277 research outputs found

    Two-dimensional non separable adaptive lifting scheme for still and stereo image coding

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    International audienceMany existing works related to lossy-to-lossless image compression are based on the lifting concept. However, it has been observed that the separable lifting scheme structure presents some limitations because of the separable processing performed along the image lines and columns. In this paper, we propose to use a 2D non separable lifting scheme decomposition that enables progressive reconstruction and exact decoding of images. More precisely, we focus on the optimization of all the involved decomposition operators. In this respect, we design the prediction filters by minimizing the variance of the detail signals. Concerning the update filters, we propose a new optimization criterion which aims at reducing the inherent aliasing artefacts. Simulations carried out on still and stereo images show the benefits which can be drawn from the proposed optimization of the lifting operators

    Vector Lifting Schemes for Stereo Image Coding

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    International audienceMany research efforts have been devoted to the improvement of stereo image coding techniques for storage or transmission. In this paper, we are mainly interested in lossyto- lossless coding schemes for stereo images allowing progressive reconstruction. The most commonly used approaches for stereo compression are based on disparity compensation techniques. The basic principle involved in this technique first consists of estimating the disparity map. Then, one image is considered as a reference and the other is predicted in order to generate a residual image. In this work, we propose a novel approach, based on Vector Lifting Schemes (VLS), which offers the advantage of generating two compact multiresolution representations of the left and the right views. We present two versions of this new scheme. A theoretical analysis of the performance of the considered VLS is also conducted. Experimental results indicate a significant improvement using the proposed structures compared with conventional methods

    Adaptive lifting schemes with a global L1 minimization technique for image coding

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    International audienceMany existing works related to lossy-to-lossless image compression are based on the lifting concept. In this paper, we present a sparse op- timization technique based on recent convex algorithms and applied to the prediction filters of a two-dimensional non separable lifting structure. The idea consists of designing these filters, at each resolution level, by minimizing the sum of the ℓ1-norm of the three detail subbands. Extending this optimization method in order to perform a global minimization over all resolution levels leads to a new opti- mization criterion taking into account linear dependencies between the generated coefficients. Simulations carried out on still images show the benefits which can be drawn from the proposed optimization techniques

    Lifting schemes for joint coding of stereoscopic pairs of satellite images

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    electronic version (5 pp.)International audienceStereo data compression is an important issue for the new generation of vision systems. In this paper, we are interested in lossless coding methods for stereo images allowing progressive reconstruction. Most of the existing approaches account for the mutual similarities between the left and the right images. More precisely, the disparity compensation process consists in predicting the right image from the left one based on the disparity map. Then, the disparity map, the reference image, and the residual image are encoded. In this work, we propose a novel approach based on the concept of vector lifting scheme. Its main feature is that it does not generate one residual image but two compact multiresolution representations of the left and the right views, driven by the underlying disparity map. Experimental results show a signiïŹcant improvement using this technique compared with conventional methods

    A Panorama on Multiscale Geometric Representations, Intertwining Spatial, Directional and Frequency Selectivity

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    The richness of natural images makes the quest for optimal representations in image processing and computer vision challenging. The latter observation has not prevented the design of image representations, which trade off between efficiency and complexity, while achieving accurate rendering of smooth regions as well as reproducing faithful contours and textures. The most recent ones, proposed in the past decade, share an hybrid heritage highlighting the multiscale and oriented nature of edges and patterns in images. This paper presents a panorama of the aforementioned literature on decompositions in multiscale, multi-orientation bases or dictionaries. They typically exhibit redundancy to improve sparsity in the transformed domain and sometimes its invariance with respect to simple geometric deformations (translation, rotation). Oriented multiscale dictionaries extend traditional wavelet processing and may offer rotation invariance. Highly redundant dictionaries require specific algorithms to simplify the search for an efficient (sparse) representation. We also discuss the extension of multiscale geometric decompositions to non-Euclidean domains such as the sphere or arbitrary meshed surfaces. The etymology of panorama suggests an overview, based on a choice of partially overlapping "pictures". We hope that this paper will contribute to the appreciation and apprehension of a stream of current research directions in image understanding.Comment: 65 pages, 33 figures, 303 reference

    Medical Image Compression using Lifting based New Wavelet Transforms

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    In this paper, the construction of new lifting based wavelets by a new method of calculating lifting coefficients is presented. First of all, new basis functions are utilized to ease new orthogonal traditional wavelets. Then by using the decomposing poly-phase matrix the lifting steps are calculated using a simplified method. The interesting feature of lifting scheme is that the construction of wavelet is derived in spatial domain only; hence the difficulty in the design of traditional wavelets is avoided. Lifting scheme was used to generate second generation wavelets which are not necessarily translation and dilation of one particular function. Short and sharp basis functions are chosen so as to obtain the non-uniform nature of usual image classes. Implemented wavelets are applied on a number of medical images. It was found that the compression ratio (CR) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) are far ahead of that are obtained with the popular traditional wavelets as well as the successful 5/3 and 9/7 lifting based wavelets. Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) is used to incorporate compression.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i5.596

    TransformĂ©es basĂ©es graphes pour la compression de nouvelles modalitĂ©s d’image

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    Due to the large availability of new camera types capturing extra geometrical information, as well as the emergence of new image modalities such as light fields and omni-directional images, a huge amount of high dimensional data has to be stored and delivered. The ever growing streaming and storage requirements of these new image modalities require novel image coding tools that exploit the complex structure of those data. This thesis aims at exploring novel graph based approaches for adapting traditional image transform coding techniques to the emerging data types where the sampled information are lying on irregular structures. In a first contribution, novel local graph based transforms are designed for light field compact representations. By leveraging a careful design of local transform supports and a local basis functions optimization procedure, significant improvements in terms of energy compaction can be obtained. Nevertheless, the locality of the supports did not permit to exploit long term dependencies of the signal. This led to a second contribution where different sampling strategies are investigated. Coupled with novel prediction methods, they led to very prominent results for quasi-lossless compression of light fields. The third part of the thesis focuses on the definition of rate-distortion optimized sub-graphs for the coding of omni-directional content. If we move further and give more degree of freedom to the graphs we wish to use, we can learn or define a model (set of weights on the edges) that might not be entirely reliable for transform design. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to theoretically analyze the effect of the uncertainty on the efficiency of the graph transforms.En raison de la grande disponibilitĂ© de nouveaux types de camĂ©ras capturant des informations gĂ©omĂ©triques supplĂ©mentaires, ainsi que de l'Ă©mergence de nouvelles modalitĂ©s d'image telles que les champs de lumiĂšre et les images omnidirectionnelles, il est nĂ©cessaire de stocker et de diffuser une quantitĂ© Ă©norme de hautes dimensions. Les exigences croissantes en matiĂšre de streaming et de stockage de ces nouvelles modalitĂ©s d’image nĂ©cessitent de nouveaux outils de codage d’images exploitant la structure complexe de ces donnĂ©es. Cette thĂšse a pour but d'explorer de nouvelles approches basĂ©es sur les graphes pour adapter les techniques de codage de transformĂ©es d'image aux types de donnĂ©es Ă©mergents oĂč les informations Ă©chantillonnĂ©es reposent sur des structures irrĂ©guliĂšres. Dans une premiĂšre contribution, de nouvelles transformĂ©es basĂ©es sur des graphes locaux sont conçues pour des reprĂ©sentations compactes des champs de lumiĂšre. En tirant parti d’une conception minutieuse des supports de transformĂ©es locaux et d’une procĂ©dure d’optimisation locale des fonctions de base , il est possible d’amĂ©liorer considĂ©rablement le compaction d'Ă©nergie. NĂ©anmoins, la localisation des supports ne permettait pas d'exploiter les dĂ©pendances Ă  long terme du signal. Cela a conduit Ă  une deuxiĂšme contribution oĂč diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies d'Ă©chantillonnage sont Ă©tudiĂ©es. CouplĂ©s Ă  de nouvelles mĂ©thodes de prĂ©diction, ils ont conduit Ă  des rĂ©sultats trĂšs importants en ce qui concerne la compression quasi sans perte de champs de lumiĂšre statiques. La troisiĂšme partie de la thĂšse porte sur la dĂ©finition de sous-graphes optimisĂ©s en distorsion de dĂ©bit pour le codage de contenu omnidirectionnel. Si nous allons plus loin et donnons plus de libertĂ© aux graphes que nous souhaitons utiliser, nous pouvons apprendre ou dĂ©finir un modĂšle (ensemble de poids sur les arĂȘtes) qui pourrait ne pas ĂȘtre entiĂšrement fiable pour la conception de transformĂ©es. La derniĂšre partie de la thĂšse est consacrĂ©e Ă  l'analyse thĂ©orique de l'effet de l'incertitude sur l'efficacitĂ© des transformĂ©es basĂ©es graphes

    Dense light field coding: a survey

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    Light Field (LF) imaging is a promising solution for providing more immersive and closer to reality multimedia experiences to end-users with unprecedented creative freedom and flexibility for applications in different areas, such as virtual and augmented reality. Due to the recent technological advances in optics, sensor manufacturing and available transmission bandwidth, as well as the investment of many tech giants in this area, it is expected that soon many LF transmission systems will be available to both consumers and professionals. Recognizing this, novel standardization initiatives have recently emerged in both the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) and the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), triggering the discussion on the deployment of LF coding solutions to efficiently handle the massive amount of data involved in such systems. Since then, the topic of LF content coding has become a booming research area, attracting the attention of many researchers worldwide. In this context, this paper provides a comprehensive survey of the most relevant LF coding solutions proposed in the literature, focusing on angularly dense LFs. Special attention is placed on a thorough description of the different LF coding methods and on the main concepts related to this relevant area. Moreover, comprehensive insights are presented into open research challenges and future research directions for LF coding.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Toward sparse and geometry adapted video approximations

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    Video signals are sequences of natural images, where images are often modeled as piecewise-smooth signals. Hence, video can be seen as a 3D piecewise-smooth signal made of piecewise-smooth regions that move through time. Based on the piecewise-smooth model and on related theoretical work on rate-distortion performance of wavelet and oracle based coding schemes, one can better analyze the appropriate coding strategies that adaptive video codecs need to implement in order to be efficient. Efficient video representations for coding purposes require the use of adaptive signal decompositions able to capture appropriately the structure and redundancy appearing in video signals. Adaptivity needs to be such that it allows for proper modeling of signals in order to represent these with the lowest possible coding cost. Video is a very structured signal with high geometric content. This includes temporal geometry (normally represented by motion information) as well as spatial geometry. Clearly, most of past and present strategies used to represent video signals do not exploit properly its spatial geometry. Similarly to the case of images, a very interesting approach seems to be the decomposition of video using large over-complete libraries of basis functions able to represent salient geometric features of the signal. In the framework of video, these features should model 2D geometric video components as well as their temporal evolution, forming spatio-temporal 3D geometric primitives. Through this PhD dissertation, different aspects on the use of adaptivity in video representation are studied looking toward exploiting both aspects of video: its piecewise nature and the geometry. The first part of this work studies the use of localized temporal adaptivity in subband video coding. This is done considering two transformation schemes used for video coding: 3D wavelet representations and motion compensated temporal filtering. A theoretical R-D analysis as well as empirical results demonstrate how temporal adaptivity improves coding performance of moving edges in 3D transform (without motion compensation) based video coding. Adaptivity allows, at the same time, to equally exploit redundancy in non-moving video areas. The analogy between motion compensated video and 1D piecewise-smooth signals is studied as well. This motivates the introduction of local length adaptivity within frame-adaptive motion compensated lifted wavelet decompositions. This allows an optimal rate-distortion performance when video motion trajectories are shorter than the transformation "Group Of Pictures", or when efficient motion compensation can not be ensured. After studying temporal adaptivity, the second part of this thesis is dedicated to understand the fundamentals of how can temporal and spatial geometry be jointly exploited. This work builds on some previous results that considered the representation of spatial geometry in video (but not temporal, i.e, without motion). In order to obtain flexible and efficient (sparse) signal representations, using redundant dictionaries, the use of highly non-linear decomposition algorithms, like Matching Pursuit, is required. General signal representation using these techniques is still quite unexplored. For this reason, previous to the study of video representation, some aspects of non-linear decomposition algorithms and the efficient decomposition of images using Matching Pursuits and a geometric dictionary are investigated. A part of this investigation concerns the study on the influence of using a priori models within approximation non-linear algorithms. Dictionaries with a high internal coherence have some problems to obtain optimally sparse signal representations when used with Matching Pursuits. It is proved, theoretically and empirically, that inserting in this algorithm a priori models allows to improve the capacity to obtain sparse signal approximations, mainly when coherent dictionaries are used. Another point discussed in this preliminary study, on the use of Matching Pursuits, concerns the approach used in this work for the decompositions of video frames and images. The technique proposed in this thesis improves a previous work, where authors had to recur to sub-optimal Matching Pursuit strategies (using Genetic Algorithms), given the size of the functions library. In this work the use of full search strategies is made possible, at the same time that approximation efficiency is significantly improved and computational complexity is reduced. Finally, a priori based Matching Pursuit geometric decompositions are investigated for geometric video representations. Regularity constraints are taken into account to recover the temporal evolution of spatial geometric signal components. The results obtained for coding and multi-modal (audio-visual) signal analysis, clarify many unknowns and show to be promising, encouraging to prosecute research on the subject
