1,670 research outputs found

    Einfluss von Nutzungsmuster und Habitatkonfiguration auf die Spinnenfauna der Krautschicht (Araneae) in einer sĂŒddeutschen Agrarlandschaft [Rezension]

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    Agrarlandschaften können von vielen Tierarten nur besiedelt werden, wenn ausreichend Raine und BrachflĂ€chen als Lebensraum zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. Am Beispiel von krautschichtbewohnenden Spinnen wird in der Arbeit gezeigt, dass nur wenige dieser Arten in Äckern und WirtschaftsgrĂŒnland leben können, aber ein großer Artenreichtum in Rainen und BrachflĂ€chen vorkommen kann. Dies ist jedoch abhĂ€ngig von Umweltvariablen wie Rainbreite, Deckung der KrĂ€uter und Mahd auf diesen FlĂ€chen. FĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Besiedlung von Ackerbrachen nach der Nutzungsaufgabe benötigen die meisten Spinnen jedoch mindestens drei Jahre. Durch den Vergleich von sieben Landschaftsausschnitten im Naturraum "Westliches TertiĂ€res HĂŒgelland zwischen Donau und Isar" wird der Versuch unternommen, den Einfluss der Landschaftsstruktur auf die Spinnenfauna zu quantifizieren. Aus den Ergebnissen entwickelt die Autorin ein Indikationsverfahren, dass durch seine methodisch einfache Anwendbarkeit bei entsprechender Sach- und Artenkenntnis des Bearbeiters fĂŒr die Bewertung der HabitatqualitĂ€t von Rainen in einem grĂ¶ĂŸeren rĂ€umlichen Maßstab geeignet ist

    Untersuchungen zur Rolle ausgewĂ€hlter netzbauender Spinnen (Araneae) im trophischen BeziehungsgefĂŒge von Halbtrockenrasen [Kurzreferat]

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    Im Rahmen einer dreijĂ€hrigen Freilandstudie wurden ausgewĂ€hlte netzbauende Spinnenarten [Argiope bruennichi (SCOPOLl, 1772);Araneus quadratus CLERCK, 1757; Araneus diadematus CLERCK, 1757; Linyphia triangularis (CLERCK, 1757); Theridion impressum L. KOCH, 1881] der Trespen-Halbtrockenrasen im Naturschutzgebiet "Leutratal" bei Jena untersucht. Ziel der Arbeit war es, Kenntnisse zur Rolle dieser fĂŒr Halbtrockenrasen typischen PrĂ€datoren-Gilde im trophischen BeziehungsgefĂŒge von Graslandökosystemen zu erbringen. RĂ€umliche, zeitliche und trophische Einnischung der Netzspinnenarten wurden untersucht, um wesentliche Aspekte der RĂ€uber-Beute-Beziehungen nĂ€her zu charakterisieren

    La représentation dans le cadre de la composition et de la musicologie assistées par ordinateur & Parcours de recherche et création

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    It’s clear that it is possible to make music with music instruments, but it seems much less obvious to talk and/or communicate about it with the same instruments. Thus, we always needed to rely on the use of natural language and develop a large number of representations to be able to talk and communicate about music. Although the computers conception has pushed further the need for a new representation. In this writing, we will explore the concept of representation, both from the point of view of the process (to represent) than that of the generated object (representation) in the context of computer music composition and computer-aided musicology (or computational musicology). Our interest will focus on the epistemological properties and the various consequences of the representation process, and on the representations as cognitive determinants, specifically: how representations induce the operative field, and how they guide our choices?Concerning my research and musical composition journey, when I look back at my career, I realize that a linear table of contents is not an appropriate way to represent it. This path made of coincidences, encounters, desires and intuitions. I must recognize that there was no ‘’big scheme’’, just curiosity, willingness to act, affinities and coming across inspiring personalities, encouraging people that helped and offered me options in this path that led to my actual career. However, in retrospect I could say that from this fog an outline emerges: "composition - modeling", supported by the problematic of representation, having as background my pedagogical work.S’il est clair qu’il est possible de faire de la musique avec les outils de la musique, il nous semble bien moins évident d'en parler et/ou de communiquer à son propos avec ces mêmes outils. Ainsi, nous avons toujours eu besoin de nous appuyer sur l’utilisation du langage naturel et de développer un grand nombre de représentations pour pouvoir parler et communiquer sur la musique. L’arrivée de l’informatique a poussé plus loin ce besoin de représentation. Dans ce mémoire, nous nous attellerons à étudier le concept de représentation, tant du point de vue du processus (représenter) que de celui de l’objet généré (la représentation) dans le contexte de la composition musicale assistée par ordinateur et de la musicologie computationnelle. Notre intérêt se portera principalement sur les propriétés épistémologiques et les divers corollaires du processus, de l’objet généré, et plus particulièrement sur les représentations en tant que déterminants cognitifs : comment les représentations induisent-elles le champ opératoire, et orientent-elles nos choix ?Concernant mon parcours de recherche et crĂ©ation, ceci n’est pas un mémoire, ceux-ci sont des mémoires.Lorsque je me penche sur mon parcours, je me rends compte qu’une table de matières linéaire n’est pas du tout appropriée pour le représenter. Ce parcours s’est fait de coïncidences, de rencontres, d’envies et d’intuitions. Force est de reconnaître qu’il n’y avait pas de grand plan, juste de la curiosité, une volonté d’action, des affinités et la rencontre avec des personnalités m’inspirant, m’encourageant, m’aidant ou me proposant des chemins. Cependant, avec le recul je pourrais dire que de cette brume un profil se dégage, l’axe « composition – modélisation », soutenu par la problématique de la représentation, ayant comme contexte mon travail pédagogique

    RĂ©flexions sur l'acte compositionnel

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    Ce texte prétend montrer que l'idée de modÚle et de formalisation font partie de ce que nous appelons le métier de compositeur et présente une vision de l'acte compositionnel que, nous espérons, pourra nous aider à mieux comprendre la place de l'ordinateur dans cette nouvelle discipline qu'est la Composition Assistée par Ordinateur

    Convergent Evidence from Animal and Human Studies

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    Schizophrenia is a highly heritable disorder with diverse mental and somatic symptoms. The molecular mechanisms leading from genes to disease pathology in schizophrenia remain largely unknown. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) have shown that common single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with specific diseases are enriched in the recognition sequences of transcription factors that regulate physiological processes relevant to the disease. We have used a “bottom-up” approach and tracked a developmental trajectory from embryology to physiological processes and behavior and recognized that the transcription factor NK2 homeobox 1 (NKX2-1) possesses properties of particular interest for schizophrenia. NKX2-1 is selectively expressed from prenatal development to adulthood in the brain, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, lungs, skin, and enteric ganglia, and has key functions at the interface of the brain, the endocrine-, and the immune system. In the developing brain, NKX2-1-expressing progenitor cells differentiate into distinct subclasses of forebrain GABAergic and cholinergic neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. The transcription factor is highly expressed in mature limbic circuits related to context-dependent goal-directed patterns of behavior, social interaction and reproduction, fear responses, responses to light, and other homeostatic processes. It is essential for development and mature function of the thyroid gland and the respiratory system, and is involved in calcium metabolism and immune responses. NKX2-1 interacts with a number of genes identified as susceptibility genes for schizophrenia. We suggest that NKX2-1 may lie at the core of several dose dependent pathways that are dysregulated in schizophrenia. We correlate the symptoms seen in schizophrenia with the temporal and spatial activities of NKX2-1 in order to highlight promising future research areas

    Embodiment and Grammatical Structure: An Approach to the Relation of Experience, Assertion and Truth

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    In this thesis I address a concern in both existential phenomenology and embodied cognition, namely, the question of how ‘higher’ cognitive abilities such as language and judgements of truth relate to embodied experience. I suggest that although our words are grounded in experience, what makes this grounding and our higher abilities possible is grammatical structure. The opening chapter contrasts the ‘situated’ approach of embodied cognition and existential phenomenology with Cartesian methodological solipsism. The latter produces a series of dualisms, including that of language and meaning, whereas the former dissolves such dualisms. The second chapter adapts Merleau-Ponty’s arguments against the perceptual constancy hypothesis in order to undermine the dualism of grammar and meaning. This raises the question of what grammar is, which is addressed in the third chapter. I acknowledge the force of Chomsky’s observation that language is structure dependent and briefly introduce a minimal grammatical operation which might be the ‘spark which lit the intellectual forest fire’ (Clark: 2001, 151). Grammatical relations are argued to make possible the grounding of our symbols in chapters 4 and 5, which attempt to ground the categories of determiner and aspect in spatial deixis and embodied motor processes respectively. Chapter 6 ties the previous three together, arguing that we may understand a given lexeme as an object or as an event by subsuming it within a determiner phrase or aspectualising it respectively. I suggest that such modification of a word’s meaning is possible because determiners and aspect schematise, i.e. determine the temporal structure, of the lexeme. Chapter 7 uses this account to take up Heidegger’s claim that the relation between being and truth be cast in terms of temporality (2006, H349), though falls short of providing a complete account of the ‘origin of truth’. Chapter 8 concludes and notes further avenues of research
