751 research outputs found

    Methods of power line interference elimination in EMG signals

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    Electromyogram (EMG) recordings are often corrupted by the wide range of artifacts, which one of them is power line interference (PLI). The study focuses on some of the well-known signal processing approaches used to eliminate or attenuate PLI from EMG signal. The results are compared using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), correlation coefficients and Bland-Altman analysis for each tested method: notch filter, adaptive noise canceller (ANC) and wavelet transform (WT). Thus, the power of the remaining noise and shape of the output signal are analysed. The results show that the ANC method gives the best output SNR and lowest shape distortion compared to the other methods.Web of Science40706

    A Review of Non-Invasive Techniques to Detect and Predict Localised Muscle Fatigue

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    Muscle fatigue is an established area of research and various types of muscle fatigue have been investigated in order to fully understand the condition. This paper gives an overview of the various non-invasive techniques available for use in automated fatigue detection, such as mechanomyography, electromyography, near-infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound for both isometric and non-isometric contractions. Various signal analysis methods are compared by illustrating their applicability in real-time settings. This paper will be of interest to researchers who wish to select the most appropriate methodology for research on muscle fatigue detection or prediction, or for the development of devices that can be used in, e.g., sports scenarios to improve performance or prevent injury. To date, research on localised muscle fatigue focuses mainly on the clinical side. There is very little research carried out on the implementation of detecting/predicting fatigue using an autonomous system, although recent research on automating the process of localised muscle fatigue detection/prediction shows promising results

    Techniques of EMG signal analysis: detection, processing, classification and applications

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    Electromyography (EMG) signals can be used for clinical/biomedical applications, Evolvable Hardware Chip (EHW) development, and modern human computer interaction. EMG signals acquired from muscles require advanced methods for detection, decomposition, processing, and classification. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the various methodologies and algorithms for EMG signal analysis to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the signal and its nature. We further point up some of the hardware implementations using EMG focusing on applications related to prosthetic hand control, grasp recognition, and human computer interaction. A comparison study is also given to show performance of various EMG signal analysis methods. This paper provides researchers a good understanding of EMG signal and its analysis procedures. This knowledge will help them develop more powerful, flexible, and efficient applications

    Evaluation of Concavity Compression Mechanism as a Possible Predictor of Shoulder Muscle Fatigue

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    This study examined the lived experiences of American Muslim principals who serve in public schools post-9/11 to determine whether global events, political discourse, and the media coverage of Islam and Muslims have affected their leadership and spirituality. The aim of the study was to allow researchers and educators to gain an understanding of the adversities that American Muslims principals have experienced post-9/11 and to determine how to address these adversities, particularly through decisions about educational policy and district leadership. A total of 14 American Muslim school leaders who work in public schools post-9/11 across the United States participated in the study, and a phenomenological methodology was used to direct the data collection and coding. Edelman\u27s political spectacle theory served as the theoretical framework for the research. The findings yielded six themes of political climate, role of the media, inferior and foreign: being seen as the other, unconscious fear, spirituality, and education and communication over spectacle. Further, collective guilt and social responsibility emerged as two additional findings. The research suggests that political spectacle and its effects have a large impact on the lives of American Muslim principals, particularly in regard to their leadership and spirituality

    Different techniques for EMG signal processing

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    Electromyography signal can be used for biomedical applications. It is complicated in interpretation, so it acquires advanced methods for detection, decomposition, processing, and classification. The techniques of EMG signal analysis such as: filtering, wavelet transform, and modeling will be presented in this paper to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the signal. A comparison study is also given to show performance of various EMG signal analysis methods. This paper provides researchers a good understanding of EMG signal and its analysis procedures. This knowledge will help to develop more flexible and efficient application

    Classification of EMG signals to control a prosthetic hand using time-frequesncy representations and Support Vector Machines

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    Myoelectric signals (MES) are viable control signals for externally-powered prosthetic devices. They may improve both the functionality and the cosmetic appearance of these devices. Conventional controllers, based on the signal\u27s amplitude features in the control strategy, lack a large number of controllable states because signals from independent muscles are required for each degree of freedom (DoF) of the device. Myoelectric pattern recognition systems can overcome this problem by discriminating different residual muscle movements instead of contraction levels of individual muscles. However, the lack of long-term robustness in these systems and the design of counter-intuitive control/command interfaces have resulted in low clinical acceptance levels. As a result, the development of robust, easy to use myoelectric pattern recognition-based control systems is the main challenge in the field of prosthetic control. This dissertation addresses the need to improve the controller\u27s robustness by designing a pattern recognition-based control system that classifies the user\u27s intention to actuate the prosthesis. This system is part of a cost-effective prosthetic hand prototype developed to achieve an acceptable level of functional dexterity using a simple to use interface. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier implemented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG) was created. It used wavelet features from multiple surface EMG channels strategically placed over five forearm muscles. The classifiers were evaluated across seven subjects. They were able to discriminate five wrist motions with an accuracy of 91.5%. Variations of electrode locations were artificially introduced at each recording session as part of the procedure, to obtain data that accounted for the changes in the user\u27s muscle patterns over time. The generalization ability of the SVM was able to capture most of the variability in the data and to maintain an average classification accuracy of 90%. Two principal component analysis (PCA) frameworks were also evaluated to study the relationship between EMG recording sites and the need for feature space reduction. The dimension of the new feature set was reduced with the goal of improving the classification accuracy and reducing the computation time. The analysis indicated that the projection of the wavelet features into a reduced feature space did not significantly improve the accuracy and the computation time. However, decreasing the number of wavelet decomposition levels did lower the computational load without compromising the average signal classification accuracy. Based on the results of this work, a myoelectric pattern recognition-based control system that uses an SVM classifier applied to time-frequency features may be used to discriminate muscle contraction patterns for prosthetic applications