878 research outputs found

    Does Cedomon work?

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    In 2003 there was an experiment in Agrifood Research Finland (Vihti), which compared Cedomon, Baytan, wood smoke treatment and no-treatment. Barley and oat were chosen to the experiment

    Weed control with inter-row hoeing in cereals

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    Our tasks is to study in Finnish conditions, how to build a cheap hoe suitable for cereals, which are the benefits of inter-row hoeing and to find out the capacity of this method

    Does mechanical weed control take effect on Sonchus arvensis?

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    The main aims of this research were to study the biology of perennial weeds and to find out the best non-chemical control methods for Sonchus arvensis. The most effective control method seemed to be bare fallowing

    Effect of crop species and management practices on perennial weeds in organic farming

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    In order to study the biology and non-chemical control of perennial weeds, a three-year field experiment was established in 2001 at Vihti, southern Finland. The experiment was placed in a clay soil field under organic production, infested moderately with Cirsium arvense, Elymus repens and Stachys palustris, and heavily with Sonchus arvensis

    Response of Sonchus arvensis to mechanical and cultural weed control

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    In order to study the biology and physical control of Sonchus arvensis, a 3-year field experiment was established in 2001 at Vihti, southern Finland

    User Involvement in Additive Manufacturing: a Quantitative Study

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    Objectives The main objectives of this study were to find and measure the factors affecting how consumers intend to utilise additive manufacturing and to analyse how consumers can be involved in additive manufacturing activities with businesses, keeping in mind the opportunities and weaknesses of the technology. Summary Opportunities and weaknesses of additive manufacturing as well as opportunities for user involvement were examined in light of existing literature, while a quantitative survey was used to measure the factors that influence consumer 3D (three-dimensional) printing adoption. Conclusions The research showed 3D printing use of consumers is positively influenced by the technology having benefits for consumers, easy-to-use products and support being available, and 3D printing products having a good value. Consequently, these factors help consumers to co-create or co-design products with companies or utilise 3D printing in entrepreneurial capacity

    WordPress-kotisivut ja käyttökoulutus

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena on uusien kotisivujen rakentaminen Simpeleen Fysikaaliselle Hoitolaitokselle ja käyttökoulutuksen pitäminen. Opinnäytetyössä käydään läpi myös palveluntarjoajan vaihtaminen, uusien sähköpostitilien ja tietokannan luonti ja sivuston siirtäminen palvelimelle. Sivuston uudelleen kehittäminen ja palveluntarjoajan kilpailuttaminen tapahtuu toimeksiantajan halusta saada modernimpaa yritysilmettä yritykselleen. Projekti pitää sisällään itselleni paljon uutta tietoa, jota toivon mukaan pääsen hyödyntämään tulevaisuudessa työelämässä. Sivuston rakentaminen suoritettiin WordPress-alustalle, jonka päälle asennettiin toimeksiantajan valitsema teema rungoksi. Tietokannan ja sähköpostilien luonti tapahtui toimeksiantajan webhotellin kautta ja tietokannan hallinta tapahtui PhpMyAdminin kautta. Sivuston siirtäminen tehtiin FileZilla-ohjelman avulla ja käyttökoulutus pidettiin Simpeleellä toimeksiantajan tiloissa.Subject of this thesis is the construction of the new website to Simpeleen Fysikaalinen Hoitolaitos and introduction training. The thesis goes also through the change of service provider, new company email- and database creations and transfer the site to the server. Site re-development and service competition is made due to the client's desire to have more modern corporate image for their business. The project includes a lot of new information for me. I hope that I can exploit this experience at future working life. Site construction is performed to WordPress platform. WordPress needs skeleton, so principal will choose theme and I will install that. Databases and emails creation will happen in principal's webhotel and database controlling is perfomed with PhpMyAdmin. Site transfer will be made FileZilla program, and introduction training will be held in Simpele at the client's premises

    Managing Sonchus arvensis using mechanical and cultural methods

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    Perennial sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis L.) represents an increasing problem in Finland. Options for mechanical and cultural control of S. arvensis were studied in a field experiment on clay soil under organic production. The experiment consisted of different crop sequences: spring cereal (barley, Hordeum vulgare L., in 2001, oats, Avena sativa L., in 2002) with or without inter-row hoeing and/or stubble cultivation, bare fallow, fibre hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), and ley with mowing. In 2003 the entire field was sown to spring wheat. Crop plant and Sonchus shoot density and dry mass prior to cereal harvest and crop yield were assessed. The control effect was rated: bare fallow > ley > cereal with or without inter-row hoeing > poor growth fibre hemp. Bare fallow was an effective but costly way to reduce S. arvensis infestation. Introduction of a regularly mown green fallow or silage ley in the crop rotation is advisable. Mechanical weed control by inter-row hoeing in cereals limits S. arvensis growth. Infestation might also be reduced by stubble cultivation in autumn. When managing S. arvensis using mechanical and cultural methods, appropriate options, including a competitive crop, should be chosen for the specific field and rotation

    Sonchus arvensis - a challenge for organic farming

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    Perennial sow-thistle (Sonchus arvensis L.) represents an increasing problem in Finland. Options for mechanical and cultural control of S. arvensis were studied in a 3 year field experiment on clay soil under organic production

    Maasta markkinoille hankkeen demokoetoimintaa

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