139 research outputs found

    Born to learn: The inspiration, progress, and future of evolved plastic artificial neural networks

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    Biological plastic neural networks are systems of extraordinary computational capabilities shaped by evolution, development, and lifetime learning. The interplay of these elements leads to the emergence of adaptive behavior and intelligence. Inspired by such intricate natural phenomena, Evolved Plastic Artificial Neural Networks (EPANNs) use simulated evolution in-silico to breed plastic neural networks with a large variety of dynamics, architectures, and plasticity rules: these artificial systems are composed of inputs, outputs, and plastic components that change in response to experiences in an environment. These systems may autonomously discover novel adaptive algorithms, and lead to hypotheses on the emergence of biological adaptation. EPANNs have seen considerable progress over the last two decades. Current scientific and technological advances in artificial neural networks are now setting the conditions for radically new approaches and results. In particular, the limitations of hand-designed networks could be overcome by more flexible and innovative solutions. This paper brings together a variety of inspiring ideas that define the field of EPANNs. The main methods and results are reviewed. Finally, new opportunities and developments are presented

    Panel: Bodily Expressed Emotion Understanding Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

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    Developing computational methods for bodily expressed emotion understanding can benefit from knowledge and approaches of multiple fields, including computer vision, robotics, psychology/psychiatry, graphics, data mining, machine learning, and movement analysis. The panel, consisting of active researchers in some closely-related fields, attempts to open a discussion on the future of this new and exciting research area. This paper documents the opinions expressed by the individual panelists

    Digital technology as a trigger for learning: promises and realities

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    In the last fitty years, the remarkable development of digital technology, that has permeated practically all social, economic and cultural, political and technological realms is producing several phenomena that have a direct impact in education. In this paper, I discuss first, the fact that more and more we refer to digital technology as just 'technology", as if the rest of the many organizational, symbolic, artefactual and biotechnological developments were something "natural". Second, I refer to the rise and spread of technological solutionism in education and a growing discourse that sees every new digital technology as the arrival of the Promised Land, as the panacea to solve the problems of education. I go on analysing the collateral effects of this discourse in the educational practice, with an especial reference to persuasive technologies and Big Data. The article concludes with the request and the need for researchers, practitioners and education policy makers to avoid the temptation to solve a deeply 'wicked' problem such as education with simple solutions

    KS(conf): A light-weight test if a multiclass classifier operates outside of its specifications

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    We study the problem of automatically detecting if a given multi-class classifier operates outside of its specifications (out-of-specs), i.e. on input data from a different distribution than what it was trained for. This is an important problem to solve on the road towards creating reliable computer vision systems for real-world applications, because the quality of a classifier’s predictions cannot be guaranteed if it operates out-of-specs. Previously proposed methods for out-of-specs detection make decisions on the level of single inputs. This, however, is insufficient to achieve low false positive rate and high false negative rates at the same time. In this work, we describe a new procedure named KS(conf), based on statistical reasoning. Its main component is a classical Kolmogorov–Smirnov test that is applied to the set of predicted confidence values for batches of samples. Working with batches instead of single samples allows increasing the true positive rate without negatively affecting the false positive rate, thereby overcoming a crucial limitation of single sample tests. We show by extensive experiments using a variety of convolutional network architectures and datasets that KS(conf) reliably detects out-of-specs situations even under conditions where other tests fail. It furthermore has a number of properties that make it an excellent candidate for practical deployment: it is easy to implement, adds almost no overhead to the system, works with any classifier that outputs confidence scores, and requires no a priori knowledge about how the data distribution could change

    Self-organization of action hierarchy and compositionality by reinforcement learning with recurrent neural networks

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for reinforcement learning (RL) have shown distinct advantages, e.g., solving memory-dependent tasks and meta-learning. However, little effort has been spent on improving RNN architectures and on understanding the underlying neural mechanisms for performance gain. In this paper, we propose a novel, multiple-timescale, stochastic RNN for RL. Empirical results show that the network can autonomously learn to abstract sub-goals and can self-develop an action hierarchy using internal dynamics in a challenging continuous control task. Furthermore, we show that the self-developed compositionality of the network enhances faster re-learning when adapting to a new task that is a re-composition of previously learned sub-goals, than when starting from scratch. We also found that improved performance can be achieved when neural activities are subject to stochastic rather than deterministic dynamics

    Exploring Neuromodulatory Systems for Dynamic Learning

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    In a continual learning system, the network has to dynamically learn new tasks from few samples throughout its lifetime. It is observed that neuromodulation acts as a key factor in continual and dynamic learning in the central nervous system. In this work, the neuromodulatory plasticity is embedded with dynamic learning architectures. The network has an inbuilt modulatory unit that regulates learning depending on the context and the internal state of the system, thus rendering the networks with the ability to self modify their weights. In one of the proposed architectures, ModNet, a modulatory layer is introduced in a random projection framework. This layer modulates the weights of the output layer neurons in tandem with hebbian learning. Moreover, to explore modulatory mechanisms in conjunction with backpropagation in deeper networks, a modulatory trace learning rule is introduced. The proposed learning rule, uses a time dependent trace to automatically modify the synaptic connections as a function of ongoing states and activations. The trace itself is updated via simple plasticity rules thus reducing the demand on resources. A digital architecture is proposed for ModNet, with on-device learning and resource sharing, to facilitate the efficacy of dynamic learning on the edge. The proposed modulatory learning architecture and learning rules demonstrate the ability to learn from few samples, train quickly, and perform one shot image classification in a computationally efficient manner. The ModNet architecture achieves an accuracy of ∼91% for image classification on the MNIST dataset while training for just 2 epochs. The deeper network with modulatory trace achieves an average accuracy of 98.8%±1.16 on the omniglot dataset for five-way one-shot image classification task. In general, incorporating neuromodulation in deep neural networks shows promise for energy and resource efficient lifelong learning systems

    Towards General AI using Continual, Active Learning in Large and Few Shot Domains

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    Lifelong learning a.k.a Continual Learning is an advanced machine learning paradigm in which a system learns continuously, assembling the knowledge of prior skills in the process. The system becomes more proficient at acquiring new skill using its accumulated knowledge. This type of learning is one of the hallmarks of human intelligence. However, in the prevail- ing machine learning paradigm, each task is learned in isolation: given a dataset for a task, the system tries to find a machine learning model which performs well on the given dataset. Isolated learning paradigm has led to deep neural networks achieving the state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of individual tasks. Although isolated learning has achieved much success in a number of applications, it has wide range of struggles while learning mul- tiple tasks in sequence. When trained on a new task using the isolated network performing well on prior task, standard neural network forget most of the information related to previous task by overwriting the old parameters for learning the new task at hand, a phenomenon often referred to as “catastrophic forgetting”. In comparison, humans can learn effectively new task without forgetting the old task and we can learn the new task quickly because we have gained so much knowledge in the past, which allows us to learn the new task with little data and lesser effort. This enables us to learn more and more continually in a self-motivated manner. We can also adapt our previous knowledge to solve unfamiliar problems, an ability beyond current machine learning systems

    Scalable approximate inference methods for Bayesian deep learning

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    This thesis proposes multiple methods for approximate inference in deep Bayesian neural networks split across three parts. The first part develops a scalable Laplace approximation based on a block- diagonal Kronecker factored approximation of the Hessian. This approximation accounts for parameter correlations – overcoming the overly restrictive independence assumption of diagonal methods – while avoiding the quadratic scaling in the num- ber of parameters of the full Laplace approximation. The chapter further extends the method to online learning where datasets are observed one at a time. As the experiments demonstrate, modelling correlations between the parameters leads to improved performance over the diagonal approximation in uncertainty estimation and continual learning, in particular in the latter setting the improvements can be substantial. The second part explores two parameter-efficient approaches for variational inference in neural networks, one based on factorised binary distributions over the weights, one extending ideas from sparse Gaussian processes to neural network weight matrices. The former encounters similar underfitting issues as mean-field Gaussian approaches, which can be alleviated by a MAP-style method in a hierarchi- cal model. The latter, based on an extension of Matheron’s rule to matrix normal distributions, achieves comparable uncertainty estimation performance to ensembles with the accuracy of a deterministic network while using only 25% of the number of parameters of a single ResNet-50. The third part introduces TyXe, a probabilistic programming library built on top of Pyro to facilitate turning PyTorch neural networks into Bayesian ones. In contrast to existing frameworks, TyXe avoids introducing a layer abstraction, allowing it to support arbitrary architectures. This is demonstrated in a range of applications, from image classification with torchvision ResNets over node labelling with DGL graph neural networks to incorporating uncertainty into neural radiance fields with PyTorch3d

    Learning understandable classifier models.

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    The topic of this dissertation is the automation of the process of extracting understandable patterns and rules from data. An unprecedented amount of data is available to anyone with a computer connected to the Internet. The disciplines of Data Mining and Machine Learning have emerged over the last two decades to face this challenge. This has led to the development of many tools and methods. These tools often produce models that make very accurate predictions about previously unseen data. However, models built by the most accurate methods are usually hard to understand or interpret by humans. In consequence, they deliver only decisions, and are short of any explanations. Hence they do not directly lead to the acquisition of new knowledge. This dissertation contributes to bridging the gap between the accurate opaque models and those less accurate but more transparent for humans. This dissertation first defines the problem of learning from data. It surveys the state-of-the-art methods for supervised learning of both understandable and opaque models from data, as well as unsupervised methods that detect features present in the data. It describes popular methods of rule extraction from unintelligible models which rewrite them into an understandable form. Limitations of rule extraction are described. A novel definition of understandability which ties computational complexity and learning is provided to show that rule extraction is an NP-hard problem. Next, a discussion whether one can expect that even an accurate classifier has learned new knowledge. The survey ends with a presentation of two approaches to building of understandable classifiers. On the one hand, understandable models must be able to accurately describe relations in the data. On the other hand, often a description of the output of a system in terms of its input requires the introduction of intermediate concepts, called features. Therefore it is crucial to develop methods that describe the data with understandable features and are able to use those features to present the relation that describes the data. Novel contributions of this thesis follow the survey. Two families of rule extraction algorithms are considered. First, a method that can work with any opaque classifier is introduced. Artificial training patterns are generated in a mathematically sound way and used to train more accurate understandable models. Subsequently, two novel algorithms that require that the opaque model is a Neural Network are presented. They rely on access to the network\u27s weights and biases to induce rules encoded as Decision Diagrams. Finally, the topic of feature extraction is considered. The impact on imposing non-negativity constraints on the weights of a neural network is considered. It is proved that a three layer network with non-negative weights can shatter any given set of points and experiments are conducted to assess the accuracy and interpretability of such networks. Then, a novel path-following algorithm that finds robust sparse encodings of data is presented. In summary, this dissertation contributes to improved understandability of classifiers in several tangible and original ways. It introduces three distinct aspects of achieving this goal: infusion of additional patterns from the underlying pattern distribution into rule learners, the derivation of decision diagrams from neural networks, and achieving sparse coding with neural networks with non-negative weights