3,715 research outputs found

    Elasticity sampling links thermodynamics to metabolic control

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    Metabolic networks can be turned into kinetic models in a predefined steady state by sampling the reaction elasticities in this state. Elasticities for many reversible rate laws can be computed from the reaction Gibbs free energies, which are determined by the state, and from physically unconstrained saturation values. Starting from a network structure with allosteric regulation and consistent metabolic fluxes and concentrations, one can sample the elasticities, compute the control coefficients, and reconstruct a kinetic model with consistent reversible rate laws. Some of the model variables are manually chosen, fitted to data, or optimised, while the others are computed from them. The resulting model ensemble allows for probabilistic predictions, for instance, about possible dynamic behaviour. By adding more data or tighter constraints, the predictions can be made more precise. Model variants differing in network structure, flux distributions, thermodynamic forces, regulation, or rate laws can be realised by different model ensembles and compared by significance tests. The thermodynamic forces have specific effects on flux control, on the synergisms between enzymes, and on the emergence and propagation of metabolite fluctuations. Large kinetic models could help to simulate global metabolic dynamics and to predict the effects of enzyme inhibition, differential expression, genetic modifications, and their combinations on metabolic fluxes. MATLAB code for elasticity sampling is freely available

    On the Complexity of Reconstructing Chemical Reaction Networks

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    The analysis of the structure of chemical reaction networks is crucial for a better understanding of chemical processes. Such networks are well described as hypergraphs. However, due to the available methods, analyses regarding network properties are typically made on standard graphs derived from the full hypergraph description, e.g.\ on the so-called species and reaction graphs. However, a reconstruction of the underlying hypergraph from these graphs is not necessarily unique. In this paper, we address the problem of reconstructing a hypergraph from its species and reaction graph and show NP-completeness of the problem in its Boolean formulation. Furthermore we study the problem empirically on random and real world instances in order to investigate its computational limits in practice

    Exhaustive identification of steady state cycles in large stoichiometric networks

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    BACKGROUND: Identifying cyclic pathways in chemical reaction networks is important, because such cycles may indicate in silico violation of energy conservation, or the existence of feedback in vivo. Unfortunately, our ability to identify cycles in stoichiometric networks, such as signal transduction and genome-scale metabolic networks, has been hampered by the computational complexity of the methods currently used. RESULTS: We describe a new algorithm for the identification of cycles in stoichiometric networks, and we compare its performance to two others by exhaustively identifying the cycles contained in the genome-scale metabolic networks of H. pylori, M. barkeri, E. coli, and S. cerevisiae. Our algorithm can substantially decrease both the execution time and maximum memory usage in comparison to the two previous algorithms. CONCLUSION: The algorithm we describe improves our ability to study large, real-world, biochemical reaction networks, although additional methodological improvements are desirable

    An exact arithmetic toolbox for a consistent and reproducible structural analysis of metabolic network models

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    Constraint-based models are currently the only methodology that allows the study of metabolism at the whole-genome scale. Flux balance analysis is commonly used to analyse constraint-based models. Curiously, the results of this analysis vary with the software being run, a situation that we show can be remedied by using exact rather than floating-point arithmetic. Here we introduce MONGOOSE, a toolbox for analysing the structure of constraint-based metabolic models in exact arithmetic. We apply MONGOOSE to the analysis of 98 existing metabolic network models and find that the biomass reaction is surprisingly blocked (unable to sustain non-zero flux) in nearly half of them. We propose a principled approach for unblocking these reactions and extend it to the problems of identifying essential and synthetic lethal reactions and minimal media. Our structural insights enable a systematic study of constraint-based metabolic models, yielding a deeper understanding of their possibilities and limitations.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM108348)Howard Hughes Medical Institut

    Markovian Dynamics on Complex Reaction Networks

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    Complex networks, comprised of individual elements that interact with each other through reaction channels, are ubiquitous across many scientific and engineering disciplines. Examples include biochemical, pharmacokinetic, epidemiological, ecological, social, neural, and multi-agent networks. A common approach to modeling such networks is by a master equation that governs the dynamic evolution of the joint probability mass function of the underling population process and naturally leads to Markovian dynamics for such process. Due however to the nonlinear nature of most reactions, the computation and analysis of the resulting stochastic population dynamics is a difficult task. This review article provides a coherent and comprehensive coverage of recently developed approaches and methods to tackle this problem. After reviewing a general framework for modeling Markovian reaction networks and giving specific examples, the authors present numerical and computational techniques capable of evaluating or approximating the solution of the master equation, discuss a recently developed approach for studying the stationary behavior of Markovian reaction networks using a potential energy landscape perspective, and provide an introduction to the emerging theory of thermodynamic analysis of such networks. Three representative problems of opinion formation, transcription regulation, and neural network dynamics are used as illustrative examples.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, for freely available MATLAB software, see http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~goutsias/CSS%20lab/software.htm

    Environments that Induce Synthetic Microbial Ecosystems

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    Interactions between microbial species are sometimes mediated by the exchange of small molecules, secreted by one species and metabolized by another. Both one-way (commensal) and two-way (mutualistic) interactions may contribute to complex networks of interdependencies. Understanding these interactions constitutes an open challenge in microbial ecology, with applications ranging from the human microbiome to environmental sustainability. In parallel to natural communities, it is possible to explore interactions in artificial microbial ecosystems, e.g. pairs of genetically engineered mutualistic strains. Here we computationally generate artificial microbial ecosystems without re-engineering the microbes themselves, but rather by predicting their growth on appropriately designed media. We use genome-scale stoichiometric models of metabolism to identify media that can sustain growth for a pair of species, but fail to do so for one or both individual species, thereby inducing putative symbiotic interactions. We first tested our approach on two previously studied mutualistic pairs, and on a pair of highly curated model organisms, showing that our algorithms successfully recapitulate known interactions, robustly predict new ones, and provide novel insight on exchanged molecules. We then applied our method to all possible pairs of seven microbial species, and found that it is always possible to identify putative media that induce commensalism or mutualism. Our analysis also suggests that symbiotic interactions may arise more readily through environmental fluctuations than genetic modifications. We envision that our approach will help generate microbe-microbe interaction maps useful for understanding microbial consortia dynamics and evolution, and for exploring the full potential of natural metabolic pathways for metabolic engineering applications

    Machine and deep learning meet genome-scale metabolic modeling

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    Omic data analysis is steadily growing as a driver of basic and applied molecular biology research. Core to the interpretation of complex and heterogeneous biological phenotypes are computational approaches in the fields of statistics and machine learning. In parallel, constraint-based metabolic modeling has established itself as the main tool to investigate large-scale relationships between genotype, phenotype, and environment. The development and application of these methodological frameworks have occurred independently for the most part, whereas the potential of their integration for biological, biomedical, and biotechnological research is less known. Here, we describe how machine learning and constraint-based modeling can be combined, reviewing recent works at the intersection of both domains and discussing the mathematical and practical aspects involved. We overlap systematic classifications from both frameworks, making them accessible to nonexperts. Finally, we delineate potential future scenarios, propose new joint theoretical frameworks, and suggest concrete points of investigation for this joint subfield. A multiview approach merging experimental and knowledge-driven omic data through machine learning methods can incorporate key mechanistic information in an otherwise biologically-agnostic learning process

    Correcting Errors Due to Species Correlations in the Marginal Probability Density Evolution Algorithm

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    Synthetic biology is an emerging field that integrates and applies engineering design methods to biological systems. Its aim is to make biology an engineerable science. Over the years, biologists and engineers alike have abstracted biological systems into functional models that behave similarly to electric circuits, thus the creation of the subfield of genetic circuits. Mathematical models have been devised to simulate the behavior of genetic circuits in silico. Most models can be classified into deterministic and stochastic models. The work in this dissertation is for stochastic models. Although ordinary differential equation (ODE) models are generally amenable to simu- late genetic circuits, they wrongly assume that a system\u27s chemical species vary continuously and deterministically, thus making erroneous predictions when applied to highly stochastic systems. Stochastic methods have been created to take into account the variability, un- predictability, and discrete nature of molecular populations. The most popular stochastic method is the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA). These methods provide a single path of the overall pool of possible system\u27s behavior. A common practice is to take several inde- pendent SSA simulations and take the average of the aggregate. This approach can perform iv well in low noise systems. However, it produces incorrect results when applied to networks that can take multiple modes or that are highly stochastic. Incremental SSA or iSSA is a set of algorithms that have been created to obtain ag- gregate information from multiple SSA runs. The marginal probability density evolution (MPDE) algorithm is a subset of iSSA which seeks to reveal the most likely qualitative behavior of a genetic circuit by providing a marginal probability function or statistical enve- lope for every species in the system, under the appropriate conditions. MPDE assumes that species are statistically independent given the rest of the system. This assumption is satisfied by some systems. However, most of the interesting biological systems, both synthetic and in nature, have correlated species forming conservation laws. Species correlation imposes con- straints in the system that are broken by MPDE. This work seeks to devise a mathematical method and algorithm to correct conservation constraints errors in MPDE. Furthermore, it aims to identify these constraints a priori and efficiently deliver a trustworthy result faithful to the true behavior of the system