1,330 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial-nuclear epistasis affects fitness within species but does not contribute to fixed incompatibilities between species of \u3ci\u3eDrosophila\u3c/i\u3e

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    Efficient mitochondrial function requires physical interactions between the proteins encoded by the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Co-evolution between these genomes may result in the accumulation of incompatibilities between divergent lineages. We test whether mitochondrialnuclear incompatibilities have accumulated within the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup by combining divergent mitochondrial and nuclear lineages and quantifying the effects on relative fitness. Precise placement of nine mtDNAs from D. melanogaster, D. simulans and D. mauritiana into two D. melanogaster nuclear genetic backgrounds reveals significant mitochondrial-nuclear epistasis affecting fitness in females. Combining the mitochondrial genomes with three different D. melanogaster X chromosomes reveals significant epistasis for male fitness between X-linked and mitochondrial variation. However, we find no evidence that the more than 500 fixed differences between the mitochondrial genomes of D. melanogaster and the D. simulans species complex are incompatible with the D. melanogaster nuclear genome. Rather, the interactions of largest effect occur between mitochondrial and nuclear polymorphisms that segregate within species of the D. melanogaster species subgroup. We propose that a low mitochondrial substitution rate, resulting from a low mutation rate and/or efficient purifying selection, precludes the accumulation of mitochondrial-nuclear incompatibilities among these Drosophila species

    Discovery of a strong magnetic field in the rapidly rotating B2Vn star HR 7355

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    We report the detection of a strong, organized magnetic field in the helium-variable early B-type star HR 7355 using spectropolarimetric data obtained with ESPaDOnS on the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope within the context of the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) Large Program. HR 7355 is both the most rapidly rotating known main-sequence magnetic star and the most rapidly rotating helium-strong star, with vsiniv \sin i = 300 ±\pm 15 km s1^{-1} and a rotational period of 0.5214404 ±\pm 0.0000006 days. We have modeled our eight longitudinal magnetic field measurements assuming an oblique dipole magnetic field. Constraining the inclination of the rotation axis to be between 3838^{\circ} and 8686^{\circ}, we find the magnetic obliquity angle to be between 3030^{\circ} and 8585^{\circ}, and the polar strength of the magnetic field at the stellar surface to be between 13-17 kG. The photometric light curve constructed from HIPPARCOS archival data and new CTIO measurements shows two minima separated by 0.5 in rotational phase and occurring 0.25 cycles before/after the magnetic extrema. This photometric behavior coupled with previously-reported variable emission of the Hα\alpha line (which we confirm) strongly supports the proposal that HR 7355 harbors a structured magnetosphere similar to that in the prototypical helium-strong star, σ\sigma Ori E.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    The Chromospheric Activity and Ages of M Dwarf Stars in Wide Binary Systems

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    We investigate the relationship between age and chromospheric activity for 139 M dwarf stars in wide binary systems with white dwarf companions. The age of each system is determined from the cooling age of its white dwarf component. The current limit for activity-age relations found for M dwarfs in open clusters is 4 Gyr. Our unique approach to finding ages for M stars allows for the exploration of this relationship at ages older than 4 Gyr. The general trend of stars remaining active for a longer time at later spectral type is confirmed. However, our larger sample and greater age range reveals additional complexity in assigning age based on activity alone. We find that M dwarfs in wide binaries older than 4 Gyr depart from the log-linear relation for clusters and are found to have activity at magnitudes, colors and masses which are brighter, bluer and more massive than predicted by the cluster relation. In addition to our activity-age results, we present the measured radial velocities and complete space motions for 161 white dwarf stars in wide binaries.Comment: 22 pages including 9 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    An Incompatibility between a Mitochondrial tRNA and Its Nuclear-Encoded tRNA Synthetase Compromises Development and Fitness in \u3ci\u3eDrosophila\u3c/i\u3e

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    Mitochondrial transcription, translation, and respiration require interactions between genes encoded in two distinct genomes, generating the potential for mutations in nuclear and mitochondrial genomes to interact epistatically and cause incompatibilities that decrease fitness. Mitochondrial-nuclear epistasis for fitness has been documented within and between populations and species of diverse taxa, but rarely has the genetic or mechanistic basis of these mitochondrial–nuclear interactions been elucidated, limiting our understanding of which genes harbor variants causing mitochondrial–nuclear disruption and of the pathways and processes that are impacted by mitochondrial–nuclear coevolution. Here we identify an amino acid polymorphism in the Drosophila melanogaster nuclear-encoded mitochondrial tyrosyl–tRNA synthetase that interacts epistatically with a polymorphism in the D. simulans mitochondrial-encoded tRNATyr to significantly delay development, compromise bristle formation, and decrease fecundity. The incompatible genotype specifically decreases the activities of oxidative phosphorylation complexes I, III, and IV that contain mitochondrial-encoded subunits. Combined with the identity of the interacting alleles, this pattern indicates that mitochondrial protein translation is affected by this interaction. Our findings suggest that interactions between mitochondrial tRNAs and their nuclear-encoded tRNA synthetases may be targets of compensatory molecular evolution. Human mitochondrial diseases are often genetically complex and variable in penetrance, and the mitochondrial–nuclear interaction we document provides a plausible mechanism to explain this complexity

    Resin-modified glass ionomer cement vs composite for orthodontic bonding: A multicenter, single-blind, randomized controlled trial

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    Introduction In this study, we aimed to compare the incidence of new demineralized lesions and bond failures between 2 groups of participants wearing fixed orthodontic appliances bonded with either light-cured resin-modified glass ionomer cement or light-cured composite. Methods This trial was a multicenter (6 centers: 2 teaching hospitals, 4 specialist orthodontic practices), single-blinded, randomized controlled trial with 2 parallel groups. Patients aged 11 years or older, in the permanent dentition, and about to start fixed orthodontic treatment in these 6 centers were randomly allocated to have either resin-modified glass ionomer cement or light-cured composite for bonding brackets, forward of the first molars. Pretreatment and day-of-debond digital photographic images were taken of the teeth and assessed by up to 5 clinical and 3 lay assessors for the presence or absence of new demineralized lesions and the esthetic impact. The assessors were masked as to group allocation. Results We randomized 210 participants, and 197 completed the trial. There were 173 with complete before-and after-digital images of the teeth. The incidence of new demineralized lesions was 24%; but when the esthetic impact was taken into account, this was considerably lower (9%). There was no statistically significant difference between the bracket adhesives in the numbers with at least 1 new demineralized lesion (risk ratio,1.25; 95% confidence interval, 0.74-2.13; P = 0.403) or first-time bracket failure (risk ratio,0.88; 95% confidence interval, 0.67-1.16; P = 0.35). There were no adverse effects. Conclusions There is no evidence that the use of resin modified glass ionomer cement over light-cured composite for bonding brackets reduces the incidence of new demineralized lesions or bond failures. There might be other reasons for using resin modified glass ionomer cement

    The Wave Function of 2S Radially Excited Vector Mesons from Data for Diffraction Slope

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    In the color dipole gBFKL dynamics we predict a strikingly different Q^2 and energy dependence of the diffraction slope for the elastic production of ground state V(1S) and radially excited V'(2S) light vector mesons. The color dipole model predictions for the diffraction slope for \rho^0 and \phi^0 production are in a good agreement with the data from the fixed target and collider HERA experiments. We present how a different form of anomalous energy and Q^2 dependence of the diffraction slope for V'(2S) production leads to a different position of the node in radial wave function and discuss a possibility how to determine this position from the fixed target and HERA data.Comment: 20 pages and 6 figures. Title change

    Spectroscopic survey of Kepler stars. I. HERMES/Mercator observations of A- and F-type stars

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    The Kepler space mission provided near-continuous and high-precision photometry of about 207 000 stars, which can be used for asteroseismology. However, for successful seismic modeling it is equally important to have accurate stellar physical parameters. Therefore, supplementary ground-based data are needed. We report the results of the analysis of high-resolution spectroscopic data of A- and F-type stars from the Kepler field, which were obtained with the HERMES spectrograph on the Mercator telescope. We determined spectral types, atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances for a sample of 117 stars. Hydrogen Balmer, Fe i, and Fe ii lines were used to derive effective temperatures, surface gravities, and microturbulent velocities. We determined chemical abundances and projected rotational velocities using a spectrum synthesis technique. The atmospheric parameters obtained were compared with those from the Kepler Input Catalogue (KIC), confirming that the KIC effective temperatures are underestimated for A stars. Effective temperatures calculated by spectral energy distribution fitting are in good agreement with those determined from the spectral line analysis. The analysed sample comprises stars with approximately solar chemical abundances, as well as chemically peculiar stars of the Am, Ap, and λ Boo types. The distribution of the projected rotational velocity, vsin i, is typical for A and F stars and ranges from 8 to about 280 km s−1, with a mean of 134 km s−1

    The Nainital-Cape Survey -- II:Report for pulsation in five chemically peculiar A-type stars and presentation of 140 null results

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    To search photometric variability in chemically peculiar A type stars in the northern hemisphere. High-speed photometric observations of Ap and Am star candidates have been carried out from ARIES (Manora Peak, Nainital) using a three-channel fast photometer attached to the ARIES 104-cm Sampurnanand telescope. This paper presents three new variables: HD 113878, HD 118660 and HD 207561. During the time span of the survey (1999 December to 2004 January) pulsations of the δ\delta Sct type were also found for the two evolved Am stars HD 102480 and HD 98851, as reported in Joshi et al. (2002, 2003). Additionally, we present 140 null results of the survey for this time span. The star HD 113878 pulsates with a period of 2.31 hr, which is typical of δ\delta Sct stars. HD 118660 exhibits multi-periodic variability with a prominent period of nearly 1 hr. These periods need to be investigated and make HD 118660 a particularly interesting target for further observations. For HD 207561, a star classified as Am, a probable pulsation with a period of 6 min was found in the light curves obtained on two consecutive nights. Both HD 102480 and HD 98851 exhibit unusual alternating high and low amplitude maxima, with a period ratio of 2:1. The analysis of the null results confirms the photometric quality of the NainitalComment: 14 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    A near-infrared interferometric survey of debris disc stars. II. CHARA/FLUOR observations of six early-type dwarfs

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    High-precision interferometric observations of six early-type main sequence stars known to harbour cold debris discs have been obtained in the near-infrared K band with the FLUOR instrument at the CHARA Array. The measured squared visibilities are compared to the expected visibility of the stellar photospheres based on theoretical photospheric models taking into account rotational distortion, searching for potential visibility reduction at short baselines due to circumstellar emission. Our observations bring to light the presence of resolved circumstellar emission around one of the six target stars (zeta Aql) at the 5 sigma level. The morphology of the emission source cannot be directly constrained because of the sparse spatial frequency sampling of our interferometric data. Using complementary adaptive optics observations and radial velocity measurements, we find that the presence of a low-mass companion is a likely origin for the excess emission. The potential companion has a K-band contrast of four magnitudes, a most probable mass of about 0.6 Msun, and is expected to orbit between about 5.5 AU and 8 AU from its host star assuming a purely circular orbit. Nevertheless, by adjusting a physical debris disc model to the observed Spectral Energy Distribution of the zeta Aql system, we also show that the presence of hot dust within 10 AU from zeta Aql, producing a total thermal emission equal to 1.69 +- 0.31% of the photospheric flux in the K band, is another viable explanation for the observed near-infrared excess. Our re-interpretation of archival near- to far-infrared photometric measurements shows however that cold dust is not present around zeta Aql at the sensitivity limit of the IRS and MIPS instruments onboard Spitzer, and urges us to remove zeta Aql from the category of bona fide debris disc stars.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in A&