854 research outputs found

    Cosmological Structure Formation under MOND: a new numerical solver for Poisson's equation

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    We present a novel solver for an analogue to Poisson's equation in the framework of modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND). This equation is highly non-linear and hence standard codes based upon tree structures and/or FFT's in general are not applicable; one needs to defer to multi-grid relaxation techniques. After a detailed description of the necessary modifications to the cosmological N-body code AMIGA (formerly known as MLAPM) we utilize the new code to revisit the issue of cosmic structure formation under MOND. We find that the proper (numerical) integration of a MONDian Poisson's equation has some noticable effects on the final results when compared against simulations of the same kind but based upon rather ad-hoc assumptions about the properties of the MONDian force field. Namely, we find that the large-scale structure evolution is faster in our revised MOND model leading to an even stronger clustering of galaxies, especially when compared to the standard LCDM paradigm.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cognitive reserve proxies do not differentially account for cognitive performance in patients with focal frontal and non-frontal lesions

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    Objective: Cognitive reserve (CR) suggests that premorbid efficacy, aptitude, and flexibility of cognitive processing can aid the brain\u2019s ability to cope with change or damage. Our previous work has shown that age and literacy attainment predict the cognitive performance of frontal patients on frontal-executive tests. However, it remains unknown whether CR also predicts the cognitive performance of non-frontal patients. Method: We investigated the independent effect of a CR proxy, National Adult Reading Test (NART) IQ, as well as age and lesion group (frontal vs. non-frontal) on measures of executive function, intelligence, processing speed, and naming in 166 patients with focal, unilateral frontal lesions; 91 patients with focal, unilateral non-frontal lesions; and 136 healthy controls. Results: Fitting multiple linear regression models for each cognitive measure revealed that NART IQ predicted executive, intelligence, and naming performance. Age also significantly predicted performance on the executive and processing speed tests. Finally, belonging to the frontal group predicted executive and naming performance, while membership of the non-frontal group predicted intelligence. Conclusions: These findings suggest that age, lesion group, and literacy attainment play independent roles in predicting cognitive performance following stroke or brain tumour. However, the relationship between CR and focal brain damage does not differ in the context of frontal and non-frontal lesions

    UNIT project: Universe NN-body simulations for the Investigation of Theoretical models from galaxy surveys

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    We present the UNIT NN-body cosmological simulations project, designed to provide precise predictions for nonlinear statistics of the galaxy distribution. We focus on characterizing statistics relevant to emission line and luminous red galaxies in the current and upcoming generation of galaxy surveys. We use a suite of precise particle mesh simulations (FastPM) as well as with full NN-body calculations with a mass resolution of 1.2×109h1\sim 1.2\times10^9\,h^{-1}M_{\odot} to investigate the recently suggested technique of Angulo & Pontzen 2016 to suppress the variance of cosmological simulations We study redshift space distortions, cosmic voids, higher order statistics from z=2z=2 down to z=0z=0. We find that both two- and three-point statistics are unbiased. Over the scales of interest for baryon acoustic oscillations and redshift-space distortions, we find that the variance is greatly reduced in the two-point statistics and in the cross correlation between halos and cosmic voids, but is not reduced significantly for the three-point statistics. We demonstrate that the accuracy of the two-point correlation function for a galaxy survey with effective volume of 20 (h1h^{-1}Gpc)3^3 is improved by about a factor of 40, indicating that two pairs of simulations with a volume of 1 (h1h^{-1}Gpc)3^3 lead to the equivalent variance of \sim150 such simulations. The NN-body simulations presented here thus provide an effective survey volume of about seven times the effective survey volume of DESI or Euclid. The data from this project, including dark matter fields, halo catalogues, and their clustering statistics, are publicly available at http://www.unitsims.org.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. This version matches the one accepted by MNRAS. The data from this project are publicly available at: http://www.unitsims.or

    Dark Matter Halo Mergers I: Dependence on Environment & Redshift Evolution

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    This paper presents a study of the specific merger rate as a function of group membership, local environment, and redshift in a very large, 500h1Mpc500h^{-1} Mpc, cosmological N-body simulation, the \textit{Millennium Simulation}. The goal is to provide environmental diagnostics of major merger populations in order to test simulations against observations and provide further constraints on major merger driven galaxy evolution scenarios. A halo sample is defined using the maximum circular velocity, which is both well defined for subhalos and closely correlated with galaxy luminosity. Subhalos, including the precursors of major mergers, are severely tidally stripped. Major mergers between subhalos are therefore extremely rare. Tidal stripping also suppresses dynamical friction, resulting in long major merger time scales when the more massive halo does not host other subhalos. In contrast, when other subhalos are present major merger time scales are several times shorter. This enhancement is likely due to inelastic unbound collisions between subhalos. Following these results, we predict that major mergers in group environments are dominated by mergers involving the central galaxy, that the specific merger rate is suppressed in groups, and that the frequency of fainter companions is enhanced for mergers and their remnants. We also observe an `assembly bias' in the major merger rate in that mergers of galaxy-like halos are slightly suppressed in overdense environments while mergers of group-like halos are slightly enhanced. A dynamical explanation for this trend is advanced which calls on both tidal effects and interactions between bound halos beyond the virial radii of locally dynamically dominant halos.Comment: 44 pages, 8 figures, Preprint Submitted to Ap

    Strategic lacunes and their relationship to cognitive impairment in cerebral small vessel disease.

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    Objectives: Lacunes are an important disease feature of cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) but their relationship to cognitive impairment is not fully understood. To investigate this we determined (1) the relationship between lacune count and total lacune volume with cognition, (2) the spatial distribution of lacunes and the cognitive impact of lacune location, and (3) the whole brain anatomical covariance associated with these strategically located regions of lacune damage. Methods: One hundred and twenty one patients with symptomatic lacunar stroke and radiological leukoaraiosis were recruited and multimodal MRI and neuropsychological data acquired. Lacunes were mapped semi-automatically and their volume calculated. Lacune location was automatically determined by projection onto atlases, including an atlas which segments the thalamus based on its connectivity to the cortex. Lacune locations were correlated with neuropsychological results. Voxel based morphometry was used to create anatomical covariance maps for these ‘strategic’ regions. Results: Lacune number and lacune volume were positively associated with worse executive function (number p < 0.001; volume p < 0.001) and processing speed (number p < 0.001; volume p < 0.001). Thalamic lacunes, particularly those in regions with connectivity to the prefrontal cortex, were associated with impaired processing speed (Bonferroni corrected p = 0.016). Regions of associated anatomical covariance included the medial prefrontal, orbitofrontal, anterior insular cortex and the striatum. Conclusion: Lacunes are important predictors of cognitive impairment in SVD. We highlight the importance of spatial distribution, particularly of anteromedial thalamic lacunes which are associated with impaired information processing speed and may mediate cognitive impairment via disruption of connectivity to the prefrontal cortex

    A novel chromosomal inversion at 11q23 in infant acute myeloid leukemia fuses MLL to CALM, a gene that encodes a clathrin assembly protein

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    Rearrangements involving the MLL gene at chromosome band 11q23 are common in infant acute myeloid leukemias (AMLs). We recently encountered an infant patient with rapidly progressive AML whose leukemic cells harbored a previously undescribed MLL rearrangement involving an inversion of 11q [inv(11)(q14q23)]. We used panhandle PCR to determine that this rearrangement juxtaposed the MLL ( M ixed- L ineage L eukemia) gene to the CALM ( C lathrin A ssembly L ymphoid M yeloid leukemia) gene at 11q14–q21. The CALM protein participates in recruitment of clathrin to internal membrane surfaces, thereby regulating vesicle formation in both endocytosis and intracellular protein transport. Intriguingly, CALM has been identified in other cases of AML as a translocation partner for the AF10 gene, which has independently been found to be an MLL partner in AML. We identified the MLL - CALM fusion transcript (but not the reciprocal CALM - MLL transcript) in leukemia cell RNA by RT-PCR. The predicted 1803 amino acid MLL-CALM fusion protein includes amino-terminal MLL domains involved in transcriptional repression, and carboxy-terminal CALM-derived clathrin-binding domains. The genomic breakpoint in MLL is in the 7th intron (within the breakpoint cluster region); the corresponding CALM breakpoint is in the 7th CALM intron. In contrast, breakpoints in CALM - AF10 translocations lie in the 17th–19th CALM introns (30 kb downstream); also, in these translocations, CALM provides the 5′ end of the fusion transcript. Together with its previously recognized association with AF10 in AML, the identification of CALM as an MLL fusion partner suggests that interference with clathrin-mediated trafficking pathways may be an underappreciated mechanism in leukemogenesis. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/35133/1/10136_ftp.pd

    Association between a longer duration of illness, age and lower frontal lobe grey matter volume in schizophrenia

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    The frontal lobe has an extended maturation period and may be vulnerable to the long-term effects of schizophrenia. We tested this hypothesis by studying the relationship between duration of illness (DoI), grey matter (GM) and cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF) volume across the whole brain. Sixty-four patients with schizophrenia and 25 healthy controls underwent structural MRI scanning and neuropsychological assessment. We performed regression analyses in patients to examine the relationship between DoI and GM and CSF volumes across the whole brain, and correlations in controls between age and GM or CSF volume of the regions where GM or CSF volumes were associated with DoI in patients. Correlations were also performed between GM volume in the regions associated with DoI and neuropsychological performance. A longer DoI was associated with lower GM volume in the left dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (PFC), right middle frontal cortex, left fusiform gyrus (FG) and left cerebellum (lobule III). Additionally, age was inversely associated with GM volume in the left dorsomedial PFC in patients, and in the left FG and CSF excess near the left cerebellum in healthy controls. Greater GM volume in the left dorsomedial PFC was associated with better working memory, attention and psychomotor speed in patients. Our findings suggest that the right middle frontal cortex is particularly vulnerable to the long-term effect of schizophrenia illness whereas the dorsomedial PFC, FG and cerebellum are affected by both a long DoI and aging. The effect of illness chronicity on GM volume in the left dorsomedial PFC may be extended to brain structure–neuropsychological function relationships

    Mathematically Gifted Adolescents Have Deficiencies in Social Valuation and Mentalization

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    Many mathematically gifted adolescents are characterized as being indolent, underachieving and unsuccessful despite their high cognitive ability. This is often due to difficulties with social and emotional development. However, research on social and emotional interactions in gifted adolescents has been limited. The purpose of this study was to observe differences in complex social strategic behaviors between gifted and average adolescents of the same age using the repeated Ultimatum Game. Twenty-two gifted adolescents and 24 average adolescents participated in the Ultimatum Game. Two adolescents participate in the game, one as a proposer and the other as a responder. Because of its simplicity, the Ultimatum Game is an apt tool for investigating complex human emotional and cognitive decision-making in an empirical setting. We observed strategic but socially impaired offers from gifted proposers and lower acceptance rates from gifted responders, resulting in lower total earnings in the Ultimatum Game. Thus, our results indicate that mathematically gifted adolescents have deficiencies in social valuation and mentalization

    A highly obscured and strongly clustered galaxy population discovered with the Spitzer Space Telescope

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    The ~800 optically unseen (R>25.5) 24mum-selected sources in the complete Spitzer First Look Survey sample (Fadda et al. 2006) with F[24mum]>0.35 mJy are found to be very strongly clustered. If, as indicated by several lines of circumstantial evidence, they are ultraluminous far-IR galaxies at z ~ [1.6-2.7], the amplitude of their spatial correlation function is very high. The associated comoving clustering length is estimated to be r_0=14.0_{-2.4}^{+2.1} Mpc, value which puts these sources amongst the most strongly clustered populations of our known universe. Their 8mum-24mum colours suggest that the AGN contribution dominates above F[24mum] ~ 0.8 mJy, consistent with earlier analyses. The properties of these objects (number counts, redshift distribution, clustering amplitude) are fully consistent with those of proto-spheroidal galaxies in the process of forming most of their stars and of growing their active nucleus, as described by the Granato et al. (2004) model. In particular, the inferred space density of such galaxies at z ~ 2 is much higher than what expected from most semi-analytic models. Matches of the observed projected correlation function w(\theta) with models derived within the so-called Halo Occupation Scenario show that these sources have to be hosted by haloes more massive than ~10^{13.4} M_\odot. This value is significantly higher than that for the typical galactic haloes hosting massive elliptical galaxies, suggesting a duration of the starburst phase of massive high-redshift dusty galaxies of T_B ~ 0.5 Gyr.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, minor revisions, to appear on MNRA