96 research outputs found

    Range-only SLAM schemes exploiting robot-sensor network cooperation

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    Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a key problem in robotics. A robot with no previous knowledge of the environment builds a map of this environment and localizes itself in that map. Range-only SLAM is a particularization of the SLAM problem which only uses the information provided by range sensors. This PhD Thesis describes the design, integration, evaluation and validation of a set of schemes for accurate and e_cient range-only simultaneous localization and mapping exploiting the cooperation between robots and sensor networks. This PhD Thesis proposes a general architecture for range-only simultaneous localization and mapping (RO-SLAM) with cooperation between robots and sensor networks. The adopted architecture has two main characteristics. First, it exploits the sensing, computational and communication capabilities of sensor network nodes. Both, the robot and the beacons actively participate in the execution of the RO-SLAM _lter. Second, it integrates not only robot-beacon measurements but also range measurements between two di_erent beacons, the so-called inter-beacon measurements. Most reported RO-SLAM methods are executed in a centralized manner in the robot. In these methods all tasks in RO-SLAM are executed in the robot, including measurement gathering, integration of measurements in RO-SLAM and the Prediction stage. These fully centralized RO-SLAM methods require high computational burden in the robot and have very poor scalability. This PhD Thesis proposes three di_erent schemes that works under the aforementioned architecture. These schemes exploit the advantages of cooperation between robots and sensor networks and intend to minimize the drawbacks of this cooperation. The _rst scheme proposed in this PhD Thesis is a RO-SLAM scheme with dynamically con_gurable measurement gathering. Integrating inter-beacon measurements in RO-SLAM signi_cantly improves map estimation but involves high consumption of resources, such as the energy required to gather and transmit measurements, the bandwidth required by the measurement collection protocol and the computational burden necessary to integrate the larger number of measurements. The objective of this scheme is to reduce the increment in resource consumption resulting from the integration of inter-beacon measurements by adopting a centralized mechanism running in the robot that adapts measurement gathering. The second scheme of this PhD Thesis consists in a distributed RO-SLAM scheme based on the Sparse Extended Information Filter (SEIF). This scheme reduces the increment in resource consumption resulting from the integration of inter-beacon measurements by adopting a distributed SLAM _lter in which each beacon is responsible for gathering its measurements to the robot and to other beacons and computing the SLAM Update stage in order to integrate its measurements in SLAM. Moreover, it inherits the scalability of the SEIF. The third scheme of this PhD Thesis is a resource-constrained RO-SLAM scheme based on the distributed SEIF previously presented. This scheme includes the two mechanisms developed in the previous contributions {measurement gathering control and distribution of RO-SLAM Update stage between beacons{ in order to reduce the increment in resource consumption resulting from the integration of inter-beacon measurements. This scheme exploits robot-beacon cooperation to improve SLAM accuracy and e_ciency while meeting a given resource consumption bound. The resource consumption bound is expressed in terms of the maximum number of measurements that can be integrated in SLAM per iteration. The sensing channel capacity used, the beacon energy consumed or the computational capacity employed, among others, are proportional to the number of measurements that are gathered and integrated in SLAM. The performance of the proposed schemes have been analyzed and compared with each other and with existing works. The proposed schemes are validated in real experiments with aerial robots. This PhD Thesis proves that the cooperation between robots and sensor networks provides many advantages to solve the RO-SLAM problem. Resource consumption is an important constraint in sensor networks. The proposed architecture allows the exploitation of the cooperation advantages. On the other hand, the proposed schemes give solutions to the resource limitation without degrading performance

    Graph Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

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    Deep learning has become the dominant approach in coping with various tasks in Natural LanguageProcessing (NLP). Although text inputs are typically represented as a sequence of tokens, there isa rich variety of NLP problems that can be best expressed with a graph structure. As a result, thereis a surge of interests in developing new deep learning techniques on graphs for a large numberof NLP tasks. In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview onGraph Neural Networks(GNNs) for Natural Language Processing. We propose a new taxonomy of GNNs for NLP, whichsystematically organizes existing research of GNNs for NLP along three axes: graph construction,graph representation learning, and graph based encoder-decoder models. We further introducea large number of NLP applications that are exploiting the power of GNNs and summarize thecorresponding benchmark datasets, evaluation metrics, and open-source codes. Finally, we discussvarious outstanding challenges for making the full use of GNNs for NLP as well as future researchdirections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive overview of Graph NeuralNetworks for Natural Language Processing.Comment: 127 page

    Learning with relational knowledge in the context of cognition, quantum computing, and causality

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    Forma mentis networks map how nursing and engineering students enhance their mindsets about innovation and health during professional growth

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    Reconstructing a "forma mentis", a mindset, and its changes, means capturing how individuals perceive topics, trends and experiences over time. To this aim we use forma mentis networks (FMNs), which enable direct, microscopic access to how individuals conceptually perceive knowledge and sentiment around a topic, providing richer contextual information than machine learning. FMNs build cognitive representations of stances through psycholinguistic tools like conceptual associations from semantic memory (free associations, i.e., one concept eliciting another) and affect norms (valence, i.e., how attractive a concept is). We test FMNs by investigating how Norwegian nursing and engineering students perceived innovation and health before and after a 2-month research project in e-health. We built and analysed FMNs by six individuals, based on 75 cues about innovation and health, and leading to 1,000 associations between 730 concepts. We repeated this procedure before and after the project. When investigating changes over time, individual FMNs highlighted drastic improvements in all students' stances towards "teamwork", "collaboration", "engineering" and "future", indicating the acquisition and strengthening of a positive belief about innovation. Nursing students improved their perception of "robots" and "technology" and related them to the future of nursing. A group-level analysis related these changes to the emergence, during the project, of conceptual associations about openness towards multidisciplinary collaboration, and a positive, leadershiporiented group dynamics. The whole group identified "mathematics" and "coding" as highly relevant concepts after the project. When investigating persistent associations, characterising the core of students' mindsets, network distance entropy and closeness identified as pivotal in the students' mindsets concepts related to "personal well-being", "professional growth" and "teamwork". This result aligns with and extends previous studies reporting the relevance of teamwork and personal well-being for Norwegian healthcare professionals, also within the novel e-health sector. Our analysis indicates that forma mentis networks are powerful proxies for detecting individual- and grouplevel mindset changes due to professional growth. FMNs open new scenarios for datainformed, multidisciplinary interventions aimed at professional training in innovation.publishedVersio


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    Motivated by increasing public awareness of possible abuse of confidential information, which is considered as a significant hindrance to the development of e-society, medical and financial markets, a privacy preserving data mining framework is presented so that data owners can carefully process data in order to preserve confidential information and guarantee information functionality within an acceptable boundary. First, among many privacy-preserving methodologies, as a group of popular techniques for achieving a balance between data utility and information privacy, a class of data perturbation methods add a noise signal, following a statistical distribution, to an original numerical matrix. With the help of analysis in eigenspace of perturbed data, the potential privacy vulnerability of a popular data perturbation is analyzed in the presence of very little information leakage in privacy-preserving databases. The vulnerability to very little data leakage is theoretically proved and experimentally illustrated. Second, in addition to numerical matrices, social networks have played a critical role in modern e-society. Security and privacy in social networks receive a lot of attention because of recent security scandals among some popular social network service providers. So, the need to protect confidential information from being disclosed motivates us to develop multiple privacy-preserving techniques for social networks. Affinities (or weights) attached to edges are private and can lead to personal security leakage. To protect privacy of social networks, several algorithms are proposed, including Gaussian perturbation, greedy algorithm, and probability random walking algorithm. They can quickly modify original data in a large-scale situation, to satisfy different privacy requirements. Third, the era of big data is approaching on the horizon in the industrial arena and academia, as the quantity of collected data is increasing in an exponential fashion. Three issues are studied in the age of big data with privacy preservation, obtaining a high confidence about accuracy of any specific differentially private queries, speedily and accurately updating a private summary of a binary stream with I/O-awareness, and launching a mutual private information retrieval for big data. All three issues are handled by two core backbones, differential privacy and the Chernoff Bound

    On the Intersection of Communication and Machine Learning

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    The intersection of communication and machine learning is attracting increasing interest from both communities. On the one hand, the development of modern communication system brings large amount of data and high performance requirement, which challenges the classic analytical-derivation based study philosophy and encourages the researchers to explore the data driven method, such as machine learning, to solve the problems with high complexity and large scale. On the other hand, the usage of distributed machine learning introduces the communication cost as one of the basic considerations for the design of machine learning algorithm and system.In this thesis, we first explore the application of machine learning on one of the classic problems in wireless network, resource allocation, for heterogeneous millimeter wave networks when the environment is with high dynamics. We address the practical concerns by providing the efficient online and distributed framework. In the second part, some sampling based communication-efficient distributed learning algorithm is proposed. We utilize the trade-off between the local computation and the total communication cost and propose the algorithm with good theoretical bound. In more detail, this thesis makes the following contributionsWe introduced an reinforcement learning framework to solve the resource allocation problems in heterogeneous millimeter wave network. The large state/action space is decomposed according to the topology of the network and solved by an efficient distribtued message passing algorithm. We further speed up the inference process by an online updating process.We proposed the distributed coreset based boosting framework. An efficient coreset construction algorithm is proposed based on the prior knowledge provided by clustering. Then the coreset is integrated with boosting with improved convergence rate. We extend the proposed boosting framework to the distributed setting, where the communication cost is reduced by the good approximation of coreset.We propose an selective sampling framework to construct a subset of sample that could effectively represent the model space. Based on the prior distribution of the model space or the large amount of samples from model space, we derive a computational efficient method to construct such subset by minimizing the error of classifying a classifier

    Structure-oriented prediction in complex networks

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    Complex systems are extremely hard to predict due to its highly nonlinear interactions and rich emergent properties. Thanks to the rapid development of network science, our understanding of the structure of real complex systems and the dynamics on them has been remarkably deepened, which meanwhile largely stimulates the growth of effective prediction approaches on these systems. In this article, we aim to review different network-related prediction problems, summarize and classify relevant prediction methods, analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and point out the forefront as well as critical challenges of the field
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