641 research outputs found

    Tidal decay and orbital circularization in close-in two-planet systems

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    The motion of two planets around a Sun-like star under the combined effects of mutual interaction and tidal dissipation is investigated. The secular behaviour of the system is analyzed using two different approaches. First, we solve the exact equations of motion through the numerical simulation of the system evolution. In addition to the orbital decay and circularization, we show that the final configuration of the system is affected by the shrink of the inner orbit. Our second approach consist in the analysis of the stationary solutions of mean equations of motion based on a Hamiltonian formalism. We consider the case of a hot super-Earth planet with a more massive outer companion. As a real example, the CoRoT-7 system is analyzed solving the exact and mean equations of motion. The star-planet tidal interaction produces orbital decay and circularization of the orbit of CoRoT-7b. In addition, the long-term tidal evolution is such that the eccentricity of CoRoT-7c is also circularized and a pair of final circular orbits is obtained. A curve in the space of eccentricities can be constructed through the computation of stationary solutions of mean equations including dissipation. The application to CoRoT-7 system shows that the stationary curve agrees with the result of numerical simulations of exact equations. A similar investigation performed in a super-Earth-Jupiter two-planet system shows that the doubly circular state is accelerated when there is a significant orbital migration of the inner planet, in comparison with previous results were migration is neglected.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 10 pages, 13 figure

    The Sloan Lens ACS Survey. X. Stellar, Dynamical, and Total Mass Correlations of Massive Early-type Galaxies

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    We use stellar masses, photometry, lensing, and velocity dispersions to investigate empirical correlations for the final sample of 73 early-type lens galaxies (ETGs) from the SLACS survey. The traditional correlations (Fundamental Plane [FP] and its projections) are consistent with those found for non-lens galaxies, supporting the thesis that SLACS lens galaxies are representative of massive ETGs. The addition of strong lensing estimates of the total mass allows us to gain further insights into their internal structure: i) the mean slope of the total mass density profile is = 2.078+/-0.027 with an intrinsic scatter of 0.16+/-0.02; ii) gamma' correlates with effective radius and central mass density, in the sense that denser galaxies have steeper profiles; iii) the dark matter fraction within reff/2 is a monotonically increasing function of galaxy mass and size; iv) the dimensional mass M_dim is proportional to the total mass, and both increase more rapidly than stellar mass M*; v) the Mass Plane (MP), obtained by replacing surface brightness with surface mass density in the FP, is found to be tighter and closer to the virial relation than the FP and the M*P, indicating that the scatter of those relations is dominated by stellar population effects; vi) we construct the Fundamental Hyper-Plane by adding stellar masses to the MP and find the M* coefficient to be consistent with zero and no residual intrinsic scatter. Our results demonstrate that the dynamical structure of ETGs is not scale invariant and that it is fully specified by the total mass, r_eff, and sigma. Although the basic trends can be explained qualitatively in terms of varying star formation efficiency as a function of halo mass and as the result of dry and wet mergers, reproducing quantitatively the observed correlations and their tightness may be a significant challenge for galaxy formation models.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures; submitted to ApJ after responding to the referee comment

    Post-Newtonian SPH calculations of binary neutron star coalescence. II. Binary mass ratio, equation of state, and spin dependence

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    Using our new Post-Newtonian SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamics) code, we study the final coalescence and merging of neutron star (NS) binaries. We vary the stiffness of the equation of state (EOS) as well as the initial binary mass ratio and stellar spins. Results are compared to those of Newtonian calculations, with and without the inclusion of the gravitational radiation reaction. We find a much steeper decrease in the gravity wave peak strain and luminosity with decreasing mass ratio than would be predicted by simple point-mass formulae. For NS with softer EOS (which we model as simple Γ=2\Gamma=2 polytropes) we find a stronger gravity wave emission, with a different morphology than for stiffer EOS (modeled as Γ=3\Gamma=3 polytropes as in our previous work). We also calculate the coalescence of NS binaries with an irrotational initial condition, and find that the gravity wave signal is relatively suppressed compared to the synchronized case, but shows a very significant second peak of emission. Mass shedding is also greatly reduced, and occurs via a different mechanism than in the synchronized case. We discuss the implications of our results for gravity wave astronomy with laser interferometers such as LIGO, and for theoretical models of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) based on NS mergers.Comment: RevTeX, 38 pages, 24 figures, Minor Corrections, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spectroscopy of the near-nuclear regions of Cygnus A: estimating the mass of the supermassive black hole

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    We use a combination of high spatial resolution optical and near-IR spectroscopic data to make a detailed study of the kinematics of the NLR gas in the near-nuclear regions of the powerful, FRII radio galaxy Cygnus A (z=0.0560), with the overall goal of placing limits on the mass of any supermassive black hole in the core. Our K-band infrared observations (0.75 arcsec seeing) -- taken with NIRSPEC on the Keck II telescope -- show a smooth rotation pattern across the nucleus in the Paschen alpha and H_2 emission lines along a slit position (PA180) close to perpendicular to the radio axis, however, there is no evidence for such rotation along the radio axis (PA105). Higher spatial resolution observations of the [OIII]5007 emission line -- taken with STIS on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) -- confirm the general rotation pattern of the gas in the direction perpendicular to the radio axis, and provide evidence for steep velocity gradients within a radius of 0.1 arcsec of the core. The circular velocities measured from both the Keck and HST data lead to an estimate of the mass of the supermassive black hole of 2.5+/-0.7x10^9 solar masses. For the host galaxy properties of Cygnus A, this mass is consistent with the global correlations between black hole mass and host galaxy properties deduced for non-active galaxies. Therefore, despite the extreme power of its radio source and the quasar-like luminosity of its AGN, the black hole in Cygnus A is not unusually massive considering theluminosity of its host galaxy. Indeed, the estimated mass of the black hole in Cygnus A is similar to that inferred for the supermassive black hole in the FRI radio galaxy M87, despite the fact that the AGN and radio jets of Cygnus A are 2 -- 3 orders of magnitude more powerful.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Accuracy and Stability of Computing High-Order Derivatives of Analytic Functions by Cauchy Integrals

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    High-order derivatives of analytic functions are expressible as Cauchy integrals over circular contours, which can very effectively be approximated, e.g., by trapezoidal sums. Whereas analytically each radius r up to the radius of convergence is equal, numerical stability strongly depends on r. We give a comprehensive study of this effect; in particular we show that there is a unique radius that minimizes the loss of accuracy caused by round-off errors. For large classes of functions, though not for all, this radius actually gives about full accuracy; a remarkable fact that we explain by the theory of Hardy spaces, by the Wiman-Valiron and Levin-Pfluger theory of entire functions, and by the saddle-point method of asymptotic analysis. Many examples and non-trivial applications are discussed in detail.Comment: Version 4 has some references and a discussion of other quadrature rules added; 57 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables; to appear in Found. Comput. Mat

    The Size Evolution of Passive Galaxies: Observations from the Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science Program

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    We present results on the size evolution of passively evolving galaxies at 1<z<2 drawn from the Wide Field Camera 3 Early Release Science program. Our sample was constructed using an analog to the passive BzK selection criterion, which isolates galaxies with little or no on-going star formation at z>1.5. We identify 30 galaxies in ~40 square arcmin to H<25 mag. We supplement spectroscopic redshifts from the literature with photometric redshifts determined from the 15-band photometry from 0.22-8 micron. We determine effective radii from Sersic profile fits to the H-band image using an empirical PSF. We find that size evolution is a strong function of stellar mass, with the most massive (M* ~ 10^11 Msol) galaxies undergoing the most rapid evolution from z~2 to the present. Parameterizing the size evolution as (1+z)^{-alpha}, we find a tentative scaling between alpha and stellar mass of alpha ~ -1.8+1.4 log(M*/10^9 Msol). We briefly discuss the implications of this result for our understanding of the dynamical evolution of the red galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Ap

    Extragalactic Background Light Inferred from AEGIS Galaxy SED-type Fractions

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    The extragalactic background light (EBL) is of fundamental importance both for understanding the entire process of galaxy evolution and for gamma-ray astronomy, but the overall spectrum of the EBL between 0.1-1000 microns has never been determined directly from galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) observations over a wide redshift range. The evolving, overall spectrum of the EBL is derived here utilizing a novel method based on observations only. This is achieved from the observed evolution of the rest-frame K-band galaxy luminosity function up to redshift 4 (Cirasuolo et al. 2010), combined with a determination of galaxy SED-type fractions. These are based on fitting SWIRE templates to a multiwavelength sample of about 6000 galaxies in the redshift range from 0.2 to 1 from the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS). The changing fractions of quiescent galaxies, star-forming galaxies, starburst galaxies and AGN galaxies in that redshift range are estimated, and two alternative extrapolations of SED-types to higher redshifts are considered. This allows calculation of the evolution of the luminosity densities from the UV to the IR, the evolving star formation rate density of the universe, the evolving contribution to the bolometric EBL from the different galaxy populations including AGN galaxies and the buildup of the EBL. Our EBL calculations are compared with those from a semi-analytic model, from another observationally-based model and observational data. The EBL uncertainties in our modeling based directly on the data are quantified, and their consequences for attenuation of very high energy gamma-rays due to pair production on the EBL are discussed. It is concluded that the EBL is well constrained from the UV to the mid-IR, but independent efforts from infrared and gamma-ray astronomy are needed in order to reduce the uncertainties in the far-IR.Comment: 25 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS on September 3, 2010. Online material available at http://side.iaa.es/EB

    The Galaxy Population of Abell 1367: The Stellar Mass-Metallicity Relation

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    Using wide baseline broad-band photometry, we analyse the stellar population properties of a sample of 72 galaxies, spanning a wide range of stellar masses and morphological types, in the nearby spiral-rich and dynamically young galaxy cluster Abell 1367. The sample galaxies are distributed from the cluster centre out to approximately half the cluster Abell radius. The optical/near-infrared colours are compared with simple stellar population synthesis models from which the luminosity-weighted stellar population ages and metallicities are determined. The locus of the colours of elliptical galaxies traces a sequence of varying metallicity at a narrow range of luminosity-weighted stellar ages. Lenticular galaxies in the red sequence, however, exhibit a substantial spread of luminosity-weighted stellar metallicities and ages. For red sequence lenticular galaxies and blue cloud galaxies, low mass galaxies tend to be on average dominated by stellar populations of younger luminosity-weighted ages. Sample galaxies exhibit a strong correlation between integrated stellar mass and luminosity-weighted stellar metallicity. Galaxies with signs of morphological disturbance and ongoing star formation activity, tend to be underabundant with respect to passive galaxies in the red sequence of comparable stellar masses. We argue that this could be due to tidally-driven gas flows toward the star-forming regions, carrying less enriched gas and diluting the pre-existing gas to produce younger stellar populations with lower metallicities than would be obtained prior to the interaction. Finally, we find no statistically significant evidence for changes in the luminosity-weighted ages and metallicities for either red sequence or blue cloud galaxies, at fixed stellar mass, with location within the cluster.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Searches for Gravitational Waves from Binary Neutron Stars: A Review

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    A new generation of observatories is looking for gravitational waves. These waves, emitted by highly relativistic systems, will open a new window for ob- servation of the cosmos when they are detected. Among the most promising sources of gravitational waves for these observatories are compact binaries in the final min- utes before coalescence. In this article, we review in brief interferometric searches for gravitational waves emitted by neutron star binaries, including the theory, instru- mentation and methods. No detections have been made to date. However, the best direct observational limits on coalescence rates have been set, and instrumentation and analysis methods continue to be refined toward the ultimate goal of defining the new field of gravitational wave astronomy.Comment: 30 pages, 5 Figures, to appear in "Short-Period Binary Stars: Observations, Analyses, and Results", Ed.s Eugene F. Milone, Denis A. Leahy, David W. Hobil