8 research outputs found

    44P. Search Engines and Academic Research Process

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    Information Technologies shape the way users retrieve information. The Internet has become one of the most important information resources where people look for various kind of information. Search engines are seen as a gateway to the online information. This paper describes a survey carried out on graduate students pursing Master or PhD to investigate the impact of search engines on their research process. Information quality, cost and copyright issue were examined to give an insight on how Internet was used as an information source. Overall, quality of information and time spent were the main influences when using search engines. Students are generally aware of copyright issues. However, most of them do not check copyright issue when downloading online materials. Nearly half of the participants also agree that search engines are biased towards English

    Google vs. the Library (Part III): Assessing the Quality of Sources Found by Undergraduates

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    This study assesses and compares the quality of sources found by undergraduate students when doing research using both Google and a library (federated) search tool. Thirty undergraduates were asked to find four sources (one book, two articles, and one additional source of their choosing) related to a selected research topic. Students used both Google and a federated search (resource discovery) tool to find material they believed to be relevant. Each source was evaluated for topic relevance, authority, appropriateness, and date, and assigned a total quality score. Results showed that the books found via Google were slightly higher quality than those uncovered via the federated search tool. The articles and additional sources students found via the federated search tool were slightly to moderately higher quality, respectively, than those discovered via Google

    A Welfare Consensus? Social Policy from Thatcher to Blair

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    Research Abstract A Welfare Consensus? Social Policy from Thatcher to Blair This thesis examines two central aspects of asset management by central government with special reference to health and education. First, it analyses the nature, structure and procedural legacy inherited by New Labour after eighteen years of Conservative control, and carries this analysis forward to determine the influence that this has on New Labour’s policy orientation. Second, with a view to the significance of institutionalist theories, which underline the potential importance of ‘path dependency’, the thesis seeks to determine what, if any, major policy differences developed with the transition from the Conservative governments of 1979-97 to the New Labour governments of 1997-2007. From a wealth of documentary evidence this thesis concludes that New Labour, throughout its ten years period in office, while it softened the well entrenched Thatcherite policies inherited it did not reform the core objectives of ‘rolling back the state’ which had led to the introduction of market-style competition designed to drive up standards, choice and availability accompanied by the driving down of unit costs. Over a time span of almost thirty years all governments have placed health and education as twin focal points of their policy initiatives. This thesis has therefore chosen these two political drivers as major examples of continuity and changes in social policy over that period, stretching from the late 20th century and into the 21st century. New Labour’s pragmatic acceptance in 1997 of its Thatcherite legacy with its compounded bipartisan approach led to a new welfare consensus coupled to enhanced strategic public expenditure priorities. In doing so, New Labour, under Blair, set aside its traditional, historical policies and embedded its own legacy so deeply into the economic fabric and culture of the UK that any future government, of whatever political persuasion will find the forward momentum of these policies powerful inhibitors of change. Thirty years of rolling back the state has achieved its outcome. John D Holland St Cuthbert’s Society School of Applied Social Sciences, Department of Sociology Durham University November 200