397 research outputs found

    Novel Fluorescent Probe Based on Anthryl Dendron Having Oligo(ethyleneoxide) Groups at the Terminals

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    Amphiphilic anthryl dendrons 5 and 6, which have carboxylate groups or oligo(ethyleneoxide) groups at the terminals, show solvatochromic properties. Reaction efficiency of photodimerization and dynamic light scattering (DLS) experiment of 5 and 6 reveal that formation of the aggregate of dendrons 5 or 6 plays a crucial role in this solvatochromism. Interestingly, solvatochromic property of anthryl dendron 6 was useful for determination of the ratio of methanol/water in solution as a fluorescent probe

    Coverage centralities for temporal networks

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    Structure of real networked systems, such as social relationship, can be modeled as temporal networks in which each edge appears only at the prescribed time. Understanding the structure of temporal networks requires quantifying the importance of a temporal vertex, which is a pair of vertex index and time. In this paper, we define two centrality measures of a temporal vertex based on the fastest temporal paths which use the temporal vertex. The definition is free from parameters and robust against the change in time scale on which we focus. In addition, we can efficiently compute these centrality values for all temporal vertices. Using the two centrality measures, we reveal that distributions of these centrality values of real-world temporal networks are heterogeneous. For various datasets, we also demonstrate that a majority of the highly central temporal vertices are located within a narrow time window around a particular time. In other words, there is a bottleneck time at which most information sent in the temporal network passes through a small number of temporal vertices, which suggests an important role of these temporal vertices in spreading phenomena.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Community detection in directed acyclic graphs

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    Some temporal networks, most notably citation networks, are naturally represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). To detect communities in DAGs, we propose a modularity for DAGs by defining an appropriate null model (i.e., randomized network) respecting the order of nodes. We implement a spectral method to approximately maximize the proposed modularity measure and test the method on citation networks and other DAGs. We find that the attained values of the modularity for DAGs are similar for partitions that we obtain by maximizing the proposed modularity (designed for DAGs), the modularity for undirected networks and that for general directed networks. In other words, if we neglect the order imposed on nodes (and the direction of links) in a given DAG and maximize the conventional modularity measure, the obtained partition is close to the optimal one in the sense of the modularity for DAGs.Comment: 2 figures, 7 table

    Formation of Zwitterionic Fullerodendron Using a New DBN-Focal Dendron

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    A new poly(amidoamine) dendron having 1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-ene (DBN) at the focal point was synthesized. Interestingly, formation of zwitterionic fullerodendrons (λmax = 930 nm for C60 and 795 nm for C70) were observed by Vis-NIR spectroscopy upon the reaction of C60 or C70 with the DBN-focal dendron. In particular, the C70 anion was effectively stabilized by the site isolation effect of the dendritic wedge. The half-life of fullerodendron 12b having C70 anion at the focal point reaches 7,345 min, which is 20 times longer than that of complex between C60 and pristine DBN. Furthermore, in order to confirm the structure of the zwitterionic complex, fullerodendron 12a was reprecipitated from benzonitrile/1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and was observed using IR spectroscopy and APPI-MS