11 research outputs found

    Egocentric activity monitoring and recovery

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    This paper presents a novel approach for real-time egocentric activity recognition in which component atomic events are characterised in terms of binary relationships between parts of the body and manipulated objects. The key contribution is to summarise, within a histogram, the relationships that hold over a fixed time interval. This histogram is then classified into one of a number of atomic events. The relationships encode both the types of body parts and objects involved (e.g. wrist, hammer) together with a quantised representation of their distance apart and the normalised rate of change in this distance. The quantisation and classifier are both configured in a prior learning phase from training data. An activity is represented by a Markov model over atomic events. We show the application of the method in the prediction of the next atomic event within a manual procedure (e.g. assembling a simple device) and the detection of deviations from an expected procedure. This could be used for example in training operators in the use or servicing of a piece of equipment, or the assembly of a device from components. We evaluate our approach (’Bag-of-Relations’) on two datasets: ‘labelling and packaging bottles’ and ‘hammering nails and driving screws’, and show superior performance to existing Bag-of-Features methods that work with histograms derived from image features [1]. Finally, we show that the combination of data from vision and inertial (IMU) sensors outperforms either modality alone

    COGNITO: Activity monitoring and recovery

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    In order to test our hierarchical framework, we have obtained two datasets using an egocentric setup. These datasets consist of non-periodic manipulative tasks in an industrial context. All the sequences were captured with on-body sensors consisting IMUs, a backpack-mounted RGB-D camera for top-view and a chestmounted fisheye camera for front-view of the workbench. The first dataset is the scenario of hammering nails and driving screws. In this dataset, subjects are asked to hammer 3 nails and drive 3 screws using prescribed tools. The second dataset is a labelling and packaging bottles scenario. In this dataset, participants asked to attach labels to two bottles, then package them in the correct positions within a box. This requires opening the box, placing the bottles, closing the box, and then writing on the box as completed using a marker pen

    Optimal Parameter Exploration for Online Change-Point Detection in Activity Monitoring Using Genetic Algorithms

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    In recent years, smart phones with inbuilt sensors have become popular devices to facilitate activity recognition. The sensors capture a large amount of data, containing meaningful events, in a short period of time. The change points in this data are used to specify transitions to distinct events and can be used in various scenarios such as identifying change in a patient’s vital signs in the medical domain or requesting activity labels for generating real-world labeled activity datasets. Our work focuses on change-point detection to identify a transition from one activity to another. Within this paper, we extend our previous work on multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) algorithm by using a genetic algorithm (GA) to identify the optimal set of parameters for online change-point detection. The proposed technique finds the maximum accuracy and F_measure by optimizing the different parameters of the MEWMA, which subsequently identifies the exact location of the change point from an existing activity to a new one. Optimal parameter selection facilitates an algorithm to detect accurate change points and minimize false alarms. Results have been evaluated based on two real datasets of accelerometer data collected from a set of different activities from two users, with a high degree of accuracy from 99.4% to 99.8% and F_measure of up to 66.7%

    Recognition of Activities of Daily Living with Egocentric Vision: A Review.

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    Video-based recognition of activities of daily living (ADLs) is being used in ambient assisted living systems in order to support the independent living of older people. However, current systems based on cameras located in the environment present a number of problems, such as occlusions and a limited field of view. Recently, wearable cameras have begun to be exploited. This paper presents a review of the state of the art of egocentric vision systems for the recognition of ADLs following a hierarchical structure: motion, action and activity levels, where each level provides higher semantic information and involves a longer time frame. The current egocentric vision literature suggests that ADLs recognition is mainly driven by the objects present in the scene, especially those associated with specific tasks. However, although object-based approaches have proven popular, object recognition remains a challenge due to the intra-class variations found in unconstrained scenarios. As a consequence, the performance of current systems is far from satisfactory

    Recognising Complex Activities with Histograms of Relative Tracklets

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    One approach to the recognition of complex human activities is to use feature descriptors that encode visual inter-actions by describing properties of local visual features with respect to trajectories of tracked objects. We explore an example of such an approach in which dense tracklets are described relative to multiple reference trajectories, providing a rich representation of complex interactions between objects of which only a subset can be tracked. SpeciïŹcally, we report experiments in which reference trajectories are provided by tracking inertial sensors in a food preparation sce-nario. Additionally, we provide baseline results for HOG, HOF and MBH, and combine these features with others for multi-modal recognition. The proposed histograms of relative tracklets (RETLETS) showed better activity recognition performance than dense tracklets, HOG, HOF, MBH, or their combination. Our comparative evaluation of features from accelerometers and video highlighted a performance gap between visual and accelerometer-based motion features and showed a substantial performance gain when combining features from these sensor modalities. A considerable further performance gain was observed in combination with RETLETS and reference tracklet features

    Human activity recognition using wearable sensors: a deep learning approach

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    In the past decades, Human Activity Recognition (HAR) grabbed considerable research attentions from a wide range of pattern recognition and human–computer interaction researchers due to its prominent applications such as smart home health care. The wealth of information requires efficient classification and analysis methods. Deep learning represents a promising technique for large-scale data analytics. There are various ways of using different sensors for human activity recognition in a smartly controlled environment. Among them, physical human activity recognition through wearable sensors provides valuable information about an individual’s degree of functional ability and lifestyle. There is abundant research that works upon real time processing and causes more power consumption of mobile devices. Mobile phones are resource-limited devices. It is a thought-provoking task to implement and evaluate different recognition systems on mobile devices. This work proposes a Deep Belief Network (DBN) model for successful human activity recognition. Various experiments are performed on a real-world wearable sensor dataset to verify the effectiveness of the deep learning algorithm. The results show that the proposed DBN performs competitively in comparison with other algorithms and achieves satisfactory activity recognition performance. Some open problems and ideas are also presented and should be investigated as future research

    SHELDON Smart habitat for the elderly.

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    An insightful document concerning active and assisted living under different perspectives: Furniture and habitat, ICT solutions and Healthcare

    Learning by observation using Qualitative Spatial Relations

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    We present an approach to the problem of learning by observation in spatially-situated tasks, whereby an agent learns to imitate the behaviour of an observed expert, with no direct interaction and limited observations. The form of knowledge representation used for these observations is crucial, and we apply Qualitative Spatial-Relational representations to compress continuous, metric state-spaces into symbolic states to maximise the generalisability of learned models and minimise knowledge engineering. Our system self-configures these representations of the world to discover configurations of features most relevant to the task, and thus build good predictive models. We then show how these models can be employed by situated agents to control their behaviour, closing the loop from observation to practical implementation. We evaluate our approach in the simulated RoboCup Soccer domain and the Real-Time Strategy game Starcraft, and successfully demonstrate how a system using our approach closely mimics the behaviour of both synthetic (AI controlled) players, and also human-controlled players through observation. We further evaluate our work in Reinforcement Learning tasks in these domains, and show that our approach improves the speed at which such models can be learned