1,268 research outputs found

    Comparison of prefrontal atrophy and episodic memory performance in dysexecutive Alzheimer’s disease and behavioural-variant frontotemporal dementia

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) sometimes presents with prominent executive dysfunction and associated prefrontal cortex atrophy. The impact of such executive deficits on episodic memory performance as well as their neural correlates in AD, however, remains unclear. The aim of the current study was to investigate episodic memory and brain atrophy in AD patients with relatively spared executive functioning (SEF-AD; n = 12) and AD patients with relatively impaired executive functioning (IEF-AD; n = 23). We also compared the AD subgroups with a group of behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia patients (bvFTD; n = 22), who typically exhibit significant executive deficits, and age-matched healthy controls (n = 38). On cognitive testing, the three patient groups showed comparable memory profiles on standard episodic memory tests, with significant impairment relative to controls. Voxel-based morphometry analyses revealed extensive prefrontal and medial temporal lobe atrophy in IEF-AD and bvFTD, whereas this was limited to the middle frontal gyrus and hippocampus in SEF-AD. Moreover, the additional prefrontal atrophy in IEF-AD and bvFTD correlated with memory performance, whereas this was not the case for SEF-AD. These findings indicate that IEF-AD patients show prefrontal atrophy in regions similar to bvFTD, and suggest that this contributes to episodic memory performance. This has implications for the differential diagnosis of bvFTD and subtypes of AD

    Lost in spatial translation - A novel tool to objectively assess spatial disorientation in Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia

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    Spatial disorientation is a prominent feature of early Alzheimer's disease (AD) attributed to degeneration of medial temporal and parietal brain regions, including the retrosplenial cortex (RSC). By contrast, frontotemporal dementia (FTD) syndromes show generally intact spatial orientation at presentation. However, currently no clinical tasks are routinely administered to objectively assess spatial orientation in these neurodegenerative conditions. In this study we investigated spatial orientation in 58 dementia patients and 23 healthy controls using a novel virtual supermarket task as well as voxel-based morphometry (VBM). We compared performance on this task with visual and verbal memory function, which has traditionally been used to discriminate between AD and FTD. Participants viewed a series of videos from a first person perspective travelling through a virtual supermarket and were required to maintain orientation to a starting location. Analyses revealed significantly impaired spatial orientation in AD, compared to FTD patient groups. Spatial orientation performance was found to discriminate AD and FTD patient groups to a very high degree at presentation. More importantly, integrity of the RSC was identified as a key neural correlate of orientation performance. These findings confirm the notion that i) it is feasible to assess spatial orientation objectively via our novel Supermarket task; ii) impaired orientation is a prominent feature that can be applied clinically to discriminate between AD and FTD and iii) the RSC emerges as a critical biomarker to assess spatial orientation deficits in these neurodegenerative conditions

    Cortical thickness analysis in early diagnostics of Alzheimer's disease

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    Magnetic resonance imaging In Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and normal aging : Multi-template tensor-based morphometry and visual rating

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease preceded by a stage of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The structural brain changes in AD can be detected more than 20 years before symptoms appear. If we are to reveal early brain changes in AD process, it is important to develop new diagnostic methods. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique used in the diagnosis and monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging can detect the typical signs of brain atrophy of degenerative diseases, but similar changes can also be seen in normal aging. Visual rating methods (VRM) have been developed for visual evaluation of atrophy in dementia. A computer-based tensor-based morphometry (TBM) analysis is capable of assessing the brain volume changes typically encountered in AD. This study compared the VRM and TBM analysis in MCI and AD subjects by cross-sectional and longitudinal examination. The working hypothesis was that TBM analysis would be better than the visual methods in detecting atrophy in the brain. TBM was also used to analyze volume changes in the deep gray matter (DGM). Possible associations between TBM changes and neuropsychological tests performances were examined. This working hypothesis was that the structural DGM changes would be associated with impairments in cognitive functions. In the cross-sectional study, TBM distinguished the MCI from controls more sensitively than VRM, but the methods were equally effective in differentiating AD from MCI and controls. In the longitudinal study, both methods were equally good in the evaluation of atrophy in MCI, if the groups were sufficiently large and the disease progressed to AD. Volume changes were found in DGM structures, and the atrophy of DGM structures was related to cognitive impairment in AD. Based on these results, a TBM analysis is more sensitive in detecting brain changes in early AD as compared to VRM. In addition, the study produced information about the involvement of the deep gray matter in cognitive impairment in AD.Magneettikuvaus Alzheimerin taudissa, lievässä muistihäiriössä ja normaalissa ikääntymisessä: Tensoripohjainen muotoanalyysi ja visuaalinen arviointimenetelmä Alzheimerin tauti (AT) on yleisin dementoiva sairaus, jota edeltää yleensä lievä muistitoimintojen heikentyminen. AT:n aivomuutoksia voidaan todeta yli 20 vuotta ennen sairastumista. Jotta vielä varhaisempia AT:n aivomuutoksia voidaan todeta, on tärkeää kehittää uusia diagnostisia menetelmiä. Magneettikuvausta (MK) käytetään rappeuttavien aivosairauksien diagnostiikassa ja seurannassa. MK:lla voidaan havaita aivorappeumasairauksille tyypillistä kutistumista, mutta samanlaisia muutoksia voi esiintyä myös normaalissa ikääntymisessä. Aivorappeuman arviointiin on kehitetty silmämääräisiä arviointimenetelmiä. Tietokoneperusteinen tensoripohjainen muotoanalyysi (TPM) laskee esimerkiksi AT:lle tyypillisiä aivojen tilavuusmuutoksia. Tämä tutkimus vertaili silmämääräisiä arvioitimenetelmiä ja TPM:ä lievässä muistitoimintojen heikentymisessä ja AT:ssa poikittais- ja pitkittäistutkimuksella. TPM:n oletettiin olevan silmämääräisiä menetelmiä parempi tunnistamaan aivojen kutistumismuutoksia. Lisäksi TPM:llä tutkittiin AT:iin liittyviä aivojen syvän harmaan aiheen muutoksia, joita verrattiin neuropsykologisten testien tuloksiin. Syvän harmaan aineen kutistumisen oletettiin olevan yhteydessä tietojenkäsittelyn heikentymiseen. Tulosten perustella TPM tunnisti AT:iin liittyviä aivomuutoksia silmämääräistä menetelmää paremmin jo lievän muistitoimintojen heikentymisen vaiheessa. AT:iin liittyviä aivomuutoksia löytyi myös aivojen syvästä harmaasta aineesta ja ne olivat osittain yhteydessä neuropsykologisten testien tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella TPM voi parantaa AT:n varhaisdiagnostiikkaa verrattuna silmämääräisiin arviointimenetelmiin. Tutkimus antoi myös tietoa aivojen syvän harmaan aineen osallisuudesta ihmisen tietojenkäsittelyyn

    Brain atrophy and patch-based grading in individuals from the CIMA-Q study : a progressive continuum from subjective cognitive decline to AD

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    It has been proposed that individuals developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) first experience a phase expressing subjective complaints of cognitive decline (SCD) without objective cognitive impairment. Using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), our objective was to verify whether SNIPE probability grading, a new MRI analysis technique, would distinguish between clinical dementia stage of AD: Cognitively healthy controls without complaint (CH), SCD, mild cognitive impairment, and AD. SNIPE score in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex was applied to anatomical T1-weighted MRI of 143 participants from the Consortium pour l’identification précoce de la maladie Alzheimer -Québec (CIMA-Q) study and compared to standard atrophy measures (volumes and cortical thicknesses). Compared to standard atrophy measures, SNIPE score appeared more sensitive to differentiate clinical AD since differences between groups reached a higher level of significance and larger effect sizes. However, no significant difference was observed between SCD and CH groups. Combining both types of measures did not improve between-group differences. Further studies using a combination of biomarkers beyond anatomical MRI might be needed to identify individuals with SCD who are on the beginning of the clinical continuum of AD

    Longitudinal Morphometric Study of Genetic Influence of APOE e4 Genotype on Hippocampal Atrophy - An N=1925 Surface-based ADNI Study

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    abstract: The apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 genotype is the most prevalent known genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). In this paper, we examined the longitudinal effect of APOE e4 on hippocampal morphometry in Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Generally, atrophy of hippocampus has more chance occurs in AD patients who carrying the APOE e4 allele than those who are APOE e4 noncarriers. Also, brain structure and function depend on APOE genotype not just for Alzheimer's disease patients but also in health elderly individuals, so APOE genotyping is considered critical in clinical trials of Alzheimer's disease. We used a large sample of elderly participants, with the help of a new automated surface registration system based on surface conformal parameterization with holomorphic 1-forms and surface fluid registration. In this system, we automatically segmented and constructed hippocampal surfaces from MR images at many different time points, such as 6 months, 1- and 2-year follow up. Between the two different hippocampal surfaces, we did the high-order correspondences, using a novel inverse consistent surface fluid registration method. At each time point, using Hotelling's T^2 test, we found significant morphological deformation in APOE e4 carriers relative to noncarriers in the entire cohort as well as in the non-demented (pooled MCI and control) subjects, affecting the left hippocampus more than the right, and this effect was more pronounced in e4 homozygotes than heterozygotes.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Influence of APOE Genotype on Hippocampal Atrophy over Time - An N=1925 Surface-Based ADNI Study

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    abstract: The apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 genotype is a powerful risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) cohort, we previously reported significant baseline structural differences in APOE e4 carriers relative to non-carriers, involving the left hippocampus more than the right—a difference more pronounced in e4 homozygotes than heterozygotes. We now examine the longitudinal effects of APOE genotype on hippocampal morphometry at 6-, 12- and 24-months, in the ADNI cohort. We employed a new automated surface registration system based on conformal geometry and tensor-based morphometry. Among different hippocampal surfaces, we computed high-order correspondences, using a novel inverse-consistent surface-based fluid registration method and multivariate statistics consisting of multivariate tensor-based morphometry (mTBM) and radial distance. At each time point, using Hotelling’s T[superscript 2] test, we found significant morphological deformation in APOE e4 carriers relative to non-carriers in the full cohort as well as in the non-demented (pooled MCI and control) subjects at each follow-up interval. In the complete ADNI cohort, we found greater atrophy of the left hippocampus than the right, and this asymmetry was more pronounced in e4 homozygotes than heterozygotes. These findings, combined with our earlier investigations, demonstrate an e4 dose effect on accelerated hippocampal atrophy, and support the enrichment of prevention trial cohorts with e4 carriers.The article is published at http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.015290