34 research outputs found

    Aquatic-terrestrial transitions of feeding systems in vertebrates : a mechanical perspective

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    Transitions to terrestrial environments confront ancestrally aquatic animals with several mechanical and physiological problems owing to the different physical properties of water and air. As aquatic feeders generally make use of flows of water relative to the head to capture, transport and swallow food, it follows that morphological and behavioral changes were inevitably needed for the aquatic animals to successfully perform these functions on land. Here, we summarize the mechanical requirements of successful aquatic-to-terrestrial transitions in food capture, transport and swallowing by vertebrates and review how different taxa managed to fulfill these requirements. Amphibious ray-finned fishes show a variety of strategies to stably lift the anterior trunk, as well as to grab ground-based food with their jaws. However, they still need to return to the water for the intra-oral transport and swallowing process. Using the same mechanical perspective, the potential capabilities of some of the earliest tetrapods to perform terrestrial feeding are evaluated. Within tetrapods, the appearance of a mobile neck and a muscular and movable tongue can safely be regarded as key factors in the colonization of land away from amphibious habitats. Comparative studies on taxa including salamanders, which change from aquatic feeders as larvae to terrestrial feeders as adults, illustrate remodeling patterns in the hyobranchial system that can be linked to its drastic change in function during feeding. Yet, the precise evolutionary history in form and function of the hyolingual system leading to the origin(s) of a muscular and adhesive tongue remains unknown

    Evolutionary relationship in the family Salamanders

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    Heterochrony, cannibalism, and the evolution of viviparity in Salamandra salamandra

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    11 páginas, 4 figuras, 1 table et al..The way in which novelties that lead to macroevolutionary events originate is amajor question in evolutionary biology, and one that can be addressed using the fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) as a model system. It is exceptional among amphibians in displaying intraspecific diversity of reproductive strategies. In S. salamandra, two distinct modes of reproduction co-occur: the common mode, ovoviviparity (females giving birth to many small larvae), and a phylogenetically derived reproductive strategy, viviparity (females producing only a few large, fully metamorphosed juveniles, which are nourished maternally). We examine the relationship between heterochronic modifications of the ontogeny and the evolution of the new reproductive mode in the fire salamander. The in vitro development of embryos of ovoviviparous and viviparous salamanders from fertilization to metamorphosis is compared, highlighting the key events that distinguish the two modes of reproduction. We identify the heterochronic events that, together with the intrauterine cannibalistic behavior, characterize the derived viviparous reproductive strategy. The ways in which evolutionary novelties can arise by modification of developmental programs can be studied in S. salamandra. Moreover, the variation in reproductive modes and the associated variation of sequences of development occur in neighboring, conspecific populations. Thus, S. salamandra is a unique biological system in which evolutionary developmental research questions can be addressed at the level of populations.D. B. is currently supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (Ex2004-0724) of the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia of Spain (MEC). M. H. W. thanks the U.S. National Science Foundation for research support, currently through IBN 02 12027.Peer reviewe