4,057 research outputs found

    LFP beta amplitude is predictive of mesoscopic spatio-temporal phase patterns

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    Beta oscillations observed in motor cortical local field potentials (LFPs) recorded on separate electrodes of a multi-electrode array have been shown to exhibit non-zero phase shifts that organize into a planar wave propagation. Here, we generalize this concept by introducing additional classes of patterns that fully describe the spatial organization of beta oscillations. During a delayed reach-to-grasp task in monkey primary motor and dorsal premotor cortices we distinguish planar, synchronized, random, circular, and radial phase patterns. We observe that specific patterns correlate with the beta amplitude (envelope). In particular, wave propagation accelerates with growing amplitude, and culminates at maximum amplitude in a synchronized pattern. Furthermore, the occurrence probability of a particular pattern is modulated with behavioral epochs: Planar waves and synchronized patterns are more present during movement preparation where beta amplitudes are large, whereas random phase patterns are dominant during movement execution where beta amplitudes are small

    Delay Differential Analysis of Seizures in Multichannel Electrocorticography Data

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    High-density electrocorticogram (ECoG) electrodes are capable of recording neurophysiological data with high temporal resolution with wide spatial coverage. These recordings are a window to understanding how the human brain processes information and subsequently behaves in healthy and pathologic states. Here, we describe and implement delay differential analysis (DDA) for the characterization of ECoG data obtained from human patients with intractable epilepsy. DDA is a time-domain analysis framework based on embedding theory in nonlinear dynamics that reveals the nonlinear invariant properties of an unknown dynamical system. The DDA embedding serves as a low-dimensional nonlinear dynamical basis onto which the data are mapped. This greatly reduces the risk of overfitting and improves the method's ability to fit classes of data. Since the basis is built on the dynamical structure of the data, preprocessing of the data (e.g., filtering) is not necessary. We performed a large-scale search for a DDA model that best fit ECoG recordings using a genetic algorithm to qualitatively discriminate between different cortical states and epileptic events for a set of 13 patients. A single DDA model with only three polynomial terms was identified. Singular value decomposition across the feature space of the model revealed both global and local dynamics that could differentiate electrographic and electroclinical seizures and provided insights into highly localized seizure onsets and diffuse seizure terminations. Other common ECoG features such as interictal periods, artifacts, and exogenous stimuli were also analyzed with DDA. This novel framework for signal processing of seizure information demonstrates an ability to reveal unique characteristics of the underlying dynamics of the seizure and may be useful in better understanding, detecting, and maybe even predicting seizures

    Intracranial high-γ connectivity distinguishes wakefulness from sleep.

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    Neural synchrony in the γ-band is considered a fundamental process in cortical computation and communication and it has also been proposed as a crucial correlate of consciousness. However, the latter claim remains inconclusive, mainly due to methodological limitations, such as the spectral constraints of scalp-level electroencephalographic recordings or volume-conduction confounds. Here, we circumvented these caveats by comparing γ-band connectivity between two global states of consciousness via intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), which provides the most reliable measurements of high-frequency activity in the human brain. Non-REM Sleep recordings were compared to passive-wakefulness recordings of the same duration in three subjects with surgically implanted electrodes. Signals were analyzed through the weighted Phase Lag Index connectivity measure and relevant graph theory metrics. We found that connectivity in the high-γ range (90-120 Hz), as well as relevant graph theory properties, were higher during wakefulness than during sleep and discriminated between conditions better than any other canonical frequency band. Our results constitute the first report of iEEG differences between wakefulness and sleep in the high-γ range at both local and distant sites, highlighting the utility of this technique in the search for the neural correlates of global states of consciousness

    Neuron-level dynamics of oscillatory network structure and markerless tracking of kinematics during grasping

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    Oscillatory synchrony is proposed to play an important role in flexible sensory-motor transformations. Thereby, it is assumed that changes in the oscillatory network structure at the level of single neurons lead to flexible information processing. Yet, how the oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level changes with different behavior remains elusive. To address this gap, we examined changes in the fronto-parietal oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level, while monkeys performed a flexible sensory-motor grasping task. We found that neurons formed separate subnetworks in the low frequency and beta bands. The beta subnetwork was active during steady states and the low frequency network during active states of the task, suggesting that both frequencies are mutually exclusive at the neuron-level. Furthermore, both frequency subnetworks reconfigured at the neuron-level for different grip and context conditions, which was mostly lost at any scale larger than neurons in the network. Our results, therefore, suggest that the oscillatory network structure at the neuron-level meets the necessary requirements for the coordination of flexible sensory-motor transformations. Supplementarily, tracking hand kinematics is a crucial experimental requirement to analyze neuronal control of grasp movements. To this end, a 3D markerless, gloveless hand tracking system was developed using computer vision and deep learning techniques. 2021-11-3

    Neuroimaging and electrophysiology meet invasive neurostimulation for causal interrogations and modulations of brain states

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has developed over the last twenty years into a highly effective evidenced-based treatment option for neuropsychiatric disorders. Moreover, it has become a fascinating tool to provide illustrative insights into the functioning of brain networks. New anatomical and pathophysiological models of DBS action have accelerated our understanding of neurological and psychiatric disorders and brain functioning. The description of the brain networks arose through the unique ability to illustrate long-range interactions between interconnected brain regions as derived from state-of-the-art neuroimaging (structural, diffusion, and functional MRI) and the opportunity to record local and large-scale brain activity at millisecond temporal resolution (microelectrode recordings, local field potential, electroencephalography, and magnetoencephalography). In the first part of this review, we describe how neuroimaging techniques have led to current understanding of DBS effects, by identifying and refining the DBS targets and illustrate the actual view on the relationships between electrode locations and clinical effects. One step further, we discuss how neuroimaging has shifted the view of localized DBS effects to a modulation of specific brain circuits, which has been possible from the combination of electrode location reconstructions with recently introduced network imaging methods. We highlight how these findings relate to clinical effects, thus postulating neuroimaging as a key factor to understand the mechanisms of DBS action on behavior and clinical effects. In the second part, we show how invasive electrophysiology techniques have been efficiently integrated into the DBS set-up to precisely localize the neuroanatomical targets of DBS based on distinct region-specific patterns of neural activity. Next, we show how multi-site electrophysiological recordings have granted a real-time window into the aberrant brain circuits within and beyond DBS targets to quantify and map the dynamic properties of rhythmic oscillations. We also discuss how DBS alters the transient synchrony states of oscillatory networks in temporal and spatial domains during resting, task-based and motion conditions, and how this modulation of brain states ultimately shapes the functional response. Finally, we show how a successful decoding and management of electrophysiological proxies (beta bursts, phase-amplitude coupling) of aberrant brain circuits was translated into adaptive DBS stimulation paradigms for a targeted and state-dependent invasive electrical neuromodulation

    Beta oscillations underlie top-down, feedback control while gamma oscillations reflect bottom-up, feedforward influences

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    Prefrontal cortex (PFC) is critical to behavioral flexibility and, hence, the top-down control over bottom-up sensory information. The mechanisms underlying this capacity have been hypothesized to involve the propagation of alpha/beta (8-30 Hz) oscillations via feedback connections to sensory regions. In contrast, gamma (30-160 Hz) oscillations are thought to arise as a function of bottom-up, feedforward stimulation. To test the hypothesis that such oscillatory phenomena embody such functional roles, we assessed the performance of nine monkeys on tasks of learning, categorization, and working memory concurrent with recording of local field potentials (LFPs) from PFC. The first set of tasks consisted of two classes of learning: one, explicit and, another, implicit. Explicit learning is a conscious process that demands top-down control, and in these tasks alpha/beta oscillations tracked learning. In contrast, implicit learning is an unconscious process that is automatic (i.e. bottom up), and in this task alpha/beta oscillations did not track learning. We next looked at dot-pattern categorization. In this task, category exemplars were generated by jittering the dot locations of a prototype. By chance, some of these exemplars were similar to the prototype (low distortion), and others were not (high distortion). Behaviorally, the monkeys performed well on both distortion levels. However, alpha/beta band oscillations carried more category information at high distortions, while gamma-band category information was greatest on low distortions. Overall, the greater the need for top-down control (i.e. high distortion), the greater the beta, and the lesser the need (i.e. low distortion), the greater the gamma. Finally, laminar electrodes were used to record from animals trained on working memory tasks. Each laminar probe was lowered so that its set of contacts sampled all cortical layers. During these tasks, gamma oscillations peaked in superficial layers, while alpha/beta peaked in deep layers. Moreover, these deep-layer alpha/beta oscillations entrained superficial alpha/beta, and modulated the amplitude of superficial-layer gamma oscillations. These laminar distinctions are consistent with anatomy: feedback neurons originate in deep layers and feedforward neurons in superficial layers. In summary, alpha/beta oscillations reflect top-down control and feedback connectivity, while gamma oscillations reflect bottom-up processes and feedforward connectivity

    Converging Intracranial Markers of Conscious Access

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    We compared conscious and nonconscious processing of briefly flashed words using a visual masking procedure while recording intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG) in ten patients. Nonconscious processing of masked words was observed in multiple cortical areas, mostly within an early time window (<300 ms), accompanied by induced gamma-band activity, but without coherent long-distance neural activity, suggesting a quickly dissipating feedforward wave. In contrast, conscious processing of unmasked words was characterized by the convergence of four distinct neurophysiological markers: sustained voltage changes, particularly in prefrontal cortex, large increases in spectral power in the gamma band, increases in long-distance phase synchrony in the beta range, and increases in long-range Granger causality. We argue that all of those measures provide distinct windows into the same distributed state of conscious processing. These results have a direct impact on current theoretical discussions concerning the neural correlates of conscious access