149 research outputs found

    A new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks and wavelet bases

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    We propose a novel framework for a new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks. The framework covers two useful subclasses: i) causal stable IIR filter banks. ii) linear phase FIR filter banks. There exists a very efficient structurally perfect reconstruction implementation for such a class. Filter banks of high frequency selectivity can be achieved by using the proposed framework with low complexity. The properties of such a class are discussed in detail. The design of the analysis/synthesis systems reduces to the design of a single transfer function. Very simple design methods are given both for FIR and IIR cases. Zeros of arbitrary multiplicity at aliasing frequency can be easily imposed, for the purpose of generating wavelets with regularity property. In the IIR case, two new classes of IIR maximally flat filters different from Butterworth filters are introduced. The filter coefficients are given in closed form. The wavelet bases corresponding to the biorthogonal systems are generated. the authors also provide a novel mapping of the proposed 1-D framework into 2-D. The mapping preserves the following: i) perfect reconstruction; ii) stability in the IIR case; iii) linear phase in the FIR case; iv) zeros at aliasing frequency; v) frequency characteristic of the filters

    Image processing with nonseparable multiwavelets

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    In a general context we introduce image processing with 1-dimensional wavelets and show the diferences with nonseparable 2-dimensional wavelets having quincunx decimation, in the first place, and with balanced nonseparable 2-dimensional multiwavelets, in the second place. All of them are orthogonal. Formulae for analysis and synthesis are given for the latter. The first steps are illustrated with images. The decomposition of the original image into 2 input images is explained. We illustrate with examples 2 applications: zoom-in (interpolation) and compression of images.Facultad de InformĂĄtic

    Multidimensional Wavelets and Computer Vision

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    This report deals with the construction and the mathematical analysis of multidimensional nonseparable wavelets and their efficient application in computer vision. In the first part, the fundamental principles and ideas of multidimensional wavelet filter design such as the question for the existence of good scaling matrices and sensible design criteria are presented and extended in various directions. Afterwards, the analytical properties of these wavelets are investigated in some detail. It will turn out that they are especially well-suited to represent (discretized) data as well as large classes of operators in a sparse form - a property that directly yields efficient numerical algorithms. The final part of this work is dedicated to the application of the developed methods to the typical computer vision problems of nonlinear image regularization and the computation of optical flow in image sequences. It is demonstrated how the wavelet framework leads to stable and reliable results for these problems of generally ill-posed nature. Furthermore, all the algorithms are of order O(n) leading to fast processing

    A Panorama on Multiscale Geometric Representations, Intertwining Spatial, Directional and Frequency Selectivity

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    The richness of natural images makes the quest for optimal representations in image processing and computer vision challenging. The latter observation has not prevented the design of image representations, which trade off between efficiency and complexity, while achieving accurate rendering of smooth regions as well as reproducing faithful contours and textures. The most recent ones, proposed in the past decade, share an hybrid heritage highlighting the multiscale and oriented nature of edges and patterns in images. This paper presents a panorama of the aforementioned literature on decompositions in multiscale, multi-orientation bases or dictionaries. They typically exhibit redundancy to improve sparsity in the transformed domain and sometimes its invariance with respect to simple geometric deformations (translation, rotation). Oriented multiscale dictionaries extend traditional wavelet processing and may offer rotation invariance. Highly redundant dictionaries require specific algorithms to simplify the search for an efficient (sparse) representation. We also discuss the extension of multiscale geometric decompositions to non-Euclidean domains such as the sphere or arbitrary meshed surfaces. The etymology of panorama suggests an overview, based on a choice of partially overlapping "pictures". We hope that this paper will contribute to the appreciation and apprehension of a stream of current research directions in image understanding.Comment: 65 pages, 33 figures, 303 reference

    ShearLab 3D: Faithful Digital Shearlet Transforms based on Compactly Supported Shearlets

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    Wavelets and their associated transforms are highly efficient when approximating and analyzing one-dimensional signals. However, multivariate signals such as images or videos typically exhibit curvilinear singularities, which wavelets are provably deficient of sparsely approximating and also of analyzing in the sense of, for instance, detecting their direction. Shearlets are a directional representation system extending the wavelet framework, which overcomes those deficiencies. Similar to wavelets, shearlets allow a faithful implementation and fast associated transforms. In this paper, we will introduce a comprehensive carefully documented software package coined ShearLab 3D (www.ShearLab.org) and discuss its algorithmic details. This package provides MATLAB code for a novel faithful algorithmic realization of the 2D and 3D shearlet transform (and their inverses) associated with compactly supported universal shearlet systems incorporating the option of using CUDA. We will present extensive numerical experiments in 2D and 3D concerning denoising, inpainting, and feature extraction, comparing the performance of ShearLab 3D with similar transform-based algorithms such as curvelets, contourlets, or surfacelets. In the spirit of reproducible reseaerch, all scripts are accessible on www.ShearLab.org.Comment: There is another shearlet software package (http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/imagepro/members/haeuser/ffst/) by S. H\"auser and G. Steidl. We will include this in a revisio

    Holistic Processing of Colour Images Using Novel Quaternion-Valued Wavelets on the Plane

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    We investigate the applicability of quaternion-valued wavelets on the plane to holistic colour image processing. We present a methodology for decomposing and reconstructing colour images using quaternionic wavelet filters associated to recently developed quaternion-valued wavelets on the plane. We consider compression, enhancement, segmentation, and denoising techniques to demonstrate quaternion-valued wavelets as a promising tool for holistic colour image processing

    An Orthogonal Family of Quincunx Wavelets with Continuously Adjustable Order

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    We present a new family of two-dimensional and three-dimensional orthogonal wavelets which uses quincunx sampling. The orthogonal refinement filters have a simple analytical expression in the Fourier domain as a function of the order λ, which may be noninteger. We can also prove that they yield wavelet bases of L2(R2) L _{ 2 } (R ^{ 2 }) for any λ>0. The wavelets are fractional in the sense that the approximation error at a given scale a decays like O(aλ) O(a ^{ \lambda } ); they also essentially behave like fractional derivative operators. To make our construction practical, we propose an fast Fourier transform-based implementation that turns out to be surprisingly fast. In fact, our method is almost as efficient as the standard Mallat algorithm for separable wavelets
