164 research outputs found

    Exploiting the optical quadratic nonlinearity of zincblende semiconductors for guided-wave terahertz generation: a material comparison

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    We present a detailed analysis and comparison of dielectric waveguides made of CdTe, GaP, GaAs and InP for modal phase matched optical difference frequency generation (DFG) in the terahertz domain. From the form of the DFG equations, we derived the definition of a very general figure of merit (FOM). In turn, this FOM enabled us to compare different configurations, by taking into account linear and nonlinear susceptibility dispersion, terahertz absorption, and a rigorous evaluation of the waveguide modes properties. The most efficient waveguides found with this procedure are predicted to approach the quantum efficiency limit with input optical power in the order of kWs.Comment: 8 pages in two columns format, 6 figures, 2 Table

    Towards a Framework for Nonlinear Predictive Control using Derivative-Free Optimization

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    The use of derivative-based solvers to compute solutions to optimal control problems with non-differentiable cost or dynamics often requires reformulations or relaxations that complicate the implementation or increase computational complexity. We present an initial framework for using the derivative-free Mesh Adaptive Direct Search (MADS) algorithm to solve Nonlinear Model Predictive Control problems with non-differentiable features without the need for reformulation. The MADS algorithm performs a structured search of the input space by simulating selected system trajectories and computing the subsequent cost value. We propose handling the path constraints and the Lagrange cost term by augmenting the system dynamics with additional states to compute the violation and cost value alongside the state trajectories, eliminating the need for reconstructing the state trajectories in a separate phase. We demonstrate the practicality of this framework by solving a robust rocket control problem, where the objective is to reach a target altitude as close as possible, given a system with uncertain parameters. This example uses a non-differentiable cost function and simulates two different system trajectories simultaneously, with each system having its own free final time.Comment: Accepted for presentation at the 7th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Contro

    Editorial : new approaches in forensic analytical chemistry

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    Some place their faith in forensic science to the degree that they are under the impression that it is absolute, infallible and unassailable. In truth it is a manmade construct, dependent on manmade machinery, man-calibrated accuracy, man-led action under manmade protocols and analyzed by man – an altogether human construct (American Academy of Forensic Sciences cited in Pyrek, 2007). People have always strived to discover and understand the world, and the scientific quest to provide explanations fuels technological progress. This drive has fuelled forensic chemistry, where information is obtained through the examination of various evidentialmaterials to assist the justice systempiece together stories of the past. Concurrently, the validity and reliability of the information provided by forensic experts, its ability to discriminate between the standpoints of defense and prosecution, is being questioned and challenged as never before (Pyrek, 2007; Fraser andWilliams, 2009)(...

    SOS - Piattaforme e Impatti Offshore Report tecnico. I Campagna oceanografica 13-19 maggio 2018

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    Nell’ambito della convenzione stipulata tra il Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare (MATTM) e il Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente del CNR (DTA), “SOS-Piattaforme & Impatti Off-Shore” è stata prevista un’indagine ambientale nell’area di interesse di 10 piattaforme off-shore ENI presenti nella zona costiera compresa tra Ravenna e Pescara. In particolare, le attività previste fanno riferimento alla sezione Macro-Attività D della convenzione. Obiettivo principale delle attività di indagine è lo studio della modalità di dispersione in mare delle acque di produzione e una caratterizzazione chimico-fisica ed ecotossicologica delle stesse e delle matrici ambientali (acqua, sedimenti, biota) che ricevono lo scarico. L’attività di ricerca prevede un approccio di analisi ‘integrato’ di tipo chimico, e fisico per lo studio degli effetti della dispersione in mare delle acque di produzione ed ecotossicologico per la valutazione di eventuali danni a organismi selezionati dopo la loro esposizione all’acqua di produzione e all’acqua di mare prelevata a diverse distanze dal punto di scarico. Inoltre, l’azione di ricerca è volta alla definizione di un approccio metodologico innovativo per le future attività di monitoraggio da effettuare attorno alle piattaforme off-shore per la verifica di processi e meccanismi di impatto sull’ambiente e l’ecosistema principalmente da parte dello scarico di acque di produzione. Questa relazione descrive le attività di campionamento e acquisizione dati effettuate durante la I Campagna Oceanografica nell’ambito della convenzione “SOS-Piattaforme & Impatti Off-Shore”. La campagna di campionamento si è svolta nel periodo 13-19 maggio 2018 a bordo del mezzo navale ROCCO UNO della Marine Consulting International e dei mezzi navali ENI KING DAVID e MARE GRIGIO

    The role of left and right hemispheres in the comprehension of idiomatic language: an electrical neuroimaging study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The specific role of the two cerebral hemispheres in processing idiomatic language is highly debated. While some studies show the involvement of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG), other data support the crucial role of right-hemispheric regions, and particularly of the middle/superior temporal area. Time-course and neural bases of literal vs. idiomatic language processing were compared. Fifteen volunteers silently read 360 idiomatic and literal Italian sentences and decided whether they were semantically related or unrelated to a following target word, while their EEGs were recorded from 128 electrodes. Word length, abstractness and frequency of use, sentence comprehensibility, familiarity and cloze probability were matched across classes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants responded more quickly to literal than to idiomatic sentences, probably indicating a difference in task difficulty. Occipito/temporal N2 component had a greater amplitude in response to idioms between 250-300 ms. Related swLORETA source reconstruction revealed a difference in the activation of the left fusiform gyrus (FG, BA19) and medial frontal gyri for the contrast idiomatic-minus-literal. Centroparietal N400 was much larger to idiomatic than to literal phrases (360-550 ms). The intra-cortical generators of this effect included the left and right FG, the left cingulate gyrus, the right limbic area, the right MTG (BA21) and the left middle frontal gyrus (BA46). Finally, an anterior late positivity (600-800 ms) was larger to idiomatic than literal phrases. ERPs also showed a larger right centro-parietal N400 to associated than non-associated targets (not differing as a function of sentence type), and a greater right frontal P600 to idiomatic than literal associated targets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data indicate bilateral involvement of both hemispheres in idiom comprehension, including the right MTG after 350 ms and the right medial frontal gyrus in the time windows 270-300 and 500-780 ms. In addition, the activation of left and right limbic regions (400-450 ms) suggests that they have a role in the emotional connotation of colourful idiomatic language. The data support the view that there is direct access to the idiomatic meaning of figurative language, not dependent on the suppression of its literal meaning, for which the LIFG was previously thought to be responsible.</p

    The Immune Inhibitory Receptor LAIR-1 Is Highly Expressed by Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells and Acts Complementary with NKp44 to Control IFNα Production

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are a subset of dendritic cells endowed with the capacity of producing large amounts of IFNα. Here we show that the Leukocyte-Associated Ig-like Receptor-1 (LAIR-1) is abundantly expressed on pDCs (the highest expression among all leukocytes) and its cross-linking inhibits IFNα production in response to Toll-like receptor ligands. Remarkably, LAIR-1 expression in pDCs is down-regulated in the presence of interleukin (IL)-3, thus indicating coordinated functions with NKp44, another pDC inhibitory receptor, which is conversely induced by IL-3. Nevertheless, the expression of NKp44 in pDCs isolated from secondary lymphoid organs, which is thought to be influenced by IL-3, is not coupled to a decreased expression of LAIR-1. Interestingly, pDCs isolated from peripheral blood of systemic lupus erithematosus (SLE) patients express lower levels of LAIR-1 while displaying slight but consistent expression of NKp44, usually undetectable on pDCs derived from healthy donors. Using sera derived from SLE patients, we show that LAIR-1 and NKp44 display synergistic inhibitory effects on IFNα production by interleukin IL-3 cultured pDCs stimulated with DNA immunocomplexes. In conclusion, our results indicate that the inhibitory function of LAIR-1 may play a relevant role in the mechanisms controlling IFNα production by pDCs both in normal and pathological innate immune responses

    Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap

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    The grand challenges of contemporary fundamental physics—dark matter, dark energy, vacuum energy, inflation and early universe cosmology, singularities and the hierarchy problem—all involve gravity as a key component. And of all gravitational phenomena, black holes stand out in their elegant simplicity, while harbouring some of the most remarkable predictions of General Relativity: event horizons, singularities and ergoregions. The hitherto invisible landscape of the gravitational Universe is being unveiled before our eyes: the historical direct detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration marks the dawn of a new era of scientific exploration. Gravitational-wave astronomy will allow us to test models of black hole formation, growth and evolution, as well as models of gravitational-wave generation and propagation. It will provide evidence for event horizons and ergoregions, test the theory of General Relativity itself, and may reveal the existence of new fundamental fields. The synthesis of these results has the potential to radically reshape our understanding of the cosmos and of the laws of Nature. The purpose of this work is to present a concise, yet comprehensive overview of the state of the art in the relevant fields of research, summarize important open problems, and lay out a roadmap for future progress. This write-up is an initiative taken within the framework of the European Action on 'Black holes, Gravitational waves and Fundamental Physics'

    Search for eccentric black hole coalescences during the third observing run of LIGO and Virgo

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    Despite the growing number of confident binary black hole coalescences observed through gravitational waves so far, the astrophysical origin of these binaries remains uncertain. Orbital eccentricity is one of the clearest tracers of binary formation channels. Identifying binary eccentricity, however, remains challenging due to the limited availability of gravitational waveforms that include effects of eccentricity. Here, we present observational results for a waveform-independent search sensitive to eccentric black hole coalescences, covering the third observing run (O3) of the LIGO and Virgo detectors. We identified no new high-significance candidates beyond those that were already identified with searches focusing on quasi-circular binaries. We determine the sensitivity of our search to high-mass (total mass M&gt;70 M⊙) binaries covering eccentricities up to 0.3 at 15 Hz orbital frequency, and use this to compare model predictions to search results. Assuming all detections are indeed quasi-circular, for our fiducial population model, we place an upper limit for the merger rate density of high-mass binaries with eccentricities 0&lt;e≤0.3 at 0.33 Gpc−3 yr−1 at 90\% confidence level