41 research outputs found

    SparseRNAFolD: Sparse RNA Pseudoknot-Free Folding Including Dangles

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    International audienceMotivation: Computational RNA secondary structure prediction by free energy minimization is indispensable for analyzing structural RNAs and their interactions. These methods find the structure with the minimum free energy (MFE) among exponentially many possible structures and have a restrictive time and space complexity (O(n 3) time and O(n 2) space for pseudoknot-free structures) for longer RNA sequences. Furthermore, accurate free energy calculations, including dangles contributions can be difficult and costly to implement, particularly when optimizing for time and space requirements. Results: Here we introduce a fast and efficient sparsified MFE pseudoknot-free structure prediction algorithm, SparseRNAFolD, that utilizes an accurate energy model that accounts for dangle contributions. While the sparsification technique was previously employed to improve the time and space complexity of a pseudoknot-free structure prediction method with a realistic energy model, SparseMFEFold, it was not extended to include dangle contributions due to the complexity of computation. This may come at the cost of prediction accuracy. In this work, we compare three different sparsified implementations for dangles contributions and provide pros and cons of each method. As well, we compare our algorithm to LinearFold, a linear time and space algorithm, where we find that in practice, SparseRNAFolD has lower memory consumption across all lengths of sequence and a faster time for lengths up to 1000 bases. Conclusion: Our SparseRNAFolD algorithm is an MFE-based algorithm that guarantees optimality of result and employs the most general energy model, including dangle contributions. We provide a basis for applying dangles to sparsified recursion in a pseudoknot-free model that has the ability to be extended to pseudoknots

    Computational analysis of noncoding RNAs

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    Noncoding RNAs have emerged as important key players in the cell. Understanding their surprisingly diverse range of functions is challenging for experimental and computational biology. Here, we review computational methods to analyze noncoding RNAs. The topics covered include basic and advanced techniques to predict RNA structures, annotation of noncoding RNAs in genomic data, mining RNA-seq data for novel transcripts and prediction of transcript structures, computational aspects of microRNAs, and database resources.Austrian Science Fund (Schrodinger Fellowship J2966-B12)German Research Foundation (grant WI 3628/1-1 to SW)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH award 1RC1CA147187

    Lynx: A Programmatic SAT Solver for the RNA-folding Problem

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    15th International Conference, Trento, Italy, June 17-20, 2012. ProceedingsThis paper introduces Lynx, an incremental programmatic SAT solver that allows non-expert users to introduce domain-specific code into modern conflict-driven clause-learning (CDCL) SAT solvers, thus enabling users to guide the behavior of the solver. The key idea of Lynx is a callback interface that enables non-expert users to specialize the SAT solver to a class of Boolean instances. The user writes specialized code for a class of Boolean formulas, which is periodically called by Lynx’s search routine in its inner loop through the callback interface. The user-provided code is allowed to examine partial solutions generated by the solver during its search, and to respond by adding CNF clauses back to the solver dynamically and incrementally. Thus, the user-provided code can specialize and influence the solver’s search in a highly targeted fashion. While the power of incremental SAT solvers has been amply demonstrated in the SAT literature and in the context of DPLL(T), it has not been previously made available as a programmatic API that is easy to use for non-expert users. Lynx’s callback interface is a simple yet very effective strategy that addresses this need. We demonstrate the benefits of Lynx through a case-study from computational biology, namely, the RNA secondary structure prediction problem. The constraints that make up this problem fall into two categories: structural constraints, which describe properties of the biological structure of the solution, and energetic constraints, which encode quantitative requirements that the solution must satisfy. We show that by introducing structural constraints on-demand through user provided code we can achieve, in comparison with standard SAT approaches, upto 30x reduction in memory usage and upto 100x reduction in time

    Automated Design of Dynamic Programming Schemes for RNA Folding with Pseudoknots

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    Despite being a textbook application of dynamic programming (DP) and routine task in RNA structure analysis, RNA secondary structure prediction remains challenging whenever pseudoknots come into play. To circumvent the NP-hardness of energy minimization in realistic energy models, specialized algorithms have been proposed for restricted conformation classes that capture the most frequently observed configurations. While these methods rely on hand-crafted DP schemes, we generalize and fully automatize the design of DP pseudoknot prediction algorithms. We formalize the problem of designing DP algorithms for an (infinite) class of conformations, modeled by (a finite number of) fatgraphs, and automatically build DP schemes minimizing their algorithmic complexity. We propose an algorithm for the problem, based on the tree-decomposition of a well-chosen representative structure, which we simplify and reinterpret as a DP scheme. The algorithm is fixed-parameter tractable for the tree-width tw of the fatgraph, and its output represents a ?(n^{tw+1}) algorithm for predicting the MFE folding of an RNA of length n. Our general framework supports general energy models, partition function computations, recursive substructures and partial folding, and could pave the way for algebraic dynamic programming beyond the context-free case

    Accurate SHAPE-directed RNA secondary structure modeling, including pseudoknots

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    A pseudoknot forms in an RNA when nucleotides in a loop pair with a region outside the helices that close the loop. Pseudoknots occur relatively rarely in RNA but are highly overrepresented in functionally critical motifs in large catalytic RNAs, in riboswitches, and in regulatory elements of viruses. Pseudoknots are usually excluded from RNA structure prediction algorithms. When included, these pairings are difficult to model accurately, especially in large RNAs, because allowing this structure dramatically increases the number of possible incorrect folds and because it is difficult to search the fold space for an optimal structure. We have developed a concise secondary structure modeling approach that combines SHAPE (selective 2′-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension) experimental chemical probing information and a simple, but robust, energy model for the entropic cost of single pseudoknot formation. Structures are predicted with iterative refinement, using a dynamic programming algorithm. This melded experimental and thermodynamic energy function predicted the secondary structures and the pseudoknots for a set of 21 challenging RNAs of known structure ranging in size from 34 to 530 nt. On average, 93% of known base pairs were predicted, and all pseudoknots in well-folded RNAs were identified

    Computational Design and Experimental Validation of Functional Ribonucleic Acid Nanostructures

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    In living cells, two major classes of ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules can be found. The first class called the messenger RNA (mRNA) contains the genetic information that allows the ribosome to read and translate it into proteins. The second class called non-coding RNA (ncRNA), do not code for proteins and are involved with key cellular processes, such as gene expression regulation, splicing, differentiation, and development. NcRNAs fold into an ensemble of thermodynamically stable secondary structures, which will eventually lead the molecule to fold into a specific 3D structure. It is widely known that ncRNAs carry their functions via their 3D structures as well as their molecular composition. The secondary structure of ncRNAs is composed of different types of structural elements (motifs) such as stacking base pairs, internal loops, hairpin loops and pseudoknots. Pseudoknots are specifically difficult to model, are abundant in nature and known to stabilize the functional form of the molecule. Due to the diverse range of functions of ncRNAs, their computational design and analysis have numerous applications in nano-technology, therapeutics, synthetic biology, and materials engineering. The RNA design problem is to find novel RNA sequences that are predicted to fold into target structure(s) while satisfying specific qualitative characteristics and constraints. RNA design can be modeled as a combinatorial optimization problem (COP) and is known to be computationally challenging or more precisely NP-hard. Numerous algorithms to solve the RNA design problem have been developed over the past two decades, however mostly ignore pseudoknots and therefore limit application to only a slice of real-world modeling and design problems. Moreover, the few existing pseudoknot designer methods which were developed only recently, do not provide any evidence about the applicability of their proposed design methodology in biological contexts. The two objectives of this thesis are set to address these two shortcomings. First, we are interested in developing an efficient computational method for the design of RNA secondary structures including pseudoknots that show significantly improved in-silico quality characteristics than the state of the art. Second, we are interested in showing the real-world worthiness of the proposed method by validating it experimentally. More precisely, our aim is to design instances of certain types of RNA enzymes (i.e. ribozymes) and demonstrate that they are functionally active. This would likely only happen if their predicted folding matched their actual folding in the in-vitro experiments. In this thesis, we present four contributions. First, we propose a novel adaptive defect weighted sampling algorithm to efficiently solve the RNA secondary structure design problem where pseudoknots are included. We compare the performance of our design algorithm with the state of the art and show that our method generates molecules that are thermodynamically more stable and less defective than those generated by state of the art methods. Moreover, we show when the effect of fitness evaluation is decoupled from the search and optimization process, our optimization method converges faster than the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II) and the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm do. Second, we use our algorithmic development to implement an RNA design pipeline called Enzymer and make it available as an open source package useful for wet lab practitioners and RNA bioinformaticians. Enzymer uses multiple sequence alignment (MSA) data to generate initial design templates for further optimization. Our design pipeline can then be used to re-engineer naturally occurring RNA enzymes such as ribozymes and riboswitches. Our first and second contributions are published in the RNA section of the Journal of Frontiers in Genetics. Third, we use Enzymer to reengineer three different species of pseudoknotted ribozymes: a hammerhead ribozyme from the mouse gut metagenome, a hammerhead ribozyme from Yarrowia lipolytica and a glmS ribozyme from Thermoanaerobacter tengcogensis. We designed a total of 18 ribozyme sequences and showed the 16 of them were active in-vitro. Our experimental results have been submitted to the RNA journal and strongly suggest that Enzymer is a reliable tool to design pseudoknotted ncRNAs with desired secondary structure. Finally, we propose a novel architecture for a new ribozyme-based gene regulatory network where a hammerhead ribozyme modulates expression of a reporter gene when an external stimulus IPTG is present. Our in-vivo results show expected results in 7 out of 12 cases

    Tfold: efficient in silico prediction of non-coding RNA secondary structures

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    Predicting RNA secondary structures is a very important task, and continues to be a challenging problem, even though several methods and algorithms are proposed in the literature. In this article, we propose an algorithm called Tfold, for predicting non-coding RNA secondary structures. Tfold takes as input a RNA sequence for which the secondary structure is searched and a set of aligned homologous sequences. It combines criteria of stability, conservation and covariation in order to search for stems and pseudoknots (whatever their type). Stems are searched recursively, from the most to the least stable. Tfold uses an algorithm called SSCA for selecting the most appropriate sequences from a large set of homologous sequences (taken from a database for example) to use for the prediction. Tfold can take into account one or several stems considered by the user as belonging to the secondary structure. Tfold can return several structures (if requested by the user) when ‘rival’ stems are found. Tfold has a complexity of O(n2), with n the sequence length. The developed software, which offers several different uses, is available on the web site: http://tfold.ibisc.univ-evry.fr/TFold

    Algorithms for RNA secondary structure analysis : prediction of pseudoknots and the consensus shapes approach

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    Reeder J. Algorithms for RNA secondary structure analysis : prediction of pseudoknots and the consensus shapes approach. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2007.Our understanding of the role of RNA has undergone a major change in the last decade. Once believed to be only a mere carrier of information and structural component of the ribosomal machinery in the advent of the genomic age, it is now clear that RNAs play a much more active role. RNAs can act as regulators and can have catalytic activity - roles previously only attributed to proteins. There is still much speculation in the scientific community as to what extent RNAs are responsible for the complexity in higher organisms which can hardly be explained with only proteins as regulators. In order to investigate the roles of RNA, it is therefore necessary to search for new classes of RNA. For those and already known classes, analyses of their presence in different species of the tree of life will provide further insight about the evolution of biomolecules and especially RNAs. Since RNA function often follows its structure, the need for computer programs for RNA structure prediction is an immanent part of this procedure. The secondary structure of RNA - the level of base pairing - strongly determines the tertiary structure. As the latter is computationally intractable and experimentally expensive to obtain, secondary structure analysis has become an accepted substitute. In this thesis, I present two new algorithms (and a few variations thereof) for the prediction of RNA secondary structures. The first algorithm addresses the problem of predicting a secondary structure from a single sequence including RNA pseudoknots. Pseudoknots have been shown to be functionally relevant in many RNA mediated processes. However, pseudoknots are excluded from considerations by state-of-the-art RNA folding programs for reasons of computational complexity. While folding a sequence of length n into unknotted structures requires O(n^3) time and O(n^2) space, finding the best structure including arbitrary pseudoknots has been proven to be NP-complete. Nevertheless, I demonstrate in this work that certain types of pseudoknots can be included in the folding process with only a moderate increase of computational cost. In analogy to protein coding RNA, where a conserved encoded protein hints at a similar metabolic function, structural conservation in RNA may give clues to RNA function and to finding of RNA genes. However, structure conservation is more complex to deal with computationally than sequence conservation. The method considered to be at least conceptually the ideal approach in this situation is the Sankoff algorithm. It simultaneously aligns two sequences and predicts a common secondary structure. Unfortunately, it is computationally rather expensive - O(n^6) time and O(n^4) space for two sequences, and for more than two sequences it becomes exponential in the number of sequences! Therefore, several heuristic implementations emerged in the last decade trying to make the Sankoff approach practical by introducing pragmatic restrictions on the search space. In this thesis, I propose to redefine the consensus structure prediction problem in a way that does not imply a multiple sequence alignment step. For a family of RNA sequences, my method explicitly and independently enumerates the near-optimal abstract shape space and predicts an abstract shape as the consensus for all sequences. For each sequence, it delivers the thermodynamically best structure which has this shape. The technique of abstract shapes analysis is employed here for a synoptic view of the suboptimal folding space. As the shape space is much smaller than the structure space, and identification of common shapes can be done in linear time (in the number of shapes considered), the method is essentially linear in the number of sequences. Evaluations show that the new method compares favorably with available alternatives

    Kinefold web server for RNA/DNA folding path and structure prediction including pseudoknots and knots

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    The Kinefold web server provides a web interface for stochastic folding simulations of nucleic acids on second to minute molecular time scales. Renaturation or co-transcriptional folding paths are simulated at the level of helix formation and dissociation in agreement with the seminal experimental results. Pseudoknots and topologically ‘entangled’ helices (i.e. knots) are efficiently predicted taking into account simple geometrical and topological constraints. To encourage interactivity, simulations launched as immediate jobs are automatically stopped after a few seconds and return adapted recommendations. Users can then choose to continue incomplete simulations using the batch queuing system or go back and modify suggested options in their initial query. Detailed output provide (i) a series of low free energy structures, (ii) an online animated folding path and (iii) a programmable trajectory plot focusing on a few helices of interest to each user. The service can be accessed at

    Insights into RNA structure by melding experiment and computation

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    The ability of RNA to perform diverse cellular functions depends on its capability to form complex structures. Therefore, determining RNA structure is critical to understanding RNA function. Computational methods allow for quick determination of RNA structures, but are often prone to inaccuracies in their predictions. A newly developed technology, known as SHAPE, can be used to probe RNA structure and identify nucleotides that are likely to be single stranded and base paired. This SHAPE data can be inputted into an RNA structure program to refine predictions. Previous studies have shown that the incorporation of SHAPE data can increase the accuracy of prediction by over 30% compared to traditional mFold class algorithms. In this work, I utilize SHAPE technology to refine RNA predictions and solve new challenges. First, I create an algorithm, ShapeKnots, which incorporates SHAPE data and the prediction of pseudoknots. Pseudoknots are relatively rare RNA structural motifs that have a tendency of occurring in functional regions, but, due to their complexity, are often eliminated from structural prediction. Second, I utilize the ShapeKnots algorithm to identify pseudoknots in HIV-1 and test their role in viral replication. Third, I develop a modified partition function calculation to identify the de novo accuracy of secondary structure predictions. This allows end users to not only obtain a predicted structure, but also, to know the confidence of that prediction. Fourth, I utilize SHAPE-directed folding to identify potential alternative structures in the ribosome. Finally, I create a method to identify the accuracy of tertiary structure predictions. This allows for a quantitative measurement of accuracy when comparing predicted tertiary structures with previously determined conventional structures.Doctor of Philosoph