1,326 research outputs found

    Spatial cross-correlation of Antarctic Sea ice and seabed topography

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    A time series of derived sea ice concentrations as observed about Antarctica by the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR) satellite in 1983 is considered. The degree of spatial cross correlation between these data and seabed topography is quantified. The approach is to implement a statistical image processing filter designed to extract local patterns of spatial cross correlation over the entire sea ice field as it undergoes daily changes. Throughout the sea ice, it was found that large scale variations in sea ice concentration correlate systematically with variations in the topography of the seabed. Generally speaking, high concentrations of sea ice occur over deep ocean, whereas areas of encavement, early dissipation and polynya formation develop over topographic features of high elevation. The latter was studied in detail with respect to the features Maud Rise, Astrid Ridge and the continental shelf in the Cosmonaut and Ross Seas. In each case, it is shown that an encavement in sea ice, a polynya, or both develops in the vicinity of the feature in question. As these results are quantified in terms of spatial cross correlation, a potential role is inferred for seabed topography in such fluctuations in the sea ice about Antarctica

    The Divine Essence and the Conception of God in Spinoza

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    I argue against a prevailing view that the essence of God is identical with the attributes. I show that given what Spinoza says in 2d2 -- Spinoza's purported definition of the essence of a thing -- the attributes cannot be identical with the essence of God. I argue that while the attributes do not satisfy the stipulations of 2d2 relative to God, absolutely infinite and eternal power does satisfy those stipulations. Hence, I conclude that absolutely infinite and eternal power is God's essence and that the attributes are expressions of that power

    Development of Remote Hydroxylation via Redox Catalysis and Mild Activation of Thioglycosides for O-Glycosylation

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    The focus of this dissertation is the development of a C-H functionalization method using redox catalysis and the synthesis of saccharides using thioglycosides. Chapter 1 is a review of C-H functionalization and visible-light photoredox catalysis. Over the years there have been many significant contributions to the field of C-H functionalization. Select examples have been discussed and a foundation for the method developed in chapter 2 has been outlined. Chapter 2 discusses the development and optimization of a C-H functionalization method. This approach uses the Tzo directing group and Ir(ppy)3 to activate a remote C-H bond via 1,6- and 1,7-radical translocation. It was confirmed that this method required acid and Ir(ppy)3 to afford decent yields of the hydroxylated products. An array of sulfonamides and sulfonate esters were screened in efforts to expand the substrate scope. Chapter 3 provides an overview of chemical O-glycosylation. Stereoselective synthesis of oligosaccharides has been a challenge that many researchers have made attempts to address over the years. Select examples of glycosylation methods have been discussed along with the benefits and shortcomings. In chapter 4, a mild, metal-free method for glycosylation with thioglycosides is established and optimized. Thioglycosides are frequently employed in glycosylations due to their chemical stability, however, the harsh/toxic conditions necessary to activate them is a major downfall. To address this concern, 4-aryl-3-butenylthioglycosides were activated using visible-light in the presence of Umemoto’s reagent. A putative EDA complex forms and initiates departure of the leaving group. Changing the light source from blue LEDs to violet LEDs, improved the reaction time (24 hours to 2 hours) without compromising yield. Observations made during these experiments paved the way for the method developed in Chapter 5. Chapter 5 outlines an acid-promoted glycosylation of 4-aryl-3-butenylthioglycosides. In an effort to combine the stability of thioglycosides with the reactivity of trichloroacetimidates, activation of 4-aryl-3-butenylthioglycosides was demonstrated with 10 mol% of triflic acid (or TMSOTf). Glycosidic linkages were formed within in good to excellent yields and stereoselectivity can be achieved by neighboring group participation. 4-Aryl-3-butenylthioglycosides exhibit low reactivity at -20oC and this latency will ultimately be exploited in the synthesis of a trisaccharide

    The Underrepresentation of Women in Prestigious Ethics Journals

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    It has been widely reported that women are underrepresented in academic philosophy as faculty and students. This article investigates whether this representation may also occur in the domain of journal article publishing. Our study looked at whether women authors were underrepresented as authors in elite ethics journals — Ethics, Philosophy & Public Affairs, the Journal of Political Philosophy, and the Journal of Moral Philosophy — between 2004-2014, relative to the proportion of women employed in academic ethics (broadly construed). We found that women are indeed underrepresented overall in prestigious ethics journal publishing. Though this is not our focus, we discuss possible causes for this finding, such as top ethics journals’ tendency not to publish much feminist philosophy; the impact of women’s lesser professional status or rank within philosophy on their prospects for, and success in, journal publishing; and the review process itself, which may disadvantage or discourage women authors — perhaps especially when their gender, rank, and affiliation are known to the editor or reviewer, or if their work is explicitly feminist. We discuss possible avenues for future research on the "woman problem" in philosophy, noting how our study relates to existing research on this issue

    Tammy Nyden-Bullock, Spinoza's Radical Cartesian Mind

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    Development of fast and radiation hard Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) optimized for open charm meson detection with the CBM - vertex detector

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    The work presented in this thesis addresses a key issue of the CBM experiment at FAIR, which aims to study charm production in heavy ion collisions at energies ranging from 10 to 40 AGeV . For the first time in this kinematical range, open charm mesons will be used as a probe of the nuclear fireball. Despite of their short decay length, which is typically in the order of few 100 ”m in the laboratory frame, those mesons will be identified by reconstructing their decay vertex
