145 research outputs found

    An analysis of the Taguchi method for tuning a memetic algorithm with reduced computational time budget

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    Determining the best initial parameter values for an algorithm, called parameter tuning, is crucial to obtaining better algorithm performance; however, it is often a time-consuming task and needs to be performed under a restricted computational budget. In this study, the results from our previous work on using the Taguchi method to tune the parameters of a memetic algorithm for cross-domain search are further analysed and extended. Although the Taguchi method reduces the time spent finding a good parameter value combination by running a smaller size of experiments on the training instances from different domains as opposed to evaluating all combinations, the time budget is still larger than desired. This work investigates the degree to which it is possible to predict the same good parameter setting faster by using a reduced time budget. The results in this paper show that it was possible to predict good combinations of parameter settings with a much reduced time budget. The good final parameter values are predicted for three of the parameters, while for the fourth parameter there is no clear best value, so one of three similarly performing values is identified at each time instant

    Meta-raps: Parameter Setting And New Applications

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    Recently meta-heuristics have become a popular solution methodology, in terms of both research and application, for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Meta-heuristic methods guide simple heuristics or priority rules designed to solve a particular problem. Meta-heuristics enhance these simple heuristics by using a higher level strategy. The advantage of using meta-heuristics over conventional optimization methods is meta-heuristics are able to find good (near optimal) solutions within a reasonable computation time. Investigating this line of research is justified because in most practical cases with medium to large scale problems, the use of meta-heuristics is necessary to be able to find a solution in a reasonable time. The specific meta-heuristic studied in this research is, Meta-RaPS; Meta-heuristic for Randomized Priority Search which is developed by DePuy and Whitehouse in 2001. Meta-RaPS is a generic, high level strategy used to modify greedy algorithms based on the insertion of a random element (Moraga, 2002). To date, Meta-RaPS had been applied to different types of combinatorial optimization problems and achieved comparable solution performance to other meta-heuristic techniques. The specific problem studied in this dissertation is parameter setting of Meta-RaPS. The topic of parameter setting for meta-heuristics has not been extensively studied in the literature. Although the parameter setting method devised in this dissertation is used primarily on Meta-RaPS, it is applicable to any meta-heuristic\u27s parameter setting problem. This dissertation not only enhances the power of Meta-RaPS by parameter tuning but also it introduces a robust parameter selection technique with wide-spread utility for many meta-heuristics. Because the distribution of solution values generated by meta-heuristics for combinatorial optimization problems is not normal, the current parameter setting techniques which employ a parametric approach based on the assumption of normality may not be appropriate. The proposed method is Non-parametric Based Genetic Algorithms. Based on statistical tests, the Non-parametric Based Genetic Algorithms (NPGA) is able to enhance the solution quality of Meta-RaPS more than any other parameter setting procedures benchmarked in this research. NPGA sets the best parameter settings, of all the methods studied, for 38 of the 41 Early/Tardy Single Machine Scheduling with Common Due Date and Sequence-Dependent Setup Time (ETP) problems and 50 of the 54 0-1 Multidimensional Knapsack Problems (0-1 MKP). In addition to the parameter setting procedure discussed, this dissertation provides two Meta-RaPS combinatorial optimization problem applications, the 0-1 MKP, and the ETP. For the ETP problem, the Meta-RaPS application in this dissertation currently gives the best meta-heuristic solution performance so far in the literature for common ETP test sets. For the large ETP test set, Meta-RaPS provided better solution performance than Simulated Annealing (SA) for 55 of the 60 problems. For the small test set, in all four different small problem sets, the Meta-RaPS solution performance outperformed exiting algorithms in terms of average percent deviation from the optimal solution value. For the 0-1 MKP, the present Meta-RaPS application performs better than the earlier Meta-RaPS applications by other researchers on this problem. The Meta-RaPS 0-1 MKP application presented here has better solution quality than the existing Meta-RaPS application (Moraga, 2005) found in the literature. Meta-RaPS gives 0.75% average percent deviation, from the best known solutions, for the 270 0-1 MKP test problems

    Modeling of Biological Intelligence for SCM System Optimization

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    This article summarizes some methods from biological intelligence for modeling and optimization of supply chain management (SCM) systems, including genetic algorithms, evolutionary programming, differential evolution, swarm intelligence, artificial immune, and other biological intelligence related methods. An SCM system is adaptive, dynamic, open self-organizing, which is maintained by flows of information, materials, goods, funds, and energy. Traditional methods for modeling and optimizing complex SCM systems require huge amounts of computing resources, and biological intelligence-based solutions can often provide valuable alternatives for efficiently solving problems. The paper summarizes the recent related methods for the design and optimization of SCM systems, which covers the most widely used genetic algorithms and other evolutionary algorithms

    Solution of the Multi-objective Economic and Emission Load Dispatch Problem Using Adaptive Real Quantum Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Economic load dispatch is a complex and significant problem in power generation. The inclusion of emission with economic operation makes it a Multi-objective economic emission load dispatch (MOEELD) problem. So it is a tough task to resolve a constrained MOEELD problem with antagonistic multiple objectives of emission and cost. Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) have been widely used for solving such complex multi-objective problems. However, the performance of EAs on such problems is dependent on the choice of the operators and their parameters, which becomes a complex issue to solve in itself. The present work is carried out to solve a Multi-objective economic emission load dispatch problem using a Multi-objective adaptive real coded quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (MO-ARQIEA) with gratifying all the constraints of unit and system. A repair-based constraint handling and adaptive quantum crossover operator (ACO) are used to satisfy the constraints and preserve the diversity of the suggested approach. The suggested approach is evaluated on the IEEE 30-Bus system consisting of six generating units. These results obtained for different test cases are compared with other reputed and well-known techniques

    BQIABC: A new Quantum-Inspired Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Binary Optimization Problems

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    Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a swarm intelligence optimization algorithm inspired by the intelligent behavior of honey bees when searching for food sources. The various versions of the ABC algorithm have been widely used to solve continuous and discrete optimization problems in different fields. In this paper a new binary version of the ABC algorithm inspired by quantum computing, called binary quantum-inspired artificial bee colony algorithm (BQIABC), is proposed. The BQIABC combines the main structure of ABC with the concepts and principles of quantum computing such as, quantum bit, quantum superposition state and rotation Q-gates strategy to make an algorithm with more exploration ability. The proposed algorithm due to its higher exploration ability can provide a robust tool to solve binary optimization problems. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, several experiments are conducted on the 0/1 knapsack problem, Max-Ones and Royal-Road functions. The results produced by BQIABC are compared with those of ten state-of-the-art binary optimization algorithms. Comparisons show that BQIABC presents the better results than or similar to other algorithms. The proposed algorithm can be regarded as a promising algorithm to solve binary optimization problems

    Bulk wheat transportation and storage problem of public distribution system

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    This research investigates the multi-period multi-modal bulk wheat transportation and storage problem in a two-stage supply chain network of Public Distribution System (PDS). The bulk transportation and storage can significantly curtail the transit and storage losses of food grains, which leads to substantial cost savings. A mixed integer non-linear programming model (MINLP) is developed after studying the Indian wheat supply chain scenario, where the objective is to minimize the transportation, storage and operational cost of the food grain incurred for efficient transfer of wheat from producing states to consuming states. The cost minimization of Indian food grain supply chain is a very complex and challenging problem because of the involvement of the many entities and their constraints such as seasonal procurement, limited scientific storages, varying demand, mode of transportation and vehicle capacity constraints. To address this complex and challenging problem of food grain supply chain, we have proposed the novel variant of Chemical Reaction Optimization (CRO) algorithm which combines the features of CRO and Tabu search (TS) and named it as a hybrid CROTS algorithm (Chemical reaction optimization combined with Tabu Search). The numerous problems with different sizes are solved using the proposed algorithm and obtained results have been compared with CRO. The comparative study reveals that the proposed CROTS algorithm offers a better solution in less computational time than CRO algorithm and the dominance of CROTS algorithm over the CRO algorithm is demonstrated through statistical analysis

    Hybrid Genetic Bees Algorithm applied to Single Machine Scheduling with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties

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    This paper presents a hybrid Genetic-Bees Algorithm based optimised solution for the single machine scheduling problem. The enhancement of the Bees Algorithm (BA) is conducted using the Genetic Algorithm's (GA's) operators during the global search stage. The proposed enhancement aims to increase the global search capability of the BA gradually with new additions. Although the BA has very successful implementations on various type of optimisation problems, it has found that the algorithm suffers from weak global search ability which increases the computational complexities on NP-hard type optimisation problems e.g. combinatorial/permutational type optimisation problems. This weakness occurs due to using a simple global random search operation during the search process. To reinforce the global search process in the BA, the proposed enhancement is utilised to increase exploration capability by expanding the number of fittest solutions through the genetical variations of promising solutions. The hybridisation process is realised by including two strategies into the basic BA, named as â\u80\u9creinforced global searchâ\u80\u9d and â\u80\u9cjumping functionâ\u80\u9d strategies. The reinforced global search strategy is the first stage of the hybridisation process and contains the mutation operator of the GA. The second strategy, jumping function strategy, consists of four GA operators as single point crossover, multipoint crossover, mutation and randomisation. To demonstrate the strength of the proposed solution, several experiments were carried out on 280 well-known single machine benchmark instances, and the results are presented by comparing to other well-known heuristic algorithms. According to the experiments, the proposed enhancements provides better capability to basic BA to jump from local minima, and GBA performed better compared to BA in terms of convergence and the quality of results. The convergence time reduced about 60% with about 30% better results for highly constrained jobs

    Evolutionary Computation 2020

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    Intelligent optimization is based on the mechanism of computational intelligence to refine a suitable feature model, design an effective optimization algorithm, and then to obtain an optimal or satisfactory solution to a complex problem. Intelligent algorithms are key tools to ensure global optimization quality, fast optimization efficiency and robust optimization performance. Intelligent optimization algorithms have been studied by many researchers, leading to improvements in the performance of algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Studies in this arena have also resulted in breakthroughs in solving complex problems including the green shop scheduling problem, the severe nonlinear problem in one-dimensional geodesic electromagnetic inversion, error and bug finding problem in software, the 0-1 backpack problem, traveler problem, and logistics distribution center siting problem. The editors are confident that this book can open a new avenue for further improvement and discoveries in the area of intelligent algorithms. The book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the principles and design of intelligent algorithms

    Quantum Computing in Logistics and Supply Chain Management an Overview

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    The work explores the integration of quantum computing into logistics and supply chain management, emphasising its potential for use in complex optimisation problems. The discussion introduces quantum computing principles, focusing on quantum annealing and gate-based quantum computing, with the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm and Quantum Annealing as key algorithmic approaches. The paper provides an overview of quantum approaches to routing, logistic network design, fleet maintenance, cargo loading, prediction, and scheduling problems. Notably, most solutions in the literature are hybrid, combining quantum and classical computing. The conclusion highlights the early stage of quantum computing, emphasising its potential impact on logistics and supply chain optimisation. In the final overview, the literature is categorised, identifying quantum annealing dominance and a need for more research in prediction and machine learning is highlighted. The consensus is that quantum computing has great potential but faces current hardware limitations, necessitating further advancements for practical implementation