth zoning may preclude garnet porphyroblasts from readily participating in low temperature amphibolite-facies metamorphic reactions. Garnet is widely assumed to be a reactant in staurolite-isograd reactions, and the evidence for this has been assessed in the Late Proterozoic Dalradian pelitic schists of the Scottish Highlands. Three-D imaging of garnet porphyroblasts in staurolite-bearing schists reveal a good crystal shape and little evidence of marginal dissolution, however there is also lack of evidence for the involvement of either chlorite or chloritoid in the reaction. Staurolite forms directly adjacent to the garnet, and its nucleation is strongly associated with deformation of the muscovite-rich fabrics around the porphyroblasts. “Cloudy” fluid inclusion-rich garnet forms in both marginal and internal parts of the garnet porphyroblast and is linked both to the production of staurolite and to the introduction of abundant quartz inclusions within the garnet. Such cloudy garnet typically has a Mg-rich, Mn-poor composition and is interpreted to have formed during a coupled dissolution-reprecipitation process, triggered by a local influx of fluid. All garnet in the muscovite-bearing schists present in this area is potentially reactive, irrespective of the garnet composition, but very few of the schists contain staurolite. The staurolite-producing reaction appears to be substantially overstepped during the relatively high pressure Barrovian regional metamorphism reflecting the limited permeability of the schists in peak metamorphic conditions. Fluid influx and hence reaction progress appear to be strongly controlled by subtle differences in deformation history. The remaining garnet fails to achieve chemical equilibrium during the reaction creating distinctive patchy compositional zoning. Such zoning in metamorphic garnet created during coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reactions may be difficult to recognize in higher grade pelites due to subsequent diffusive re-equilibration. Fundamental assumptions about metamorphic processes are questioned by the lack of chemical equilibrium during this reaction and the restricted permeability of the regional metamorphic pelitic schists. In addition the partial loss of prograde chemical and textural information from the garnet porphyroblasts cautions against their routine use as a reliable monitor of metamorphic history. However the partial re-equilibration of the porphyroblasts during coupled dissolution-reprecipitation opens possibilities of mapping reaction progress in garnet as a means of assessing fluid access during peak metamorphic conditions