495 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKWiFi Alliance telah menetapkan dua standar baru sistem keamanan jaringan WiFi, yaitu Wi-fi Protected Access (WPA) dan Wi-fi Protected Access II (WPA2). Pada sistem keamanan WPA, setiap paket data yang dikirimkan, maka proses enkripsi terlebih dahulu menggunakan algoritma Riverst Chiper-4 (RC4). Pada WPA juga digunakan proses pemeriksaan integritas antar pesan menggunakan algoritma Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). Pada sistem keamanan WPA2, paket data yang dikirimkan dienkripsi menggunakan algoritma Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) dan pemeriksaan integritas antar pesan dilakukan menggunakan algoritma Counter with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code (CBC-MAC). Disisi penerima, paket data yang telah sampai dilakukan proses dekripsi menggunakan algoritma yang sama seperti pada proses enkripsi. Maka penggunaan sistem keamanan WPA dan WPA2 tersebut dapat menurunkan kinerja jaringan WiFi. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya memperlihatkan penggunaan sistem keamanan dapat menurunkan kinerja jaringan WiFi, namun yang secara khusus meneliti bagaimana pengaruh sistem keamanan WPA dan WPA2 terhadap throughput dan delay berdasarkan kenaikan data rate pengiriman paket data, sepanjang yang diketahui belum pernah dilakukan oleh peneliti lain. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen di laboratorium menggunakan testbed jaringan WiFi. Pengujian yang telah dilakukan dengan membangkitkan paket-paket data menggunakan perangkat lunak jperf dan mengirimkan paket-paket data tersebut melalui jaringan WiFi tanpa sistem kemanan, menggunakan sistem keamanan WPA dan menggunakan sistem kemanan WPA2. Parameter kinerja jaringan throughput dan delay telah diukur menggunakan jperf berdasarkan kenaikan data rate 6 Mbps, 9 Mbps, 12 Mbps, 18 Mbps, 24 Mbps, 36 Mbps, 48 Mbps dan 54 Mbps. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi penurunan throughput pada jaringan yang menggunakan Sistem Keamanan WPA dan WPA2 pada data rate diatas 24 Mbps. Penurunan throughput lebih signifikan pada jaringan dengan WPA2 pada date rate 54 Mbps. Selain itu erjadi peningkatan delay pada jaringan yang menggunakan sistem keamanan WPA2 dengan data rate Diatas 24 Mbps. Dari data yang diperoleh pada sistem WPA2 semakin besar data rate semakin kecil throughput yang dihasilkan. Data ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan sistem kemanan jaringan WiFi yang baru yang dapat menghasilkan throughput dan delay yang lebih baik dari sistem keamanan yang ada saat ini.Kata Kunci: KeamananJaringan WiFi, WPA, WPA2, Throughput, Delay


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    Ibn ʿArabī and his teachings were enormously influential and controversial in post-classical Islamic thought and Sufism. Attitudes towards his ideas ranged from sympathy and admiration to outrage and denunciation as disbelief. One major champion and interpreter of Ibn ʿArabī was the Egyptian Sufi ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī, who believed that the Andalusian mystic was divinely inspired and an outstanding source for many religious sciences. Al-Shaʿrānī ‘s contribution to the Akbarian tradition has been largely neglected by modern scholars, who have tended to consider him a simplifier of Ibn ʿArabī’s teachings. This article aims to advance our knowledge of al-Shaʿrānī’s engagement with Ibn ʿArabī by examining his treatment of Ibn ʿArabī’s controversial belief that the heat and chastisement of hell will eventually terminate, even for Iblīs. It shows that al-Shaʿrānī’s tendency to stress Ibn ʿArabī’s orthodoxy while criticizing or avoiding some of his views and dissociating the Greatest Master from them, which he shared in part with the Shādhiliyya, is reflected in his engagement of this issue

    Tata Bunyi Bahasa Tompebuni 1997

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    Puisi Kalindaqdaq Mandar ((1991)

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    Pengaruh Hukum Internasional Terhadap Pembentukan Hukum Nasional

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    This full age agreement internationaling to constitute international law main source. teroritis’s ala international agreement can be differentiated of various aspect, of State amount aspect that makes agreement, differentiated international agreement as two, which is agreement bilateral (made by two States) and multilateral agreement / convention (made by is more than two states). In the presence international law (notably indentured international) have also been push Indonesia Government to make a law that substansinya loads indigenous rule a conventions that haven’t at ratification, UU’s example human right Justice, substansinya loads indigenous rule Rome Statute 1998, eventually Indonesia Government haven’t meratifikasi this Statute. Answer to about problem if international law having for to national jurisdictional forming, therefore bases fact description upon concluded that international law influentialing to formation national law. Keywords: International Law, National La

    Ditirakkaqna Alang

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    Perjumpaan Islam Dan Katolik (Upaya Mencari Akar Epistemologi Tentang Konsep Keselamatan)

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    Every religion has a concept of salvation based on transcendent values of the religion. Islam as a religion of revelation has the concept of salvation based on the messages contained Allah in the Qur\u27an and Hadith of the Prophet are valid. With reference to the ethical principles of Islam, the doctrine of salvation is the main point ranging in religion, with this principle, people feel the need to claim to believe and submit to the values of the revealed God. A person of faith is essentially aims to achieve safety, both in his life on earth and in the Hereafter. In the Catholic Christian religion also found a number of principles are the same theology that is taught about the importance of safety. In the book of the old covenant and new covenant be emphasized that the safety ranging point in the theology. In Islam and Catholicism, the concept of divinity is the same both believe in Almighty God (monotheism). Both believe that Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. As the bearer of divine revelation. Although Islam to explain the concept of the deity in various contexts and meanings, while the Catholic meaning of salvation is placed in a variety of different verses, but the meaning remains the same

    Struktur Sastra Lisan Mandar (1994)

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    Raw Material Characterization And Reductive Leaching Of Low Grade Manganese Ore With Bamboo Sawdust In Sulphuric Acid

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    This research used two types of raw materials which are synthetic manganese ore and low grade manganese ore. The characterization analysis of raw materials was determined via morphological study and phase identification. The results showed synthetic manganese ore is high grade with 34.32 % Mn and the manganese ore is of low grade with 15.26 % Mn. The phase present in synthetic manganese ore is pyrolusite and the low grade manganese ore contains the pyrolusite, goethite and quartz phases. The reductive leaching of synthetic manganese ore and low grade manganese ore were conducted using bamboo sawdust as a reducing agent in sulphuric acid. Synthetic manganese ore was leached acted as a control experiment for the manganese ore. Leaching was conducted for 360 minute. Maximum manganese extraction and the effects of sulphuric acid concentration (2.5 M – 4.0 M) and temperature (70 oC – 100 oC) on manganese extraction were also determined. The results indicated maximum manganese extractions of 96.14 % and 75.48 % were achieved using 4.0 M sulphuric acid concentration at 100 oC for the synthetic manganese ore and low grade manganese ore. The sugar identification of bamboo sawdust and glucose degradation was also determined. Bamboo sawdust which contain cellulose (56.11 %) and hemicellulose (28.6 %) was degraded into glucose as the major sugar. The glucose present in the leaching system was (15-20) %. The glucose produced was used to reduce the Mn ores and degraded into organic acid. The major organic acid formed was formic acid (<0.005 ppm)