1,114 research outputs found

    L'effort associé à la reconnaissance de la parole chez les adultes et les personnes aînées

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    L’objectif principal de cette thèse était de quantifier et comparer l’effort requis pour reconnaître la parole dans le bruit chez les jeunes adultes et les personnes aînées ayant une audition normale et une acuité visuelle normale (avec ou sans lentille de correction de la vue). L’effort associé à la perception de la parole est lié aux ressources attentionnelles et cognitives requises pour comprendre la parole. La première étude (Expérience 1) avait pour but d’évaluer l’effort associé à la reconnaissance auditive de la parole (entendre un locuteur), tandis que la deuxième étude (Expérience 2) avait comme but d’évaluer l’effort associé à la reconnaissance auditivo-visuelle de la parole (entendre et voir le visage d’un locuteur). L’effort fut mesuré de deux façons différentes. D’abord par une approche comportementale faisant appel à un paradigme expérimental nommé double tâche. Il s’agissait d’une tâche de reconnaissance de mot jumelée à une tâche de reconnaissance de patrons vibro-tactiles. De plus, l’effort fut quantifié à l’aide d’un questionnaire demandant aux participants de coter l’effort associé aux tâches comportementales. Les deux mesures d’effort furent utilisées dans deux conditions expérimentales différentes : 1) niveau équivalent – c'est-à-dire lorsque le niveau du bruit masquant la parole était le même pour tous les participants et, 2) performance équivalente – c'est-à-dire lorsque le niveau du bruit fut ajusté afin que les performances à la tâche de reconnaissance de mots soient identiques pour les deux groupes de participant. Les niveaux de performance obtenus pour la tâche vibro-tactile ont révélé que les personnes aînées fournissent plus d’effort que les jeunes adultes pour les deux conditions expérimentales, et ce, quelle que soit la modalité perceptuelle dans laquelle les stimuli de la parole sont présentés (c.-à.-d., auditive seulement ou auditivo-visuelle). Globalement, le ‘coût’ associé aux performances de la tâche vibro-tactile était au plus élevé pour les personnes aînées lorsque la parole était présentée en modalité auditivo-visuelle. Alors que les indices visuels peuvent améliorer la reconnaissance auditivo-visuelle de la parole, nos résultats suggèrent qu’ils peuvent aussi créer une charge additionnelle sur les ressources utilisées pour traiter l’information. Cette charge additionnelle a des conséquences néfastes sur les performances aux tâches de reconnaissance de mots et de patrons vibro-tactiles lorsque celles-ci sont effectuées sous des conditions de double tâche. Conformément aux études antérieures, les coefficients de corrélations effectuées à partir des données de l’Expérience 1 et de l’Expérience 2 soutiennent la notion que les mesures comportementales de double tâche et les réponses aux questionnaires évaluent différentes dimensions de l’effort associé à la reconnaissance de la parole. Comme l’effort associé à la perception de la parole repose sur des facteurs auditifs et cognitifs, une troisième étude fut complétée afin d’explorer si la mémoire auditive de travail contribue à expliquer la variance dans les données portant sur l’effort associé à la perception de la parole. De plus, ces analyses ont permis de comparer les patrons de réponses obtenues pour ces deux facteurs après des jeunes adultes et des personnes aînées. Pour les jeunes adultes, les résultats d’une analyse de régression séquentielle ont démontré qu’une mesure de la capacité auditive (taille de l’empan) était reliée à l’effort, tandis qu’une mesure du traitement auditif (rappel alphabétique) était reliée à la précision avec laquelle les mots étaient reconnus lorsqu’ils étaient présentés sous les conditions de double tâche. Cependant, ces mêmes relations n’étaient pas présentes dans les données obtenues pour le groupe de personnes aînées ni dans les données obtenues lorsque les tâches de reconnaissance de la parole étaient effectuées en modalité auditivo-visuelle. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour identifier les facteurs cognitifs qui sous-tendent l’effort associé à la perception de la parole, et ce, particulièrement chez les personnes aînées.The primary objective of the current thesis was to quantify and compare the amount of listening effort that young and older, normal-hearing adults with normal (or corrected normal) vision expend when speech is presented in background noise. Listening effort refers to the attentional and cognitive resources required to understand speech. Study 1 was designed to determine the listening effort associated with auditory speech recognition (hearing a speaker) whereas Study 2 examined the listening effort involved with audiovisual speech recognition (hearing and seeing the face of a speaker). Listening effort was assessed behaviourally, using a dual task paradigm where a word recognition task was paired with a tactile pattern recognition task and, with self-reported ratings. Both measures of listening effort were assessed under two experimental conditions: 1) equated level - where the level of background noise was the same for all participants and, 2) equated performance - where single task word recognition performance did not differ between groups. The tactile task costs revealed that older adults expended more listening effort than young adults for both experimental conditions regardless of the perceptual modality in which the speech stimuli were presented (i.e., audio-only and audiovisual). Overall, the cost involved with tactile task performance was highest for older adults when speech was presented audiovisually. While visual cues can improve audiovisual speech recognition our results suggest they can also place an extra demand on processing resources with performance consequences for the word and tactile tasks under dual task conditions. Consistent with the literature, the correlation findings of Study 1 and Study 2 support the idea that dual task measures and self-reported ratings each assess different aspects of listening effort. As listening effort draws upon auditory and cognitive factors, the purpose of Study 3 was to determine to what extent the separate components of auditory working memory (capacity and processing) contribute towards the variance observed in listening effort and to determine if the pattern of working memory predictor variables changes with age. Results of a sequential regression analysis for young adults indicated that a measure of auditory capacity (span size) was related to listening effort whereas a measure of auditory processing (alphabetical recall) was related to the cost associated with word recognition accuracy performance under dual task conditions. However, these relationships did not extend to older adults or to the data obtained when the speech recognition tasks were performed audiovisually. Further research is required to determine what cognitive factors underlie listening effort – especially for older adults

    Navigating Learning Journeys of Online Teachers: Threshold Concepts and Self-efficacy

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    Higher education institutions are developing more and more online courses to supplement and augment the courses they offer in on-campus modes. In fact, some universities now offer the majority of their courses through online contexts. However, for academic staff who design and teach these courses, the transition from teaching on-campus courses to teaching in online learning environments is not always speedy or smooth. Academic teaching staff require support, mentoring and professional learning programs to develop their existing capacities and apply them to an online context. This paper reports on Phase 2 of a research project, which takes into consideration the cumulative effect of tailored professional development measures implemented in response to findings in Phase 1. The three aims were: 1) to identify the threshold concepts that teaching staff develop when they learn about online learning and teaching; 2) to compare self-efficacy levels and threshold concepts of staff who are experienced or inexperienced in online learning and teaching; and 3) to develop customised professional learning programs and resources to extend the online teaching and course design skills of academic staff. Findings from the study are outlined by identifying threshold concepts, threshold attitudes and self-efficacy levels of online educators and the implications these findings have for designing professional development programs in higher education contexts

    Renormalisation in Quantum Mechanics

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    We study a recently proposed quantum action depending on temperature. We construct a renormalisation group equation describing the flow of action parameters with temperature. At zero temperature the quantum action is obtained analytically and is found free of higher time derivatives. It makes the quantum action an ideal tool to investigate quantum chaos and quantum instantons.Comment: replaced version with new figs. Text (LaTeX), 3 Figs. (ps

    Threshold Concepts about Online Teaching: Progress Report on a Five Year Project

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    The burgeoning expansion of online education has presented the challenges of articulating an appropriate pedagogy for online education (Stevens, 2003; Runnels et al., 2006; Gosselin, 2009) while also contending with perceived and real deficits in lecturer competence (Shephard, 2007). Conceptually, the identified areas of concern are viewed as troublesome knowledge (Perkins, 1999), or knowledge that is counter intuitive to traditional teaching face to face teaching. To meet the emerging difficulties of new modes of distance teaching, researchers have focused on transformative learning using threshold concepts, or new portals, that allow understanding of concepts through new modes of thinking (Meyer & Land, 2003). Northcote and her colleagues used findings from their research into threshold concepts of online teaching to develop a tailored staff development training program (Northcote et al., 2011; Northcote et al., 2013). By identifying troublesome knowledge and threshold concepts, several unique benefits have been realised that include: 1) a focus for professional development programs; 2) a clearer understanding of the processes and resources needed to facilitate development; 3) support from institutional leadership; and 4) increased competence and confidence for online course developers

    Weight loss maintenance in women two to eleven years after participating in a commercial program: a survey

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    BACKGROUND: After 5 years, most reports show that less than 10% of people maintain a 5% loss from initial body weight. Weight maintenance after 10 years is rarely assessed, especially in commercial programs. The current article reports weight maintenance in individuals who had participated 2 to 11 years earlier in a popular commercial weight loss program based on Canada's Food Guide called Mincavi. METHODS: Randomly picked subjects answered a telephone questionnaire. Participants, 291 adult women from various regions of the province of Quebec, had followed the program 2 to 11 years earlier for at least a month. Body weight at the beginning and at the end of treatment was recorded as well as actual weight, age and height. Existing records allowed partial verification of the sample. RESULTS: Based on corrected weights, percentage of women who maintained at least 5% of their initial weight loss are as following; 2 years = 43.6% (n = 55), 3 years = 33.3% (n = 42), 4 years = 23.8% (n = 42), 5–6 years = 38.2% (n = 55), 7–8 years = 29.4% (n = 51), and 9–11 years; 19.6% (n = 46). Five to eleven years after they had participated in the program 29.1% of all women maintained a weight loss of at least 5%, while 14.3% maintained a loss of at least 10%. CONCLUSIONS: Even though success rate is not as high as could be wished for, results show that participation in the Mincavi program can lead to effective weight maintenance long after individuals have left it. These findings suggest more thorough studies should be conducted on this weight loss program

    Dissolved iron in the Arctic shelf seas and surface waters of the Central Arctic Ocean: Impact of Arctic river water and ice-melt

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    Key Points - DFe in the Arctic shelves and surface is linked to freshwater and alkalinity - Fluvial input main contributor to high DFe, low alkalinity in Central Arctic - Remineralisation and biological depletion determine DFe in the Arctic Shelf Seas Abstract Concentrations of dissolved (10 nM) in the bottom waters of the Laptev Sea shelf may be attributed to either sediment resuspension, sinking of brine or regeneration of DFe in the lower layers. A significant correlation (R2 = 0.60) between salinity and DFe is observed. Using δ18O, salinity ,nutrients and total alkalinity data, the main source for the high (>2 nM) DFe concentrations in the Amundsen and Makarov Basins is identified as (Eurasian) river water, transported with the Transpolar Drift (TPD). On the North American side of the TPD, the DFe concentrations are low ( 4) above the shelf and low ( < 4) off the shelf)

    Relations between self-reported daily-life fatigue, hearing status and pupil dilation during a speech perception in noise task

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    Objective: people with hearing impairment are likely to experience higher levels of fatigue due to effortful listening in daily communication. This hearing-related fatigue might not only constrain their work performance, but also result in withdrawal from major social roles. Therefore, it is important to understand the relationships between fatigue, listening effort, and hearing impairment, by examining the evidence from both subjective and objective measurements. The aim of the present study was to investigate these relationships by assessing subjectively measured daily-life fatigue (self-report questionnaires) and objectively measured listening effort (pupillometry) in both normally-hearing and hearing-impaired participants. Design: twenty-seven normally-hearing and 19 age-matched participants with hearing impairment were included in this study. Two self-report fatigue questionnaires: Need For Recovery and Checklist Individual Strength were given to the participants before the test session to evaluate the subjectively measured daily fatigue. Participants were asked to perform a speech reception threshold test with single-talker masker targeting a 50% correct response criterion. The pupil diameter was recorded during the speech processing, and we used peak pupil dilation as the main outcome measure of the pupillometry. Results: No correlation was found between subjectively measured fatigue and hearing acuity, nor was a group difference found between the normally-hearing and the hearing-impaired participants on the fatigue scores. A significant negative correlation was found between self-reported fatigue and peak pupil dilation. A similar correlation was also found between Speech Intelligibility Index required for 50% correct and peak pupil dilation. Multiple regression analysis showed that factors representing 'hearing acuity' and 'self-reported fatigue' had equal and independent associations with the peak pupil dilation during the speech in noise test. Less fatigue and better hearing acuity were associated with a larger pupil dilation. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the relationship between a subjective measure of daily-life fatigue and an objective measure of pupil dilation, as an indicator of listening effort. These findings help to provide an empirical link between pupil responses, as observed in the laboratory, and daily life fatigue

    Porewater methane transport within the gas vesicles of diurnally migrating Chaoborus spp.: An energetic advantage

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    We show that diurnally migrating Chaoborus sp. (phantom midge larvae), which can be highly abundant in eutrophic lakes with anoxic bottom, utilises sediment methane to inflate their tracheal sacs, which provides positive buoyancy to aid vertical migration. This process also effectively transports sediment methane bypassing oxidation to the upper water column, adding to the total methane outflux to the atmosphere
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