33 research outputs found

    A TESOL Service Learning Program in Rural Michigan: An Innovative Approach to Preparing Pre-Service Teachers

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    Central Michigan University offers a TESOL service learning course that provides pre-service teachers the opportunity to apply their understanding of course content while addressing the needs of school-aged and adult emergent multilinguals. An innovative aspect of the course is that it provides clinical experiences, prior to student teaching, at the university’s English Language Institute and at multiple sites within a rural K-12 school district. To contribute to an understanding of how to prepare pre-service teachers while supporting emergent multilinguals in rural communities, the authors describe the development and research basis of the course, discuss the benefits of the course and how they overcame various challenges, and offer advice for developing similar programs. The authors contend that service learning models can provide unique educational experiences by providing meaningful interactions between diverse student populations and call for additional research on TESOL service learning models in rural contexts

    Structure–activity relationship study of EphB3 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    A structure–activity relationship study for a 2-chloroanilide derivative of pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine revealed that increased EphB3 kinase inhibitory activity could be accomplished by retaining the 2-chloroanilide and introducing a phenyl or small electron donating substituents to the 5-position of the pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine. In addition, replacement of the pyrazolo[1,5-a]pyridine with imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine was well tolerated and resulted in enhanced mouse liver microsome stability. The structure–activity relationship for EphB3 inhibition of both heterocyclic series was similar. Kinase inhibitory activity was also demonstrated for representative analogs in cell culture. An analog (32, LDN-211904) was also profiled for inhibitory activity against a panel of 288 kinases and found to be quite selective for tyrosine kinases. Overall, these studies provide useful molecular probes for examining the in vitro, cellular and potentially in vivo kinase-dependent function of EphB3 receptor

    Discovery of inhibitors that elucidate the role of UCH-L1 activity in the H1299 lung cancer cell line

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    Neuronal ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (UCH-L1) has been linked to Parkinson's disease (PD), the progression of certain nonneuronal tumors, and neuropathic pain. Certain lung tumor-derived cell lines express UCH-L1 but it is not expressed in normal lung tissue, suggesting that this enzyme plays a role in tumor progression, either as a trigger or as a response. Small-molecule inhibitors of UCH-L1 would be helpful in distinguishing between these scenarios. By utilizing high-throughput screening (HTS) to find inhibitors and traditional medicinal chemistry to optimize their affinity and specificity, we have identified a class of isatin O-acyl oximes that selectively inhibit UCH-L1 as compared to its systemic isoform, UCH-L3. Three representatives of this class (30, 50, 51) have IC(50) values of 0.80-0.94 micro M for UCH-L1 and 17-25 micro M for UCH-L3. The K(i) of 30 toward UCH-L1 is 0.40 micro M and inhibition is reversible, competitive, and active site directed. Two isatin oxime inhibitors increased proliferation of the H1299 lung tumor cell line but had no effect on a lung tumor line that does not express UCH-L1. Inhibition of UCH-L1 expression in the H1299 cell line using RNAi had a similar proproliferative effect, suggesting that the UCH-L1 enzymatic activity is antiproliferative and that UCH-L1 expression may be a response to tumor growth. The molecular mechanism of this response remains to be determined

    The Spitzer c2d Survey of Weak-Line T Tauri Stars. III. The Transition from Primordial Disks to Debris Disks

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    We present 3.6 to 70 {\mu}m Spitzer photometry of 154 weak-line T Tauri stars (WTTS) in the Chamaeleon, Lupus, Ophiuchus and Taurus star formation regions, all of which are within 200 pc of the Sun. For a comparative study, we also include 33 classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) which are located in the same star forming regions. Spitzer sensitivities allow us to robustly detect the photosphere in the IRAC bands (3.6 to 8 {\mu}m) and the 24 {\mu}m MIPS band. In the 70 {\mu}m MIPS band, we are able to detect dust emission brighter than roughly 40 times the photosphere. These observations represent the most sensitive WTTS survey in the mid to far infrared to date, and reveal the frequency of outer disks (r = 3-50 AU) around WTTS. The 70 {\mu}m photometry for half the c2d WTTS sample (the on-cloud objects), which were not included in the earlier papers in this series, Padgett et al. (2006) and Cieza et al. (2007), are presented here for the first time. We find a disk frequency of 19% for on-cloud WTTS, but just 5% for off- cloud WTTS, similar to the value reported in the earlier works. WTTS exhibit spectral energy distributions (SEDs) that are quite diverse, spanning the range from optically thick to optically thin disks. Most disks become more tenuous than Ldisk/L* = 2 x 10^-3 in 2 Myr, and more tenuous than Ldisk/L* = 5 x 10^-4 in 4 Myr.Comment: 40 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ on September 20, 201

    Childhood poly-victimization and children's health: A nationally representative study

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    Background Although research on the negative effects of childhood poly-victimization is substantial, few studies have examined the relationship between poly-victimization and younger children’s physical health and diseases. Objective This study examines the associations between poly-victimization and children’s health problems requiring medical attention. Methods A national stratified cluster random sampling was used to select and approach 25% of the total primary schools in Taiwan, and 49% of the approached schools agreed to participate in this study. We collected data with a self-report questionnaire from 6233 (4th-grade) students aged 10–11, covering every city and county in Taiwan. Results Logistic regression analyses demonstrate a significant dose-response relationship between children’s poly-victimization exposure and their health problems including hospitalization, serious injury, surgery, daily-medication requirements, heart murmurs, asthma, dizziness or fainting, allergies, kidney disease, therapies for special needs, smoking, and alcohol use. The results indicate that children’s risk of having a health problem grew significantly with each increase in the number of victimization types that children experienced. Conclusions These research findings underscore the effect of poly-victimization on children’s health problems requiring medical attention, and stress the need for both proper screening methods for children’s exposure to poly-victimization and stronger awareness of poly-victimization’s effects on health conditions in healthcare clinics

    Acute inflammatory myelopathies

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    Inflammatory injury to the spinal cord causes a well-recognized clinical syndrome. Patients typically develop bilateral weakness, usually involving the legs, although the arms may also become affected, in association with a pattern of sensory changes that suggests a spinal cord dermatomal level. Bowel and bladder impairment is also common in many patients. Recognition of the clinical pattern of spinal cord injury should lead clinicians to perform imaging studies to evaluate for compressive etiologies. MRI of the spine is particularly useful in helping visualize intraparenchymal lesions and when these lesions enhance following contrast administration a diagnosis of myelitis is made. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis can also confirm a diagnosis of myelitis when a leukocytosis is present. There are many causes of non-compressive spinal cord injury including infectious, parainfectious, toxic, nutritional, vascular, systemic as well as idiopathic inflammatory etiologies. This review focuses on inflammatory spinal cord injury and its relationships with multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis optica, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and systemic collagen vascular and paraneoplastic diseases

    Asymptomatic vesicular eruption on the chest in a breast cancer survivor. Diagnosis: Benign lymphangiomatous papules (BLAP) of the skin following radiotherapy

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    A 47-year-old woman with a history of inflammatory breast cancer presented with a 2- to 3-week history of asymptomatic lesions of the right chest and axilla. The cancer in her right breast had been treated 3.5 years earlier by bilateral mastectomy, right axillary lymph node dissection, tamoxifen therapy, and radiotherapy to the right chest. Physical examination revealed grouped vesicles, some on a background of mild erythema, and scattered, flesh-colored, flat-topped papules overlying the patient\u27s mastectomy scars and radiation field on the right chest and axilla (Figure 1). The left chest and axilla were unaffected. Results from a Tzanck preparation, direct fluorescent antibody testing for herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus, and viral cultures were negative. A punch biopsy specimen was obtained from the right axilla (Figure 2 and Figure 3)