126 research outputs found

    Tools for managing references in class projects and scientific works

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    [EN] This paper presents a set of tools to manage references, for its application in class projects, in the university context, and in scientific works. The main aim of this paper is to provide a set of tools to support university students and researchers to store all their research, and sort all their references, documents and notes in one place. This paper is an extension of the paper Adjustment of students to be future researchers: The importance of a systematic literature review methodology for MSC students [1] that proposes a guideline to help students to systematically perform the literature review phase in the research work. The work developed in the present paper, focuses on collecting, managing and treating the results through building a personalised database, proposing in a more extended way a set of tools to manage references of the research work performed in the systematic literature review.The research leading to these results has received funding from European Community's H2020 Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement no 636909, "Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET)".Andres, B.; Poler, R.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM. (2017). Tools for managing references in class projects and scientific works. INTED proceedings (Online). 210-219. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2017.0172S21021

    The C2NET Optimisation Solution

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    [EN] Today's lack of competitiveness of European enterprises has led to the Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks (C2NET) European funded project to develop an optimisation solution to provide enterprises, particularly small-and medium sized ones (SMEs), affordable and easy-to-use means to optimise their planning activities to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. This paper focuses on the C2NET optimisation solu-tion, constituted mainly by C2NET Optimiser module components: (i) optimisation algorithms; (ii) the solver manager; (iii) the optimisation problem configurator; (iv) processes of the optimisation of manufacturing assets manager. To perform optimisation, it is necessary to provide the previous components with the needed input data, which can be done within the data collection framework module by defining a standardised data model (STables). Another data model is defined to show optimisation results to SMEs, namely the plan data model (PTables). The C2NET Optimisation Solution supports manufacturing networks, especially those composed of SMEs, and is based on the optimisation of manufacturing and logistics assets by the single and/or collaborative computation of production, replenishment and delivery plans.The research that led to these results forms part of the "Cloud Collaborative Manufacturing Networks" (C2NET) Project, which has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme with grant agreement No. 63690.Sanchis, R.; Andres, B.; Poler, R.; Mula, J.; Díaz-Madroñero Boluda, FM. (2018). The C2NET Optimisation Solution. Direccion y Organizacion. 64:36-41. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/120631S36416

    Comparison of electrohysterogram signal measured by surface electrodes with different designs: A computational study with dipole band and abdomen models

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    Non-invasive measurement of uterine activity using electrohysterogram (EHG) surface electrodes has been attempted to monitor uterine contraction. This study aimed to computationally compare the performance of acquiring EHG signals using monopolar electrode and three types of Laplacian concentric ring electrodes (bipolar, quasi-bipolar and tri-polar). With the implementation of dipole band model and abdomen model, the performances of four electrodes in terms of the local sensitivity were quantifed by potential attenuation. Furthermore, the efects of fat and muscle thickness on potential attenuation were evaluated using the bipolar and tri-polar electrodes with diferent radius. The results showed that all the four types of electrodes detected the simulated EHG signals with consistency. That the bipolar and tri-polar electrodes had greater attenuations than the others, and the shorter distance between the origin and location of dipole band at 20dB attenuation, indicating that they had relatively better local sensitivity. In addition, ANOVA analysis showed that, for all the electrodes with diferent outer ring radius, the efects of fat and muscle on potential attenuation were signifcant (all p<0.01). It is therefore concluded that the bipolar and tri-polar electrodes had higher local sensitivity than the others, indicating that they can be applied to detect EHG efectively

    miR-146a rs2431697 identifies myeloproliferative neoplasm patients with higher secondary myelofibrosis progression risk

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    Myelofibrosis (MF) occurs as part of the natural history of polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET), and remarkably shortens survival. Although JAK2V617F and CALR allele burden are the main transformation risk factors, inflammation plays a critical role by driving clonal expansion toward end-stage disease. NF-κB is a key mediator of inflammation-induced carcinogenesis. Here, we explored the involvement of miR-146a, a brake in NF-κB signaling, in MPN susceptibility and progression. rs2910164 and rs2431697, that affect miR-146a expression, were analyzed in 967 MPN (320 PV/333 ET/314 MF) patients and 600 controls. We found that rs2431697 TT genotype was associated with MF, particularly with post-PV/ET MF (HR = 1.5; p < 0.05). Among 232 PV/ET patients (follow-up time=8.5 years), 18 (7.8%) progressed to MF, being MF-free-survival shorter for rs2431697 TT than CC + CT patients (p = 0.01). Multivariate analysis identified TT genotype as independent predictor of MF progression. In addition, TT (vs. CC + CT) patients showed increased plasma inflammatory cytokines. Finally, miR-146a−/− mice showed significantly higher Stat3 activity with aging, parallel to the development of the MF-like phenotype. In conclusion, we demonstrated that rs2431697 TT genotype is an early predictor of MF progression independent of the JAK2V617F allele burden. Low levels of miR-146a contribute to the MF phenotype by increasing Stat3 signaling

    TDP-43 Depletion in Microglia Promotes Amyloid Clearance but Also Induces Synapse Loss

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    Microglia coordinate various functions in the central nervous system ranging from removing synaptic connections, to maintaining brain homeostasis by monitoring neuronal function, and clearing protein aggregates across the lifespan. Here we investigated whether increased microglial phagocytic activity that clears amyloid can also cause pathological synapse loss. We identified TDP-43, a DNA-RNA binding protein encoded by the Tardbp gene, as a strong regulator of microglial phagocytosis. Mice lacking TDP-43 in microglia exhibit reduced amyloid load in a model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) but at the same time display drastic synapse loss, even in the absence of amyloid. Clinical examination from TDP-43 pathology cases reveal a considerably reduced prevalence of AD and decreased amyloid pathology compared to age-matched healthy controls, confirming our experimental results. Overall, our data suggest that dysfunctional microglia might play a causative role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders, critically modulating the early stages of cognitive decline

    Assessment of β-amyloid deposits in human brain: a study of the BrainNet Europe Consortium

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    β-Amyloid (Aβ) related pathology shows a range of lesions which differ both qualitatively and quantitatively. Pathologists, to date, mainly focused on the assessment of both of these aspects but attempts to correlate the findings with clinical phenotypes are not convincing. It has been recently proposed in the same way as ι and α synuclein related lesions, also Aβ related pathology may follow a temporal evolution, i.e. distinct phases, characterized by a step-wise involvement of different brain-regions. Twenty-six independent observers reached an 81% absolute agreement while assessing the phase of Aβ, i.e. phase 1 = deposition of Aβ exclusively in neocortex, phase 2 = additionally in allocortex, phase 3 = additionally in diencephalon, phase 4 = additionally in brainstem, and phase 5 = additionally in cerebellum. These high agreement rates were reached when at least six brain regions were evaluated. Likewise, a high agreement (93%) was reached while assessing the absence/presence of cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) and the type of CAA (74%) while examining the six brain regions. Of note, most of observers failed to detect capillary CAA when it was only mild and focal and thus instead of type 1, type 2 CAA was diagnosed. In conclusion, a reliable assessment of Aβ phase and presence/absence of CAA was achieved by a total of 26 observers who examined a standardized set of blocks taken from only six anatomical regions, applying commercially available reagents and by assessing them as instructed. Thus, one may consider rating of Aβ-phases as a diagnostic tool while analyzing subjects with suspected Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Because most of these blocks are currently routinely sampled by the majority of laboratories, assessment of the Aβ phase in AD is feasible even in large scale retrospective studies

    Current preventive strategies and management of Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in solid organ transplantation in Europe. Results of the ESGICH Questionnaire-based Cross-sectional Survey

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    There is limited clinical evidence on the utility of the monitoring of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNAemia in the pre-emptive management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. We investigated current preventive measures against EBV-related PTLD through a web-based questionnaire sent to 669 SOT programmes in 35 European countries. This study was performed on behalf of the ESGICH study group from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. A total of 71 SOT programmes from 15 European countries participated in the study. EBV serostatus of the recipient is routinely obtained in 69/71 centres (97%) and 64 (90%) have access to EBV DNAemia assays. EBV monitoring is routinely used in 85.9% of the programmes and 77.4% reported performing pre-emptive treatment for patients with significant EBV DNAemia levels. Pre-emptive treatment for EBV DNAemia included reduction of immunosuppression in 50.9%, switch to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in 30.9%, and use of rituximab in 14.5% of programmes. Imaging by whole-body 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is used in 60.9% of centres to rule out PTLD and complemented computer tomography is used in 50%. In 10.9% of centres, FDG-PET is included in the first-line diagnostic workup in patients with high-risk EBV DNAemia. Despite the lack of definitive evidence, EBV load measurements are frequently used in Europe to guide diagnostic workup and pre-emptive reduction of immunosuppression. We need prospective and controlled studies to define the impact of EBV monitoring in reducing the risk of PTLD in SOT recipients

    International lower limb collaborative (INTELLECT) study: a multicentre, international retrospective audit of lower extremity open fractures

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    Trauma remains a major cause of mortality and disability across the world1, with a higher burden in developing nations2. Open lower extremity injuries are devastating events from a physical3, mental health4, and socioeconomic5 standpoint. The potential sequelae, including risk of chronic infection and amputation, can lead to delayed recovery and major disability6. This international study aimed to describe global disparities, timely intervention, guideline-directed care, and economic aspects of open lower limb injuries

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España 2018. Informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadya-senpe.com) del año 2018. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2018. Resultados: se registraron 278 pacientes (54, 7% mujeres), 23 niños y 255 adultos, procedentes de 45 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 5, 95 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2018. El diagnóstico más frecuente en adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” (22, 0%), seguido de “otros”. En niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto con la enterocolitis necrotizante, con cuatro casos (17, 4%). El primer motivo de indicación fue síndrome de intestino corto tanto en niños (60, 9%) como en adultos (35, 7%). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en niños (81, 0%) como en adultos (41, 1%). Finalizaron 75 episodios, la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (52, 0%) y el paso a vía oral (33, 3%). Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores en el registro de pacientes que reciben NPD se mantiene estable, así como las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD. Aim: To communicate home parenteral nutrition (HPN) data obtained from the HPN registry of the NADYA-SENPE group (www.nadya-senpe.  com) for the year 2018. Material and methods: Descriptive analysis of the data collected from adult and pediatric patients with HPN in the NADYA-SENPE group registry from January 1st, 2018 to December 31st, 2018.  Results: There were 278 patients from 45 Spanish hospitals (54.7% women), 23 children and 255 adults, which represent a prevalence rate of 5.95 patients/million inhabitants/year 2018. The most frequent diagnosis in adults was “palliative cancer” (22.0%), followed by “others”. In children it was Hirschsprung’s disease together with necrotizing enterocolitis, with four cases (17.4%). The first indication was short bowel syndrome in both children (60.9%) and adults (35.7%). The most frequently used type of catheter was tunneled in both children (81.0%) and adults (41.1%). Ending 75 episodes, the most frequent cause was death (52.0%) and change to oral feeding (33.3%). Conclusions: The number of centers and collaborating professionals in the registry of patients receiving HPN remains stable, as well as the main indications and reasons for termination of HPN

    Aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG):harmonized evaluation strategy

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    Pathological accumulation of abnormally phosphorylated tau protein in astrocytes is a frequent, but poorly characterized feature of the aging brain. Its etiology is uncertain, but its presence is sufficiently ubiquitous to merit further characterization and classification, which may stimulate clinicopathological studies and research into its pathobiology. This paper aims to harmonize evaluation and nomenclature of aging-related tau astrogliopathy (ARTAG), a term that refers to a morphological spectrum of astroglial pathology detected by tau immunohistochemistry, especially with phosphorylation-dependent and 4R isoform-specific antibodies. ARTAG occurs mainly, but not exclusively, in individuals over 60 years of age. Tau-immunoreactive astrocytes in ARTAG include thorn-shaped astrocytes at the glia limitans and in white matter, as well as solitary or clustered astrocytes with perinuclear cytoplasmic tau immunoreactivity that extends into the astroglial processes as fine fibrillar or granular immunopositivity, typically in gray matter. Various forms of ARTAG may coexist in the same brain and might reflect different pathogenic processes. Based on morphology and anatomical distribution, ARTAG can be distinguished from primary tauopathies, but may be concurrent with primary tauopathies or other disorders. We recommend four steps for evaluation of ARTAG: (1) identification of five types based on the location of either morphologies of tau astrogliopathy: subpial, subependymal, perivascular, white matter, gray matter; (2) documentation of the regional involvement: medial temporal lobe, lobar (frontal, parietal, occipital, lateral temporal), subcortical, brainstem; (3) documentation of the severity of tau astrogliopathy; and (4) description of subregional involvement. Some types of ARTAG may underlie neurological symptoms; however, the clinical significance of ARTAG is currently uncertain and awaits further studies. The goal of this proposal is to raise awareness of astroglial tau pathology in the aged brain, facilitating communication among neuropathologists and researchers, and informing interpretation of clinical biomarkers and imaging studies that focus on tau-related indicators