4,470 research outputs found

    How strong is the Second Harmonic Generation in single-layer monochalcogenides? A response from first-principles real-time simulations

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    Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) of single-layer monochalcogenides, such as GaSe and InSe, has been recently reported [2D Mater. 5 (2018) 025019; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 79947997] to be extremely strong with respect to bulk and multilayer forms. To clarify the origin of this strong SHG signal, we perform first-principles real-time simulations of linear and non-linear optical properties of these two-dimensional semiconducting materials. The simulations, based on ab-initio many-body theory, accurately treat the electron-hole correlation and capture excitonic effects that are deemed important to correctly predict the optical properties of such systems. We find indeed that, as observed for other 2D systems, the SHG intensity is redistributed at excitonic resonances. The obtained theoretical SHG intensity is an order of magnitude smaller than that reported at the experimental level. This result is in substantial agreement with previously published simulations which neglected the electron-hole correlation, demonstrating that many-body interactions are not at the origin of the strong SHG measured. We then show that the experimental data can be reconciled with the theoretical prediction when a single layer model, rather than a bulk one, is used to extract the SHG coefficient from the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A review of advances in pixel detectors for experiments with high rate and radiation

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments ATLAS and CMS have established hybrid pixel detectors as the instrument of choice for particle tracking and vertexing in high rate and radiation environments, as they operate close to the LHC interaction points. With the High Luminosity-LHC upgrade now in sight, for which the tracking detectors will be completely replaced, new generations of pixel detectors are being devised. They have to address enormous challenges in terms of data throughput and radiation levels, ionizing and non-ionizing, that harm the sensing and readout parts of pixel detectors alike. Advances in microelectronics and microprocessing technologies now enable large scale detector designs with unprecedented performance in measurement precision (space and time), radiation hard sensors and readout chips, hybridization techniques, lightweight supports, and fully monolithic approaches to meet these challenges. This paper reviews the world-wide effort on these developments.Comment: 84 pages with 46 figures. Review article.For submission to Rep. Prog. Phy

    Diffusive Transport in Quasi-2D and Quasi-1D Electron Systems

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    Quantum-confined semiconductor structures are the cornerstone of modern-day electronics. Spatial confinement in these structures leads to formation of discrete low-dimensional subbands. At room temperature, carriers transfer among different states due to efficient scattering with phonons, charged impurities, surface roughness and other electrons, so transport is scattering-limited (diffusive) and well described by the Boltzmann transport equation. In this review, we present the theoretical framework used for the description and simulation of diffusive electron transport in quasi-two-dimensional and quasi-one-dimensional semiconductor structures. Transport in silicon MOSFETs and nanowires is presented in detail.Comment: Review article, to appear in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscienc

    Integrated Circuits/Microchips

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    With the world marching inexorably towards the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0), one is now embracing lives with artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoTs), virtual reality (VR) and 5G technology. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, there are electronic devices that we rely indispensably on. While some of these technologies, such as those fueled with smart, autonomous systems, are seemingly precocious; others have existed for quite a while. These devices range from simple home appliances, entertainment media to complex aeronautical instruments. Clearly, the daily lives of mankind today are interwoven seamlessly with electronics. Surprising as it may seem, the cornerstone that empowers these electronic devices is nothing more than a mere diminutive semiconductor cube block. More colloquially referred to as the Very-Large-Scale-Integration (VLSI) chip or an integrated circuit (IC) chip or simply a microchip, this semiconductor cube block, approximately the size of a grain of rice, is composed of millions to billions of transistors. The transistors are interconnected in such a way that allows electrical circuitries for certain applications to be realized. Some of these chips serve specific permanent applications and are known as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICS); while, others are computing processors which could be programmed for diverse applications. The computer processor, together with its supporting hardware and user interfaces, is known as an embedded system.In this book, a variety of topics related to microchips are extensively illustrated. The topics encompass the physics of the microchip device, as well as its design methods and applications

    Two Dimensional Quantum Mechanical Modeling of Nanotransistors

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    Quantization in the inversion layer and phase coherent transport are anticipated to have significant impact on device performance in 'ballistic' nanoscale transistors. While the role of some quantum effects have been analyzed qualitatively using simple one dimensional ballistic models, two dimensional (2D) quantum mechanical simulation is important for quantitative results. In this paper, we present a framework for 2D quantum mechanical simulation of a nanotransistor / Metal Oxide Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET). This framework consists of the non equilibrium Green's function equations solved self-consistently with Poisson's equation. Solution of this set of equations is computationally intensive. An efficient algorithm to calculate the quantum mechanical 2D electron density has been developed. The method presented is comprehensive in that treatment includes the three open boundary conditions, where the narrow channel region opens into physically broad source, drain and gate regions. Results are presented for (i) drain current versus drain and gate voltages, (ii) comparison to results from Medici, and (iii) gate tunneling current, using 2D potential profiles. Methods to reduce the gate leakage current are also discussed based on simulation results.Comment: 12 figures. Journal of Applied Physics (to appear

    Long-term Spectral Variability of the Ultra-luminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X--1

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    We investigate the long-term spectral variability in the ultra-luminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X--1. By analyzing the data from eight {\it Suzaku} and 13 {\it XMM-Newton} observations conducted between 2001 and 2015, we perform a detailed spectral modeling for all spectra with simple models and complex physical models. We find that the spectra can be well explained by a disc plus thermal Comptonization model. Applying this model, we unveil correlations between the X-ray luminosity (LXL_{\rm X}) and the spectral parameters. Among the correlations, a particular one is the statistically significant positive correlation between LXL_{\rm X} and the photon index (Γ\Gamma), while at the high luminosities of >2×1040 erg s1> 2\times10^{40}\,{\rm~erg\ s}^{-1}, the source becomes marginally hard and that results a change in the slope of the ΓLX\Gamma - L_{\rm X} correlation. Similar variability behavior is observed in the optical depth of the source around LX2×1040 erg s1L_{\rm X} \sim 2\times10^{40}\,{\rm~erg\ s}^{-1} as the source becomes more optically thick. We consider the scenario that a corona covers the inner part of the disc, and the correlations can be explained as to be driven by the variability of seed photons from the disc input into the corona. On the basis of the disc-corona model, we discuss the physical processes that are possibly indicated by the variability of the spectral parameters. Our analysis reveals the complex variability behavior of Holmberg IX X--1 and the variability mechanism is likely related to the geometry of the X-ray emitting regions.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 12 Pages, 3 Tables, 3 Figure

    R&D Paths of Pixel Detectors for Vertex Tracking and Radiation Imaging

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    This report reviews current trends in the R&D of semiconductor pixellated sensors for vertex tracking and radiation imaging. It identifies requirements of future HEP experiments at colliders, needed technological breakthroughs and highlights the relation to radiation detection and imaging applications in other fields of science.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the European Strategy Preparatory Grou

    Exciton Topology and Dynamics in CdSe Clusters: Effects of Ligands and Aggregation from Electronic Structure Computation

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    Quantum dots (QD) are an object of continuous interest because of their usage in various technology applications, such as QLED, new and innovative photovoltaic cells, to quantum computing. This interest is due to the possibility to work with systems that have modulable discrete energy levels, and so can be used as building blocks to create nanostructured materials with optimised properties for the application of interest. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the electronic structure of inorganic clusters that could be referred to as colloidal semiconductive QD (CQDs) in terms of composition and structure but with fewer total atoms. This, in order to be able to do a fully atomistic study of the problem, instead of the more commonly used parametric models. The effect given by different ligands on the electron density in dimeric systems (and up to small aggregates), especially on the densities of the excited states, is a focus of this work, to achieve a better comprehension and give a more detailed description of the mechanisms involved in the excitonic delocalisation and the nature itself of excited states such as the topology of the delocalisation and potential charge transfer (CT) involved. In this study, by the acquisition of specific knowledge of methods to compute the electronic structure of complex chemical systems, the tools to explore these systems are obtained, in order to gain new insights and to be able to optimise structures with electronic properties suitable to maximise energy and charge transport.openTESI.380