1,400 research outputs found

    Modelling and control of chaotic processes through their Bifurcation Diagrams generated with the help of Recurrent Neural Network models: Part 1—simulation studies

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    Many real-world processes tend to be chaotic and also do not lead to satisfactory analytical modelling. It has been shown here that for such chaotic processes represented through short chaotic noisy time-series, a multi-input and multi-output recurrent neural networks model can be built which is capable of capturing the process trends and predicting the future values from any given starting condition. It is further shown that this capability can be achieved by the Recurrent Neural Network model when it is trained to very low value of mean squared error. Such a model can then be used for constructing the Bifurcation Diagram of the process leading to determination of desirable operating conditions. Further, this multi-input and multi-output model makes the process accessible for control using open-loop/closed-loop approaches or bifurcation control etc. All these studies have been carried out using a low dimensional discrete chaotic system of HĂ©non Map as a representative of some real-world processes

    Ashok Desai: former Attorney General of India and LSE alumnus – a tribute

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    Ashok Desai (1932-2020) graduated from LSE in 1956 with a BSc in Economics. Here Mariam Faruqi (South Asia Regional Director, iProbono) remembers his impressive legal career and his long-standing commitment to pro bono legal work


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    The bank has a role in collecting public funds because it is an institution that is trusted by the public of various kinds to place in relation safely. Islamic banks in Indonesia increase significantly each year, but the growth rate of Islamic banks continues to increase. Then it is necessary to analyze the growth of assets in Islamic banking in Indonesia. This study analyzes the factors that influence the growth of Islamic bank assets in Indonesia. The factors examined were divided into 2 namely internal factors and external factors. Internal factors consist of results for CAR, NPF, DPK, and JKB, while external factors consist of inflation and the BI Rate. The processed data source is the monthly statistics of sharia banking from January 2009 to July 2019, and the method of analysis of this study uses VAR / VECM. The results showed that internal factors determine the growth of assets, increase in Revenue Sharing, JKB and DPK are very decisive factors, external factors are not significant to the growth of Islamic bank assets. And there is no causality between internal factors and external factors

    Efektivitas Sidang Keliling Dalam Penyelesaian Perkara Di Pengadilan Agama Kab. Kediri

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    Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri setiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan jumlah perkara, sedangkan petugas yang melayani pihak yang berperkara tidak ada penambahan. Hal ini menyebabkan meningkatnya antrian masyarakat yang berperkara. Luasnya daerah yurisdiksi Pengadilan Agama menyebabkan masyarakat yang rumahnya jauh dari Pengadilan harus menempuh jarak yang jauh dan memakan biaya transportasi yang tidak sedikit. Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri mengambil keputusan untuk mengadakan sidang keliling, yaitu sidang yang dilaksanakan di luar pengadilan, dengan harapan mempermudah akses para pihak yang berdomisili jauh dari Pengadilan, memangkas biaya transportasi pihak yang berperkara. Kajian ini fokus terhadap latar belakang dan teknis pelaksanaan sidang keliling, faktor pendukung dan penghambat pelaksanaan sidang keliling, dan efektifitas sidang keliling di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri. Tujuan sidang keliling adalah untuk memudahkan masyarakat untuk mencari keadilan. Pada Tahun 2017 Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri mengadakan sidang keliling di beberapa 5 tempat. Yaitu di Desa Wonotengah, Desa Tawang, Desa Kras, Desa Blaru, Desa Keling. Kecamatan tersebut termasuk dalam wilayah yuridiksi III yang berjarak kurang lebih 23 km dari Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri. Dan pada tahun 2018 sidang keliling di laksanakan di 6 tempat. Yaitu di Desa Blaru, Desa Tawang, Desa Keling, Desa Melati, Desa Bendosari, Desa Sonorejo. Pelaksanaan sidang di sidang keliling tetap mengikuti hukum acara yang berlaku seperti sidang di kantor Pengadilan. Sidang keliling yang dilaksanakan Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri sangat membantu para pihak, yang bertempat tinggal jauh dari Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri serta masyarakat yang kurang mampu dalam berperkara. Meskipun dengan anggaran yang terbatas, sidang keliling di Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Kediri tebilang cukup efektif karena mempermudah akses para pencari keadilan

    Modelling of Metallurgical Processes Using Chaos Theory and Hybrid Computational Intelligence

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    The main objective of the present work is to develop a framework for modelling and controlling of a real world multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) continuously drifting metallurgical process, which is shown to be a complex system. A small change in the properties of the charge composition may lead to entirely different outcome of the process. The newly emerging paradigm of soft-computing or Hybrid Computational Intelligence Systems approach which is based on neural networks, fuzzy sets, genetic algorithms and chaos theory has been applied to tackle this problem In this framework first a feed-forward neuro-model has been developed based on the data collected from a working Submerged Arc Furnace (SAF). Then the process is analysed for the existence of the chaos with the chaos theory (calculating indices like embedding dimension, Lyapunov exponent etc). After that an effort is made to evolve a fuzzy logic controller for the dynamical process using combination of genetic algorithms and the neural networks based forward model to predict the system’s behaviour or conditions in advance and to further suggest modifications to be made to achieve the desired results

    Intelligent classification of ammonia concentration based on odor profile

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    This thesis presents the intelligent classification of ammonia concentration based on the standard of oil and gas industries wastewater discharge. The intelligent classification using signal processing is a well-known technique in many applications and as well in the oil and gas industry. The intelligent classification technique for ammonia concentration classification is a demanding technique especially in the environmental sector. Ammonia solution properties and ammonia solution preparations were studied in this thesis which commonly used in industry. The objectives of this thesis are to develop an intelligence classification of ammonia concentration based on the oil and gas industry wastewater discharge schedule and to analyze performance of the intelligent classification of ammonia concentration based on the oil and gas industry wastewater discharge schedule. In this thesis the ammonia odor profile has been pre-identified by chemist using four sensor array. The ammonia concentration was validated using a commercialized gas sensor and spectrophotometer to cross-validated e-nose instrument. The odor profile from two different samples; high (20 ppm and 25 ppm) and low (5 ppm, 10 ppm and 1 5ppm) concentration that have been normalized and visualized in a 2D plot to extract the unique patterns. The variance of the low and high concentration of ammonia odor profile has been identified as different group samples. This group samples have been analyzed statistically using Boxplot, calibration curve and proximity matrix, The thesis describes the statistical techniques to visualize the pattern and using mean features to classify between the low and high concentration. Two intelligent classification techniques have been used which are Artificial Neural Network (ANN) using the back-propagation approaches and then, the result of ANN model was cross-validated.using CBR. Both ANN model and CBR classifier have been measured using several performance measures. From the results, it is observed that ANN model and CBR classifier are capable of classifying 100% of ammonia concentration odor profile from the water. The results can also significantly reduce the cost and time, and improve product reliability and customer confidence


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    The education systems adopted by the most of the Islamic countries have been based on ‘so-called secular Western education’. Consequently a cultural dichotomy is observed in their societies between a traditional Islamic education on the one hand restricted to religious groups, and a secular Western education in main stream schools, colleges and universities. This paper presents a discussion regarding the role that Muslim scholars played in the development of scientific thinking in the Middle Ages. It argues that the Muslims were not just the preservers of the ancient and Greek knowledge, but that they contributed original works to the different fields of science. They were inspired by the Islamic view of nature that is, mankind had a duty to ‘study nature in order to discover God and to use nature for the benefit of mankind’. This knowledge was transferred to Western Europe and subsequently played an important role in revitalizing a climate of learning and exploration in Europe, leading to the Renaissance in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan bubur kolang-kaling dan sari buah jamblang terhadap karakteristik Fisik, Kimia dan Sensori Sirup. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan yaitu perbandingan sari buah jamblang dan bubur kolang-kaling : (100%:0%, 95%:5%, 90%:10%, 85%:15% dan 80%:20%). Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dan jika berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan Duncan’s New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukka bahwa perlakuan memberikan pengaruh berbeda nyata terhadap kadar abu, pH, total padatan terlarut, Aktivitas air (Aw), analisa warna dan viskositas tetapi memberikan pengaruh tidak nyata terhadap kadar antosianin. Perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan analisa sensori yaitu perlakuan E (80% sari buah jamblang dan 20% bubur kolang-kaling) dengan nilai rata-rata warna 4,15; aroma 3,75; rasa 4,05 dan tekstur 4,20. Sirup dengan perlakuan E tersebut memiliki kadar abu 0,18%, nilai ph 4,01, total padatan terlarut 53,26%, aktivitas air (Aw) 0,594, total gula 65,55%, antioksidan(IC50) 13,57 ppm, kadar antosianin 0,51 mg/L, analisis warna 17,83oHue (Red purple) dan viskositas 212,73 cP. Kata kunci : Antosianin, sari buah jamblang, bubur kolang-kaling, viskositas, siru

    Poligami dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an (Analisis Tafsir Surat an-nisa’ ayat 3)

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    Dari paparan di atas, maka bisa disimpulkan bahwa ada tiga pandangan ulama terkait poligami. Yaitu Poligami dibolehkan oleh al-Qur’an. Illat (sebab) kebolehan poligami tersebut bukan didorong oleh motivasi seks atau kenikamatan biologis, tetapi oleh motovasi agama, sosial, dan kemanusiaan dan disertai dengan syarat adil di antara para istri. Meskipun poligami dibolehkan, tetapi perlu digaris bawahi bahwa al-Qur’an mengisyaratkan poligami berpotensi besar untuk menyebabkan kezaliman. Oleh karena itu al-Qur’an menganjurkan untuk monogamy. Prinsip perkawinan dalam al-Qur’an adalah monogamy. Syarat poligami menurut poligami menurut poligami menurut ulama yang membolehkan poligami dengan batas maksimal sembilan istri sebagaimana dicontohkan Nabi Muhammad Saw. Muhammad Saw. mengawini janda-janda yang ditinggalkan suaminya yang tewas dalam peperangan. al-Qur‟an pun membolehkan poligami sampai empat istri. Kebolehan poligami maksimal empat ini pun bisa dilakukan hanya dalam keadaan darurat, dengan syarat berbuatadil. Adapun hikmah dari poligami menurut as}-S}abuni ada tiga. Pertama, mengangkat harkat martabat wanita sendiri. Kedua, untuk keselamatan dan terjaganya keluarga. Ketiga, untuk keselamatan masyarakat umum. Disampingitu, as}-Sa}buni,  juga  harusdiakui  bahwa,  poligami  masih  jauh  lebih  baik  dari pergaulan bebas yang melanda duniasecara umum. Juga tidak kalah pentingnya untuk mencatat bahwa, poligami merupakan salah satunya cara menyelesaikan masalah yang muncul, seperti jumlah wanita yang dalam sejarah umat manusia tetap lebih banyak dari pria. Denngan kata lain, polligami bisa dilakukan lebih banyak karena tuntutan sosial masyarakat yang ada
