53 research outputs found


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    THE ROLE OF EXTENSION TO THE ADOPTION OF FARMERS INNOVATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF WEST TOMOHON DISTRICT TOMOHON CITY. Study was conducted on December 2019 to evaluate the role extension in the adoption of smallholder innovation in development of native chicken at West Tomohon District. This research was a survey using questionnaires. Samples were determind by purposive sampling method involving 30 smallholder of local native chicken. Chi square method was used to analyze the data. The role of extension was meansured by ordinal scale for questions given to breeders and the adoption of innovation  was measured by ordinal scale of the level   of knowledge, attitudes and skills of native chicken farmers. Knowledge was divided into several categories, namely high, medium and low knowledge, the attitude of the category accepts innovation, it is enough to accept innovation and reject innovation, the skill of the category was skilled, sufficiently skilled and unskilled. The results of the study used Chi-Square analysis showed that the role of extension workers had a significant relationship with the attitudes of native chicken farmers while on the other hand the role of extension workers did not not have a significant relationship with the knowledge and skills of native chicken farmers


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    Dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan pembangunan suatu proyek, seringkali ditemui berbagai permasalahan yang bisa mempengaruhi hasil pekerjaan proyek tersebut. Masalah-masalah ini berupa : terbatasnya sumber daya yang ada (waktu, dana, peralatan, tenaga kerja/manusia, material dan lain-lain), organisasi proyek yang tidak tertata rapi, sistem pengendalian yang tidak tepat, ataupun masalah alam berupa pengaruh iklim/cuaca yang tidak memungkinkan untuk melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan. Setiap pelaksanaan proyek tentunya mempunyai suatu tujuan dasar yaitu berusaha untuk mencapai ketepatan waktu, mutu dan ketepatan biaya sesuai dengan yang direncanakan dimana pencapaiannya sangat bergantung pada suatu sistem manajemen yang baik, dimana salah satu aspek manajemen ini adalah pengurus tenaga kerja. Analisa regresi merupakan salah satu cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh pendayagunaan sumber daya manusia (tenaga kerja) terhadap hasil pekerjaan dengan terlebih dahulu menghitung korelasinya. Penerapan metode ini digunakan pada pelaksanaan pekerjaan penyusunan batako dan pelaksanaan pekerjaan plesteran dinding di perumahan Taman Mapanget Raya (TAMARA). Kegunaan untuk memprediksi variabel terikat (Y) sebagai volume pekerjaan bila variabel bebas (X) sebagai pendayagunaan sumber daya manusia (tenaga kerja) terhadap hasil pekerjaan diketahui. Dari hasil pengolahan data variabel X dan Y dengan Tabel 4.1 menghitung angka statistk dapat dilakukan uji regresi sederhana untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh variabel X terhadap variabel Y dengan persamaan regresi maka diperoleh hasil pengaruh pendayagunaan sumber daya manusia (tenaga kerja) terhadap hasil pekerjaan sebesar 91.8%. Kata kunci : Pendayagunaan Tenaga kerja, Penyusunan Batako, Plesteran Dinding, Perumahan Taman Mapanget Ray

    Adjustment to fibromyalgia: the role of domain-specific self-efficacy and acceptance

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    Research in long-term conditions traditionally focuses on negative aspects of coping. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of positive factors such as selfefficacy and acceptance in the context of adjustment to fibromyalgia. The study employed a cross-sectional design using online questionnaires measuring self-efficacy, acceptance, kinesiophobia, coping, catastrophising, pain intensity and fibromyalgia impact. A total of 117 participants with fibromyalgia were recruited from fibromyalgia support-groups, organisations, and online forums. After controlling for other cognitive and demographic variables, pain self-efficacy remained a significant predictor of pain intensity (p=.003); symptom self-efficacy remained the best predictor of psychological fibromyalgia impact (p=.001); and function self-efficacy remained the best predictor of functional (p<.001) and total fibromyalgia impact (p<.001). However, the contribution of acceptance upon pain intensity and fibromyalgia impact was not significant. These results highlight the impact of different self-efficacy domains on pain intensity, and functional, psychological and total adjustment to fibromyalgia

    Research into the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of brief, free of charge and anonymous sex counselling to improve (mental) health in youth: Design of a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The capacity to form romantic relationships and sexual health of adolescents in the Netherlands are compromised by several factors, including young age of first intercourse and adolescent depression. Several thresholds like own expenses, trust and embarrassment prevent adolescents to seek help for their sexual problems. To overcome these thresholds, brief sex counselling has been developed. It has been used since 2006 within the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Public Health Service, but there is lack of information about the (cost-) effectiveness. In the current study we will evaluate the (cost-) effectiveness of brief sex counselling for sexual problems in adolescents and young adults between 18 and 25 years of age.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a randomised controlled trial we will compare (1) brief sex counselling with (2) intensive sexological treatment, and (3) delayed treatment (waiting list). Embedded in this RCT will be a trial-based economic evaluation, looking at the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of brief sex counselling versus the two other interventions. Four hundred fifty adolescents (aged 18-25) with sexual problems will be recruited among the persons who visit the Public Health Service (PHS) and through various websites. After a screening procedure, eligible participants will be randomly allocated to one of the three intervention groups. Primary outcome measure of the clinical evaluation is the severity of sexual problems. Other outcomes include psychological distress, especially depression. The economic evaluation will be performed from a societal perspective. Costs will be assessed continuously by a retrospective questionnaire covering the last 3 month. All outcome assessments (including those for the economic evaluation) will take place via the internet at baseline, and at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after baseline.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The proposed research project will be the first study to provide preliminary data about the effect and cost-effectiveness of brief sex counselling in youth in comparison with intensive sexological treatment and delayed treatment. It is anticipated that positive results in (cost-) effectiveness of the proposed intervention will contribute to the improvement of sexual health care for adolescents and young adults.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The study has been registered at the Netherlands Trial Register, part of the Dutch Cochrane Centre (NTR1952)</p

    Application of ecological momentary assessment in stress-related diseases

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    Many physical diseases have been reported to be associated with psychosocial factors. In these diseases, assessment relies mainly on subjective symptoms in natural settings. Therefore, it is important to assess symptoms and/or relationships between psychosocial factors and symptoms in natural settings. Symptoms are usually assessed by self-report when patients visit their doctors. However, self-report by recall has an intrinsic problem; "recall bias". Recently, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) has been proposed as a reliable method to assess and record events and subjective symptoms as well as physiological and behavioral variables in natural settings. Although EMA is a useful method to assess stress-related diseases, it has not been fully acknowledged, especially by clinicians. Therefore, the present brief review introduces the application and future direction of EMA for the assessment and intervention for stress-related diseases

    Comparative in situ analysis reveals the dynamic nature of sclerenchyma cell walls of the fern Asplenium rutifolium

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    Background and Aims: A key structural adaptation of vascular plants was the evolution of specialized vascular and mechanical tissues, innovations likely to have generated novel cell wall architectures. While collenchyma is a strengthening tissue typically found in growing organs of angiosperms, a similar tissue occurs in the petiole of the fern Asplenium rutifolium. Methods: The in situ cell wall (ultra)structure and composition of this tissue was investigated and characterized mechanically as well as structurally through nano-indentation and wide-angle X-ray diffraction, respectively. Key Results: Structurally the mechanical tissue resembles sclerenchyma, while its biomechanical properties and molecular composition both share more characteristics with angiosperm collenchyma. Cell wall thickening only occurs late during cell expansion or after cell expansion has ceased. Conclusions: If the term collenchyma is reserved for walls that thicken during expansive growth, the mechanical tissue in A. rutifolium represents sclerenchyma that mimics the properties of collenchyma and has the ability to modify its mechanical properties through sclerification. These results support the view that collenchyma does not occur in ferns and most probably evolved in angiosperms

    Are ferns in arid environments underestimated ? Contribution from the Saharan Mountains

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    Although ferns are able to colonize dry regions through specific adaptations, they are suggested to be rare in arid environments. By comparing recent observations in the South-Saharan Mountains with existing data from the whole Sahara, we re-evaluated the distribution of the understudied Saharan fern diversity. Observations in the Air Mountains (Niger) from 2003 to 2006 identified six ferns species, among which three were new records for the Air and for Niger. A total of 17 species are currently known from the Sahara. The desiccation tolerant Actiniopteris radiata and Cheilanthes coriacea were located in habitats with abiotic refuges providing shade, whereas the drought avoiding Ophioglossum polyphyllum was found in a sandy highland plain. All were growing in isolated populations at elevations above 1600 m. These results, combined with data from the Hoggar and the Tibesti mountains, indicate that ferns are more frequent than initially thought in arid environments thanks to efficient dispersal, elevation refuges, physiological adaptations, and the presence of local abiotic refuges. The three newly recorded species most likely radiated from the Ethiopian highlands. Their deep isolation, their rarity, and their successful adaptation to drought suggest that their conservation status might be particularly high

    Ceratopteris richardii (c-fern): a model for investigating adaptive modification of vascular plant cell walls

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    Plant cell walls are essential for most aspects of plant growth, development, and survival, including cell division, expansive cell growth, cell-cell communication, biomechanical properties, and stress responses. Therefore, characterizing cell wall diversity contributes to our overall understanding of plant evolution and development. Recent biochemical analyses, concomitantly with whole genome sequencing of plants located at pivotal points in plant phylogeny, have helped distinguish between homologous characters and those which might be more derived. Most plant lineages now have at least one fully sequenced representative and although genome sequences for fern species are in progress they are not yet available for this group. Ferns offer key advantages for the study of developmental processes leading to vascularisation and complex organs as well as the specific differences between diploid sporophyte tissues and haploid gametophyte tissues and the interplay between them. Ceratopteris richardii has been well investigated building a body of knowledge which combined with the genomic and biochemical information available for other plants will progress our understanding of wall diversity and its impact on evolution and development