25 research outputs found
On the Minkowski-H\"{o}lder type inequalities for generalized Sugeno integrals with an application
In this paper, we use a new method to obtain the necessary and sufficient
condition guaranteeing the validity of the Minkowski-H\"{o}lder type inequality
for the generalized upper Sugeno integral in the case of functions belonging to
a wider class than the comonotone functions. As a by-product, we show that the
Minkowski type inequality for seminormed fuzzy integral presented by Daraby and
Ghadimi in General Minkowski type and related inequalities for seminormed fuzzy
integrals, Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 (2014) 9--20 is not
true. Next, we study the Minkowski-H\"{o}lder inequality for the lower Sugeno
integral and the class of -subadditive functions introduced in On
Chebyshev type inequalities for generalized Sugeno integrals, Fuzzy Sets and
Systems 244 (2014) 51--62. The results are applied to derive new metrics on the
space of measurable functions in the setting of nonadditive measure theory. We
also give a partial answer to the open problem 2.22 posed by
Borzov\'a-Moln\'arov\'a and et al in The smallest semicopula-based universal
integrals I: Properties and characterizations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 271
(2015) 1--17.Comment: 19 page
Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins
Insight into how environmental change determines the production and distribution of cyanobacterial toxins is necessary for risk assessment. Management guidelines currently focus on hepatotoxins (microcystins). Increasing attention is given to other classes, such as neurotoxins (e.g., anatoxin-a) and cytotoxins (e.g., cylindrospermopsin) due to their potency. Most studies examine the relationship between individual toxin variants and environmental factors, such as nutrients, temperature and light. In summer 2015, we collected samples across Europe to investigate the effect of nutrient and temperature gradients on the variability of toxin production at a continental scale. Direct and indirect effects of temperature were the main drivers of the spatial distribution in the toxins produced by the cyanobacterial community, the toxin concentrations and toxin quota. Generalized linear models showed that a Toxin Diversity Index (TDI) increased with latitude, while it decreased with water stability. Increases in TDI were explained through a significant increase in toxin variants such as MC-YR, anatoxin and cylindrospermopsin, accompanied by a decreasing presence of MC-LR. While global warming continues, the direct and indirect effects of increased lake temperatures will drive changes in the distribution of cyanobacterial toxins in Europe, potentially promoting selection of a few highly toxic species or strains.Peer reviewe
The role and meaning of the mind in social life
The aim of the article is to highlight the role of the mind in everyday life, the importance of intellect and intelligence. Paying attention to the changing reality, people's way of life and their thinking, the power of perception of intelligence in relation to the intellect, indicating the essence and importance of the issue under discussion, leaving the field to undertake one's own research.
Design / methodology / approach: The research method used in the article is the analysis of scientific studies, supplemented by the author's observations and experience. The research procedure included a review of Polish and foreign literature, analysis of legal acts, method of analysis and synthesis, case study and deductive reasoning. The article refers to examples and studies related to the subject of the management of the human mind. Factors such as – intellect, intelligence, knowledge and awareness were indicated as indispensable attributes of a modern man.
Conclusions: The relationship between the way of thinking and the intellectual level responsible for the reception and processing of information as the basis for rational decision-making was demonstrated. Attention was paid to the reality that makes people with a low level of intellectual efficiency a mass susceptible to manipulation. Persistent irrational attitudes in society resulting from misunderstanding and lack of awareness of the consequences of decisions made.
Research limitations / implications: Limitations of the obtained results may result from a limited text sample, including limited analysis. The title complexity comes down to the essence of the issue of intellect and intelligence and their functioning, which remains a changing and always open area.
Originality / value: The presented research, analysis, conclusions and suggestions provide practical tips not only to people of science, but above all to average citizens, mainly those who are not aware that each civilization change has a comprehensive dimension and obliges. Today, it is not enough to know what our problems and limitations are in order to control our emotions and calm the psyche. For the purposes of effective action, it is impossible not to know what intellect is? With true intelligence, we go beyond conventional beliefs, presuppositions and concepts, and learn to perceive things as they are and not as we would like them to be. A wise man is not the one who says that he is wise, but the one who consciously acts as a wise man. In the era of globalization, who we are is not determined by where we are from, but by what we can and how we deal with the multitude of challenges.Celem artykułu jest podkreślenie roli umysłu w codziennym życiu, znaczenia intelektu i inteligencji. Zwrócenie uwagi na zmieniającą się rzeczywistość, sposób życia ludzi i ich myślenia, na siłę percepcji inteligencji w stosunku do intelektu, wskazanie istoty i rangi omawianego zagadnienia, pozostawienie pola do podjęcia własnych badań.
Projekt / metodologia / podejście: Metodą badawczą zastosowaną w artykule jest analiza opracowań naukowych uzupełniona spostrzeżeniami i doświadczeniem autora. Procedura badawcza obejmowała przegląd literatury polskiej i zagranicznej, analizę aktów prawnych, metodę analizy i syntezy, studium przypadku i dedukcyjne rozumowanie. W artykule powołano się na przykłady, przywołano opracowania związane z tematyką zagospodarowania ludzkiego umysłu. Wskazano czynniki, takie jak – intelekt, inteligencja, wiedza i świadomość jako niezbędne atrybuty nowoczesnego człowieka.
Wnioski: Wykazano zależność pomiędzy sposobem myślenia i poziomem intelektualnym odpowiedzialnym za odbiór i przetwarzanie informacji jako bazie racjonalnej decyzyjności. Zwrócono uwagę na rzeczywistość czyniącą osoby o niskim stopniu sprawności intelektualnej masą podatną na manipulację. Na utrzymujące się w społeczeństwie postawy nieracjonalności wynikające z niezrozumienia oraz braku świadomości co do skutków podejmowanych decyzji.
Ograniczenia / implikacje badawcze: Ograniczenia otrzymanych rezultatów mogą wynikać z ograniczonej próby tekstowej w tym również ograniczonej analizy. Złożoność tytułowa sprowadza się do istoty zagadnienia intelektu i inteligencji i ich funkcjonowania, co pozostaje obszarem zmieniającym się i zawsze otwartym.
Oryginalność / wartość: Przedstawione badania, analiza, wnioski i sugestie dostarczają praktycznych wskazówek nie tylko ludziom nauki, ale przede wszystkim przeciętnym obywatelom, głównie takim, którzy nie są świadomi tego, że każda zmiana cywilizacyjna ma wszechstronny wymiar i zobowiązuje. Dzisiaj nie wystarczy wiedzieć, jakie są nasze problemy i ograniczenia, by opanować emocje i uspokoić psychikę. Na potrzeby efektywnego działania nie można nie wiedzieć tego, czym jest intelekt? Dzięki prawdziwej inteligencji wykraczamy poza utarte przekonania, założenia poczynione z góry i koncepcje oraz uczymy się postrzegać rzeczy takimi, jakie są a nie takimi, jakimi chcielibyśmy, by one były. Człowiek mądry to nie ten, co mówi, że mądry, ale ten co świadomie postępuje, jak człowiek mądry. W dobie globalizacji o tym, kim jesteśmy nie decyduje, skąd jesteśmy, ale to, co potrafimy i jak sobie z wielością wyzwań radzimy
Legal security illusionists
Wierzyć w siłę i sprawczość prawa to kluczowe dla cywilizacji pytanie na dziś i jutro, to wyzwanie dla prawnego bezpieczeństwa. Człowiek, który poddaje się wyłącznie losowi, staje się ludzkim wrakiem. Z kolei człowiek o utopijnych poglądach i irracjonalnych pomysłach wprowadzi zamęt, chaos i nie przeprosi. Można wierzyć, nie ufając i nie ufać, nie wierząc, ale poddając się tylko losowi, człowiek staje się ludzkim wrakiem. Dzień, w którym uwierzymy, że prawo nas ochroni i obroni a żadna ingerencja nam nie grozi, będzie prawdopodobnie ostatnim dniem, w którym będziemy mogli czuć się wolni i bezpieczni. Dzień, w którym uwierzymy w niemoc prawa i jego nieskuteczność będzie prawdopodobnie ostatnim dniem naszego spokoju i naszej wolności.Believing in the power and agency of law is a key question for civilization today and tomorrow, it is a challenge to legal security. A man who submits only to fate becomes a human wreck. On the other hand, a person with utopian views and irrational ideas will create confusion, chaos and will not apologize. You can believe without trusting and distrust without believing, but by submitting only to fate, a person becomes a human wreck. The day when we believe that the law will protect us and defend us and that no interference will threaten us, will probably be the last day when we will be able to feel free and safe. The day we believe in the impotence of the law and its ineffectiveness will probably be the last day of our peace and our freedom
Judicial reporting as a guarantor of the rule of law
Purpose: is to show judicial reporting in relation to the rule of law. The text focuses on the considerations and analysis of the relativity of judicial reporting to the rule of law as a kind of values and subjective rights of civil society. An additional assumption is to indicate the essence of the issue in an interdisciplinary perspective, drawing attention to its importance, multidimensionality, connection and social significance, leaving room for own research. Design/methodology/approach: The research method used in the article is the analysis of scientific studies, supplemented by the author's observations and experience. The research procedure included a review of Polish and foreign literature, an analysis of legal acts and court decisions, a case study and deductive reasoning. The above text evokes, in the author's opinion, a separate understanding and application, more and more commonly, also by journalists, of the concepts of justice, the rule of law and law. Findings: A high level of influence of judicial reporting on the rule of law has been demonstrated. Great demand for this type of message and its values, which should be implemented by the rule of law - judgments of common courts, to be considered the most desirable form of the system. Social development in the face of values as an interdisciplinary concept in terms of direction and field allows you to maintain what is with what should happen in the future. It is important not only what intentions people have, but also what competences they have and according to what values they operate. The conducted analysis shows that the correctness of the message and the understanding of the meaning of the rule of law in the area of law are important and vice versa. An autocratically governed society can be fully governed by law, the courts can issue judgments and the court rapporteurs publicly present them, which does not necessarily mean that we are dealing with the rule of law and the rule of law. Research limitations/implications: Limitations of the obtained results may result from a limited text sample, small text size. Originality/value: The presented research and conclusions provide practical tips not only to people of science, but above all to average citizens, mainly those who are not aware that the world of values surrounds people, but depends on them, what values they pay attention to and to which he remains indifferent. Man has the freedom to choose what suits him best, but is rarely able to use it rationally and in an appropriate form and time. Among values, man does not have to do anything and can do much. The less complex and understandable the forensic message, the closer to the concept of simple principles of human life and action. Every aspect of judicial reporting contributes to strengthening the rule of law in the spirit of a democratic rule of law. Like the world to the world, there were processes and comments, and what resulted from them socially (...)