24 research outputs found

    «Może być źle ale może być też bardzo dobrze». Niepewność i niedosłowność w wypowiedziach młodych Polaków dotyczących ich przyszłości zawodowej

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    Przedmiotem artykułu są cechy wypowiedzi młodych Polaków mówiących o swojej przyszłości zawodowej. Do analizy wybrano dwie cechy: niepewność i niedosłowność. Korpus dialogów dotyczących kariery porównano z korpusem dialogów dotyczących zadań praktycznych, wyodrębniając słowa kluczowe. Przeprowadzono także analizę n-gramów. Wyniki ujawniły częstsze występowanie fraz i leksemów wskazujących na trudności w konceptualizacji procesu poszukiwania pracy i budowania kariery. Szczegółowo przeanalizowano konkordancje wyrażeń „wydaje mi się” i „może” jako przejawów niepewności oraz „i tak dalej” i „rzeczy” jako przejawów niedosłowności.Korpus „Multimet” stworzono w ramach projektu „Multimodalne wyrażenia metafor konceptualnych a spójność i synchronia zachowań komunikacyjnych w dialogu”. Projekt został sfinansowany ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki przyznanych na podstawie decyzji numer DEC-2011/03/D/HS6/05993

    Różnice leksykalne w wypowiedziach zwolenników i przeciwników dopuszczalności aborcji - analiza anglojęzycznych grup w serwisie Facebook

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    An individual approach to abortion is based on a perspective which is determined by a combination of personal  knowledge and life values. The aim of this paper is to provide empirical analysis of lexical differences between two discussion groups representing opposing views regarding the acceptability of abortion. Our aim to show how lexical choices made by the speakers in the two groups correspond to the divergent worldviews represented in those groups. Material for the study was collected on Facebook and analysed using methods of statistical machine learning with lexical feature sets (i.e. bag-of-words and n-gram). Additional analysis for keywords in both groups was also conducted.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest empiryczne ustalenie różnic leksykalnych w grupach dyskusyjnych reprezentujących odmienne postawy względem aborcji. Chcemy pokazać, w jaki sposób grupy te stosują odmienny opis świata, poprzez wybór odmiennego słownictwa. Materiał został zebrany w grupach dyskusyjnych na portalu społecznościowym Facebook, a analiza została przeprowadzona metodami statystycznymi w postaci uczenia maszynowego z wykorzystaniem klasyfikatorów bazujących na zestawach cech “bag of words” oraz “n-gram”. Zastosowano także jakościową analizę słów kluczowych

    Multimodal communication in career coaching sessions: lexical and gestural corpus study

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    In the paper we aim to describe multimodal communication in career coaching sessions using recorded natural, face-to-face interactions and corpus techniques. We look on how the specific context of communication influences the lexical and gestural behaviour of speakers in the dialogues between a professional career coach and a participant. Main topic of the conversation was participant’s future career. Spoken corpus of career coaching sessions was compared with standard spoken Polish corpus, to reveal four main categories of keywords: cognition verbs, words describing uncertainty and words indicating an abstract referent. Also some types and functions of gestures in career coaching were analysed with the use of NEUROGES coding system.The paper has been prepared within a research project funded by the Polish National Science Centre (decision DEC- 2011/03/D/HS6/05993)

    Agent or Experiencer? A Search for the Subject Role in the Mental Verb Myśleć 'Think' in Polish

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    In the paper, we focus on the verb myśleć ‘think’ in Polish and attempt to find out whether there is any correspondence between the semantic features of the subject and verb grammatical constructions. First, senses of the verb will be identified, and then their subjects will be assigned the four agentive features. Next, on the basis of corpus data the actual patterns of sense use will be searched for by means of an exploratory tool, i.e. Multiple Correspondence Analysis. The tool should help us to see the correlation between the senses and the features. Positive results of our study would confirm the general cognitive assumption that syntactic structures are meaningful, rather than arbitrary and unpredictable.257786Łódź Studies in Languag

    Automatically identifying transitions between locutions in dialogue

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    International audienceThe contribution of this paper is theoretical foundations for dialogical argument mining, as well as initial implementation in software for dialogue processing. Automatically identifying the structure of reasoning from natural language is extremely demanding. Our hypothesis is that the structure of dialogue can yield additional clues as to argument structures that are created and cocreated. Our work has been performed using the MM2012 corpus in OVA+

    Debating Technology for Dialogical Argument:Sensemaking, Engagement and Analytics

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    Debating technologies, a newly emerging strand of research into computational technologies to support human debating, offer a powerful way of providing naturalistic, dialogue-based interaction with complex information spaces. The full potential of debating technologies for dialogical argument can, however, only be realized once key technical and engineering challenges are overcome, namely data structure, data availability, and interoperability between components. Our aim in this article is to show that the Argument Web, a vision for integrated, reusable, semantically rich resources connecting views, opinions, arguments, and debates online, offers a solution to these challenges. Through the use of a running example taken from the domain of citizen dialogue, we demonstrate for the first time that different Argument Web components focusing on sensemaking, engagement, and analytics can work in concert as a suite of debating technologies for rich, complex, dialogical argument

    Justify your alpha

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    Benjamin et al. proposed changing the conventional “statistical significance” threshold (i.e.,the alpha level) from p ≤ .05 to p ≤ .005 for all novel claims with relatively low prior odds. They provided two arguments for why lowering the significance threshold would “immediately improve the reproducibility of scientific research.” First, a p-value near .05provides weak evidence for the alternative hypothesis. Second, under certain assumptions, an alpha of .05 leads to high false positive report probabilities (FPRP2 ; the probability that a significant finding is a false positive