591 research outputs found

    Two decades of Martini:Better beads, broader scope

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    The Martini model, a coarse-grained force field for molecular dynamics simulations, has been around for nearly two decades. Originally developed for lipid-based systems by the groups of Marrink and Tieleman, the Martini model has over the years been extended as a community effort to the current level of a general-purpose force field. Apart from the obvious benefit of a reduction in computational cost, the popularity of the model is largely due to the systematic yet intuitive building-block approach that underlies the model, as well as the open nature of the development and its continuous validation. The easy implementation in the widely used Gromacs software suite has also been instrumental. Since its conception in 2002, the Martini model underwent a gradual refinement of the bead interactions and a widening scope of applications. In this review, we look back at this development, culminating with the release of the Martini 3 version in 2021. The power of the model is illustrated with key examples of recent important findings in biological and material sciences enabled with Martini, as well as examples from areas where coarse-grained resolution is essential, namely high-throughput applications, systems with large complexity, and simulations approaching the scale of whole cells. This article is categorized under: Software > Molecular Modeling Molecular and Statistical Mechanics > Molecular Dynamics and Monte-Carlo Methods Structure and Mechanism > Computational Materials Science Structure and Mechanism > Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics

    Molecular Simulations of Protein-Induced Membrane Remodeling

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    Membranes organize much of the cell and host a great deal of molecular machinery required to integrate signals from the outside, regulate the surrounding matrix, change shape, move, and grow. Understanding how a dense forest of proteins, sugars, and biomarkers modulates the shape of the cell is necessary to produce more detailed, accurate predictions of cell behavior, particularly in the studies of cell signaling processes that lead to oncogenesis. In this dissertation, I will present a series of molecular models which, when combined with continuum models and both in vitro and in vivo experiments, describe the molecular basis for membrane morphology changes. In particular, we investigate the mechanisms by which proteins assemble on a bilayer undergoing thermal fluctuations. This work serves to quantify and explain a series of biophysical experiments in molecular detail, and contributes to the development of multiscale models for predicting cell fate

    Modeling of supramolecular biopolymers: Leading the <i>in silico</i> revolution of tissue engineering and nanomedicine

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    Abstract The field of tissue engineering is poised to be positively influenced by the advent of supramolecular biopolymers, because of their promising tailorability coming from the bottom-up approach used for their development, absence of toxic byproducts from their gelation reaction and intrinsic better mimicry of extracellular matrix nanotopography and mechanical properties. However, a deep understanding of the phenomena ruling their properties at the meso- and macroscales is still missing. In silico approaches are increasingly helping to shine a light on questions still of out of reach for almost all empirical methods. In this review, we will present the most significant and updated efforts on molecular modeling of SBP properties, and their interactions with the living counterparts, at all scales. In detail, the currently available molecular mechanic approaches will be discussed, paying attention to the pros and cons related to their representability and transferability. We will also give detailed insights for choosing different biomolecular modeling strategies at various scales. This is a systematic overview of tools and approaches yielding to advances at atomistic, molecular, and supramolecular levels, with a holistic perspective demonstrating the urgent need for theories and models connecting biomaterial design and their biological effect in vivo

    Computational Modeling of Realistic Cell Membranes

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    Cell membranes contain a large variety of lipid types and are crowded with proteins, endowing them with the plasticity needed to fulfill their key roles in cell functioning. The compositional complexity of cellular membranes gives rise to a heterogeneous lateral organization, which is still poorly understood. Computational models, in particular molecular dynamics simulations and related techniques, have provided important insight into the organizational principles of cell membranes over the past decades. Now, we are witnessing a transition from simulations of simpler membrane models to multicomponent systems, culminating in realistic models of an increasing variety of cell types and organelles. Here, we review the state of the art in the field of realistic membrane simulations and discuss the current limitations and challenges ahead

    Cooperative multivalent receptor binding promotes exposure of the SARS-CoV-2 fusion machinery core

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    The molecular events that permit the spike glycoprotein of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to bind, fuse, and enter cells are important to understand for both fundamental and therapeutic reasons. Spike proteins consist of S1 and S2 domains, which recognize angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors and contain the viral fusion machinery, respectively. Ostensibly, the binding of spike trimers to ACE2 receptors promotes the preparation of the fusion machinery by dissociation of the S1 domains. We report the development of bottom-up coarse-grained (CG) models validated with cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) data, and the use of CG molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the dynamical mechanisms involved in viral binding and exposure of the S2 trimeric core. We show that spike trimers cooperatively bind to multiple ACE2 dimers at virion-cell interfaces. The multivalent interaction cyclically and processively induces S1 dissociation, thereby exposing the S2 core containing the fusion machinery. Our simulations thus reveal an important concerted interaction between spike trimers and ACE2 dimers that primes the virus for membrane fusion and entry

    Molecular Basis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Rational Design of Potential Antiviral Agents: Modeling and Simulation Approaches

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    The emergence in late 2019 of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in the breakthrough of the COVID-19 pandemic that is presently affecting a growing number of countries. The development of the pandemic has also prompted an unprecedented effort of the scientific community to understand the molecular bases of the virus infection and to propose rational drug design strategies able to alleviate the serious COVID-19 morbidity. In this context, a strong synergy between the structural biophysics and molecular modeling and simulation communities has emerged, resolving at the atomistic level the crucial protein apparatus of the virus and revealing the dynamic aspects of key viral processes. In this Review, we focus on how in silico studies have contributed to the understanding of the SARS-CoV-2 infection mechanism and the proposal of novel and original agents to inhibit the viral key functioning. This Review deals with the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, including the mode of action that this structural protein uses to entry human cells, as well as with nonstructural viral proteins, focusing the attention on the most studied proteases and also proposing alternative mechanisms involving some of its domains, such as the SARS unique domain. We demonstrate that molecular modeling and simulation represent an effective approach to gather information on key biological processes and thus guide rational molecular design strategies

    Biomolecular simulations: From dynamics and mechanisms to computational assays of biological activity

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    Biomolecular simulation is increasingly central to understanding and designing biological molecules and their interactions. Detailed, physics‐based simulation methods are demonstrating rapidly growing impact in areas as diverse as biocatalysis, drug delivery, biomaterials, biotechnology, and drug design. Simulations offer the potential of uniquely detailed, atomic‐level insight into mechanisms, dynamics, and processes, as well as increasingly accurate predictions of molecular properties. Simulations can now be used as computational assays of biological activity, for example, in predictions of drug resistance. Methodological and algorithmic developments, combined with advances in computational hardware, are transforming the scope and range of calculations. Different types of methods are required for different types of problem. Accurate methods and extensive simulations promise quantitative comparison with experiments across biochemistry. Atomistic simulations can now access experimentally relevant timescales for large systems, leading to a fertile interplay of experiment and theory and offering unprecedented opportunities for validating and developing models. Coarse‐grained methods allow studies on larger length‐ and timescales, and theoretical developments are bringing electronic structure calculations into new regimes. Multiscale methods are another key focus for development, combining different levels of theory to increase accuracy, aiming to connect chemical and molecular changes to macroscopic observables. In this review, we outline biomolecular simulation methods and highlight examples of its application to investigate questions in biology. This article is categorized under: Molecular and Statistical Mechanics > Molecular Dynamics and Monte‐Carlo Methods Structure and Mechanism > Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics Molecular and Statistical Mechanics > Free Energy Method
