42 research outputs found

    Estimating Exerted Hand Force via Force Myography to Interact with a Biaxial Stage in Real-Time by Learning Human Intentions: A Preliminary Investigation

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    Force myography (FMG) signals can read volumetric changes of muscle movements, while a human participant interacts with the environment. For collaborative activities, FMG signals could potentially provide a viable solution to controlling manipulators. In this paper, a novel method to interact with a two-degree-of-freedom (DoF) system consisting of two perpendicular linear stages using FMG is investigated. The method consists in estimating exerted hand forces in dynamic arm motions of a participant using FMG signals to provide velocity commands to the biaxial stage during interactions. Five different arm motion patterns with increasing complexities, i.e., “x-direction”, “y-direction”, “diagonal”, “square”, and “diamond”, were considered as human intentions to manipulate the stage within its planar workspace. FMG-based force estimation was implemented and evaluated with a support vector regressor (SVR) and a kernel ridge regressor (KRR). Real-time assessments, where 10 healthy participants were asked to interact with the biaxial stage by exerted hand forces in the five intended arm motions mentioned above, were conducted. Both the SVR and the KRR obtained higher estimation accuracies of 90–94% during interactions with simple arm motions (x-direction and y-direction), while for complex arm motions (diagonal, square, and diamond) the notable accuracies of 82–89% supported the viability of the FMG-based interactive control

    A Review of Non-Invasive Techniques to Detect and Predict Localised Muscle Fatigue

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    Muscle fatigue is an established area of research and various types of muscle fatigue have been investigated in order to fully understand the condition. This paper gives an overview of the various non-invasive techniques available for use in automated fatigue detection, such as mechanomyography, electromyography, near-infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound for both isometric and non-isometric contractions. Various signal analysis methods are compared by illustrating their applicability in real-time settings. This paper will be of interest to researchers who wish to select the most appropriate methodology for research on muscle fatigue detection or prediction, or for the development of devices that can be used in, e.g., sports scenarios to improve performance or prevent injury. To date, research on localised muscle fatigue focuses mainly on the clinical side. There is very little research carried out on the implementation of detecting/predicting fatigue using an autonomous system, although recent research on automating the process of localised muscle fatigue detection/prediction shows promising results

    Feasibility of controlling prosthetic hand using sonomyography signal in real time : preliminary study

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    2009-2010 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    The "Federica" hand: a simple, very efficient prothesis

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    Hand prostheses partially restore hand appearance and functionalities. Not everyone can afford expensive prostheses and many low-cost prostheses have been proposed. In particular, 3D printers have provided great opportunities by simplifying the manufacturing process and reducing costs. Generally, active prostheses use multiple motors for fingers movement and are controlled by electromyographic (EMG) signals. The "Federica" hand is a single motor prosthesis, equipped with an adaptive grasp and controlled by a force-myographic signal. The "Federica" hand is 3D printed and has an anthropomorphic morphology with five fingers, each consisting of three phalanges. The movement generated by a single servomotor is transmitted to the fingers by inextensible tendons that form a closed chain; practically, no springs are used for passive hand opening. A differential mechanical system simultaneously distributes the motor force in predefined portions on each finger, regardless of their actual positions. Proportional control of hand closure is achieved by measuring the contraction of residual limb muscles by means of a force sensor, replacing the EMG. The electrical current of the servomotor is monitored to provide the user with a sensory feedback of the grip force, through a small vibration motor. A simple Arduino board was adopted as processing unit. The differential mechanism guarantees an efficient transfer of mechanical energy from the motor to the fingers and a secure grasp of any object, regardless of its shape and deformability. The force sensor, being extremely thin, can be easily embedded into the prosthesis socket and positioned on both muscles and tendons; it offers some advantages over the EMG as it does not require any electrical contact or signal processing to extract information about the muscle contraction intensity. The grip speed is high enough to allow the user to grab objects on the fly: from the muscle trigger until to the complete hand closure, "Federica" takes about half a second. The cost of the device is about 100 US$. Preliminary tests carried out on a patient with transcarpal amputation, showed high performances in controlling the prosthesis, after a very rapid training session. The "Federica" hand turned out to be a lightweight, low-cost and extremely efficient prosthesis. The project is intended to be open-source: all the information needed to produce the prosthesis (e.g. CAD files, circuit schematics, software) can be downloaded from a public repository. Thus, allowing everyone to use the "Federica" hand and customize or improve it

    Design of a low-cost sensor matrix for use in human-machine interactions on the basis of myographic information

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    Myographic sensor matrices in the field of human-machine interfaces are often poorly developed and not pushing the limits in terms of a high spatial resolution. Many studies use sensor matrices as a tool to access myographic data for intention prediction algorithms regardless of the human anatomy and used sensor principles. The necessity for more sophisticated sensor matrices in the field of myographic human-machine interfaces is essential, and the community already called out for new sensor solutions. This work follows the neuromechanics of the human and designs customized sensor principles to acquire the occurring phenomena. Three low-cost sensor modalities Electromyography, Mechanomyography, and Force Myography) were developed in a miniaturized size and tested in a pre-evaluation study. All three sensors comprise the characteristic myographic information of its modality. Based on the pre-evaluated sensors, a sensor matrix with 32 exchangeable and high-density sensor modules was designed. The sensor matrix can be applied around the human limbs and takes the human anatomy into account. A data transmission protocol was customized for interfacing the sensor matrix to the periphery with reduced wiring. The designed sensor matrix offers high-density and multimodal myographic information for the field of human-machine interfaces. Especially the fields of prosthetics and telepresence can benefit from the higher spatial resolution of the sensor matrix

    FMG- and RNN-Based Estimation of Motor Intention of Upper-Limb Motion in Human-Robot Collaboration

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    Research on human-robot interactions has been driven by the increasing employment of robotic manipulators in manufacturing and production. Toward developing more effective human-robot collaboration during shared tasks, this paper proposes an interaction scheme by employing machine learning algorithms to interpret biosignals acquired from the human user and accordingly planning the robot reaction. More specifically, a force myography (FMG) band was wrapped around the user\u27s forearm and was used to collect information about muscle contractions during a set of collaborative tasks between the user and an industrial robot. A recurrent neural network model was trained to estimate the user\u27s hand movement pattern based on the collected FMG data to determine whether the performed motion was random or intended as part of the predefined collaborative tasks. Experimental evaluation during two practical collaboration scenarios demonstrated that the trained model could successfully estimate the category of hand motion, i.e., intended or random, such that the robot either assisted with performing the task or changed its course of action to avoid collision. Furthermore, proximity sensors were mounted on the robotic arm to investigate if monitoring the distance between the user and the robot had an effect on the outcome of the collaborative effort. While further investigation is required to rigorously establish the safety of the human worker, this study demonstrates the potential of FMG-based wearable technologies to enhance human-robot collaboration in industrial settings

    Development of a Wearable Mechatronic Elbow Brace for Postoperative Motion Rehabilitation

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    This thesis describes the development of a wearable mechatronic brace for upper limb rehabilitation that can be used at any stage of motion training after surgical reconstruction of brachial plexus nerves. The results of the mechanical design and the work completed towards finding the best torque transmission system are presented herein. As part of this mechatronic system, a customized control system was designed, tested and modified. The control strategy was improved by replacing a PID controller with a cascade controller. Although the experiments have shown that the proposed device can be successfully used for muscle training, further assessment of the device, with the help of data from the patients with brachial plexus injury (BPI), is required to improve the control strategy. Unique features of this device include the combination of adjustability and modularity, as well as the passive adjustment required to compensate for the carrying angle


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    Optimal management of fractures, post-traumatic arthritis and instability of the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) requires an understanding of the forces existing across this joint as a function of the activities of daily living. However, such knowledge is currently incomplete. The goal of this research was to quantify the loads that occur at the DRUJ during forearm rotation and to determine the effect that individual muscles have on those loads. Human and cadaver studies were used to analyze the shear (A-P), transverse (M-L) and resultant forces at the DRUJ and to determine the role that 15 individual muscles had on those forces. Data for scaling the muscles forces came from EMG analysis measuring muscle activity at nine positions of forearm rotation in volunteers during isometric pronation and supination. Muscle orientations were determined from the marked muscle origin and insertion locations of nine cadaveric arms at various stages of forearm rotation. The roles that individual muscles played in DRUJ loading were analyzed by removing the muscle of interest from the analysis and comparing the results. The EMG portion of this study found that the pronator quadratus, pronator teres, brachioradialis, flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus contribute significantly to forearm pronation. The supinator, biceps brachii, and abductor pollicis longus were found to contribute significantly to supination. The results of the DRUJ analysis affirm that large transverse forces pass from the radius to the ulnar head at all positions of forearm rotation during pronation and supination (57.5N-181.4N). Shear forces exist at the DRUJ that act to pull the radius away from the ulna in the AP direction and are large enough to merit consideration when examining potential treatment options (7.9N-99.5N). Individual muscle analysis found that the extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor pollicis longus, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor indicis and palmaris longus had minimal effect on DRUJ loading. Other than the primary forearm rotators (pronator quadratus, pronator teres, supinator, biceps brachii), the muscles that exhibited the largest influence on DRUJ loading were the abductor pollicis longus, brachialis, brachioradialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor carpi ulnaris

    Advances and perspectives of mechanomyography

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    INTRODUCTION: The evaluation of muscular tissue condition can be accomplished with mechanomyography (MMG), a technique that registers intramuscular mechanical waves produced during a fiber's contraction and stretching that are sensed or interfaced on the skin surface. OBJECTIVE: Considering the scope of MMG measurements and recent advances involving the technique, the goal of this paper is to discuss mechanomyography updates and discuss its applications and potential future applications. METHODS: Forty-three MMG studies were published between the years of 1987 and 2013. RESULTS: MMG sensors are developed with different technologies such as condenser microphones, accelerometers, laser-based instruments, etc. Experimental protocols that are described in scientific publications typically investigated the condition of the vastus lateralis muscle and used sensors built with accelerometers, third and fourth order Butterworth filters, 5-100Hz frequency bandpass, signal analysis using Root Mean Square (RMS) (temporal), Median Frequency (MDF) and Mean Power Frequency (MPF) (spectral) features, with epochs of 1 s. CONCLUSION: Mechanomyographic responses obtained in isometric contractions differ from those observed during dynamic contractions in both passive and functional electrical stimulation evoked movements. In the near future, MMG features applied to biofeedback closed-loop systems will help people with disabilities, such as spinal cord injury or limb amputation because they may improve both neural and myoelectric prosthetic control. Muscular tissue assessment is a new application area enabled by MMG; it can be useful in evaluating the muscular tonus in anesthetic blockade or in pathologies such as myotonic dystrophy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and disorders including dysphagia, myalgia and spastic hypertonia. New research becomes necessary to improve the efficiency of MMG systems and increase their application in rehabilitation, clinical and other health areas304384401CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFINANCIADORA DE ESTUDOS E PROJETOS - FINEPsem informaçã